Skye`s CV - GIS 4 Geomorphology

Skye W. Cooley
FOCUS - Quantitative spatial analysis, geomorphology, field mapping, scientific communication & GIS.
Arctic Spatial Ecologist
Audubon Alaska (Anchorage AK)
2015 – Present
Arctic Marine Atlas Project.
Adjunct Faculty
Boise State University Geosciences Department (Boise ID)
5 years (2010 – 2015)
21 semester courses + all labs: GEOS 462/562 Advanced Geospatial Analysis, GEOS 497 GIS & Geomorphology,
BIOL 497 GIS for Ecologists, GEOG 360/560 Intro to GIS, GEOG 361/561 Introductory Remote Sensing, GEOG
361a/561a GIS for Geoscientists. ~100 students per year, mostly seniors and graduate students from STEM majors.
All were upper division courses (300, 400, 500 level) that constituted a significant portion of the requirements for
the Minor in GIS and Graduate Certificate in GIS. I designed all curriculum, lectures, and labs.
3 years, part time (2012 – Present)
Quantitative geomorphometry and technical consulting services; Website design; Scientific illustration; Data
analysis; Image processing.
Instructor in Natural Resources
Spokane Community College - Department of Natural Resources (Spokane WA)
1 year (2007 – 2008)
Intro to GIS, Plant Biology, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Planning, Intro to Wildlife
Soil Scientist (Geomorphologist)
Colville Confederated Tribes - Natural Resources Department / Environmental Trust (Nespelem WA)
5 years (2002 – 2007)
Timber sale planning, NEPA docs, soil impact monitoring, contracts, grant writing, surface mine permits.
GIS Specialist
Metron & Associates, Inc. - Land Surveyors / Land Use Planning (Arlington WA)
1.5 years (2001 – 2002) GIS maps, support to land surveying, land use planning, property records research.
Geology Intern
Exxon Mobil - USA Production, Onshore Nearfield Exploration Group (Houston TX)
4 month internship (Jan - May 1999)
Gas field exploration project at a major oil company.
PhD studies in Geology (incomplete), Utah State University, 2008-2010
Dissertation Research: Paleohydrology of the Pleistocene Bear River and pluvial Lake Bonneville
MS Geology, University of Wyoming, 2000
Thesis: Satellite imagery analysis & development of the 1.43-Ga Poe Mountain Anorthosite, WY
BA Geology, Whitman College, 1996
Thesis: Timing & emplacement mechanism of sheeted clastic dikes in Missoula flood deposits, WA
Geology Summer Field Course, University of Wyoming, 1995 (Top Undergraduate Award)
Soil Science Institute, USDA-NRCS Soil Survey/Washington State Univ, 2005, 6-week professional development
Soil Geomorphology Institute, USDA-NRCS/Washington State Univ, 2007, 3-week professional development
Cooley, S.W., 2015, The curious clastic dikes of the Columbia Basin, in R.J. Carson, Many Waters, Keokee Books
Cooley, S.W., 2014, Mount Tolman mining history, Northwest Geology Journal: Geology of the Republic Area and
Portions of the Okanogan Highlands WA, v. 43
Cooley, S.W., 2014, Exposures of large clastic dikes in Columbia Basin: A geologic traverse through WA, OR, ID,
Northwest Geology Journal: Geology of the Republic Area and Portions of the Okanogan Highlands WA, v. 43
Garwood, D.L; Feeney, D.M.; Phillips, W.M.; Cooley, S.W., 2014, Geologic Map of the Nutmeg Flat Quadrangle,
Washington County ID, DWM-168, 1:24,000 scale
Garwood, D.L; Feeney, D.M.; Phillips, W.M.; Cooley, S.W., 2014, Geologic Map of the Mann Creek SE
Quadrangle, Washington County ID, DWM-169, 1:24,000 scale
Cooley, S.W.; Pederson, J.L., 2010, Surficial Geologic Mapping in the Oneida Narrows Area, Caribou & Franklin
Counties ID, 1:24,000 scale, Idaho Geological Survey (Map covers 65 square mile area along the Bear River)
Cooley, S.W., 2010, Surficial geologic mapping in the Oneida Narrows area, southeastern ID, GSA Annual
Meeting Abstracts w/ Programs, v. 42
Cooley, S.W., Thorson, R.M., 2010, Mapping the stone walls of southern New England: Newport County RI &
Bristol County MA, GSA Annual Meeting Abs w/Progs, v. 42
Keeley, J.A.; Rodgers, D.W.; Link, P.K.; Cooley, S.W., 2010, Geologic Map of Portions of the Thatcher Hill,
Treasureton, Cottonwood Creek & Oneida Narrows Reservoir Quadrangles, Franklin, Bannock & Caribou Counties
ID, 1:24,000 scale, Idaho Geological Survey Technical Report TR12-6
Cooley, S.; McMillan, M., Tressler, C., 2009, GIS methods for tectonic geomorphology, GSA Abs w/Progs, v. 41
