New Prague Trojans HS Girls Soccer Grade Team Handbook (2014) COACHING PHILOSOPHY: We are here to educate our athletes about life lessons that can be learned through soccer. We are here to teach them about hard work, dedication, determination, persistence, respect, sportsmanship, teamwork, and competition both on and off the soccer field. We believe that the lessons learned while involved in this sport will help develop fine young women who will pass these same learned lessons on to others in the future. In addition, Soccer has always, and will always, be about TEAM. This idea of team is the first important concept of our philosophy here at New Prague High School. Simply put, WE ARE BETTER THAN ME. Players must trust and support each other in order for everyone to be successful. This is a life lesson that soccer can teach all participants. Another concept of our philosophy pertains to the role of the player on and off the field of play. Each soccer player is an AMBASSADOR of New Prague High School. The player represents something much larger than herself no matter where she goes to compete. She is, above all, a student-athlete (notice which label comes first). Academics will always take precedence over extracurricular sports, as they are more important to the development and success of students. Whether she is in the classroom, out with his friends, or traveling to play a game away from home, she must be mindful that she is an example to everyone around her. As such, good sportsmanship, commitment, responsibility, and hard work are all characteristics that she must possess. Winning is certainly an important objective, but not the lone measurement of success. Individual Player Development and the Team Concept are at the very top of our coaching philosophical ideals and take precedence over any one victory. As an outcome of strong player development and players embracing the TEAM concept, we will WIN. Finally, this concept of our philosophy is the basis for why soccer was conceived in the first place – Have Fun! We believe that the best reason to participate in soccer is a love for and a desire to play the game. Work hard, compete fiercely, and train to win. But at the end of the day, if you do not love what you do and look forward to it again tomorrow, you are just wasting your time. EXPECTATIONS OF COACHES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Coaches will be respectful. Coaches will be firm, friendly, and fair with players. Coaches will be knowledgeable in the sport of soccer and teach the concepts accurately. Coaches will help teach the life lessons that can be learned from being involved in soccer. Coaches will make every effort to keep players as safe and secure as possible during practices, playing games, and traveling to or from soccer games. PLAYER REGISTRATION Each of the following 1- 5 must be complete in order to practice on the first day of the season. 1. 2. 3. 4. Physical Form on file with the Athletic Department (current, active and updated as needed) Signed MSHSL Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Policy on File with the Athletic Department Soccer Participation Fee Paid to NPHS Athletic Department ImPact concussion testing EXPECTATIONS OF PLAYERS 1. Be on time for all practices and games. This includes being properly dressed for activity when we begin. If making up a test, bring a signed pass from teacher. 2. Be at all practices and games. This applies to injured players and suspended players. Conflicts such as work, other sports, consistent appointments or “habitual illness” do not excuse players to miss practices and games. A player with an unexcused absence from practice may not play in the next game. School comes first…Players are Student Athletes. This includes academics, attendance, and conduct. A player must be in school before the start of third period in order to practice or to participate in a game. A player is allowed to practice or play in a game if she is absent from school due to a school field trip or school function. Unacceptable conduct issues: 1 Detention will result in sitting out 1 game and 1 Day Suspension (ISS or OSS) will result in sitting out 2 games per day suspended. 3. Show respect. This includes, but is not limited to, team members, coaches, other players/teams, referees, fans, bus drivers, busses, and all school property/facilities (home and away). 4. Electronic devices will not be used during practice or games. This includes, but is not limited to, communication devices, mp3 players, and video games. If a cell phone rings during practice, the team may do extra conditioning. Extra conditioning may be applied to the team for an individual’s noncompliance to this rule as a form of positive peer pressure. 5. Represent New Prague in an acceptable manner at all times. 6. Read and follow all rules in the New Prague Students Activities Handbook and follow Minnesota State High School League rules.* 7. Notify coaches of any concerns. Players breaking rules or participating in inappropriate conduct during the season can result in sitting out practice and/or playing time, additional conditioning, and potentially being removed from the program. * Coaches reserve the right to INCREASE any disciplinary action for Minnesota State High School League violations. EQUIPMENT/DRESS 1. All players are required to wear shin-guards and soccer cleats during practice and games. All players will need to have certified NOCSAE shin-guards. You must show coaches your NOCSAE approved shin-guards before you play. 2. Bring Running Shoes to every practice. 3. Each player needs to have a water bottle clearly marked with her name. 4. Players need to properly care for assigned uniforms. 5. Players are responsible for game socks. They can be purchased in the athletic office $15 for two pair (white pair and black pair). 