Health Improvement Leaflet and Poster Catalogue

Health Improvement Library
Leaflet & Poster Catalogue
APRIL 2014
Please allow up to 10 working days from date of receipt for
completion of orders.
The list is also available on FirstPort Intranet, NHS Lanarkshire
Libraries page.
Please note orders cannot be processed unless leaflet codes and
titles are quoted on order form.
A maximum of 50 of any one leaflet may be ordered in any one
Leaflet and posters to be used only within the Lanarkshire area.
Health Improvement Library,
Law House, Airdrie Road,
Tel: 01698 377600 Fax: 01698 377726
Child health & immunisations
Child Protection
Family planning
General health
Health rights
Heart disease
Learning disabilities
Men’s health
Mental health
Oral health
Pregnancy & parenting
Public protection
Sexual health & BBVs
Violence & aggression
Women’s health
Order form
page 3
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page 10
page 11
page 14
page 15
page 16
page 18
page 18
page 21
page 23
page 24
page 26
page 27
page 29
page 30
page 31
page 33
Leaflets under the Hall 4 project (birth-5) are sent to appropriate
personnel in bulk once year. Single copies of these leaflets may still be
ordered while stock lasts.
Bulk copies of these leaflets will not be
provided outside the yearly delivery without prior arrangement with the
Librarian/Library Services Manager. If wish to order any HALL 4 items
please contact your SDM.
Type Codes: 
Codes ending in “L” are leaflets
Codes ending in “P” are posters
Alcohol: what every parent should know
ALC 01/L
From NHS health Scotland: Gives facts and figures when
talking to your teenager
Drug and alcohol problems, help for families
ALC 02/L
From ADAT: Services for families affected by drug/alcohol
Thinking of getting P****d tonight
ALC 03/L
From Hastings & Rother: tips about drinking safely
Unit calculator
ALC 04/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Showing alcohol unit and calories in
alcoholic drinks
Your guide to drinking sensibly
ALC 05/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: The healthy and safe limits of alcohol
per week
ALC 06/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to responsible drinking
Alcohol and young people
ALC 07/L
From NHS Health Scotland
Drug & alcohol arrest referral service
ALC 08/L
From SACRO: A leaflet on reducing conflict and offending to
make communities safer
Cutting down your drinking: a step by step guide ALC 09/B
From NHS Health Scotland: This book is for people who
realise that there drinking is or might become a problem
Pocket diary – so you want to cut down
ALC 10/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Keep track of your drinking in
this pocket diary
Making a change
ALC 13/L
From health Scotland: Positive steps to change your drinking
A fresh approach
ALC 14/L
From health Scotland: Helping you to make choices about
the amount of alcohol you drink
Get more out of your day
Made redundant?
ALC 17/P
ALC 30/L
From drinkaware: The practical guide to getting into work and
staying healthy
His mate bought the last round A4
His mate bought the last round A3
Looking after a mate A4
Looking after a mate A3
She thought turning down a drink A3
Who decides when you’ve had enough A4
Who decides when you’ve had enough A3
You can’t calculate your alcohol limit
ALC 21/P
ALC 22/P
ALC 23/P
ALC 24/P
ALC 26/P
ALC 27/P
ALC 28/P
ALC 29/P
You your child and alcohol
ALC 31/L
From Scottish Government: Facts and information you need
to start talking to your child about alcohol
Preventing cancer-help yourself to reduce
CAN 01/L
From NHS Health Scotland: This booklet will help you reduce
your risk of cancer
You would wouldn’t you
CAN 02/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Practical ways to reduce the risk
of cancer
Play safe in the sun
CAN 03/C
From Hastings & Rother: Sun protection tips
Bowel screening – Know the facts
CAN 04/L
From NHS Health Scotland: This booklet tells you about the
Scottish bowel screening programme
Bowel Screening – we’ve done the test
CAN 05/L
From NHS Health Scotland
Cool kids go under cover
CAN 06/L
From Rother & Hastings: Information for parents about
protecting kids from the sun rays
Don’t get burned by tanning
CAN 07/L
From Health promotion: This leaflet tells you about the
dangers of skin damage by tanning
Safe in the sun
CAN 08/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Tips about tanning
Just so you know
CAN 09/L
From Comic Company: To help you understand more about
cancer affecting yourself or someone you know
Bowel screening- Your questions answered
CAN 10/L
From NHS Health Scotland: This booklet answers your
questions about the Scottish bowel screening programme
The bowel screening test
CAN 11/L
From NHS Health Scotland
Detecting mouth cancer
CAN 12/L
From Cancer Research UK: How to reduce your risk of
mouth cancer
Oral cancer – prevention & detection (Single
copies only)
CAN 13/L
From NHS Scotland: Oral cancer detection and prevention
The early signs of bowel cancer
CAN 14/L
From NHS Scotland: Explains home bowel screening
9 out of 10People beat bowel cancer when
CAN 15/P
found early: Poster
From NHS Scotland: Explains home bowel screening
Detecting prostrate cancer – spot the symptoms CAN 16/L
From Cancer Research UK: Be aware of the symptoms
What is mouth cancer
CAN 18/L
From NHS Scotland: Signs you should look out for in mouth
Mouth cancer (kissing) poster
Mouth cancer (lipstick) poster
Mouth cancer (spaghetti) poster
10/10 for life poster
Sun safe – protection tips
Bowel screening – I’ve done the test have you?
We’ve done the test – have you? 2
We’ve done the test – have you? 3
Preventing bowel cancer-and spotting the
symptoms early
CAN 20/P
CAN 21/P
CAN 22/P
CAN 23/P
CAN 25/P
CAN 26/P
CAN 27/P
CAN 28/P
CAN 30/L
From Cancer Research UK: How to reduce your risk of bowel
cancer and the symptoms to look out for
Detecting lung cancer-spot the symptoms early
CAN 31/L
From Cancer Research UK: Find out what symptoms to look
out for and why you should get them checked
WARNING-sunburn can double your risk of skin
CAN 32/L
From Cancer Research UK: Know your skin type and how to
protect yourself
Child health & immunisations
What to expect after immunisation-young
CHI 01/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Explains common side effects
What to expect after immunisation 0-5
CHI 02/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Explains common side effects
Aged 20-24? Get immunised with Men C
CHI 03/L
From NHS Health Scotland: A guide to the meningococcal
group c infection with the MenC vaccine
HIB, new booster for children under 4
CHI 04/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Information about the Hib
CHI 07/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Explains rotavirus and protection
against it.
