Accredited Training – Sept 2015

In association with
Accredited Foundation Training Programme in Workplace Mediation Skills
15th, 16th, 17th and 21st, 22nd September 2015
This 5-day programme covers all aspects of the learning required to start practising as a
workplace mediator.
The programme is accredited with the AptED. Successful participants will gain AptED credit
awards at level 3 and receive a “Certificate in Workplace Mediation.”
The programme includes 40 hours of contact time and around 20 hours of private study
By the end of the programme learners will be able to:
Undertake initial meetings with each party in dispute
Understand the dynamics of typical behaviour of those in conflict
Use a range of communication skills effectively
Conduct structured round table mediation sessions
Manage various blocks to conflict resolution
Act impartially, non-judgementally, and without discrimination
Work effectively in partnership with a co-mediator.
Additionally, participants will have had the opportunity to develop skills and techniques that
will have applications in all aspects of their work.
Alison Love Limited and Mediation at Work are independent providers of workplace
mediation services, consultancy and training.
Two trainers will work with the group throughout the programme and the maximum group
size will be 12. Both trainers are practising mediators with experience of leading this
programme in a variety of settings.
If you are interested in booking a place, please complete the attached booking form or
contact Alison Love at Alison Love Limited. The cost of the 5-day programme is £1500 plus
VAT and includes lunches and refreshments, all materials and registration fees.
Alison Love - Alison is an accredited workplace and employment mediator with over 30
years practical experience as an HR practitioner, employment lawyer and business leader.
Having witnessed first-hand the limitations of the legal process and the benefits and power
of mediation, Alison became more and more convinced that workplace mediation and
conflict management provide a better way to resolve conflict in the workplace for the benefit
of both business and the individuals concerned; a real win-win.
Alison set up her own business four years ago specialising in workplace mediation, conflict
coaching and associated training and has acted as an independent mediator in a number of
workplace disputes in a variety of sectors and including both individual and team
mediations. Alison’s experience and skills gained as an HR practitioner, employment lawyer
and business leader combined with her skills as a mediator brings unique experience in
understanding the dynamics of workplace issues, the consequences of not resolving conflict
and an ability to facilitate parties in identifying solutions.
Liz Hine - specialises in workplace mediation where people are in serious conflict to the
extent that it is affecting their work output and the wider team, as well as the individuals’
own health and well-being.
Liz is an accredited mediator with nearly 25 years’ experience of delivering mediation
services across a range of fields; workplace, NHS complaints, disability rights conciliation
and community mediation (neighbour disputes and homelessness prevention). She also
facilitates large group events. Liz has developed her workplace mediation practice over the
last 15 years as a Director of Mediation at Work Ltd.
Liz has designed and delivered mediation skills training courses and provides support to
organisations developing in-house workplace mediation services. Liz provides on-going
coaching and supervision to practising workplace mediators.
Event Details:
All Nations Centre Cardiff
15th, 16th, 17th & 21st , 22nd September 2015
£1500 plus VAT
To Reserve your place please complete and return the attached booking form to
Booking Form
Accredited Foundation Training Programme in Workplace Mediation Skills –
15/16/17 & 21/22 September 2015
Name : _____________________
Position: ___________________
Organisation name and address: ______________________________________
Email: _____________________
Tel: ________________________________
Delegate/s names: ________________________________________________
Do you require a VAT receipt?
Payment Details: (£1500 plus VAT per delegate)
I wish to pay by BACS transfer
Bank Details for BACS payments:
Nat West Bank
Sort Code 56-00-41
Account Number 29763436
I enclose a cheque for £1500 (including VAT)
Cheques payable to Alison Love Limited
Please return payment and booking form and payment details to Alison Love, or Kingsclere, Gwern-y-Steeple, Peterston Super Ely, CF5 6LG