6. Each player should bring proper cold weather clothing for night games in the fall (stocking cap, gloves, jacket, sweatshirt, sweat pants, fleece…). All long sleeved or leggings must be all black during games. 7. All earrings, jewelry, piercings need to be removed before practices and games. Players not following the above rule will be removed from play and will not be allowed to participate. If during a game a coach receives a yellow card for a player not following the equipment rules or is improperly equipped, that player will be suspended up to 2 games for the infraction. 8. Goalies will be provided with a goalie shirt. Program may provide goalie gloves for players but we encourage players getting their own pair. PLAYING TIME On all three teams, the most important thing to consider is the commitment to each team. Players who make it to practice regularly and work hard at practices will simply play more. Goalies will have the most playing time on all three teams including playing the field at coach’s discretion. In addition, competition and winning are important aspects of any athletic program, but should not dominate the ethos of the program. As a general philosophy, we strive to have all of our team members participate in games. However, at the varsity and junior varsity level, coaches are playing to win games and enhance the level of play of each player. It is entirely likely in a close contest, particularly at the varsity level, that not all team members will play. It is at the discretion of the coach to provide the appropriate amount of playing time commensurate with each member’s practice preparation and ability, or in response to specific game situations. Substitutions should be made without risking the eventual outcome of the game. Again, coaches will work hard to ensure that all players get playing time in games and are working to ensure the best possible results for the team, school, and community of New Prague. Therefore, it is in your best interest to work hard in each practice and take advantage of every opportunity to improve as a player. B SQUAD TEAM Team can include 8-11 grade students. Players whose skill level is not yet ready for a higher level would receive more playing time at this level and therefore will primarily make up the B-Squad team. Again players who make practices and show commitment will play. The B-Squad coach reserves the right to play certain players longer at the more skilled positions. Player development, team development, and competing to win become more important at this level. On occasion players may play at a higher level due to improvement in skill or to take the place of an injured player. JV TEAM Players 8-12 who’s skill level is not yet ready for Varsity or who would receive more playing time at the JV level to improve their skill will primary make up the JV team. Player development is crucial, understanding team concepts, and certainly winning become even more important as the goal is to improve player skills and move them up to the varsity level. The JV coach reserves the right to play certain players longer at the more skilled positions. JV players may play at the Varsity level at any time due to improvement in skill or to take the place of an injured player. VARSITY TEAM Players at the highest skill level with a very strong commitment will play at this level. We will continue to player development by honing individual skills. Team concepts and dynamics are well understood. Winning is important at this level, more important than making equal playing time. Some players will start and play more often while others may see limited playing time. MOVEMENT OF PLAYERS From time to time players may be moved from team to team for a variety of reasons (Injuries, skill level...). In the event a player is moved to a different team, the player will be notified. On occasion, a player may be asked and allowed to play two games in one night (No more than 48 halves in a season). Again this year, incoming 8th graders will be allowed to try out for the high school team. 8th graders will only make the high school team under 3 circumstances. 1. There is a specific positional need for a player that an 8th grader can fill. 2. There is need for more players to fill out a high school team's roster. 3. An 8th grade player demonstrates during tryouts, the 1st week of high school practice, that they have the skills and ability to compete at the JV or Varsity level. MEDICAL CONCERNS/ISSUES Please notify your coach and trainer if there are any medical concerns about your daughter (asthma, allergies, illness, past injuries…). Any information discussed will remain confidential. The medical forms that were filled out at the start of the season give the coaches permission to seek medical help if it is ever needed for your daughter. If there are any family issues, other concerns or various issues about your daughter that you feel the coach should be aware of, please contact us and we will keep it confidential. GUIDELINES TO LETTER FOR THE NP GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM 1. Playing Time: A player must play in 3/4 of the varsity games or in 1/2 of the varsity halves. 2. Practice Time: A player must attend all practices unless they have an excused absence from practice for each missed day. 3. Conduct: A player must have no H.S. league rule violations. 