Wildlife LP

Topic: Introduction to World Agriculture/ Natural Resources
Lesson: Wildlife Management
Frameworks: 5.1, 5.4
1. Define terms related to wildlife in class notes with 100% accuracy.
2. Identify characteristics of wildlife in class notes with 100% accuracy.
3. Describe classifications of wildlife management on a worksheet with 90% accuracy.
4. Identify approved practices in wildlife management on a worksheet with 90% accuracy.
5. Discuss the importance of wildlife management in a class presentation with 90%
Interest Approach:
Ask students to draw a picture of what they think about when talking about wildlife. Give them
about 5 minutes to complete this drawing. Ask them to share their drawings with the rest of the
 Terms:
o Wildlife
o Vertebrate
o Predators
o Prey
o Parasitism
o Warm-blooded animals
o Mutualism
o Predation
o Commensalism
o Competition
o Wetlands
 Wildlife includes all animals that are adapted to live in a natural environment without
the help of humans.
o has been a part of the life of humans since the beginning of time
o Early humans followed herds of wild animals and killed what they needed in
order to live and survive.
o Humans have destroyed wildlife habitat, polluted the air and water supplies, and
killed wildlife in large numbers.
o Many species can benefit greatly from proper management.
 Characteristics of wildlife
o All vertabrate animals (animals with backbones) are included in the classification
of wildlife.
o The wildness of the animal itself is a characteristic that allows the animal to
survive without interference or help from humans.
o Wildlife must be able to adapt to whatever they are presented in terms of food
and environment, or they will perish.
Wildlife relationships
o Parasitism
 Relationship between two organisms in which one feeds on the other
without killing it
 May be internal or external
o Mutualism
 Two types of animals that live together for mutual benefit
o Predation
 One animal eats another animal
 Predators- animals that feed on other animals
 Prey- animal being eaten by the predator
o Commensalism
 Plant or animal that live in, on, or with another, sharing its food, but not
helping or harming it
o Competition
 When different species of wildlife compete for the same food supply,
cover, nesting sites, or breeding sites
Classifications of wildlife management
o Farm
 Most visible wildlife management classification
 Techniques used to manage farm wildlife
 Development of fence rows
 minimum tillage practices
 improvement of woodlots
 controlled hunting
 types of wildlife
 rabbits
 quails
 pheasants
 doves
 deer
o Forest
 Population controls to control destruction of habitat
 Types of wildlife
 Deer
 Grouse
 Squirrels
 Rabbits
o Wetlands
 Most productive wildlife management areas
 Wetlands include all areas between dry upland and open water
 Marshes, swamps, bogs
o Stream
o Lakes
o Ponds
Approved practices in wildlife
o Farm wildlife
o Forest wildlife
o Wetlands wildlife
o Stream wildlife
o Lakes and ponds wildlife
Arkansas Wildlife
o E-Moment:
 Put students into groups of 3. Have them look up a common species of
wildlife and make a presentation about the animal. Include the following:
 Habitat
 Population
 Predator or prey?
 Nuisance or beneficial?
 Hunting season?
 Management practice
 Importance to Arkansas
o Common Arkansas wildlife species
 Black bear
 Rattlesnake
 Raccoon
 Possum
 Turkey
 Skunk
 Mountain lion
Agriscience Fundamentals and Application, 3rd edition