Course Action Request Form * DRAFT

Course Action Request Instructions
UW Regulation 6-806, Revision 2, charges the University Course Review Committee with monitoring the entire course
review process through the Course Review Coordinator (CRC) located in the Office of the Registrar. Revision 2 also
mandates a “Silence is Approval Stipulation.” This stipulation means that if action is not taken by the appropriate
committee/individual within 30 regular semester days (Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters only)
of receipt of the course request being proposed, then the proposed course request will be considered approved by the
identified endorsing unit. “Action” may include requests for additional information or distribution of an agenda containing
the proposal (University Course Review Committee Agendas are distributed one week prior to the meeting).
 Complete Course Action Request Form (per instructions below), save in Word format, and electronically forward
to your department head.
 Depending on the number of committees needed to review this Request, the process will normally take 3 – 6
Department Head:
 If this course is at the 1000 or 2000-level, articulation with the Wyoming Community Colleges needs to be
addressed. Contact Erin Olson in the Office of the Registrar at 766-5723.
 Print and sign the last page before forwarding it to your college committee.
 Electronically forward the original Course Action Request Form to your college committee; mail or deliver the
signature page.
College Committee:
 If this course carries a University Studies designation, the College must be in contact with the Office of Academic
Affairs at 766-4287 to determine if the University Studies Committee needs to review the proposed changes.
 If approved, sign on page 3. The College signature indicates an explicit commitment for any and all
resources necessary to offer this course.
 Forward the original Request, via email, to Mail or deliver the last page, with all
necessary signatures, to Matt Coulter, Course Review Coordinator, Office of the Registrar.
Filling Out the Forms:
1. UW Regulations 6-721 and 6-806 should be consulted and followed in the completion of this form. The answers to the
questions asked in this proposal are required by these UW Regulations.
2. If proposing a new course, complete all information requested in the boxes. Electronically attach a proposed syllabus,
following guidelines outlined in UW Regulation 6-809. Syllabi not meeting these guidelines will be considered
incomplete. Contact Matt Coulter ( to verify the availability of course numbers.
3. If requesting modifications to an existing course, complete all information requested for the current course and
indicate the proposed changes in the respective boxes. For modifications involving a change in credit hours, dual
listing and/or change in course description, attach both current and proposed syllabi (see UW Regulation 6-809).
4. If requesting to discontinue a course, complete only the Action Requested and Rationale statement on the first page
and obtain the appropriate signatures. Be sure to address any curricular implications beyond your unit.
5. If there is a possibility (however remote) of the proposed course overlapping with existing courses, include supporting
letters from related departments.
6. If a course is being proposed for dual listing (to enable concurrent offering at both the 4000 & 5000-level), additional
course requirements must be specified for the 5000-level class so that students may receive graduate-level credit. The
syllabus for a dual listed course should reflect two separate grading rubrics for undergraduate and graduate work.
7. In deciding on an appropriate course number for undergraduate courses, follow these guidelines:
 For 1000- and 2000-level courses, please use numbers in the following ranges: 1001-1499 and 2000-2499. Course
numbers between 1500-1999 and 2500-2999 are reserved for technical courses offered at the community colleges.
For upper- and graduate-level courses, please use the following numbers for the course indicated:
 4960 Field Studies
 4965 Directed Studies/Research Problems
 4970
 4975 Independent Studies
 4980 Cooperative Work Experience
 4985
 4990 Topics
 4995 Workshop
 5900
Pract/College Teaching
 5920 Cont Reg: On Campus  5940 Cont Reg: Off Campus
 5960
Thesis Research
 5980 Dissertation Research  5990 Internship
Questions regarding procedural issues or the status of a request should be addressed to the
Course Review Coordinator, Matt Coulter, at 766-5724 or emailed to
Course Action Request Form
Electronically forward this form for approval
Initiator of this proposal:
Requested Action (check all that apply):
Add new course
Add Cross or Dual list
Remove Cross or Dual list
Change course description
Change title
Change credit hours
Other (specify)
Change prerequisites
Change number
Change grading system
Semester and year action requested to take effect: Choose One: 20
(Please note: changes in credit hours, grading method, or course level cannot go into effect for a semester if early
registration has begun. Changes will be effective the following semester.)
