Core Workgroup
A group of faculty and staff work with the Director to create all programs of the Global
Humanities Institute. Members of the Workgroup represent several disciplines and
skills, and include the participation of others at the College whose contributions to our
work are valuable.
Rita Kranidis
Professor, Department of English
Director of GHI
Marcia Bronstein
Professor, Department of English and the American English Language Program
Focus: Learning Communities Fellowship Instructor
Maisha Duncan
Social Media Librarian
Focus: Library Resources
Fellowship Support
Shelley Jones
Professor, Department of Spanish
Focus: Service Learning Abroad and Global Classrooms
Carol Moore
Instructional Designer, Center for Teaching and Learning
Focus: Curriculum Design and Fellowship Support
Nancy Nyland
Electronic Resources Librarian
Focus: Library Resources
Program Support
Greg Wahl
Associate Professor, Department of English and Reading
Focus: Fellowship Curriculum and Fellowship Instructor
Laura White
Multicultural Training Specialist, CPOD
Focus: Cultural Training and Assessment
Brenda Braham, Web Librarian
Focus: Acquisitions, Research, and Library Guides
Sharyn Neuwirth, American English Language Program
Focus: Fellowship Curriculum and Instructor
Sharon Fechter, Spanish
Focus: World Language course development
External Advisory Board
The work of the Global Humanities Institute is guided through collaboration with our internal and
external advisory boards. The list below includes experts in the fields of Global Studies, Global
Humanities, and Humanities Centers who work outside of Montgomery College.
Ann L. Ardis
Interim Deputy Provost and Director, Interdisciplinary Research Center
University of Delaware
Ann Ardis (B.A. University of Kansas, 1979; M.A., Ph.D. University of Virginia, 1988) has published
extensively on turn-of-the-twentieth-century British literature and culture. Her first book, New Women,
New Novels: Feminism and Early Modernism(Rutgers, 1990), on representations of the "New Woman" in
British fiction and the popular press, considered how and why these immensely popular (and
controversial) narratives were moved to the margins of the historical record as modernism came to be
seen as the aesthetic of modernity. Her second book, Modernism and Cultural Conflict: 1880-
1922 (Cambridge, 2002; reprinted in paper, 2008) focused more broadly on a variety of changes in the
public sphere related to the "rise" of literary modernism: e.g., the consolidation of modern disciplinary
distinctions, the emergence and decline of film and music hall theatre, and the debates about literature's
role in culture generated by socialism and feminism. The anthology she co-edited with Leslie
Lewis, Women's Experience of Modernity, 1875-1945 (Johns Hopkins, 2002), also works across and
between disciplinary and high/low culture divides. While it includes essays on women's efforts to
negotiate the literary marketplace, most of the volume's contributors work with a far broader palate of
cultural textsÑperiodical press journalism, political pamphlets, sexual advice manuals, gynecology
textbooks, psychological treatises. With Bonnie Kime Scott, she co-edited Virginia Woolf Turning the
Centuries (Pace, 2002).
Professor Ardis' most recent work is on the "mediamorphosis" (Roger Fidler's phrasing) of print at
the turn of the twentieth century. With Patrick Collier, a recent UD Ph.D., she has hosted a symposium on
"Transatlantic Print Culture, 1880-1940: Emerging Media, Emerging Modernisms," and co-edited a
collection of essays on that topoic (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008). A 2011 symposium on transatlantic print
culture has resulted in special issues of Modernism/modernity, "Mediamorphosis: Print Culture and
Transatlantic/Transnational Public Sphere(s)" (vol 19, no 3, September 2012) and the Journal of Modern
Periodical Studies(vol 3, no 2, 2012). Professor Ardis is currently developing a book, tentatively
entitled Before the Great Divides: Magazines, Modernisms, Modernities, about the transformations of
print media and the literary marketplace at the turn of the twentieth century in relation to both the
professionalization of "English studies" as an academic discipline and re-conceptualizations of the public
sphere undertaken by the historical avant-garde and by radical social movements in the UK and the US
(women's suffrage, the New Negro Movement, socialism) as the latter embedded the arts in larger
projects of socio-economic "uplift." An outtake of this project, "Making Middlebrow Culture, Making
Middlebrow Literary Texts Matter: The Crisis, Easter 1912," was published inModernist Cultures in 2011.
The syllabus for her course, "Modernism In and Beyond the Little Magazines," is posted on the Modernist
Journal Project's website.
