Read more about the Poison Center

Anytime, anywhere, anyone can call the Poison Center. Minnesota depends on it.
Please support critical Poison Center funding (HF 346/SF 359)
Anytime -- The Poison Center Emergency Call Center is available 24/7/365
 Poison Center pharmacists provide specialized medical information and advice on safe
management at home or the need for immediate transport to a medical facility
 Pharmacists consult throughout the care process and call to follow-up
Anywhere -- calls come from all 87 Minnesota counties
 48,446 calls in 2014 from homes, schools, workplaces, and health care facilities
 Over 50% of poisonings involve medications or illicit drugs
Anyone -- can call for help managing poison emergencies
 Community members: call for help with infants, children, teens, adults, and seniors
 Providers: EMT’s, paramedics, physicians, pharmacists, and nurses
Services now and for the future
 Surveillance of emerging public health issues, from toxic toys to emerging drugs of abuse
 Focus on treatment, prevention, and education of providers and public safety officials
 APPE site for PharmD IV students
The Poison Center saves lives and money all across Minnesota. Every $1 spent on Poison Center
services SAVES over $13 in unnecessary medical costs. 91% of exposures in the home are safely
managed at home with expert consultation.
 In 2014, Poison Center services saved Minnesotans $35 million in health care and lost
productivity costs and prevented 27,000 unnecessary Emergency Department visits
The Poison Center is requesting an $800,000 increase in annual appropriations. These funds are
critical for ongoing services and staffing of the 24/7 emergency call center, public and professional
education, poison prevention programs, and surveillance of emerging public health threats.
Failure to fund would trigger a cascade of losses, including:
 Loss of medical education funds, prevention education and public health surveillance
 Loss of national accreditation and more than $400,000 of contingent federal funds
 Limited capacity of the 24-hour emergency call center
The Poison Center saves lives and money.
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