4. Academic: A player must be passing all of their classes. A senior player may also letter by coaches discretion if above rules 2,3,and 4 are met and they have been in the H.S. program for several years. CAPTAINS There will be a few captains chosen each season to help lead our team. Players may have the opportunity to vote as to whom they would like to see as a captain and coaches will always have the final say as to who these players will be. Voting will take place at the end of the season or the end of that school year. Captains are expected to lead by example in areas of sportsmanship, respect, responsibility, motivation, persistence, determination, trust, fairness, and communication both on and off the field (including academics). Failure to fulfill any one of these expectations, or comply with the New Prague Activities Handbook, or Minnesota State High School League rules may result in the removal of that player from the role of Captain. That “open” Captain role may or may not be filled at the coach’s discretion. COMMUNITY BUILDING If you spend enough time with each other and get to know one another personally, it makes winning that much easier and losing that much tougher. We are beginning to really come together as a team and will see the rewards of this as the season progresses. We as coaches cannot force you to become close friends and teammates. However, we encourage you to spend time off the field together. Some simple team building opportunities may include, but are not limited to: 1. Offering to give underclassmen players rides to and from practice. It is a lot easier for you than it is for the parents. 2. Volunteer your time and effort to the New Prague Youth Soccer Camp or New Prague’s Fall Youth Soccer League. They will be the future of New Prague High School and look up to you. If you stop into the one of their practices to say “hi” and invite them to watch our next game, it means the world to these kids and makes them work harder to be like you. 3. Welcome and help underclassmen to the program. Do not pick on them or “beat up” on them. They are looking to you for guidance and to learn something from you. GAME SCHEDULE Access the Wright County Conference link below to access game schedule for levels of play. DRIVING TO AND FROM GAMES The coaching staff expects that students will travel to and from games on school provided transportation. Again, the unity and strength of the team is only as strong as its members. The bus ride helps to unify a team by spending time together and getting to know each other. If in some instances a student needs to travel home with a parent for a special event, then she may, with a letter from her parent, which is approved by the Varsity Coach and the Athletic Director. This request for athletic travel exception must be made prior to the day of the contest. No permissions will be granted immediately following a contest unless a parent at the game speaks directly with the coach, the parent must provide a written note, and the note must specify the adequate, very unique circumstances for the variation from the rest of the team of riding the district provided transportation. EXPECTATIONS OF PARENTS Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend their daughter’s games. We expect parents to be positive and supportive of our players. Remember that in addition to your daughter representing New Prague, you do as well. Please, represent our community in a respectable manner. Here are a few tips to remember: Be supportive of coaches: In front of your child, be supportive and positive of the coaches’ decisions. If you have problems with what the coach is doing, it is best to talk directly with the coach. Teach respect for authority: There will be times when you disagree with a coach or official(s), but remember they are trying their best and are trying to be fair. Show good sportsmanship by being positive. Let the coach do the coaching, but you can do some of the teaching: When your child is on the field, let the coach do the coaching. You can teach sportsmanship and how to deal with success and failure. Develop their character and teach life skills that athletics and activities bring to the forefront. Help your children learn through failure: The way your child handles failure can help them to face the certain failures life will throw at them in the future. The worst time for you, as a parent, to give advice is immediately after disappointment. Let your child cope in their own way. Get to know the coach: Since the coach has a powerful influence on your child, take the time to attend the preseason parent meeting and get to know the coaches’ philosophy, expectations, and guidelines. (These are also included above, but it is nice to know the coach as a person as well.) Focus on your child as an individual: Focus on what your child does well and where they need to improve. Encouragement is essential. Listen to your child, but stay rational: Always support and listen to your child, but remember to stay rational until you have investigated the situation. Remember your role as a role model: Take a good honest look at your actions and reactions in the athletic arena. These actions are a big cue to your child and to others around you. Respect the flow of the game and people involved. Parents (or other family and friends) will not contact or attempt to contact players during a game through any electronic devise. Players should be involved in the flow of the game, do not distract them. If there is a Life or Death Emergency come to the team bench to contact the coach as well as the player. DISCUSSION WITH A COACH If a Parent/Guardian needs to approach a coach with an issue or concern it should be done in the following manner: 1. 2. 3. 4. Problems will not be discussed before/during/after the game. Contact the coach tomorrow. The parent and coach will find a mutual time and place to discuss an issue (phone or in person). If an issue becomes “heated” any coach reserves the right to reschedule. Varsity coach is NOT to be contacted about an issue involving a player on another team until parent has discussed issue with their daughter’s coach. 5. If necessary, see Chain of Command in New Prague High School Athletic Handbook. COACHING STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Steve Kehrli Girls Varsity Soccer Coach New Prague Middle School 721 Central Ave New Prague, MN 56071 Voicemail: 952-758-1479 Email: Megan Thompson Girls Junior Varsity Soccer Coach Voicemail: 952-758-1443 Email: Matt Anderson Girls B-Squad Soccer Coach Voicemail: 952-758-1448 Email: