RECORD LAYOUT FOR DAMS Field Type NIDID text Desc Nat'l Inventory of Dams ID; for saddle dams or dikes, the NIDID is the same as the main dam. Dam_Name text Dam name Insp_date date Inspection date (converted) Submit_date date submit_date converted by NICAR River text Name of the river or stream on which the dam was built; if on a tributary, use "TR" and name of main river or stream; if offstream, use OS or OFFSTREAM. City_02 text The nearest city, taken from the 2002 data County text The county in which the dam is located State text The state in which the dam is located Cong_Dist text The Congressional District in which the dam is located Cong_Rep text The Congressional Representative of that District Party text Political party of the Congressional Rep. Owner_Type text Type of owner. F = Federal, S = State, L = Local, U = Public Utility, P = Private, X = Not Listed Owner_Name text Name of the dam owner (if multiple, separated by semicolons) Year_Comp number Year in which the original main structure was completed Year_Mod text Year when major modifications or rehabilitation were completed, includes codes for different types of work (see code sheet) Continued on next page… Private_Dam text Y/N - is the dam privately owned NPDP_Hazard text Potential hazard to the downstream area resulting from dam failure or misoperation. Taken from Stanford’s “National Performance of Dams Program”. Permit_Auth text Y/N - does the state regulatory organization have the authority to review and approve plans to construct, modify or abandon dams Insp_Auth text Y/N - does the state regulatory organization have the authority to require or perform the inspection Enfrc_Auth text Y/N - does the state regulatory organization have the authority to issue notices to require dam owners to perform necessary maintenance or remedial work, revise operating procedures or take other actions Juris_Dam text Y/N - does the dam meet the state regulatory organization's definition of a jurisdictional dam (see code sheet for definitions) NID_Height number Accepted as general height of the dam (maximum of dam height, structural height and hydraulic height) NID_Storage number Accepted as general storage of the dam Dam_Length number In feet, the length along the top of the dam Max_Discharge number Number of cubic feet per second that the spillway is capable of discharging Drain_Area number In square miles, the area that drains to a particular point (in this case, the dam) on a river or stream Dam_Designer text Name of principal firm(s) or agency who designed the dam (if multiple, separated by semicolon) EAP text Does the dam have an Emergency Action Plan, a plan to reduce the potential for property damage and loss of life in case of dam failure or large flood. Insp_Freq number In years, the scheduled frequency interval for periodic inspections St_Reg_Dam text Y/N - does the state regulate the dam St_Reg_Agncy text The initials of the regulating state agency Volume number Total cubic yards occupied by materials used in the dam structure Fed_Fund Fed_Design Fed_Con Fed_Reg Fed_Insp Srce_Agncy Oth_StrucID Num_Struc Longitude Latitude text Code for the federal agency involved in the funding of the dam (if multiple, separated by semicolon) text Code for the federal agency involved in the design of the dam (if multiple, separated by semicolon) text Code for the federal agency involved in the construction of the dam (if multiple, separated by semicolon) text Code for the federal agency involved in the regulation of the dam (if multiple, separated by semicolon) text Code for the federal agency involved in the inspection of the dam (if multiple, separated by semicolon) text Primary federal or state agency responsible for data text ID for saddle dam or dike associated with larger dam project number Number of separate structures associated with this dam project text Longitude at dam centerline, in decimal degrees text Latitude at dam centerline, in decimal degrees