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NILBMC Membership meeting minutes – May 8, 2012
President Dave Kalp called the business meeting together at Mad Anthony’s about 6:35pm, with 20 members attending.
President Kalp opened with special thanks to several members for exceptional club work: Bruce Barton, Greg Cobb, and Bruce
Woodward, to Bruce Barton for his work on creating the DVD of the 2011 Fall Out event, and to Shelia Cobb for undertaking several
projects, such as apparel and regalia.
Bruce Woodward called attention to his son Bruce, who lives in Bloomington, who has developed the club website design and has
provided numerous new features that make it suitable for handheld devices viewing, which so many people rely upon for daily
Introductions were made around the tables, attendees learning the latest experiences among other members.
As Promised last month, the club enjoyed the second episode of the “Rest of the Story” from Doug Kehler, where he explained his
trade for a MGA Coupe. We’re promised the third half of the story will be heard in June.
Shelia Cobb spoke about the club apparel and name tag buttons. Members will be able to order Long Sleeved shirts with Logo, for
$30.00 and tax in Ultramarine Blue from Designs by Kim, ordering by September 1 to assure delivery by Fall Out 2012. Long sizes are
available for $34.00.
The Club decided to purchase a Badge Making kit for $60-70 to make nametags for members. We cannot get the embroidered logo
on a cap, so we went with the Long sleeved shirt for club members. We might have only club initials on a cap, should someone wish.
Late note: Dave Kalp spoke with Kim and she agreed to minimize the NILBMC logo and attempt to put it on baseball caps that she
sells in her shop. Dave has purchase two, in different colors, and will bring them to the June membership meeting at the Cove.
Liability Insurance for club shows will be handled by NAMGBR when we have 8 members of the club also holding membership in
NAMGBR, and the call was made to invite a few more members to join to assure coverage for the year.
New Business
Bruce Woodward spoke about new features on the club website, where the website has been adapted to mobile devices. The
Calendar is a Google Calendar, which can be synchronized with other applications for each person maintaining their personal
Greg Cobb announced a FallOut 2012 organizational meeting, to be held May 15th, at 5:30 at the Cobb Residence. Greg asked for
RSVPs to allow planning for those attending. Dave Kalp reminded everyone that we do need member participation for the
committees and for volunteers on the day of the event.
Bruce Woodward called everyone’s attention to upcoming events for May and June, as follows:
May 20 – City of Lakes Car Show – Downtown Warsaw. 300 cars are expected.
June 1st-3rd – Champagne Illinois British Car Festival will be held, with the Aston Martin marque being featured this year.
June 3rd – British return to Fort Meigs – near Perrysburg, OH
June 6-10 – NAMGBR annual event is being held in Dillard Georgia
June 9th, Jaguar of Indiana is hosting a museum Run – Phil and Joy Werth request RSVP for those attending
NILBMC Membership Meeting Minutes
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June 12 – NILBMC membership meeting is being held at the Cove on Shriner Lake at 6:30pm
June 22nd – 24th – Mid-Ohio Vintage Grand Prix in Lexington, Ohio
June 24th – Michiana Brits Field Day – NILBMC is going to go up and eat at Tabor Hill afterwards.
A reminder that Dues are DUE was expressed by Dave. The $25 dues should be sent to treasurer Bruce Woodward
Being no other new business, the Raffle was conducted by Greg, with Paul Reidy, Blanch Knight, and Cathy Barth each receiving
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Maxwell, NILBMC Secretary
NILBMC Membership Meeting Minutes
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