Board Meeting Minutes 5-21-2015

Hillsborough Academy of Math and Science PTSO Board Meeting
Date | time 5/21/2015 1:00 PM | Meeting called by Jo Ann Kissel
Board members
Jo Ann Kissel, President | Carol Koenig, Vice President | Karen Fullerton, Treasurer | Misty Hubbard, Corresponding Secretary
| Tara Dinger, Recording Secretary | Valerie Manton, Parliamentarian | Dr. Cullen, Principal
Treasurer’s Report:
Bank Balance as of 5/20/2015 is $47,618.25
Deposited all book fair money; Pending Deposits of $1021.98
Checks re-ordered (Amount pending is $116)
Some outstanding checks ($748.17)
A few reimbursements to be made (dance, volunteer appreciation—amounts pending)
Expected available cash: $46,214.09
Yearbook expenses to be reimbursed (Yearkbook signing party)
Hoping to spend $24,000 for chromebooks/ipads; should have some excess; all deposits are in the account
Invoice for Book Fair still has to be done; expected to be $7400 (included in balance above and will subtract
from balance)
Summer Incidentals: need budget for beginning of the year
o 10,000 was left last year; no major funds until Boosterthon (which will be in November)
o Need funds for beginning expenses
Will leave $10k in the account for next year
After book fair invoice and funds to fund beginning of next school year, should have about $28k for Chromebook
and iPad purchases
Book Fair Update:
Jo Ann Kissel
Brought in $10,091
Keep 60% in Scholastic Dollars (approx. $6k vs $1k in actual dollars)
Use Scholastic Dollars to purchase Battle of the Books materials; also can look at online educational materials
/Grolier through Scholastic—Yearly charge of about $1800
Will take money in Scholastic Dollars – need to use by October for bonuses
Survey Results (
Karen Fullerton
Jo Ann Kissel
Positive Feedback
Work On:
o Meeting Times prohibit some attendance-> Discussed various options; will move General PTSO meeting
time to 6:30 and will do a survey of parents to determine if this has majority approval.
o Most PTSO members feel the board is friendly and approachable but some want the board to be more
accessible -> Discussion of continuing Volunteer Appreciation events, having combined board and
committee head meetings (e.g., after General PTSO meeting)
Feedback overall that PTSO is doing “awesome”
Technology Update:
Dr. Cullen has discussed concerns from the board and parents with Mr. Strader from CSA. Mr. Strader and Tina
will be meeting with the board to plan implementation of technology (projectors, Chromebooks etc) in August.
All teachers have been asked to provide a list of ancillary technology needs (e.g. speakers).
CSA is moving to have all schools fully implementing Chromebooks in August; HAMS is a pilot school. Each
school to have a separate domain.
Expected cost of additional Chromebook purchase is $14,500 (2 sets of 25 plus charging carts and licensing).
Board voted to move forward on purchase of 25 iPads (expected cost $ 6875) plus a syncing and charging cart
(expected cost $2500).
Back to School BBQ:
Carol Koenig
Yearbooks are delivered
Need to have them distributed to teachers with note for teachers to hold on to them until the Yearbook Signing
No DJ; will use speaker with music
Results of Audit:
Jo Ann Kissel
Last year: donated used tops and bottoms; idea was to use funds for field trips
Kids that donate get dress down days for the last week of school
Collect on the Monday/Tuesday and use dress down on the Wed-Fri
UNIFORMS – need new uniform company posted online and in newsletter
Uniforms need to be sorted pre Open House
Yearbook Party/Distribution:
Jo Ann Kissel
Dads’ Club to host Back to School BBQ.
DATE – Friday 28th; 6:00—8:00pm
Decision: Food Trucks (need several)
Budget: need to know range of amount needed
Dr. Cullen to call Alonso about shuttle
Dr. Cullen will check on liability issues regarding bounce house with CSA.
Dads will make other games and recruit volunteers.
Cafeteria will be utilized for seating.
Uniform Drive/New Uniform Company:
Jo Ann Kissel
Karen Fullerton
First PTSO Audit 5/21/2015 (Carol, Misty, Karen and Susan)
All reconciled; final report to go to Dr. Cullen, Jo Ann and Karen for signatures and supporting documents
Middle School Dance and Graduation Update:
Alonso providing risers and school is handling transportation
Ticket sales to start next week during lunch
PDQ will supply food;
DJ, Photo Booth, Teacher and Parent volunteers
Will use decorations from Teacher Appreciation
Student council to sell tickets to be overseen by Susan
Graduation – Shaney Nadel is doing program; invites went out
PTSO is providing light refreshments
Parents signing up to decorate, hand out programs and clean up
Shaney is in charge of handling flow
Internet Safety:
Susan Faris
Susan Faris
Idea: internet safety for each age group and separately for the parents
Need reminders of internet safety; make it part of curriculum for all
Will be addressed at Open House
Donor’s Choose
Some Donor’s Choose items are no longer at HAMS; teachers had been notified of policy that those items are
property of the school.
There is an inventory on Donor’s Choose.
Dr. Cullen to send out a reminder of the policy
Last day – when hand in keys at end of year they should also turn in Donor’s Choose item (Katie and Dr. Cullen)
Summer Meetings:
Jo Ann Kissel
Tentative June and August – one meeting each month
Summer Homework:
This will be ready next week to notify parents
Teachers will make it a portion of the grade for first quarter
Jo Ann Kissel
Discussed communication issues and concerns parents have. Discussed options responsibilities for different
types of communication and ways to improve for the upcoming school year.
Dr. Cullen approved PTSO purchase of lockbox to mount by front door for any checks that parents need to drop
off for PTSO.
PTSO Closet:
Dr. Cullen approved Dad’s club to install shelving
Dr. Cullen will look into providing a key for the PTSO closet