Existing Course:
Proposed Course:
Abbreviated title (28 character maximum including spaces):
List any currently approved University Studies Program (USP) designation(s):
Request for University Studies Program (USP) Approval (for USP 2003 or for which you have attached Learning
Outcomes Forms for USP 2015; check boxes for which you have attached criteria sheets. Contact the USP Committee at
766-4286 with any questions on USP.):
USP 2003
USP 2015
Integrated Cultural Context ..................... C
First Year Seminar……………………….. FYS
Humanities ........................................ CH
Communications I…………………………COM1
Social Sciences ................................ CS
Communications II……………………….. COM2
Arts ................................................... CA
Communications III………………………. COM3
Cultural Diversity in the United States .... D
Quantitative Reasoning………………….. Q
Global Awareness ................................... G
Human Culture…………………………….H
Intellectual Community ............................ I
Physical and Natural World………………PN
Information Literacy................................. L
U.S. & Wyoming Constitutions………….. V
Oral Communication ............................... O
Physical Activity and Health .................... P
Quantitative Reasoning I ......................... QA
Quantitative Reasoning II ........................ QB
Integrated Science .................................. S
Biological Science ................................... SB
Physical Science ..................................... SP
Earth Science .......................................... SE
U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions ............ V
Writing I ................................................... WA
Writing II .................................................. WB
Writing III ................................................. WC
Rationale for the change or new course proposed:
Note: For 1000- and 2000-level courses, also address articulation with the Statewide Course Catalog (consult Erin Olson in
the Office of the Registrar at 766-5723).
November 2013 – Previous editions should not be used
Current Credit Per Semester:
Fixed hours:
Variable hours:
; career max.:
Fixed hours
Variable hours:
; career max.:
Current Grading System:
Current Prerequisites:
Enforce Prerequisites in Banner?
courses and/or test scores (e.g. ACT, SAT, MPE).
Note: To enforce prerequisites in Banner, they must be specific
Current Course Description (limit of 50 words):
Proposed (limit of 50 words):
If course number is being changed or discontinued, please list all courses for
which this is a prerequisite:
Current Cross Listings with:
Note: Cross listed courses have the same course number, title, description, and prerequisites, but different departmental
prefixes, e.g. WMST 2420 and POLS 2420.
Proposed cross listings with:
Current Dual Listings (grad/undergrad) with:
Note: Dual listed courses have the same departmental prefix and the same last 3 digits of the course number, e.g. ZOO
4425 and ZOO 5425. The syllabus for a dual listed course should reflect two separate grading rubrics for undergraduate
and graduate work.
Proposed dual listings with:
What courses does this new or modified course RESEMBLE or OVERLAP, in content or title, and how does it
differ? (Attach statement of support from other program(s) if appropriate.)
Current Activity Type (Select only one major category):
with separately scheduled Laboratory Section
with separately scheduled Discussion Section
Independent Study
November 2013 – Previous editions should not be used
Material Resources required:
Will additional teaching space (such as a networked computer classroom), equipment, travel, support budget, TV
production, or library holdings be required? If so, please specify what resources are needed and the source or sources of
the necessary funding for these resources.
Personnel Resources required:
Who will be available to teach this course and will this course affect the instructor’s teaching load?
Impact on Other Courses:
What will be taught less often? What course or courses might be discontinued?
“None”, “Not Available” or similar responses are not acceptable and may result in the proposal being denied.
For modifications involving a change in credit hours, dual listing, and/or change in course description,
include both current and proposed syllabi.
November 2013 – Previous editions should not be used
Course Action Request Form Record of Approval
Please print and forward this page for all necessary signatures
Initiator of this proposal:
Requested Action (check one or more):
Add new course
Add Cross or Dual list
Remove Cross or Dual list
Change course description
Change title
Change credit hours
Other (specify)
Semester and year action requested to take effect:
Change prerequisites
Change number
Change grading system
Choose One: 20
Existing Course:
Proposed Course:
Record of Approval
Department/Program head(s): ____________________________________________________
College(s) Approval:
University Studies Committee:
Approved for ________________
Disapproved for ______________
Recommendation of University Course Review Committee:
_____ Approve
_____ Table
_____ Disapprove
Chair: ______________________________________________________________
Secretary: ___________________________________________________________
Comments of Course Review Committee:
November 2013 – Previous editions should not be used