Christine B. N. Chin, PhD
Associate Professor School of International Service
Director, graduate studies
American University
Dr. Chin's research and teaching interests are in the political economy of transnational migration,
Southeast Asian studies and intercultural relations. She is the author of In Service and Servitude: Foreign
Female Domestic Workers and the Malaysian 'Modernity' Project, and has published in international
academic journals such as International Feminist Journal of Politics, Third World Quarterly,
and International Studies Perspective. Her most recent book, Cruising in the Global Economy: Profits,
Pleasure and Work at Sea, examines the relationship between flag states, cruise lines, port communities,
middle class consumers and foreign migrant workers in the global expansion of cruise tourism. Her
current research project focuses on the relationship between transnational migrant labour and
communities in global cities. Dr. Chin is the recipient of various teaching awards at the school and
university levels: the most recent is American University's 2010 Outstanding Teaching in a Full-Time
Appointment Award.
Professor Chin's research and teaching interests are in the political economy of transnational
migration, Southeast Asian studies and intercultural relations. Selected publications: Cruising in the
Global Economy: Profits, Pleasure and Work at Sea. Ashgate Press, 2008. "Diversification and
Privatization": Securing Insecurities in the Receiving Country of Malaysia in Asia Pacific Journal of
Anthropology 9, 4 (2008): 285-303. "Labour Flexibilisation at Sea: The 'Mini U[nited] N[ations] Crew on
Cruise Ships"inInternational Feminist Journal of Politics 10, 1 (2008): 1 Ð 18. 2007). In Service and
Servitude: Foreign Female Domestic Workers and the Malaysian 'Modernity' Project. Columbia University
Press, 1988. Areas of Expertise: Global tourism, international migration, gender and development in
Southeast Asia, intercultural communication, international education
Peter Coclanis, PhD
Associate Provost, International Affairs
Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost FedEx Global Education Center
UNC Chapel Hill
As Associate Provost, Peter Coclanis is responsible for leading strategy planning for the international
efforts at the University and for coordination of the University's international activities. He served as
Associate Dean for General Education at UNC from 1993 to 1998, and chaired the History Department
from July 1, 1998 through December 31, 2003. He is also an adjunct professor in Economics and a
Faculty Affiliate in the Department of Asian Studies.
Peter A. Coclanis is the Albert R. Newsome Distinguished Professor of History and the director of
the Global Research Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is the author of
numerous works in U.S. and international economic history, including The Shadow of a Dream: Economic
Life and Death in the South Carolina Low Country, 1670-1920 (1989); with David L. Carlton, The South,
the Nation, and the World: Perspectives on Southern Economic Development (2003); and Time's Arrow,
Time's Cycle: Globalization in Southeast Asia over la Longue DurŽe (2006).
Coclanis was born in Chicago and took his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1984, joining the
faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill that same year. He works in the fields of American, international, and
Southeast Asian economic history, and has published widely in these fields.
E. Ann Kaplan
Director Emerita, Humanities Institute,
Stony Brook University
I am Distinguished Professor of English and Cultural Analysis and Theory, and founding director of The
Humanities Institute at Stony Brook, now nearing its 25th Anniversary. I am Past President of The Society
for Cinema and Media Studies, a member of the Executive Modern Language AssociationÕs Discussion
Group on Age Studies, and on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Consumption, Markets, Culture and
Humanities Research (The Journal published by the Humanities Institute at Australian National
University, Canberra). I have won many awards, including the SUNY ChancellorÕs Award for
Outstanding Scholarship and Creativity (2001), the Stony Brook Faculty Achievement Award (2004), the
Distinguished Alumnae Award, Rutgers University (2005), the Distinguished Career Award, Society for
Cinema and Media Studies (2009), and in 2012 I will finally receive an Honorary Degree from Josai
International University, Tokyo, Japan, awarded in 2010.
My research interests have long included WomenÕs and Gender Studies, Feminist Film Theory, Film
Noir, Postmodernism and Post-colonialism in film and media, Popular Culture, World Cinema. Most
recently, my research has focused on Trauma Studies and Age Studies. Over the years, I have published
eight monographs, edited or co-edited fifteen anthologies, and published more than forty articles in
refereed journals or anthologies. My books have been translated into seven languages, and I have
lectured all over the world.
