3rd Quarter Daily Language Daily Language #81 Root: maxi, mega Vocabulary Word: labyrinth Verb: freeze Daily Language #82 Root: med/mid Vocabulary Word: loquacious Verb: get Daily Language #83 Root: mem Vocabulary Word: repudiate Verb: give Daily Language #84 Root: ment Vocabulary Word: superficial Verb: go Daily Language #85 Root: micro/min Vocabulary Word: primordial Verb: grind Daily Language #86 Root: mim Vocabulary Word: prevaricate Verb: grow Daily Language #87 Root: miss/mit Vocabulary Word: mellifluous Verb: hang Daily Language #88 Root: mob/mot Vocabulary Word: provincial Verb: have Daily Language #89 Root: mort Vocabulary Word: contemptuous Verb: hear Daily Language #90 Root: multi Vocabulary Word: assertion Verb: hide Daily Language #91 Root: narr Vocabulary Word: lucid Verb: hold Daily Language #92 Root: nat Vocabulary Word: enigma Verb: hurt Daily Language #93 Root: neg Vocabulary Word: diverse Verb: know Daily Language #94 Root: non Vocabulary Word: maudlin Verb: lay Daily Language #95 Root: nov Vocabulary Word: desiccate Verb: lie Daily Language #96 Root: numer Vocabulary Word: farcical Verb: leave Daily Language #97 Root: ob Vocabulary Word: vibrant Verb: lend Daily Language #98 Root: ocu Vocabulary Word: virulent Verb: light Daily Language #99 Root: opt Vocabulary Word: contrite Verb: lose Daily Language #100 Root: orig Vocabulary Word: incessant Verb: make Daily Language #101 Root: ped Vocabulary Word: foible Verb: mean Daily Language #102 Root: pend/pens Vocabulary Word: lacerate Verb: meet Daily Language #103 Root: pel Vocabulary Word: harangue Verb: mislead Daily Language #104 Root: poly Vocabulary Word: exact Verb: mistake Daily Language #105 Root: port Vocabulary Word: abash Verb: rid Daily Language #106 Root: post Vocabulary Word: tact Verb: rise Daily Language #107 Root: pre Vocabulary Word: uncouth Verb: say Daily Language #108 Root: prim Vocabulary Word: fetish Verb: see Daily Language #109 Root: pro Vocabulary Word: phobia Verb: seek Daily Language #110 Root: re Vocabulary Word: masticate Verb: shake Daily Language #111 Root: rect Vocabulary Word: laconic Verb: shrink Usage: 1. John Muir was a comservationist, his family came to this country from scotland in 1849. 2. After nearly losing a eye in 1867 he gived up a career in mechanics Daily Language #112 Root: retro Vocabulary Word: malevolent Verb: slay Usage: 1. Walking from the midwest to the Gulf of Mexico, him kept a journal. 2. Muir arriveded in California's yosemite valley in 1868 and decided to make it his home. Daily Language #113 Root: rupt Vocabulary Word: meander Verb: slit Usage: 1. Muir thought of Yosemite Valley as an temple a place to worship nature. 2. He spent six year in Yosemite and h was the first to realize that a glacier had formed the valley. Daily Language #114 Root: scend/scent Vocabulary Word: apex Verb: sleep Usage: 1. His writingses helped comvince Comgress to establish national parks. 2. President T Roosevelt camped with he in the Mariposa Grove a sequoia woods. Daily Language #115 Root: san Vocabulary Word: nadir Verb: sow Usage: 1. Roosevelt and him got the Mariposa Grove conbined with the rest of Yosemite under the national park system. 2. When asked for his opinion about Yosemite, Roosevelt exclaimed Bully! Daily Language #116 Root: scribe Vocabulary Word: disseminate Verb: speak Usage: 1. Drawing are the basis for all other visual arts 2. For example most paintings frescoes and sculptures begin as drawings or sketches. Daily Language #117 Root: se Vocabulary Word: emaciated Verb: stand Usage: 1. Drawing is an ancient art examples of ancient drawings include the cave drawings of Lascaux, france, and the huge pictures in the sand near Nazca, Peru. 2. Long before people began to make small drawings, one used sketchs as the basis for large murals. Daily Language #118 Root: sect Vocabulary Word: puissant Verb: steal Usage: 1. According to greek legend, the first drawings was simply tracings of shadows on the sand. 2. In Greek and roman antiquity, artists often drew outline sketches of there subjects. Daily Language #119 Root: semi/hemi Vocabulary Word: citadel Verb: stink Usage: 1. An immportant early immprovement on outline sketches were the addition of lines to the outline. 2. Lines and shading can make drawings, which aren't never three-dimensional, look real solid. Daily Language #120 Root: sens Vocabulary Word: atrophy Verb: stride Usage: 1. Another important inovation in the history of drawing were the development of perspective. 2. perspective is the technique of using converging lines to give the immpression of objects receding in the distance.