Measles, mumps, rubella immunisation
CHI 10/L
From Lanarkshire health board: Answers to questions asked
about the MMR injection
Meningitis baby watch holder
CHI 11/L
From Meningitis research foundation: A holder for the baby
watch cards
Meningitis baby watch postcard
CHI 12/L
From Meningitis research foundation: Symptoms to look out
for in meningitis and septicaemia
MMR It’s never too late
CHI 15/L
From NHS Health Scotland: About the vaccine protecting
children from measles mumps and rubella
Pneumococcal vaccine
From NHS Health Scotland: Catch up programme for children
under 2
Protecting children at increased risk of flu
CHI 20/L
Scottish executive: Questions answered about the flu jab
Teenage immunisations ages 13 to 18 – your
questions answered
CHI 21/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Your questions answered about
teenage immunisations
Understanding parenting/understanding children CHI 22/L
From NHS Health Scotland: This is for parents understanding
children aged 8-12
Child health programme
CHI 24/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: An overview of what you can expect
from the child health programme in Scotland
Meningococcal meningitis & septicaemia
CHI 25/L
Meningitis research found: Explains who is at risk
Meningitis vaccine
CHI 26/L
From NHS Health Scotland: You questions answered on the
new vaccine against meningitis c
Meningitis vaccine – consent form
CHI 27/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Consent form for the above
Fact sheet diphtheria, tetanus and whole – cell
CHI 28/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Provides background on
diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough
A guide to immunisations from 13-18
CHI 30/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Provides information on tetanus,
diphtheria and polio vaccine
HIB-Does your child need a Hib booster
CHI 31/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Explains why your child is being
offered an immunisation booster
Immunisation against infectious disease
CHI 33/L
From Department of health: About the infectious diseases
you need to be immunised from
Immunisation against infectious disease (thick
CHI 34/L
From Department of health: About the infectious diseases
you need to be immunised from
Men C – aged 16 or 17
CHI 35/L
From NHS Health Scotland: This tells you about
meningococcal group C infections
Men C vaccine – information for professionals
CHI 36/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Information on meningococcal
group C infections
Meningitis – can happen to anyone
CHI 39/L
From Health Scotland: Helpline card
BCG and your baby
CHI 54/L
From Health Scotland: Protecting babies against TB
Accident prevention posters – under 5’s
Children’s traffic club
Cot death
Doesn’t immunisation sound better than
whooping cough
Height chart – how tall am I?
HIB poster
Immunisation timetable
Measles, mumps, rubella – 3 in 1 protection
Lanarkshire Health Board
Meningitis baby watch
Protect your child – HIB vaccination
Meningitis – can happen to anyone
Healthy happy kids-booklet
CHI 40/P
CHI 41/P
CHI 42/P
CHI 43/P
CHI 44/P
CHI 45/P
CHI 46/P
CHI 47/P
CHI 48/P
CHI 49/P
CHI 55/P
CHI 56/L
From NHS Health Scotland: simple steps to a healthy weight
for children & families
Healthy happy kids for professionals-booklet
CHI 57/L
From NHS Health Scotland: simple steps to a healthy weight
for children & families
Healthy happy kids-have fun with 5 a day poster CHI 58/P
Healthy happy kids-eat me –size meals-poster
CHI 59/P
Healthy happy kids-Always on the go-poster
CHI 60/P
Child protection
North Lanarkshire
Info for members of the public worried about
possible child abuse-leaflet
CHP 07/L
From child protection committee: This leaflet explains what
child abuse is and tells you contact numbers for social work,
police etc
Information for children and young people-Z
CHP 04/C
From child protection committee: This zip card tells young
people what to do if they don’t feel safe
Info for service providers-leaflet
CHP 05/C
From child protection committee: This leaflet explains what to
do and who to contact if you have concerns about a child
Protecting children-zip card
CHP 15/Z
From child protection committee: What to do when you are
concerned about a child
Think before you click-mobile phone and
internet security
CHP 17/Z
From child protection committee: For all children about
mobile & internet safety
How to contact us-zip card
CHP 21/ Z
From child protection committee: A card on how to contact
someone if you feel unsafe
Child abuse is!!!!!
CHP 24/P
South Lanarkshire
Working together to keep our children safeBook-mark
CHP 21/B
From child protection committee: A bookmark with relevant
contact numbers
Info for people worried about child abuse or
CHP 13/L
From child protection committee: This leaflet is for anyone
worried that a child may be at risk
Information for families involved in the child
protection process
CHP 14/L
From child protection committee: This leaflets is to help
families to understand what happens in a child protection
If you don’t feel safe-for children-credit card
CHP 16/ L
From child protection committee: Contact numbers for
children who don’t feel safe
Protecting children-credit card
CHP 10/C
From child protection committee: Contact numbers for
children who don’t feel safe: Contact numbers for children
who don’t feel safe
Working together to keep our children safeposter
If you don’t feel safe-for children-poster
Protecting children-info for service providersleaflet
CHP 18/P
CHP 19/P
From child protection committee: This is for people who work
with children, it explains what to do and who to contact if you
have concerns about possible abuse
Inspection of-services to protect children
North and South Lanarkshire
Protecting children; framework for standards-
CHP 22/B
CHP 01/L
From Scottish executive: This is about what is important to
children and how we can protect them
Child protection committee vision statementposter
Child protection shared vision-card
CHP 02/P
CHP 08/C
From child protection committee : A shared vision card and
helpful contact numbers
Chat safe
CHP 09/L
From child protection committee : Useful tips for staying safe
while chatting on your phone or the internet
Mobile and internet safety
CHP 11/L
From child protection committee: Tips for parents on mobile
& internet safety
It’s a fine line
DRU 01/L
From Hit: Helps you identify the risks of cocaine
Suggestions for a project on drugs
DRU 02/L
From Scottish drug forum: intended for pupils doing a drug
Cannabis and you
DRU 03/L
From Hit: Tells you how cannabis can affect you
Living in Lanarkshire: A parents guide to drugs
DRU 04/L
From Landed: This increases the knowledge of substance
Drugs-what every parent should know
DRU 08/L
From Health Scotland: Lets parents know the facts about
Drugs alcohol and parenting
DRU 10/L
From Exchange supplies: A workbook For parents who use
drugs or alcohol
Going over-DVD of four real stories of overdose
DRU 31/D
From Exchange supplies: What to do when someone
Getting fitter needn’t be a marathon
EXE 04/L
From Health Scotland: Explains physical activity for older
Get you and your family moving (Out of stock)
EXE 05/L
From Health Scotland: shows how activity can lessen health
problems for all the family
Your guide to getting active
EXE 07/L
NHS Lanarkshire: A guide for beginners getting active
Keeping active – dance
Keeping active – gardening
Lets get physical
Quick push
Simple steps (elderly)
Breaking the cycle
EXE 08/P
EXE 09/P
EXE 10/P
EXE 11/P
EXE 12/P
EXE 13/P
Family planning
After you’ve had your baby
FPL 01/L
From Family planning association: Helping you to choose the
best method of contraception for you after having a baby
Emergency contraception
FPL 02/L
From Family planning association: tells you about the
methods of emergency contraceptives
Is everybody doing it?
