CV for Peter Michael

PhD Candidate BSc (Biol) (Hons) BEnvSc (Mar)
senior marine ecologist
Peter is a senior marine scientist with significant experience across
the ports, construction and oil and gas sectors throughout Western
Peter has acted as client representative, party chief and monitoring
team leader for numerous marine monitoring projects throughout
Australia. He specialises in tropical and temperate reef ecology and
is currently completing a PhD in this field.
Chevron recognised Peter as a natural leader on the Gorgon Marine
Monitoring Alliance, and he was consequently nominated as Team
Leader, responsible for coordinating a multidisciplinary team of
marine scientists and sub-contractors on board an offshore marine
monitoring survey vessel and ensuring that client requests,
scientific scope and HSE requirements were all met on a daily basis.
Peter is an experienced
marine scientist with
demonstrated ability to
work in remote offshore
locations and onboard
seagoing vessels for
extended periods. Peter
specialises in benthic
community monitoring &
mapping, water &
sediment quality
investigations and
invasive marine species
qualifications + accreditations
the Perth and Pilbara coastal regions of Western
~ PhD Candidate. Doctor of Philosophy (Marine
sample collection (logged data and in-situ water
Biology), University of Western Australia. WA
~ Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences), First
Class HONOURS, Edith Cowan University, WA
~ Bachelor of Science (Marine Science), Minor
in Marine Biology, Murdoch University, WA
~ ADAS Part I (Nitrox) & Part II Commercial
Diver (AS2815)
~ Commercial Vessel Restricted Coxswain
Australia. Specifically, this has included field
samples, quantitative coral surveys), handling and
transport of samples for laboratory analysis,
database management and analysis, and
reporting of results in preparation of
environmental impact assessment
Sediment sampling and analysis, Fremantle &
Port Hedland WA
In preparation of dredge spoil disposal
~ DTEC Defensive Driver (TLIC107C)
applications for various port facility upgrades and
~ 4WD (SRODRV 001B)
maintenance works, I have prepared and
~ Senior First Aid, CPR & Advanced Oxygen
implemented numerous sediment Sampling and
Analysis Plans (SAPs). In accordance with the
National Assessment Guidelines for Dredging
~ Construction Industry White Card
(2009), these documents provided a rigorous
sampling work plan, analysis techniques and
~ Elements of shipboard safety, sea survival
procedures and practices
Project Experience
QA/QC procedures to be used in the field to
coordinate sampling activities aimed at
characterising the sediment to be dredged for the
Water quality and coral health monitoring,
Intertidal benthic primary producer (coral,
Fremantle, Port Hedland, Dampier & Cape
seagrass, macroalgae, mangroves) field surveys
Lambert WA
& desktop studies, Dampier, Cape Lambert &
I have been a field team leader in the collection,
Kimberley WA
analysis and reporting of coral and water quality
I have undertaken benthic primary producer (BPP)
data for major dredging and port developments in
and benthic primary producer habitat (BPPH)
PhD Candidate BSc (Biol) (Hons) BEnvSc (Mar)
senior marine ecologist
surveys across various intertidal regions of
herbivory in a coral reef. Marine Ecology Progress
northwest WA. These surveys have involved both
Series. DOI10.3354/meps10262.
fine- and broad-scale quantitative assessments of
mangroves, coral, seagrass and algal cover and
distribution, as well as qualitative documentation
of associated fauna.
Michael P. J., Vergés A., Hyndes G. & Vanderklift M.
(2011) Rates of Sargassum consumption and
identity of herbivores vary across hundreds of
kilometers along a continental fringing coral reef.
Sub-tidal habitat mapping, Dampier, Kimberley
In: Vergès, A, Hyndes, G.A, Vanderkilft, M.A. (2011).
& Scott Reef WA
Trophic effects through herbivory at Ningaloo Reef.
I have gained experience in many aspects of subtidal habitat mapping, from data collection using
diver-operated, towed and drop-camera imagery,
to the rapid analysis of data to an acceptable
taxonomic resolution using computer-based tools
Final report for WAMSI Node 3.2: Biodiversity
assessment, ecosystem impacts of human usage
and management evaluation. Centre for Marine
Ecosystems Research, Edith Cowan University,
Joondalup, Western Australia.
such as Coral Point Count (CPCe) and AIMS Video
Hyndes G., Vergés A., Michael P. J. & Vanderklift M.
