Supplemental Material Supplemental Material for the paper entitled “Charge-Signal Multiplication Mediated by Urea Wires inside Y-Shaped Carbon Nanotubes” by Mei Lv, Bing He, Zengrong Liu, Peng Xiu, and Yusong Tu PS1: Detailed Procedure of System Preparation The simulation system was prepared as follows. First, we prepared the 1 M urea solution composed of 79 urea and 4116 water molecules, with box sizes of 4.5×5.6×5.2 nm3. Second, this aqueous urea system was relaxed for 5 ns at the constant volume and a temperature of 400 K to obtain the dispersive urea solution (here we used a high temperature for system-relaxation because urea usually self-aggregates at room temperature1). Third, a Y-SWNT was placed at the central region of the solvation box with those water/urea molecules removed if the distance between water oxygen and any Y-SWNT atom was <2.7 Å, and if the distance between any heavy atom of urea and Y-SWNT atom was <2.4 Ǻ.2 The concentration of the resulting urea solution is also ~1 M. Fourth, the obtained system was equilibrated for 5 ns at a constant temperature and pressure (300K, 1 atm), followed by a 1 ns NVT simulation at 300 K for further relaxation of the system. Last, a single charge of magnitude 1.0e was introduced and positioned at the center of a fourth carbon ring of the main tube, with a counterion position restrained at the edge of the box to keep the system charge-neutral. Then this system was used as the starting structure for the production run. PS2: Urea-Induced Drying of Y-SWNTs with A Positive Charge Fig. S1 shows when q = +e, the number of solvents inside Y-SWNT sub-tubes with respect to the time. We have performed two independent simulations, namely, case 1 (A-C) and case 2 (D-F). The urea-induced drying process for q = +e is similar to that for q = -e (see Fig. 1 in the main text), despite longer equilibrium times required (approximately 500 and 600 ns, for cases 1 and 2, respectively) and a slightly larger amount of the remaining water. Fig. S1. Number of solvents (urea/water) within the main tube (MT) and 2 branch tubes (BT1 and BT2) of the Y-SWNT with a positively external charge (of magnitude 1.0e) as a function of the time. Subfigures A-C and D-F denote cases 1 and 2 (two independent simulations performed at same conditions), respectively. Table S1 summarizes the average number of solvents inside Y-SWNT sub-tubes in equilibrium, together with the corresponding Pperfect, for two cases of the positive charge. Two independent simulations yield similar results. For both branch tubes, the tubes are occupied by ~4 urea molecules and the Pperfect are high. Although the Pperfect is not high for the main tube, as indicated in the main text, the “defective” urea wire in MT do not impede signal multiplication which is dependent upon urea wires in branch tubes, rather than the main tube. One may ask that why the data for two branch tubes are unequal. The reason is that despite the symmetric nature of two branch tubes, the potential energy profile of urea along the tube is asymmetric due to urea’s concerted orientations in the confined environment,3 thus breaking the symmetry of the system within a finite time period. Table S1: Average number of urea ( N urea ) and water molecules ( N water ) inside sub-tubes (MT/BT1/BT2) of the Y-SWNT in equilibriuma, as well as the occurrence probabilities for the “perfect” b urea wire (Pperfect), for two independent simulations (cases 1 and 2) when q = +e. Case 1 Case 2 Sub-tubes a N urea N water Pperfect N urea N water Pperfect MT 3.87 0.31 71.3% 3.74 0.53 61.4% BT1 3.95 0.15 85.6% 3.93 0.04 95.7% BT2 3.94 0.03 97.3% 3.92 0.21 80.2% The data were averaged over the last 300 ns (500–800 ns and 600–900 ns, for the case1 and case 2, respectively) in the “drying simulations”. b At this time, there is no water inside this sub-tube. PS3: Statistics for Inner Solvents in Signal-Multiplication Simulations Table S2 summarizes the average number of inner solvent molecules and the corresponding Pperfect in signal-multiplication simulations. The results are similar to those of the “drying simulations (in equilibrium)” (see Tables 1 and S1), indicating that the nearly perfect Y-shaped urea wires persist in signal-multiplication simulations. Table S2: Average number of urea ( N urea ) and water molecules ( N water ) inside sub-tubes (MT/BT1/BT2) of the Y-SWNT, as well as the occurrence probabilities for “perfect wire” (Pperfect), in signal-multiplication simulations. q = -e q = +e (case 1) q = +e (case 2) Sub-tubes N urea N water Pperfect N urea N water Pperfect N urea N water Pperfect MT 4.00 1.00 0.00% 3.86 0.31 72.95% 3.90 0.24 77.33% BT1 3.99 0.00 99.99% 3.95 0.14 86.50% 3.95 0.02 98.19% BT2 3.99 0.00 99.99% 3.94 0.04 96.34% 3.94 0.16 84.59% PS4: Altering Charge Locations on the Main Tube In this study, the charges are positioned at the center of a fourth carbon ring of the main tube. To investigate the influence of charge locations on the signal multiplication, we performed simulations with the charge located at the center of the second, twelfth, and fourteenth rings of the MT, respectively. Fig. S2 shows that as the charge position shifts, the monitored molecule (water and urea, for q = -e and q = +e cases, respectively) shifts accordingly; however, urea’s structures and orientations at the Y-junction and in branch tubes are largely unaffected by the alteration of charge locations, indicating that the urea-mediated signal multiplication is insensitive to the charge locations (provided that the charge is located on the main tube). It is interesting to note that when the charge is approaching the Y-junction (i.e., placed at the center of a fourteenth ring of the MT; see Fig. S2C), the orientations