FPL 03/L
From Family planning association: A guide to contraception
Planning a pregnancy
FPL 04/L
From Family planning association: Explains how you can
prepare for a pregnancy
Your guide to contraception
FPL 05/L
From Family planning association: Helps you choose the best
method of contraception
It’s here – contraception that lasts for years
FPL 06/L
From Health Scotland: Your guide to longer lasting
It’s arrived – contraception that takes care of
FPL 09/P
General health
Children with diabetes at school
GEN 01/L
From diabetes UK: What all staff need to know
Eating well with diabetes
GEN 02/L
From diabetes UK: This leaflet gives you the first steps to
balancing your diet when diagnosed with diabetes
Head lice (can order more than 30 of this
GEN 03/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Information leaflet
Health events calendar
GEN 04/C
From Health Scotland:
The NHS chronic medication service at your
local pharmacy
GEN 05/L
From Scottish government: This is for anyone who has a
long-term condition and available at pharmacies
Osteoporosis: prevention and advice
GEN 06/L
From Health Scotland: Gives you the facts and advice on
Take life on one step at a time
GEN 07/L
From Health Scotland: Taking the first steps to a healthier
Understanding diabetes
GEN 08/L
From Diabetes UK: Your essential guide for adults diagnosed
with diabetes
What diabetes care to expect
GEN 09/L
From Diabetes UK: Explains the care you should expect from
the NHS in managing your diabetes
Benefits are changing
GEN 10/B
From South Lanarkshire council: Info advice on welfare
About MRSA screening
GEN 11/L
From Health protection Scotland: This is an easy to read
booklet which explains about MRSA
Getting NHS dental treatment in Scotland
GEN 12/L
From Scottish government: This explains how to use the
NHS dental services in Scotland
Are you at risk
GEN 13/L
From Meningitis research foundation: Answers the most
common questions about meningitis and septicaemia
The NHS minor ailment service-at your
community pharmacy
GEN 14/L
From health Scotland: A leaflet for people who don’t pay
prescription charges
Remember to wash your hands
GEN 15/S
From health Scotland: Stickers to promote hand hygiene
Did you wash your hands
GEN 16/C
From the comic company: Shows hand higiene
Flu jab leaflets – beating flu
GEN 17/L
From Department of health: This important leaflet contains
information on flu vaccination
MRSA screening
Gen 18/L
From health Scotland: This leaflet will give you information on
MRSA screening
If you have back pain
GEN 19/L
From working backs Scotland: Simple steps to stay in control
of back pain
Don’t let flu turn on you
GEN 20/L
From NHS Scotland: How the flu vaccination works
Coping with dying
GEN 21/L
From Liverpool care pathway: Understanding the changes
which occur before death
Not all bugs –parents guide
GEN 22/L
From NHS Scotland: Tells you whether or not antibiotics are
GEN 23/L
From the national osteoporosis society: Tells you about
osteoporosis and what you can do to protect your bone
Pneumowhatal? Don’t let the pneumococcal
bug bite!
GEN 24/L
From NHS Scotland: Tells you about the pneumococcal
vaccine for over 65
Giving feedback or making a complaint about
the NHS
Want to improve your business performance
GEN 25/L
GEN 26/C
From Healthy working lives
Tuberculosis – TB – the disease, its treatment
and preventions
GEN 27/L
From NHS Scotland: Fact you should know about
Using disposable sharps safely
GEN 28/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Tells you about disposing used
syringes and needles safely
Race against time
GEN 29/L
From Meningitis research foundation: A reference leaflet on
meningitis symptoms
Following a bereavement
GEN 30/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Information for relatives friends &
You matter
GEN 31/L
From Scottish executive: This magazine tells you what
children expect from parents/carers
The mix
GEN 32/L
From NHS Scotland: Discussing young people and health
Cool dads
GEN 33/L
From NHS Scotland: This magazine explains what children
expect from fathers
Tips for teachers leading school visits to farms
GEN 34/L
From Health Scotland: Health tips for school & nursery visits
to farms
The Scottish welfare fund
GEN 35/L
From the Scottish government: Explains what the changes
mean for you
Abdominal aortic aneurysm-screening info
GEN 36/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet tells you what it is and
what happens at a screening
You have a small abdominal aortic aneurysm
GEN 37/L
From Health Scotland: Tells you what it is and what happens
You have a medium abdominal aortic aneurysm
GEN 38/L
From Health Scotland: Tells you what it is and what happens
You have a large abdominal aortic aneurysm
GEN 39/L
From Health Scotland: Tells you what it is and what happens
Can you walk the talk – booklet
GEN 40/L
From Health Scotland: This 7 step leaflet aims to help you
assess the service you offer about young peoples health and
We keep it zipped – card
GEN 41/L
From Health Scotland: Information on confidentiality
Walk the talk DVD
GEN 42/L
From Health Scotland: This 12 min DVD gives health
professionals an insight into improvements young people
would like from the health service
Not all bugs need drugs-A guide to antibiotics
GEN 43/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to the safe use of antibiotics
Accident prevention posters – elderly
Home visits by NHS staff
GEN 44/P
GEN 45/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Information about tobacco smoke
Don’t let flu bowl you over
Healthy living Poster
Meningitis: manage the minutes
Meningitis and septicaemia – can kill
Not all bugs need drugs – use antibiotics wisely
Norovirus: the winter vomiting bug
GEN 46/P
GEN 47/P
GEN 48/P
GEN 49/P
GEN 50/P
GEN 51/L
From Health Scotland: Advice for everyone
Norovirus: the winter vomiting bug
GEN 52/P
From Health Scotland: Advice for everyone
Lets talk about the F word
GEN 53/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Reducing your risk off falls while in
Stop bullying
Lets talk about the F word
GEN 54/L
GEN 55/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: A guide to the prevention of falls
Looking good feeling good-personal hygiene
GEN 60/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to personal hygiene
What to do in an asthma attack
GEN 57/C
From Asthma UK:A short guide on what to do during an
asthma attack
What is asthma?