Transect Analysis Software (AVTAS).
(2011) Trophic effects of herbivory at Ningaloo Reef
Sea turtle monitoring – satellite tagging and
manta-tow surveys, Scott Reef WA
In this project, I provided HSE, technical & field
support to Woodside Energy Ltd.’s (WEL) longterm sea turtle monitoring program. In this role, I
was responsible for coordinating the day-to-day
activities of several contractors on-board an
offshore vessel, whilst ensuring that satellite
tagging and in-water manta-tow surveys were
– Node 3: Conserving Marine Biodiversity. The
Western Australian Marine Science Institution
(WAMSI) Conference, Fremantle. Conference
Michael P. J. (2011) Variation in Macroalgal
Herbivory by Fishes across a Coral-Reef Marine
Park. Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA)
Conference 2011: Crossing Boundaries, Fremantle.
Conference proceedings.
conducted in accordance to SKM’s and WEL’s HSE
Vergés A., Hyndes G., Michael P.J., Vanderklift M.
and Diving Operations requirements. This position
(2009) Trophic effects experiments progress report:
also involved close consultation with WEL’s
A), Effects of habitat and herbivory on algal
technical and HSE advisors through a series of
recruitment in Ningaloo. WAMSI, Node 3, Project
hazard identification workshops.
3.2.2 Progress Report.
Invasive marine species surveys, Scott Reef,
Vergés A., Michael P. J., Hyndes G. & Vanderklift M
Bunbury and various WA
(2009) Magnitude and Patterns of Herbivory in
Involvement in planning, implementing and
managing invasive marine pest species surveys,
monitoring programs and risk-assessments in-line
with the NIMPCG national survey criteria for
Ningaloo Reef. In: Proceedings of the Third Annual
Ningaloo Research Symposium: Ningaloo into the
future - integrating science into management.
Exmouth, WA.
vessels and ports. These projects have involved
Michael P. J. (2009) Regional differences in the
inspections of ports, vessels and facilities
piscine drivers of macroalgal herbivory in a coral
associated with offshore exploration,
reef marine park. BSc. (Honours) Thesis. School of
development and production activities.
Natural Sciences, Edith Cowan University,
Joondalup, WA.
Publications, Reports and
Michael P. J. (2009) Remote video cameras reveal
Michael P. J, Hyndes G. A., Vanderklift M. & Vergés
Western Australian Marine Science Awards,
A. (2013) Identity and behaviour of herbivorous fish
Fremantle. Presentation and Proceedings.
influence large-scale spatial patterns of macroalgal
regional differences in macroalgal herbivory in a
coral reef marine park. UNESCO IOC / IMarEST
PhD Candidate BSc (Biol) (Hons) BEnvSc (Mar)
senior marine ecologist
Michael P. J. (2009) Spatial variation in algalherbivore interactions on the Ningaloo Reef, WA:
Regional differences in species-specific rates of fish
herbivory on Sargassum in a reef-flat habitat. AMSA
Workshop, Rottnest Island. Presentation and
Michael P. J. (2009) Uncovering the feeding secrets
of Ningaloo’s herbivorous fish guild. Ningaloo
Research Symposium, Floreat. Department of
Environment and Conservation, the CSIRO Wealth
from Oceans Flagship’s Ningaloo Collaboration
Cluster and WAMSI. Presentation and Proceedings.
Michael P. J. (2008) Fremantle Port Inner Harbour
& Channel Deepening, Reclamation at Rous Head
and Offshore Placement of Dredged Material:
Marine Water Quality Monitoring Baseline Report.
Prepared for Fremantle Ports by Sinclair Knight
Merz. Available: Baseline.pdf
Carter S. & Michael P. J. (2008) Dredging Program
for the Cape Lambert Port Upgrade - 85 Mtpa:
Marine Final Summary Report. Prepared for ROBE
River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. by Sinclair Knight Merz.