My pioneering research on women in film (see Women in Film: Both Sides of the Camera, Women in Film
Noir and Motherhood and Representation) continues to be in print and influential in the United States and
abroad. Looking for the Other: Feminism, Film and the Imperial Gaze dealing with race and ethnicity in
film was published in 1997. Feminism and Film (2000), an edited collection, brings together major feminist
film theories from 1980 to 2000. My more recent research focuses on trauma as evident in Trauma and
Cinema: Cross-Cultural Explorations (co-edited with Ban Wang in 2004), and my 2005 monograph,
Trauma Culture: The Politics of Terror and Loss in Media and Literature (2005). I am currently working on
two further book projects, Future-Tense Trauma: Dystopian Imaginaries on Screen and The Unconscious
of Age: Screening Older Women. Essays anticipating both books were published in 2010 and 2011, or
are presently in press.
Anouar Majid, PhD
Professor, Director of the Center for Global Humanities
Associate Provost for Global Initiatives
University of New England
Anouar Majid is the founding director of the Center for Global Humanities and associate provost for
Global Initiatives at the University of New England. His work has dealt with the place of Islam in the age
of globalization and Muslim-Western relations since 1492. He has been described by Cornel West in his
book Democracy Matters as one of a few "towering Islamic intellectuals."
In 2004, Stanford University Press published Majid's Freedom and Orthodoxy: Islam and Difference in the
Post-Andalusian Age, a book that looks at half a millennium of history and cultural contact to trace the
evolving roots of discord and extremism. It was listed by the British magazine New Statesman as one of
the best books of 2004. In a review for the American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, David Johnson
stated that "Freedom and Orthodoxy is a brilliant apology for dismantling the hegemonic and false
pretensions of western universalisms in favor of a world in which local groups (e.g., religious
communities, regions, and nations) are allowed to construe their own strategies for cultural, political, and
economic flourishing."
In early January 2012, Majid published Islam and America: Building a Future Without Prejudice to
help general readers understand the cultural and ideological origins of the conflicted relations between
the United States and the Muslim world and to suggest challenging and even controversial ways to move
toward a more peaceful future. Before the book was available,Publishers Weekly wrote: "Through a mix
of history, personal reflections on being a Muslim in America, and musings about politics, Majid argues
that a future of good will and understanding is possible and offers suggestions for achieving it." It
described the book as "important," a new step in "the noble goal of tearing down animosity between Islam
and America," and concluded that "Majid's message is critical in today's political climate, and this work is
a worthwhile contribution to an ongoing dialogue." In late February 2012, Booklist concluded its review of
the book by saying: "Forthright and fair, Majid's analysis will not satisfy everyone. But that's exactly the
point." As Majid says in the book: "Conversations humanize us; unyielding certitudes turn us into warring
tribes and killing machines."
Anouar Majid is a novelist, the author of Si Yussef (1992, 2005). In late 2003, he co-founded and
started editing Tingis, the first Moroccan-American magazine of ideas and culture. The magazine has
been featured in the Portland Press Herald, the Boston Globe, and other U.S. and Moroccan media
outlets. The magazine is now published under the new title of TingisRedux. Majid also hosts a related
blog titled Tingitana.
Joseph B. Scholten, PhD
Associate Director for International Affairs
University of Maryland, College Park
Joseph B. Scholten manages UMD International Agreements, including advising and assisting with the
drafting of new accords; coordinates the Maryland Global Leaders campus speaker series (a joint effort
with the UMD School of Public Policy); and serves as Director of the Maryland Study Centre at Kiplin Hall,
North Yorkshire, UK. He is also campus representative for Fulbright programs for faculty and professional
staff, and assists area initiatives for India and Africa. Joe has been at UMD since 2001, and has taught for
the Classics Department, (co-leading on several occasions the winter term study abroad program in
Central Italy), as well as for the Department of History and the University Honors College. He served as
Interim Associate Director for the latter from August 2005 until November 2006, when he joined the Office
of International Affairs. Prior to coming to UMD, he was Associate Professor of History at Michigan State
University, and Assistant Professor of History at Portland State
Joseph B. Scholten holds an BA in History and Classical Civilization from the University of Michigan, and
MA and Phd from the Graduate Group in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology at the
University of California, Berkeley. He is an alumnus of the Summer Program of the American Numismatic
Society (and subsequently ANS Graduate Fellow), and the Regular Program of study at the American
School of Classical Studies at Athens (as a Fulbright Fellow). He has also been a Fulbright Senior
Scholar, at the Seminar fuer alte Geschichte at the Westfaelishe Wilhelms-Universitat in Muenster,
Germany. Prior to coming to UM, Dr. Scholten was Assistant Professor of History at Portland State
University, and Assistant and Associate Professor of History at Michigan State University. At College
Park, he has also taught in the Department of History and in the University Honors Program, and
currently serves as Associate Director of the Office of International Programs. Dr. Scholten is the author
of The Politics of Plunder. Aitolians and their Koinon in the Early Hellenistic Era, 279-217 B.C. (Hellenistic
Society and Culture, XXIV; Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2000). He has also contributed articles to
collections dealing with various aspects of late Classical and early Hellenistic Greek political and
institutional developments. He is currently working on a prequel to his Aitolia monograph ("Inventing
Aitolia. Studies in the Origin of an ancient Greek ethnos."). For UM Classics, Dr. Scholten teaches such
courses as the Department has need (primarily introductory surveys of Greek and Latin literature [in
translation] and lower division Latin). He also serves on the faculty team that teaches the annual Classics
Winter Term Study Abroad program in central Italy.