GEN 58/L
From Asthma UK: A short guide to causes & treatment of
What to do in a asthma attack-pocket guide
GEN 59/L
From Asthma UK:A short guide on what to do during an
asthma attack
Looking after information-staff awareness
GEN 62/L
From Health Scotland: About managing patient information
You don’t need to look in different places for
health info
GEN 63/L
From Health Scotland: About NHS inform- a new health
information service designed to give you access to
information you need
You don’t need to look in different places for
health info-card
GEN 64/C
From Health Scotland: About NHS inform- a new health
information service designed to give you access to
information you need
Health condition? Get the flu vaccine
Pregnant? Get the flu vaccine
Work in healthcare? Get the flu vaccine
Pregnant? Get the flu vaccine
Got a health condition? Get the flu vaccine
Remember antibiotics wont help your defences
against a cold
Unfortunately no amount of antibiotics will get
rid of your cold
Get well soon without antibiotics
GEN 65/L
GEN 66/L
GEN 67/P
GEN 68/P
GEN 69/P
GEN 71/P
GEN 72/L
From Health Scotland: Explains right treatment for common
illnesses without antibiotics
Want to improve your business performance
GEN 73/C
From Healthy working lives: A card to register with them
Hit by crisis out of the blue
GEN 74/P
From The Scottish government: Poster about the Scottish
welfare fund
Addressing the harm:
GEN 75/L
From SACRO: A leaflet on reducing conflict and offending to
make communities safer
Health rights
The NHS and you
GEN 25/L
From Health Scotland: This leaflet is for anyone who uses
the NHS in Scotland
Confidentiality your rights – under 16
GEN 38/L
From Health Scotland: How the health service keeps the
information about you private
Confidentiality-its your right
GEN 39/L
From Health Scotland: How the NHS protects your health
Consent: it’s your decision
GEN 51/L
From Health Scotland: How you should be involved in your
health care and treatment
Consent: your rights
GEN 52/L
From the Scottish Government: How you should be involved
in decisions about your health care and treatment. A guide
for children and young people under 16
How to use the health service in Scotland
GEN 53/D
From health Scotland: This DVD gives you simple information
and clear messages about using the NHS
Finding the care that is right for you
GEN 61/L
From the Scottish government: Information about care
services to support older people living in Scotland
Have your say! Your right to be heard
GEN 68/L
From the Scottish government: How to give us your
comments, suggestions or complaints about your health care
How to se your health records
GEN 65/L
From the Scottish government: This leaflet explains how you
can view your health records
Caring and consent
GEN 66/L
From the Scottish government: Information for carers about
being involved in decisions for the person you care for
E-health-using computer to improve your health
GEN 67/L
From the Scottish government: Leaflet about improving your
health care when using computers
Teach-back technique
GEN 68/C
From NHS Scotland: A postcard about the effective way to
check patients understanding about information given
Get well soon-without antibiotics
GEN 69/P
Heart disease
Cut the saturated fat from your diet
HEA 01/L
British heart foundation: Find out how to reduce the amount
of saturated fat you eat
Don’t lose heart – for carers
HEA 02/L
From Health Scotland: Booklet about returning to everyday
life after a heart attack
Don’t lose heart – for patients
HEA 03/L
From Health Scotland: Booklet about returning to everyday
life after a heart attack
How to reduce your risk of a stroke
HEA 04/L
From Chest heart and stroke Scotland: The aim of this
booklet is to look at how to avoid a stroke
Physical activity and your heart
HEA 05/L
British heart foundation: This booklet gives information about
physical activity for people who already have a heart
Smoking and your heart
HEA 06/L
British heart foundation: Explains the link between smoking
and heart disease
So you want to lose weight for good
HEA 07/L
British heart foundation: This explains your portion sizes and
about keeping a chart
Living with high blood pressure
HEA 10/L
From chest heart and stroke: Tells you how to understand
your blood pressure
Reducing the risk of heart disease
HEA 11/L
From chest heart and stroke: Tells you how to reduce the risk
of heart disease
Active Living – help yourself to reduce the risk
of H.B. pressure
HEA 12/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet advises you about the
link to high blood pressure and inactivity
No fear that’s me in an emergency…
HEA 13/L
British heart foundation: Emergency life support skills for
young people
Active living – help yourself to lose weight
HEA 14/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet advises you about
excess weight and levels of activity
Know your heart poster
Cut down on salt
HEA 16/P
British heart foundation: Explains about salt intake
Get active stay active
HEA 18/B
British heart foundation: Keep your heart healthy by being
Put your heart into walking
HEA 19/B
British heart foundation: Explains how walking can help
Be active for life
HEA 20/B
British heart foundation: For over 65s
Heart disease-improving services for patients
HEA 09/L
Learning disabilities
A guide to examining your testicles: for people
with learning difficulties
LED 01/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you how to check
your testicles for signs of cancer
A guide to examining your breasts
LED 02/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you how to check
your breasts for early signs of cancer
A guide to giving up smoking
LED 03/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you about
smoking and why its good to stop
A guide to a healthy mouth – for people with
learning difficulties
LED 04/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you how to keep
your teeth and gums healthy
A women’s guide to keeping clean
LED 05/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you how to keep
your body clean
A mans guide to keeping clean
LED 06/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you how to keep
your body clean
A guide to having a smear test
LED 07/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet tells you about having a
smear test
A guide to having a period
LED 08/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet tells you about having a
period and what you need to know and do
How to have a wet/dry shave –tip cards
LED 09/L
From Health Scotland: This card gives you tips about shaving
Disability tip card
LED 10/L
From Health Scotland: Some quick tips for staff to consider
when meeting the needs of disabled people
What is cancer (living with cancer)
LED 11/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you about cancer
and ways to keep healthy
What is dementia
LED 12/L
From the Scottish downs syndrome association: A booklet
about dementia for adults with learning disabilities
A guide to a healthy heart
LED 13/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will tell you how to keep
your heart healthy
You are in charge
LED 14/L
From Enable Scotland: This booklet is about being in charge
of your life and any support you need
Being in charge
LED 15/L
From Enable Scotland: This booklet is for family carers of
people with learning disabilities who may need support
Sexual abuse and learning disabilities
LED 16/L
From Enable Scotland: This is about supporting adults with
learning disabilities who have been sexually abused
Do I need a smear test
LED 17/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet will help you to choose if
you need a smear test
You and your baby 0-1
From Health Scotland: A parenting book for people with
learning disabilities
My pregnancy my choice
From Department of health: A guide to pregnancy in pictures
and easy words
You and your little child 1-5
LED 21/B
From Department of health: A guide for parents in pictures
and easy words
A guide to checking your boobs
LED 22/L
From Lanarkshire Adult Learning Disability Service: A booklet
explaining why and how to check your breasts for changes
Keeping healthy
LED 23/L
From Lanarkshire Adult Learning Disability Service: A booklet
