Distribution and sources of hydrocarbons in surface sediments from tail reaches of the Yellow River Estuary Chuanyuan Wang and Shijie Ho 1 Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai, China. E-mail: cywang@yic.ac.cn n-Alkane and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from surface sediments were analyzed and discussed to better understand the distributions and sources of organic matter in Yellow River and its adjacent sea. The total n-alkanes and total PAHs concentrations from Yellow River Estuary (YRE) (0.21- 0.56 μg/g, 0.06-0.08 μg/g) were higher than those from tail reaches of the Yellow River (0.60 -2.44 μg/g, 0.08-0.61μg/g). In addition, the n-alkanes and PAHs concentrations from north section of YRE were higher than the south section. All stations in tail reaches of YRE were threatened by different levels of petroleum contamination, compared to tail reaches of the Yellow River, the petroleum contamination was more serious in YRE. Organic pollutants in tail reaches of the Yellow River showed a mixed input pattern, including terrestrial plants and algae. According to ratio analysis (Ant/(Ant+Phe), BaA/(BaA+Chr), Flt/(Flt+Pyr) et al.) and the factor analysis P multiple linear regression analysis, PAHs contaminations in tail reaches of YRE showed a mixed PAHs input pattern, including oil pollution, fossil fuels burning, and wood combustion. The ecological risk assessment showed low toxicological levels of PAHs were found in tail reaches of YRE, and there was no serous ecological risk in the study area.