POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY This policy will be reviewed in Summer 2016 Date By Georgia Version 1 Summer Dawson 2010 Natasha Radford Version 2 Version 3 Role Ratified ECM AHT/ Behaviour Date Summer 2010 Summer Natasha AHT/ Summer 2012 Radford Behaviour 2012 Summer Adam AHT/ 2014 Bennett Behaviour Governing bodies should review their child protection policies on an annual basis. If the policy has changed significantly since the last review then it should be presented to governors as an appendix to the Head teacher’s report. Depending on previous decisions, this task can be delegated to a committee or an individual. This policy was agreed by the Governing Body on_______________________ POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY Aims Ensure a fair and consistent approach to dealing with behaviour of all children to promote positive behaviour for learning Provide a caring and supportive environment, which allows children to learn, and teachers to teach Promote positive behaviour for learning as a model for all behaviour Help independence by making children responsible for their own actions Provide structure, which moderates children’s behaviour allowing them to develop as responsible citizens within society Values All children and adults have a right to work and learn in a calm, supportive, safe and purposeful atmosphere All children have the right to come to school without the fear of being bullied All adults have a responsibility to support the behaviour policy HOW THIS CAN BE ACHIEVED Pupils Showing excellent learning behaviours at all times and in all settings Having the highest standards in collective and self-discipline Acting as role models for others in the school Taking positions of responsibility in the school e.g. Juniour Leadership team, student council, play leaders, wet play/corridor/dining hall monitors Leadership Rigorously track attendance and punctuality Regularly monitor the impact of behaviour on learning Involve senior leaders to implement and monitor the behaviour policy Support children with behaviour learning Plans (Behaviour AHT) Track and analyse information regarding bullying Follow the SEAL curriculum for Leadership Assemblies Parents This is achieved through a home-school agreement which all parents sign upon entry We ensure that communication occurs through regular parent meetings and phone calls home where necessary In addition to this, there is a home-school behaviour log for those children who require further support All Staff • By all staff having high expectations and encouraging the highest standards in collective and self-discipline • By providing purposeful learning opportunities • From KS1, they support, ‘behaviourally challenging pupils…make reasonable adjustments…teach about diversity including PHSE…and promote good attendance’ Ofsted 2014 • By implementing a whole school rewards and sanctions system Class Teachers The class teacher has prime responsibility for pastoral care. All classes should agree a set of class rules and display these on the wall in an appropriate way for the age of the children. These rules should promote positive behaviour and be linked to learning e.g. I will always concentrate when someone is speaking in class. Give rewards and sanctions Record behaviour that is out of character (recorded in Pupil Wellbeing Book, monitored half-termly) Refer children to Learning Mentor or Behaviour AHT if concerns warrant Class teachers deliver the SEAL curriculum through a weekly phase and PHSE class assembly POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT OF BEHAVIOUR REWARDS verbal praise written remarks about good work sending children to a nearest teacher or member of Leadership or phase leader for praise The Celebrations Board has the names of those children recognised each week by the staff for positive attitude, work and behaviour and are displayed for the community to see House points given to children in recognition of effort, outstanding work or learning behaviour Children receive house points as recognition of exemplary behaviour, work or learning. House points should be recorded on the class recording sheet and accumulate toward the following targets: Bronze award certificate = 20HP Silver award certificate = 40HP Gold award certificate = 60HP Assistant Head award certificate = 70 HP Deputy Head award certificate = 80 HP Head Teacher award certificate = 100 HP SANCTIONS In class Verbal warning about behaviour Time out within the classroom Playtime and Lunchtime Verbal warning about behaviour Recorded in MDA’s Behaviour book (refer to CT) Time out with year group partner Feedback to class teacher Sanction (complete reflection sheet) Refer to Phase Leader, following three sanctions in one term Meeting with parent, class teacher and phase leader, following three sanctions in one term Formulate behaviour learning plan with behaviour AHT/SENCo/ learning mentors Inform parents and escalate to leadership Records of sanctions are kept in phase sanction files. Monitoring and Review This policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the school. Its effectiveness will be monitored regularly by the Leadership team and updated as necessary to meet the changing needs of the school community. It will be reviewed biennially as part of the school’s cycle of monitoring.