explaining why you need good nutrition and exercise
Going for a cervical screening
LED 24/L
From Lanarkshire Adult Learning Disability Service: Explains
the whole procedure of going for a smear test
Going for a prostate examination
LED 25/L
From Lanarkshire Adult Learning Disability Service: Explains
the whole procedure of going for a prostate examination
Checking your balls
LED 26/L
From Lanarkshire Adult Learning Disability Service: Explains
how to check your testicles for any changes
Going for a breast x-ray (mammogram)
LED 27/L
From Lanarkshire Adult Learning Disability Service: Explains
the whole procedure of going for a mammogram
Bowel screening
LED 28/L
From Lanarkshire Adult Learning Disability Service: Explains
the home test for bowel screening
Keep yourself healthy: being overweight
LED 29/L
From Health Scotland:
Keep yourself healthy: Choosing what you eat
and drink
LED 30/L
From Health Scotland:
Keep yourself healthy: Planning your meals
LED 31/L
From Health Scotland:
Men’s health
Hebs TSE shower card
MEN 01/L
From NHS Health Scotland: A card with tips for men on
reducing testicular cancer
Detecting testicular cancer
MEN 02/L
From cancer research Uk: Explains how to examine and what
to do if you find anything when examining your testicles
MEN: mind your health
MEN 03/C
From the comic company: Tips on how to look after your
21st Century health manual
MEN 05/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Explains the basics of mental
health & wellbeing for men aged 18-30
21st Century manual fold out card
MEN 06/L
From NHS Health Scotland: Explains the basics of mental
health & wellbeing for men aged 18-30
Waterworks poster
Prostate problems
MEN 07/P
MEN 08/P
Mental health
Are you worried about your memory
MEH 01/L
This may help you decide if your memory is nothing to worry
about or if you should see a doctor
Cool heads
MEH 02/L
From Health Scotland: Tips on stress control
Coping with dementia “Carers handbook only”
(single copies)
MEH 03/L
From Health Scotland: A practical handbook for carers
Facing dementia
MEH 04/L
From Health Scotland; This is for people who have dementia
to help them understand their illness
Keeping safe
MEH 05/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to safety for someone with
dementia who lives alone
Talking about anxiety
MEH 06/L
From Health Scotland; This leaflet is for people who are
experiencing feelings of anxiety and ant cope with day to day life
Talking about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
MEH 07/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet is for people who have
ADHD it contains information on how to get help
Talking about bereavement
MEH 08/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet is for people who have
recently been bereaved
Talking about Bipolar Affective Disorders
MEH 09/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet contains information on
bipolar affective disorder on causes and help available
Talking about depression
MEH 10/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet sets out some of the
basic facts about depression
Talking about eating disorders
MEH 11/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet is written for people who
use food to cope with distressing feelings
Talking about personality disorders
MEH 12/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet explains, looks at the
causes, and provides basic information about the disorder
Talking about phobias
MEH 13/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet aims to provide some
key information about different kinds of phobias
Talking about postnatal depression
MEH 14/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet provides information for
new mothers about postnatal depression
Talking about schizophrenia
MEH 15/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet provides basic
information about schizophrenia and suggests some sources
of help
Talking about self harm
MEH 16/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet provides basic
information about self-harm
Talking about stress
MEH 17/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet sets out some of the
different ways stress can affect us and where to get help
Understanding dementia, a guide for young
MEH 18/L
From health Scotland: This is for young people who have
family or a family friend who has dementia
Steps to deal with stress
MEH 19/L
From Health Scotland: A simple guide to stressing less and
enjoying life more
Talking about panic attacks
MEH 20/L
From Health Scotland: This explains, what you can do, self
help, and getting help from others if you get these attacks
Younger people with dementia
MEH 21/B
From Health Scotland: For people under 65 with dementia
Family break ups
MEH 23/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to hoe to cope when parents
split up
Mind to listen CD
From NHS Lanarkshire: an audio CD to support mental
health and wellbeing through self-help
Coping with dementia DVD
From Health Scotland: A practical DVD for carers
R U friends
MEH 25/
MEH 28/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to making, keeping and
helping friends
R U sad
MEH 29/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to what you can do when you
are sad
R U worried
MEH 30/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to what you can do when you
are feeling worried
Steps to deal with stress CD
MEH 31/d
From Health Scotland: Simple ways to stress less and enjoy
life more
Young carers- and drug and alcohol misuse
Young carers- and mental health
When someone dies
MEH 32/C
MEH 33/C
MEH 34/L
From Health Scotland: How to cope when someone dear to
you is gone
The art of conversation
MEH 37/L
From Health Scotland: A guide to talking, listening and
reducing stigma attached to suicide
Express your needs
Head kit
The depressive (no job too small)
The depressive nurse
The manic depressive data analyst
The schizophrenic store man
Don’t hide it
Living well with dementia
From Health Scotland: This is for people who have been told
by a specialist they have dementia
My name is Chris
MEH 38/P
MEH 39/P
MEH 40/P
MEH 44/P
MEH 45/P
MEH 46/P
MEH 47/P
MEH 55/P
MEH 57/L
From Mind: For young people who think they have an eating
My name is Zac
MEH 58/L
From Mind: For young people who have experienced death
My name is Pete
MEH 59/L
From Mind: For young people who are experiencing mental
illness e.g. depression schizophrenia
My name is jess
MEH 60/L
From Mind: for young people who have anger management
Young minds: Mental illness in your family
MEH/ 61/L
From YOUNGMINDS: If someone in you family is mentally ill
this booklet may help you
Its about you too
MEH 62/L
From Mind: A guide for children who have mental illness in
the family
Making time to talk
MEH 63/L
From Mind: Advice for parents with mental illness
Need to know: A guide for young people who
have a parent with mental illness
MEH 64/L
From Mind: A guide for young people who have a parent with
mental illness
A guide to between meal snacks
NUT 01/L
From Hastings & Rother: Tip on what to offer children for a
healthy snack
Eatwell plate
NUT 02/L
From Food standards agency: This leaflet shows how much
you should eat from each food groups
Vitamin D-who is at risk
NUT 03/L
From Health Scotland: For health professionals this explains
who is at risk from vitamin d deficiency
Salt, sugar, fat & labels
NUT 04/C
From the comic company; tips on healthy eating
Following a vegetarian diet – advice for 5-16
year olds
NUT 05/L
From BDA paediatric group: This leaflet explains what you
can eat when following the diet
Food for the growing years 1-5 year olds
NUT 06/L
From BDA paediatric group: This leaflet gives advice about
what children need to eat and how meal times can be fun
Food for the school years 5-16 year olds
NUT 07/L
From BDA paediatric group: This leaflet gives advice on what
variety children need to stay fit and healthy
Sugar exposed
NUT 15/L
From Hastings & Rother: A useful guide to the hidden sugars
in your food and drinks
The food hygiene handbook for Scotland
NUT 16/L
From Health Scotland: This book explains all about food
Help, my child won’t eat (professionals only – 5
copies max.)