of urea wires in two branch tubes are modulated by a water molecule (which is just the monitored molecule). Fig. S2. Representative snapshots to show Y-shaped urea wires inside Y-SWNTs with different charge locations. Subfigures A, B and C represent the charges located at the center of the second, twelfth, and fourteenth rings of the MT, respectively. The imposed charge is represented by a green sphere; some carbon atoms of Y-SWNTs are omitted for clarity. (Insets) Close-ups for typical configurations of the monitored molecules and their neighboring molecules. PS5: Rerunning Simulations Using the OPLS Urea Model As noted in the main text, OPLS and KBFF models are the most widely used urea models in simulating aqueous urea systems. However, OPLS urea lacks van der Waals parameters for the hydrogen, whereas the dispersion interaction of hydrogen atoms with the nanotube wall is proven to be non-negligible when the nanotube is narrow.4 Therefore, the OPLS model may be less accurate than the KBFF model for the current study. But in order to investigate the robustness of the urea-mediated signal-multiplication, we rerun the simulations employing the OPLS urea model. To accelerate the equilibrating process, the OPLS-urea-model simulations start from the equilibrium structures obtained from KBFF-urea-model simulations. It has been found that equilibrium has been reached within 300 ns for both negative and positive charges. Then we perform 500-ns and 1-μs simulations for q = -e and q = +e, respectively, to calculate the average number of inner solvents and to study the dipole orientations of urea wires versus the time (the simulation time for q = +e is larger than that for q = -e, because we want to capture the flipping events in the positive-charge simulation). The results are displayed in Table S3 and Fig. S3. Table S3: Average number of urea ( N urea ) and water molecules ( N water ) inside sub-tubes (MT/BT1/BT2) in equilibrium of OPLS-urea-model simulations, as well as the occurrence probabilities for the “perfect” urea wire (Pperfect), with different external charges. q = -e q = +e Sub-tubes N urea N water Pperfect N urea N water Pperfect MT 3.76 1.28 0.0% 3.85 0.46 57.3% BT1 3.63 0.48 60.8% 3.62 0.51 57.1% BT2 3.49 0.70 46.6% 3.66 0.51 56.4% After the simulations have reached equilibrium, the Y-SWNT interiors are mostly filled by urea, with high occurrence probabilities of “perfect” urea wires for branch tubes (see Table S3). In addition, the monitored molecules are water and urea for q = -e and q = +e, respectively. These results are similar to those from KBFF-urea-model simulations. Compared with Table 1 in the main text, the number of remaining water is slightly larger, and Pperfect is lower. This is due to the lack of vdW parameters on OPLS-urea’s hydrogen, which underestimates the urea-nanotube interactions (and yields less accurate results as compared with the KBFF model). Fig. S3 displays the average dipole orientations [ (t ) ] of urea wires as a function of times. (t ) for the MT are stable (unchanged versus times), and are opposite for q = -e and q = +e. Hence, the charge signal has been readily converted into the orientation of the urea wire in the MT. For q = -e, (t ) for two branch tubes are mostly in the same orientation with small fluctuations [occasionally, (t ) for BT2 can flip (it seems that the orientations of OPLS urea wires in branch tubes are less stable than the KBFF one, because of the mixture with the water defects) and thus (t ) for two branch tubes are in different orientations, but this state cannot persist for a long time]; whereas for q = +e, (t ) for two branch tubes can flip (on average, the flipping occurs with a time period of ~300 ns) and they are mostly in different orientations. Thus, we can distinguish the sign of the charge via identifying (t ) for two branch tubes. These results are consistent with those of KBFF-urea-model simulations, indicating that signal conversion and multiplication persist for the OPLS urea model. In comparison with the KBFF cases (see Fig. 3 in the main text), OPLS-urea-wires are found to flip more easily than KBFF one. The possible reasons are as follows: First, as mentioned earlier, the Y-shaped urea wires in OPLS cases are mixed with more “water defects”, while water flips more easily than urea. Second, OPLS urea has no vdW parameters on its hydrogen atoms, so it undergoes smaller steric repulsion in flipping. Fig. S3. Trajectory of average dipole angle (t ) of urea orientations in each tube of the Y-SWNT in OPLS-urea-model simulations, for q = -e (left panel) and q = +e (right panel). MT, BT1 and BT2 represent the main tube and two branch tubes, respectively. In summary, when we employ the OPLS urea model instead of the KBFF model, the formation of Y-shaped urea wires as well as signal conversion and multiplication are also available. Thus, the results with the OPLS model are consistent with those of the KBFF model, in spite of slight differences between them (the KBFF results may be more accurate, since OPLS urea lacks vdW parameters on the hydrogen, which underestimates urea-nanotube interactions). We conclude that urea’s capability of converting and multiplying charge signals is robust, independent of the urea model used. References for Supplemental Material: 1 M. C. Stumpe, and H. Grubmuller, J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 6220 (2007). 2 L. Hua, R. H. Zhou, D. Thirumalai, and B. J. Berne, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 105, 16928 (2008). 3 P. Xiu, Y. Tu, X. Tian, H. Fang, and R. Zhou, Nanoscale 4, 652 (2012). 4 X. Tian, Z. Wang, Z. Yang, P. Xiu, and B. Zhou, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 395302 (2013).