Honors/Earth Space Systems (H ESS/ESS) Unit Overviews Unit 1 Solar Energy/Fluid Circulation Unit Unit 2 Astronomy Unit 3 Restless Earth Unit 4 Earth Materials and Processes Unit 5 Earth History/Global Change Project Introduction: House Design Project Project Introduction: Another World Project Introduction: Geological Trip Project Introduction: Geotechnical Report Project Introduction: Future Newspaper Front Page Students presented with RFP and Project Scoring Tool. Unequal Heating Earth’s surface and atmosphere influence the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth and how it is redistributed from regions of surplus to deficit. Fluid Circulation The atmosphere and oceans are both three-dimensional fluids that have measurable physical properties. Severe Weather Students presented with RFP and Project Scoring Tool. Earth-Moon-Sun Interactions Students presented with RFP and Project Scoring Tool. Plate Tectonics Physical laws govern the nature of objects in the universe. Internal energy is the driving force of the movement and those interactions influence other parts of the Earth System and affect human activities. Solar System Earthquakes Relationships exist between Studying patterns in the Earth and all other celestial earthquakes are vital to objects in our solar system. understanding the effects that Earth’s internal processes have on its surface and living systems. Stars Atmospheric and hydrospheric conditions are associated with the formation and development of severe weather. House Design Project Physical laws and forces determine stellar evolution and processes. Continuation of house project development and evaluation. The "Big Bang" theory is the current theory for the formation and evolution of the universe. Another World Project Universe Continuation of development and evaluation of project. Volcanoes Volcanoes are an important factor in understanding the internal energy that is the driving force of the movement of tectonic plates. Geological Trip Project Evaluation Final Projects will be displayed and evaluated Students presented with RFP and Project Scoring Tool. Minerals Students presented with RFP and Project Scoring Tool. Earth’s History Earth materials can be classified based on their physical and chemical properties. The analysis of the record contained in rock layers, sediments, and glacial ice reveals past patterns of global change. Rocks Every part of the Earth’s solid surface displays one or more of the processes associated with the rock cycle. Global Change Events and patterns both within the Earth systems and in the surrounding space environment have changed Earth. Weathering/ Erosion/Deposition The chemical and physical properties of Earth materials are controlling factors in landform changes. Future Newspaper Front Page Project Evaluation Final Projects will be displayed and evaluated. Geotechnical Report Project Evaluation Final Projects will continue to be developed and evaluated.