NUT 17/L
From PDA Paediatrics: Tips about why children wont eat and
how to encourage them
Your guide to eating healthy
NUT 18/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Explains the benefits of eating a
healthy diet
Your guide to the Eatwell plate
NUT 19/L
From Food standards agency: This booklet is a guide to
eating a healthier diet
Eatwell card
NUT 27/C
From Food standards agency: This card is a guide to eating a
healthier diet
Eatwell guide
NUT 25/L
From Food standards agency: This booklet is a guide to
healthy eating
Food allergy. What you need to know
NUT 24/L
From Food standards agency: this is for people who work in
the food industry it tells you some of the food you are allergic
to and where they can be found
Little book of white lies poster
Watch out they taste curvy: BANANA
You know when you’ve been mango’s
Boys BMI chart
From Child growth foundation: A cross-sectional body mass
index reference
Girls BMI chart
From Child growth foundation: A cross-sectional body mass
index reference
Vitamin D and you
NUT 21/P
NUT 22/P
NUT 23/P
NUT 26/P
NUT 30/L
From Health Scotland: This explains why its important who is
at risk and how we get vitamin D
Healthy start vitamins and why you need them
NUT 31/L
From Health Scotland: This leaflet explains about vitamins
and why you need them
Free fruit veg and vitamins for you and your
NUT 32/L
From Health Scotland: This explains how you can get free
vouchers towards healthy food & milk for children under 4
Oral health
Brush twice a day with fluride- bookmark
ORL 01/B
From NHS Health Scotland; This is a bookmark in the
shape of a toothbrush
SMILE please-the good teeth guide
ORL 02/L
From Comic company: Everything you need to know
about keeping your teeth and mouth healthy
Teeth needs gums
ORL 03/L
From health Scotland: What you need to know about gum
disease prevention
Tell me about children’s teeth
ORL 04/L
From British dental health foundation: About dental care for
How to protect your child’s teeth – oral health
ORL 05/L
From health Scotland: Free DVD on how to protect your
child’s teeth
Tell me about dental care for mother and baby
ORL 14/L
From British dental health foundation: Tells you about dental
care during and after pregnancy also the baby’s dental care
Tell me about dental care for older people
ORL 15/L
From British dental health foundation: For older people
about their dental care
Tell me about dental care for people with
special needs
ORL 16/L
From British dental health foundation: Tells you about
dental care for people with special needs
Tell me about teens teeth
ORL 17/L
From British dental health foundation: Tells you about
dental care for teenagers
ORL 18/L
From health Scotland: This leaflet tells you to ask for sugar
free medicine
Healthy teeth for life
Child smile
It’s never too early to think about your baby’s
Tips for healthy teeth
ORL 19/P
ORL 20/P
ORL 21/P
ORL 22/L
From health Scotland: This gives you tips for keeping your
teeth healthy
Pregnancy and parenting
Abortion – just so you know
PRP 01/L
From Family planning association: This booklet gives you
information and contact numbers relating to abortion
The good egg guide to in car child safety
PRP 02/L
From health Scotland: The complete guide to your Childs incar safety
Folic acid
PRP 03/L
From health Scotland: This leaflet tells you what you need to
know about folic acid
Folic acid – card
PRP 04/L
From health Scotland: This card tells you what foods contain
folic acid and how much you should take
Help your child to grow and develop-height
Whooping cough-help protect your baby
PRP 05/P
PRP 06/L
From NHS Health Scotland: All you need to know about
whooping cough
Bump to breastfeeding
From Health Scotland: shows parents how to get started
Reducing the risk of cot death
PRP 08/L
From Scottish cot death trust: This leaflet tells you how to
reduce the risk of cot death
NHS Lanarkshire joint hospital and community
breastfeeding policy
PRP 09/B
From NHS Lanarkshire: This policy is aimed at new mothers
to explain the rights of breastfeeding
A guide to the human papillomavirus vaccine
PRP 10/L
From health Scotland: this explains the vaccine you can have
to protect you against cervical cancer
What to expect after immunisation- babies to 5
PRP 11/
From Health Scotland
What to expect after immunisation-Young
PRP 12/
From Health Scotland
Active living – keeping active during and after
PRP 13/L
From health Scotland: This booklet explains the benefits of
remaining active during and after pregnancy
Breastfeeding friendly campaign
PRP 14/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: This leaflet explains the campaign to
welcome breastfeeding in public places
Breastfeeding – helpful hints
PRP 15/L
From health Scotland: This booklet contains helpful hints
about breastfeeding in public
Breastfeeding – helpful hints holders
PRP 16/L
From health Scotland: These are the holders for the above
Breastfeeding mothers and work
PRP 17/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: This leaflet is a guide for employers
about breastfeeding
Healthy eating and pregnancy
PRP 18/L
From Hastings & Rother: This leaflet is a guide on what you
should eat during pregnancy
Pregnancy – a young person’s guide
PRP 19/L
From Family planning association: This booklet is a guide for
young people it explains things from contraception to having
a baby
Fresh start
PRP 20/L
From health Scotland: Stopping smoking reasons tips and
support while pregnant
What every woman should know – German
PRP 21/L
From health Scotland: What every women should know about
German measles before getting pregnant
The young parents survival guide
PRP 22/L
From health Scotland: Tips for young parents
To reduce the risk of cot death – turn over
PRP 23/L
From Scottish cot death trust: Tips to reduce the risk of cot
Breastfeeding diary cover
PRP 37/C
From health Scotland: A diary cover to promote
Breastfeeding: had lunch
Breastfeeding: sang happy birthday
Breastfeeding: went for a walk
Folic acid before and during pregnancy
For a night off breastfeeding use the express
Life after birth
Lunchtime and not a breast in sight
Mothers guide to the NHS Lanarkshire
breastfeeding policy
Pregnant – think folic acid
To reduce the risk of cot death – poster
Who breastfeeds nowadays?
