IV - Orange Coast College SLOs-- Planning & Results 2009-2010 Program Name: MEDICAL ASSISTING Program Lead: Lynne Cottrell Type of Outcome: CSLO ______________ X PSLOs (please check type of outcome) (Identify Course) (Identify Program) Institutional Learning Outcomes: Communication; Thinking Skills; Global Awareness; Personal Development & Responsibility Program Mission Statement Intended Outcomes The mission of the Medical Assisting Program is to provide quality instruction in medical assisting leading to certificates in Administrative Medical Assisting, Medical Insurance, Clinical Medical Assisting, and CMA eligible Administrative/Clinical Medical Assisting PSLO #1 Medical Assisting, Administrative The graduate will meet the needs of the local health care community by competently and professionally performing the functions of an entry level administrative medical assistant in a medical outpatient office or clinic. List all SLOs/PSLOs Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Analysis of Data Collected Continuance in another area of medical assisting or allied health or employment as an administrative medical assistant within 6 months after completing the certificate – 95 % target Summarize findings vis-à-vis outcomes, means of assessment, & criteria for success. Include your process for determining who participated in the assessment and the sample size. Assessment means: 6 month graduate survey ISLO-B PSLO #2 Medical Insurance Certificate The graduate will meet the needs of the community by competently and Continuance in another area of medical assisting or allied health or entry level employment within 6 months after completing the certificate – 95 % target What do the data tell us about your process in terms of goals, outcomes, and means of assessment, defined criteria for success, implementation process, and data collection? Available data and sample size non-sufficient (n=3) to provided accurate evaluation. This certificate program has been suspended at this juncture. Available data and sample size (n=0) non-sufficient to provided accurate evaluation. This certificate program has been suspended at this juncture. Use of Results Include any resources on Doc. V What do the data tell us about program improvement: What, if anything, do we need to do at the program or course level to improve student learning or service? What resources are necessary? Suspend program and move forward with the full CMA eligible program. Suspend program and move forward with the full CMA eligible program. professionally performing the functions of an entry level medical insurance biller in a medical outpatient office or clinic. Assessment means: ISLO-B 6 month graduate survey PSL0 #3 Medical Assisting, Clinical The graduate will meet the needs of the community by competently and professionally performing the functions of an entry level clinical medical assistant in a medical outpatient office or clinic. Continuance in another area of medical assisting or allied health or employment as an administrative medical assistant within 6 months after completing the certificate – 95 % target Available data and sample size (n=4) non-sufficient to provided accurate evaluation. This certificate program has been suspended at this juncture. Suspend program and move forward with the full CMA eligible program. Continuance in another area of allied health or employment as an administrative and/or clinical medical assistant within 6 months after completing the certificate Of the graduates of the CMA program 2009-2010 (n=8), 2 students have taken and passed the CMA exam. No graduate data is available at this time. Assessment means: What do the data tell us about our process in terms of goals, outcomes, and means of assessment defined criteria for success, implementation process, and data collection? What do the data tell us about program improvement: What, if anything, do we need to do at the program or course level to improve student learning or service? What resources are necessary? Assessment means: 6 month graduate survey ISLO-B and D PSLO #4 Medical Assisting, CMA eligible, Administrative and Clinical The graduate will meet the needs of the local health care community by competently and professionally performing the functions of an entry level administrative and clinical medical assistant in an outpatient facility or clinic. The elements to meet 6 month graduate survey CMA Examination Results Annual MA advisory board meeting Not all students and employers responded to the graduate surveys. This may Analysis of data retrieved reveals a need to focus resources on a CMA eligible program. Promotion of the program on campus and community to outcome are: What are your criteria for success? Successfully pass the Certified Medical Assistant Examination as proctored by The AAMA, RMA or CMMA. Function with clinical competence in all areas of medical assisting. Contribute to the profession of medical assisting by joining the AAMA, RMA or CCMA. Comply with the State of California Medical Assisting Scope of Practice. ISLO-B and D Pass the AAMA/RMA or CCMA certification exam at a 95% pass rate Employment or continuance of education at a 95% success rate be linked to inadequate follow-up required. Not all students are taking the certification examination and when data is available from the proctoring agencies, it is not declarative as to the year of graduation which impedes data analysis. There has been a lack of follow-up with regard to survey data. Data received was not stored with ease of retrieval in mind. aid in reputation recovery Re-write courses and curriculum to present the students with current resources which will enhance learning and competence, as well as, improve retention rate. Purchase current equipment and supplies for the classroom. Update all didactic tools to meet current clinical standards. Increase clinical externship sites to provide the students superior learning environments. Division assistance with follow-up and survey data. Online survey taking may aid in increased return from both student and employer. IV - Orange Coast College SLOs – Assessment Plan Program Name: Medical Assisting PSLO Prior Assessment Year 2009-2010 PSLO Assessment Calendar 2009-2010 2010-2011 Fall Spring Fall Spring 2009 2010 2010 2011 1. Medical Assisting, Administrative x 2. Medical Insurance Certificate x 3. Medical Assisting, Clinical 4. Medical Assisting, CMA eligible, Administrative x x and Clinical 2011-2012 Fall Spring 2011 2012