Attachment 3 UNIVERSITY SECRETARIAT University Elections 2015 Schedule of Elections Scheduled 2015 Elections Number of people invited to vote Email address used for election correspondenc e Returning Officer Unit, Portfolio Number of ballots required Number of candidates to be elected Date of election Engagement Comments Manager Board or Committee Electorate Graduate Research Committee RSCH students at doctoral level about 1600 grc.sgr@rmit Fiona Nolan, SGR, R&I portfolio 1 1 October 2015 Jim McGovern RMIT Research Committee Full Professors All full professors TBC Research & Innovation Portfolio 4 4 October 2015 Susan Fleming Student Experience Advisory Committee 12180 28506 8438 deanofstudent Dr Maddy McMaster, Academic Registrar 3 (one for each elctorate) TBA TBA Basma AlMutawally 1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education VET/AD Students UGRAD Students PGRAD coursework Students TBA 1 1 1 Voting Colin Webster open 26 Marchmidnight 12 April 2015 March 2015 Basma AlMutawally 1|Page Attachment 3 and Research Advisory Committee 2015 Academic Board Head of School Academic Staff Professors Academic Board SEH Academic and Teaching Staff (HE & VE) SEH College Board SEH College Board SEH Academic Development Committee TBA TBA TBA elections@rmit University Secretariat 3 (one for each electorate) 9 6 2 September to October 2014 Connie Da’loia 686 SEHSecretariat@r Christina Heggie, Science Engineering and Health Secretariat 2-3 3 2 September to MidOctober 2015. Jonathan Goldstraw 3 Deans/ HOS (at least 1 VE); 2 academic staff Academic representatives (HE) Teaching representatives (VE) Professional representatives 517 169 327 SEHSecretariat@r Christina Heggie, Science Engineering and Health Secretariat 3 (one for each elctorate) 8 2 2 September to MidOctober 2015. Jonathan Goldstraw Changes to SEH ctees arising from academic governance and mgt review. Impact on membership & elections? SEH UGRAD Students SEH PGRAD Students SEH VE/AD Students 10413 3039 4590 SEHSecretariat@r Marie Borg, Science Engineering and Health Secretariat 3 (one for each elctorate) 2 1 1 September to MidOctober 2015. Jonathan Goldstraw As above. SEH UGRAD Students SEH PGRAD 10413 3039 4590 SEHSecretariat@r Marie Borg, Science Engineering 3 (one for each 2 1 1 September to MidOctober Jonathan Goldstraw As above. 2|Page Attachment 3 Students SEH VE/AD Students and Health Secretariat elctorate) 2015. Academic Board DSC reps Academic Staff 5012 Tbc - Likely sheilagh.bolt@ College of Design and Social Context Office 1 DSC College Board 6000 10000 4000 5012 tbc tbc sheilagh.bolt@ College of Design and Social Context Office TBD TBD bus.secretari au Team Leader, Secretariat Services (TBA) 6 (one for each electorate) College of Business Board TAFE/VET/AD Students UGRAD Students PGRAD Students HE staff VE staff Professional staff Academic 211 representativ 62 es 144 Teaching 2272 representativ 5679 es 1874 Professional representativ (APPROX) es Postgraduat e student representativ e Undergradua te student 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 October 2015 Jonathan Goldstraw Proposed Current term expires Dec 2015 TBD TBD Potential Election October 2015 Shane Sommerville 3|Page Attachment 3 College of Business Academic Development Committee Business Research Committee representativ es VET/Associa te Degree student representativ e Postgraduat 2272 e student 5679 representativ 1874 e Undergradua (APPROX) te student representativ es VET/Associa te Degree student representativ e Early career researcher representativ es Higher degree by research student representativ es 36 269 (APPRO X) bus.secretari au Team Leader, Secretariat Services (TBA) 3 (one for each electorate) 1 2 1 October 2015 Shane Sommerville bus.secretari au Team Leader, Secretariat Services (TBA) 2 (one for each electorate) 2 2 October 2015 Jim McGovern 4|Page