You are welcome to breastfeed here (for non
NHS premises)
You are welcome to breastfeed here NHS
First steps to safety
PRP 24/P
PRP 25/P
PRP 26/P
PRP 27/P
PRP 28/P
PRP 29/P
PRP 30/P
PRP 31/P
PRP 32/P
PRP 33/P
PRP 34/P
PRP 35/P
PRP 36/P
PRP 37/L
From ROSPA: A guide for parents and grandparents
Toilet training-when is the best time to toilet
train your child
PRP 38/L
From Hastings & Rother: Tips and suggestions on toilet
Messages from children
PRP 39/L
From health Scotland: For parents with children ages 5-10
this book tells you from children what makes them happy
Weight convert ion table
PRP 40/C
From Health Scotland: Converts kilograms to pounds and
Infant massage
PRP 42/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: This booklet shows the different
massages you can give babies
Pregnancy-what next
PRP 44/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet explains what’s next all
through your pregnancy
Jenny bear says- keep smoke outdoors
PRP 45/C
From NHS Lanarkshire: Smoke free card
Blind cords
PRP 46/L
From ROSPA: Safety warning about the dangers of serious
injury or strangulation
Babies can suffocate- poster
PRP 47/P
From ROSPA: Keep nappy sacks out of reach
I feel good about breastfeeding
Breastfeeding was a great decision
I made the choice to breastfeed
The good egg guide
PRP 48/P
PRP 49/P
PRP 50/P
PRP 51/L
From Health Scotland: The Scottish good egg guide to
keeping your children safe at home
Your guide to newborn screening
PRP 52/L
From Health Scotland: explains what conditions can be
tested for and what the tests involve
Your guide to screening tests during pregnancy
PRP 53/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet is about the screening
tests you will be offered during pregnancy
Drinks for babies and young children
PRP 56/L
From Health Scotland: details the appropriate drinks for babies
and young children.
Folic acid-before and after pregnancy
PRP 57/C
From Health Scotland: This card tells you what foods contain
folic acid and how much you should take
Formula feeding
PRP 59/B
From health Scotland: How to feed your baby safely
Public protection
If you don’t do something who will? Leaflet
PP 1/L
From MNC: For staff about safeguarding patients
If you don’t do something who will? DVD
From NMC: 4 short films about safeguarding patients
If you don’t do something who will? – Poster
PP 3/P
Sexual health & blood borne viruses
SHB 01/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: A flyer explaining syphilis
Learning about relationships and sexual health
SHB 02/L
From Health Scotland: Information for parents about sex
education at school and at home
Hep C
SHB 03/L
From Lanarkshire health board: This leaflet answers some
common questions people ask about Hep C
Talking with your child about relationships and
sexual health between 4-9 years old
SHB 04/L
From Health Scotland: For patents and carers talking to your
children about sex education
What’s going on- single copies only
SHB 05/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Your guide to growing up
Relationships & sexual health- single copies
SHB 06/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: For young people
Sexual and reproductive health services
SHB 08/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Information about local sexual health
Sexual Health Information – pubic lice
SHB 12/L
From NHS Lanarkshire; This leaflet tells you what pubic lice
are where there from and what sexual health clinics there are
The following leaflet contains sexually explicit
material and should only be used with gay men
and not for general distribution. To obtain a
supply please contact the BBV and SEXUAL
HEALTH TEAM (01698 377650) –
Sexual health information – safer sex (for men
who have sex with men)
What you want to know about Chlamydia
SHB 16/L
SHB 17/L
From Health Scotland: Most common questions answered
about Chlamydia
4 boys
SHB 43/L
From family planning association: A below the belt guide to
the male body
4 girls
SHB 19/L
From family planning association: A below the bra guide to
the female body
4 you
SHB 20/L
From family planning association: A booklet about what
growing up is all about
Love stings
SHB 21/L
From family planning association: A beginners guide to STIs
Hepatitis A
SHB 23/L
From the British liver trust: Tells you what is hep a, how it is
passed, and the treatment for the virus
Hepatitis B
SHB 24/L
From the British liver trust: Tells you what is hep b, how it is
passed, and the treatment for the virus
Hepatitis C
SHB 25/L
From the British liver trust: Tells you what is hep c, how it is
passed, and the treatment for the virus
Hepatitis C – what you need to know
SHB 26/L
From Health Scotland: Facts you need to know about hep C
Hepatitis A B C
SHB 28/L
From the British liver trust: A brief context about hepatitis
Information for travellers on HIV & sexual health SHB 29/L
From Health Scotland: How HIV is transmitted from abroad
What do you know about genital herpes
SHB 31/L
From Health Scotland: Your questions answered
What do you know about genital warts
SHB 32/L
From Health Scotland: Your questions answered
What do you know about vaginal discharge
SHB 33/L
From Health Scotland: Your questions answered
What do you know about gonorrhoea
SHB 35/L
From Health Scotland: Your questions answered
Exploring the changes
SHB/40 L
From Health Scotland: Tells you about your body changes
Talking with your teenager 10-13 years
SHB 42 L
From Health Scotland: For patents and carers talking to your
children about sex education
What do you know about-vaginal health
From Health Scotland: Your questions answered
Your choice-a fresh look at contraception-tear
out pad
From Top choice: Explains the choices that are available
Your choice-a fresh look at contraception
SHB 47/L
From Top choice: Explains the choices that are available
Your choice-a fresh look at contraception-card
From Top choice: Explains the choices that are available
Take control-Hep C a professionals guide
SHB 49/L
From Health Scotland: Tells you what is hep c, how it is
passed, and the treatment for the virus
Fighting liver disease-Hep C and injecting drug
use a professionals guide
SHB 50/B
From the British liver trust: This booklet gives you up to date
Fighting liver disease-Hep B a professionals
SHB 51/B