Peter N. Stearns, PhD
Provost and Professor of History
George Mason University
Peter N. Stearns became Provost and Professor of History at George Mason University on January 1,
2000; he was named University Professor in January 2011. He has taught previously at Harvard, the
University of Chicago, Rutgers, and Carnegie Mellon; he was educated at Harvard University.
Dr. Stearns has authored or edited over 110 books. He has published widely in modern social history,
including the history of emotions, and in world history. Representative recent or forthcoming works
include: Satisfaction Not Guaranteed: Dilemmas of Progress in Modern Society; Doing Emotions History;
and Demilitarization in Modern History. He has also edited encyclopedias of world and social history, and
since 1967 has served as editor-in-chief of The Journal of Social History.
In most of his research and writing, Dr. Stearns pursues three main goals. First, as a social historian he is
eager to explore aspects of the human experience that are not generally thought of in historical terms,
and with attention to ordinary people as well as elites. Second, he seeks to use an understanding of
historical change and continuity to explore patterns of behavior and social issues. Finally he is concerned
with connecting new historical research with wider audiences, including of course classrooms. Dr. Stearns
is also eager to promote comparative analysis and the assessment of modern global forces Ð for their
own sake and as they illuminate the American experience and impact.
During Dr. Stearns' tenure as Provost, Mason has more than tripled its level of funded research and has
tripled its number of doctoral programs. Expanding global partnerships include a growing number of dual
degree programs and elaborate connections with students and universities in countries like China,
Turkey, South Korea and Brazil.
Michael P. Steinberg
Director, Cogut Humanities Center
Barnaby Conrad and Mary Critchfield Keeney Professor of History and Professor of Music
Departments: COGUT Humanities Center, History, Music.
Michael P. Steinberg is Director of the Cogut Center for the Humanities and Professor of History and
Music at Brown University. He also serves as Associate Editor of The Musical Quarterly and The Opera
Quarterly. He was a member of the Cornell University Department of History between 1988 and 2005.
Educated at Princeton University and the University of Chicago, he has been a visiting professor at these
two schools as well as at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and National Tsinghua University in Taiwan. His main research interests include the cultural history of modern Germany and
Austria with particular attention to German Jewish intellectual history and the cultural history of music. He
has written and lectured widely on these topics for the New York Times and at the Lincoln Center for the
Performing Arts, the Bard Music Festival, and the Salzburg Festival. He has received fellowships from the
American Council of Learned Societies, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the John Simon
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation as well as the Berlin Prize from the American Academy, Berlin. He is
the author of studies of Hermann Broch, Aby Warburg, Walter Benjamin, and Charlotte Salomon, and of
Austria as Theater and Ideology: The Meaning of the Salzburg Festival (Cornell University Press, 2000),
of which the German edition (Ursprung und Ideologie der Salzburger Festspiele; Anton Pustet Verlag,
2000) won Austria's Victor Adler Staatspreis in 2001. Listening to Reason: Culture, Subjectivity, and 19thCentury Music appeared Princeton University Press in early 2004; Judaism Musical and Unmusical was
published by the University of Chicago Press in 2007. He serves as a director of the Barenboim-Said
Foundation (U.S.A.) and, between 2010 and 2013, as dramaturg to the new production of Wagner's Ring
of the Nibelung at the Teatro alla Scala, Milan, and the Berlin State Opera.