Cooley, S.W., 2009, Paleohydrology of the Pleistocene Bear River and pluvial Lake Bonneville, 4th Spring Runoff
Conference/14th Intermountain Meteorology Workshop, Abstracts w/ Programs, p. 63
Cooley, S.W., 2008, Clastic Dikes: Indicators of climate during late-glacial Missoula flooding? GSA Annual
Meeting Abstracts w/ Programs, v. 40
Robinson, H.S.; Wielgus, R.B.; Cooley, H.S.; Cooley, S.W., 2008, Implications of sink populations in large
carnivore management; cougar demography & immigration in a hunted population, Ecological Applications, v. 18
Cooley, S.W., 2007, Geomorphic Landtype Units: Integrating soils, geology & GIS in the undergraduate
classroom, GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting Abstracts w/ Programs, v. 39
Cooley, S.W., 2006, Rebuilding GPS animal collar battery packs, Cirque Geoscience Technical Bulletin 2006-1
Cooley, S.W., 2006, Contour-felled log erosion barriers the right way: Specifications & workflow
recommendations for B.A.E.R. Teams, Cirque Geoscience Technical Bulletin 2006-4
Cooley, S.W., 2006, Culvert size classes and failure rates for 578 crossings in the Omak Creek Watershed (RMU13), Colville Indian Reservation, Colville Confederated Tribes Environmental Trust Report
Cooley, S.W., 2005, A quantitative field-based method for documenting harvest impacts to forest soils of the
Inland Northwest, Colville Confederated Tribes Environmental Trust Report
Hunner, W.; Jones, C.; Cooley, S.W., 2004, Inherent watershed and soils sensitivity analysis of the 1.36 million
acre Colville Indian Reservation: Sensitivity scores, ratings, calculations, and criteria, Colville Confederated Tribes
Environmental Trust Report
Cooley, S.W., 1999, Detached blocks within the 1.43-Ga Poe Mountain Anorthosite WY, GSA Annual Meeting
Abstracts w/ Programs, v. 31
Cooley, S.W., Pidduck, B.; Pogue, K.R., 1996, Timing and emplacement of clastic dikes in late Pleistocene
Missoula flood deposits, Walla Walla Valley WA, GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting Abstracts w/ Programs
2010 - Tobacco Root Geological Society, $500, "Co-evolution of the Pleistocene Bear River and Pluvial Lake
2009-2010 - U.S. Geological Survey EdMap Program, $13,645 to Joel Pederson and Skye Cooley, "Surficial
geologic mapping in the Oneida Narrows area, SE Idaho"
2009-2010 - Colorado Scientific Society / William G. Pierce Grant, $480, "Co-evolution of the Pleistocene Bear
River and pluvial Lake Bonneville"
2006 - EPA Indian GAP Grant, $25,000, "Large pools GPS inventory of a 50-mile reach, Sanpoil River, Colville
Indian Reservation WA"
2006 - BIA Watersheds Program/Healthy Forests Initiative, $42,000, "Nespelem River Watershed GPS roads
inventory, Colville Indian Reservation WA"
2005 - EPA 319 Watershed Improvement Grant, $7,700, "Nespelem River streambank restoration project, Colville
Indian Reservation WA"
2015 – Reviewer: Earth Surface Processes & Landforms Journal (Wiley)
2015 – Reviewer: Chang, K-T. (2015) Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 8th (McGraw-Hill)
2015 – Mapping: Idaho Bird Observatory: Restoration planning map along the Boise River near Harris Ranch, ID
2015 – Website Rebuild: Tobacco Root Geological Society ( in progress
2014 - Idaho Geological Survey: Contract geologic mapping on Montour, Mann Creek SE, Nutmeg Flat, Emmett
NE Quadrangles ID
2014 - Conference Program Organizer: Tobacco Root Geological Society, 39th Annual Meeting in Republic WA
2013 – Cartographer: Bogus Basin Summer Recreation Map: Mountain Biking & Hiking Trails
2011-2015 – Scholarship Committee: Tobacco Root Geological Society
2011 - Idaho Geological Survey: Water well logging, NEVID LLC #59098
2010 – Mapping: Listen Acoustics, Inc.: Noise Mapping in the Pearl District, Portland OR
2009 – Artwork: Western Associated Fish & Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA)
Cover artwork and design for book 'Managing Cougars in North America'
2008 – Cartographer: Northwest Map Service: Spokane County Road Atlas (2009 Edition)
2005 - Colville Confederated Tribes History & Archaeology Department/U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Geomorphic Map of Site 45-FE-497, Lower 8 Miles of the Kettle River, Ferry County WA
2005 - Colville Confederated Tribes History & Archaeology Department
Geomorphology of Site 45-GR-1008, Steamboat Rock State Park, Grant County WA
Research Website
S.W. Cooley Fine Woodworking