From the British liver trust: This booklet gives you up to date
Aspire magazine (aspire to stop smoking)
SMK 01/L
From NHS health Scotland: A magazine for smokers to help
you stop smoking
How to stop smoking and stay stopped
SMK 02/L
From NHS health Scotland: How to put together your stop
smoking plan
International no smoking zone
SMK 03/L
From NHS health Scotland: No smoking sticker
Smoking and pregnancy
SMK 04/L
From NHS health Scotland: This booklet will try to help you
stop smoking
Your guide to giving up smoking
SMK 06/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: A guide to stop smoking
Encouraging smokers to stop – what you can do SMK 08/L
From NHS health Scotland: A guide for health professionals
Encouraging smokers to stop – what you can do SMK 09/L
From NHS health Scotland: This diagram shows the benefits
to your lungs if you stop smoking
Smoke-free home: Protect pregnant women
SMK 10/P
From NHS health Scotland: Passive smoking
Smoke-free home: Protect your Pets
SMK 11/P
From NHS health Scotland: Passive smoking
Smoke-free home: protect your family
SMK 12/P
From NHS health Scotland: Passive smoking
Smoke-free car: Protect your family
SMK 13/P
From NHS health Scotland: Passive smoking
Smoking in pregnancy – DVD
SMK 15/L
From NHS health Scotland: This DVD will try to help you stop
Passive smoking: unclouding the issue
SMK 19/L
From NHS health Scotland: This leaflet provides information
concerning passive smoking
We can help you stop smoking DVD
From NHS health Scotland: This DVD will tell you how to
make stopping smoking easier
Aspire – man with cigarette
Aspire – woman with cigarette
Aspire – woman with patch
I’ll quit when I get pregnant
Miserable nights
Perfume won’t hide it – Medusa
Smoking harms kids
Passive smoking kills-poster
Passive smoking and health-poster
Smoking : face pack poster
Smoking : moisturiser poster
SMK 21/P
SMK 22/P
SMK 23/P
SMK 27/P
SMK 28/P
SMK 29/P
SMK 30/P
SMK 31/P
SMK 32/P
SMK 33/P
SMK 34/P
SMK 35/P
SMK 36/P
Smoking : ash tray poster
SMK 37/P
Violence & aggression
Eva services
Information for women who have experienced
Information for women who have experienced
sexual abuse in childhood
Information for women who have experienced
rape, sexual assault and other sexual violence
Keeping your information safe and private
Teenage relationship abuse
VLA 03/L
VLA 04/L
VLA 06/L
VLA 07/L
VLA 08/L
VLA 16/L
From Dept of health: A parents and carers guide to violence
and abuse in teenage relationships
Older women and domestic violence in
“…and for 39 years I got on with it”
VLA 18/L
From NHS health Scotland: Understanding and effects on
older victims
Domestic abuse card and leaflet-North
VLA 31/L
From N.Lanarkshire council: Strategies for preventing abuse
He never let me do my own thing
Doorway – my boyfriend would never let me go
out on my own
Doorway – no one knows I am afraid to go
Doorway – the kicking started as soon as I fell
I was the only one who could see what he was
really like
My boyfriend would never let me go out like this
No one could see that life for us stopped every
day at 5 pm
No one knew I was afraid to go home
The kicking started as soon as I became
Your choice of treatment
Rape and sexual assault
VLA 19/P
VLA 20/P
VLA 21/P
VLA 22/P
VLA 23/P
VLA 25/P
VLA 26/P
VLA 27/P
VLA 28/P
VLA 29/P
VLA 32/L
From NHS health Scotland: What health workers need to
know about gender-based violence
Childhood sexual abuse
VLA 33/L
From NHS health Scotland: What health workers need to
know about gender-based violence
Harmful traditional practices
VLA 34/L
From NHS health Scotland: What health workers need to
know about gender-based violence
Domestic abuse
VLA 35/L
From NHS health Scotland: What health workers need to
know about gender-based violence
Commercial sexual exploitation
VLA 36/L
From NHS health Scotland: What health workers need to
know about gender-based violence
Women’s health
Be breast aware shower cards
WOM 01/L
From NHS Lanarkshire: Self examination tips
Women’s mentoring service
WOM 02/L
From SACRO: Offers support to females who want to
reduce offending
Breast screening explained
WOM 03/L
From NHS health Scotland: You breast screening explained
Cystitis – a self help guide
WOM 05/L
From NHS health Scotland: A guide to prevention and
reducing the symptoms of cystitis
What do you know about:PMS period pains
WOM 06/L
From Health Scotland: Your questions answered
Being breast aware DVD
WOM 07/D
From breast cancer care: Information and support for those
affected by breast cancer
Period pains-a self help guide
WOM 08/L
From Health Scotland: Causes and relief from period pains
Periods what you need to know
WOM 09/L
From Family planning association: What to do when you
start having your period
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) – a self help
WOM 10/L
From Health Scotland: General hints on how to cope with
The time of your life-menopause
WOM 11/L
From Health Scotland: A fresh look at looking positively with
the menopause
The time of the month
WOM 12/L
From Health Scotland: A fresh look at pre-menstrual
Thrush – a self help guide
WOM 13/L
From Health Scotland: Causes and relief from thrush
Well women
WOM 14/L
From Health Scotland: A booklet about women’s health
Your breast screening appointment explained
WOM 15/L
From Health Scotland: Breast screening appointment
Detecting breast cancer
WOM 16/L
From Health Scotland Information about risk factors and
how you can be breast aware
Preventing cervical cancer
WOM 17/L
From Health Scotland: Tips on how to prevent cervical
The cervical screening test-put it on your list
From Health Scotland: This booklet encourages getting the
smear test
The cervical screening test-your first test
WOM 19/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet encourages getting your
first smear test
The cervical screening test-info for lesbian
bisexual women
WOM 20/L
From Health Scotland: This booklet encourages getting the
smear test
Your breasts, your health. Throughout your life
WOM 25/L
From Breast cancer care: A booklet to help you become
more breast aware
Having a smear – women talking
WOM 22/L
From Health Scotland: This leaflet tells you what some
women have said about having a smear
Breast cancer: How to spot the symptoms and
reduce the risk
WOM 23/L
From cancer research UK
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