Professor Steinberg has been the recipient of grants and fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim
Memorial Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned
Societies, and the American Academy Berlin (Berlin Prize)
Montgomery College Faculty Associates
Geoffrey Batchelder, Philosophy, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Marcia Bronstein, Learning Communities Coordinator, Takoma Park /Silver Spring Campus
Salvatore Di Maria, Geography, Rockville Campus
Maisha Duncan, Librarian, Takoma Park /Silver Spring Campus
Sharon Fechter, Department Chair World Languages and Philosophy, Rockville
James Furgol, History, Germantown
Robert Giron, English, AELP, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Ray Gonzalez, American English Language Program [and Asian languages], Rockville Campus
Evelyn Gonzalez-Mills, Counseling, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Marian Graham, AELP + Political Science –History, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Chris Haga, Geography, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Jennifer Haydel, Political Science & Renaissance Scholars, Germantown Campus
Kenneth Jassie, Art, Rockville Campus
Dan Jenkins, Philosophy, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Terence Johnson, History, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Shelley Jones, World Languages Area Coordinator, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Ian March, English/Creative Writing, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Aida Martinovic-Zic, AELP, Rockville Campus
John McLaughlin, English, Germantown Campus
Carol Moore, Instructional Designer, Center for Teaching and Learning
Michelle Moran, History and Political Science, Rockville
Takiko Mori-Saunders, Sociology, Rockville
Joan Naake, English, Germantown
Carla Isabel Naranjo, World Languages, Germantown
Nancy Nyland, Librarian, Germantown Campus
Ellen Olmstead, English, Rockville Campus
Eniola Olowofoyeku, Student Services, Takoma Park Campus
Kelly Rudin, Humanities/Social Sciences/Education, Germantown Campus
Sahar Sattarzadeh, Sociology, Social Problems, Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Miriam Simon, AELP and English, Takoma Park /Silver Spring Campus
Alonzo Smith, History/Political Science, Rockville
Karl Smith, History, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Maria Sprenh, Anthropology, Rockville Campus
Valerie Tanner, World Languages, Philosophy – French, Rockville
Deborah Taylor, English, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Tara Tetrault, Anthropology, (Ethnoarchaeology), Takoma Park/Silver Spring
Jorinde van den Berg, English / AELP, Germantown Campus
Usha Venkatesh, ESL/Humanities, Rockville Campus
Laura M. White, Multicultural Training Specialist, HRDE/CPOD
P. Rachel Wilson, English, Rockville
Tanner Wray, Director of College Libraries and Information Services, Libraries, Rockville
Nathan Zook, Political Science and International Studies, Rockville Campus
Internal Advisory Board
The work of the Global Humanities Institute is guided through collaboration with our
internal and external advisory boards. This list consists of faculty, administrators and
staff at Montgomery College who are members of our internal advisory board.
Judy Ackerman, Vice President and Provost, Rockville Campus
Genevieve Carminati, Collegewide Women’s Studies
Cinder Cooper, English, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Christina Devlin, English, Germantown Campus
Sara Ducey, Director, Paul Peck Humanities Institute
Rebecca Eggenschwiler, English, Rockville Campus
Mary Furgol, History, Rockville Campus
Chip Gladson, Writing in the Disciplines, Collegewide
Amy Gumaer, Grants Manager and writer for this grant
Lucy Laufe, Coordinator, Collegewide Honors Program, Humanities/Social Sciences/Education, Germantown
Tulin Levitas, Philosophy and Women’s Studies, Rockville Campus
Greg Malveaux, Coordinator for Study and Travel Abroad
Timothy McWhirter, Philosophy, Rockville Campus
Michael Mills, Director, Distance Education and Learning Technologies, Germantown Campus
Nancy Nuell, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs Advancement & Community Engagement/Grants &
Sponsored Programs, West Gude 40WG
David Phillips, Director of Arts Institute and Associate Dean for the Arts, Rockville Campus
Siobhan Quinn, Director of Cultural Arts Center Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Sanjay Rai, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of the President
Rodney Redmond, Instructional Dean, Rockville
Kelly Rudin, History, Germantown Campus
Clarice Somersall, Special Assistant to the SVPs for Academic Affairs and Student Services
Deborah Stearns, Psychology, Rockville Campus
Brad Stewart, Vice President and Provost, Takoma Park /Silver Spring Campus