Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Not Just Another

Seen and Heard 21(4)
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Not Just Another Pretty Face
Edward P. Riley, Alejandra Infante, Sarah N. Mattson, and Jennifer D. Thomas
Center for Behavioral Teratology, Department of Psychology, San Diego State
University, San Diego CA 92120
This manuscript was supported in part by grants AA010417, AA014811, and
AA13525 awarded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
Address correspondence to:
Edward P. Riley, Ph.D.
Center for Behavioral Teratology
San Diego State University
6330 Alvarado Ct. #100
San Diego, CA 92120
Phone: (619) 594-4566
FAX: (619) 594-1895
Edward P. Riley is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology and
the Director of the Center for Behavioral Teratology at San Diego State University.
He has authored over 250 papers, primarily on the effects of prenatal alcohol
exposure on brain and behaviour. He has served on multiple national task forces and
expert panels focusing on the topic of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders, including
Chair of the U.S. National Task Force. He is a Past-President of the Research
Society on Alcohol (RSA) and the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group of
the RSA. He is the recipient of the RSA Distinguished Researcher Award, the
NoFAS Research Recognition Award, and most recently the Frank Seixas Award
from the RSA.
Alejandra Infante is a second year graduate student in the San Diego State
University/University of California Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology. She
received her BA from the University of California in 2007 and then worked for several
years in the neuroimaging lab of Dr. Susan Tapert. She has several publications
related to foetal alcohol spectrum disorders and adolescent alcohol use.
Sarah N. Mattson is a clinical neuropsychologist and the Associate Director of the
Center for Behavioral Teratology. She is also a Professor in Psychology, San Diego
State University and a past President of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study
Group. She is on the board of field editors for Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental
Research, the editorial board for Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, and
Neuropsychology Review and is currently serving on the Interagency Coordinating
Committee on FASD Diagnostic Issues Work Group and its DSM Revision
Subcommittee. She is primarily interested in the changes to brain and behaviour that
occur following prenatal alcohol exposure and her most current research projects
focus on development of the neurobehavioural profile of FASD.
Jennifer D. Thomas is a Professor in Psychology at San Diego State University.
She has a long research interest in the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on brain
and behavioural development. She is a past President of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorders Study Group, a member of the Executive Board of the RSA, and member
of the Editorial Board of Alcohol Research and Health. She is most recently
investigating potential treatments to reduce the severity of FASD, including
nutritional interventions.