Name Period ______ Chapter 7 Section 2: Evidence of Evolution

Name ______________________
Period _____________
Chapter 7 Section 2: Evidence of Evolution
Does natural selection occur today? Give an example.
Forms of Evidence:
What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
Similarities in Body Structure:
Reptiles, birds and mammals all have a similar anatomy so they are classified as
______________________________. All these groups probably inherited a similar structure
from an early vertebrate ancestor that they ___________________.
Homologous structures are similar structures that related species have inherited
from a ___________________ _______________________.
Similarities in Early Development:
________________________ make _____________________ about evolutionary relationships by
comparing how different species develop before birth.
Similarities in DNA and Proteins:
If ___________ species have similar DNA and proteins, they probably evolved from the
same _____________________.
How do fossils form?
Fossil ___________________ supports the theory of evolution. Most fossils form when
organisms that ___________ become buried in sediments.
A mold is a ________________ area in _________________________ in the shape of an organisms
or part of an organism. A ________________ is a solid copy of the __________________ of an
Name ______________________
Period _____________
Petrified Fossils:
Petrified fossils are _____________________ in which minerals replace all or part of an
Trace Fossils:
A ________________________ footprint is one example of a trace fossil. From fossil
footprints, _________________________ can find answers to questions about an animal’s
size and behavior.
Preserved Remains:
How do ancient organisms get preserved in amber?
Learning from Fossils:
What do scientists learn from fossils?
History of Life:
Life began with one _______________ organisms. After a long time, __________________ and
animals appeared.
Past Environments:
What can fossils show about past environments?
Evolution occurs slowly but _______________________.
Punctuated Equilibria:
What is the hypothesis of punctuated equilibria?
Name ______________________
Period _____________