Leadership - The McMillion Group

The McMillion Group provides an array of 1 to 5 day courses in the area of Leadership,
Supervision and Management, Conflict Management, Interest-Based Problem-Solving, 40-Hour
Mediation Class, Communication and/or Executive Workshops that allows you to select classes
that meet your individual needs. If the classes below do not meet your current needs, we will
gladly visit with you and structure a course that addresses your unique concerns.
Classes Offered:
1. Leadership, It Starts with You!
a. Answering the call of leadership
b. The influence of leadership – are you ready
c. What’s your story? Your road of leadership
d. Successful leadership
2. Leading Change
a. Internal and external influences to change
b. Strategies for change management
3. Transformational Leadership
a. Transformational leadership defined
b. Inspirational – how to gather followers
4. Leadership (generic)
a. Defining leadership
b. What makes a good leader, principles and rules of leadership
5. Organizational Culture
a. Understanding the culture of your organization
b. How to build culture or alter current culture
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker
6. Follow Me – I’m Right Behind You
a. Leadership style
b. Followership and leadership
7. Toxic Leadership
a. Organizational impact of toxic leadership
b. How to identify the toxic leader
c. Strategies for handling the toxic leader
8. The Realpolitik of Relationships - How Relationship Management is the Key to Getting
Your Job Done
What can I do vs what can I get – growing relationship collateral
Pay it forward
9. Motivation through Appreciation - Why Employees don't want to be Appreciated for
just What They Do
The 5 Languages of Appreciation
How to use appreciation as a tool to increase employee morale
Recognizing the negative results that occur when employees don't feel valued or
How to avoid delivering appreciation that discourages employees
10. Utilizing Employee Development to Meet You Organization's Goals
Accomplishing more work with less budget and staff - The universal
management dilemma
Identifying your goals - written and communicated
The strengths of your team - more than job titles
The Development Myth - all employees should be well rounded
Team Building and Communication
1. Who are We –
a. Increase communication and collaboration
b. Creative strategic direction
c. Meeting deadlines
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker
2. Facilitated SCARF Assessment (prep work needed)
a. The neurology of leadership and how you work in teams
b. An assessment on Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness as it relates
to individual and group motivation and decision-making.
a. How to use SCARF in teambuilding, change management, and conflict
4. Facilitated MBTI (Prep work needed)
a. Understanding your Myers Briggs Type Indicator and how it impacts team
5. Creating a Team
a. Building the total team
b. Recognizing our strengths
c. What is your communication style
6. Facilitated Strengths-finder Workshop (Team)
a. Identify the strengths of the team
b. Team members and the four core leadership competencies
c. How to strategically use the strength of the team for success
7. Round and Round Away We Go!
a. Overcoming barriers
b. Improving communication
c. Strategic direction
8. Professional Communication Workshop
a. What is professional communication
b. Email writing and basic writing skills
c. Boundaries at work
9. The Big “C” – Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace
a. Change thinking in order to change actions
b. Using the EDITOR model
10. DiSC – Using DiSC to Improve Team Dynamics
a. Increase self-knowledge on your workplace behaviors
b. Become a better team member through identifying behavioral differences
c. Explore Dominance/Influence/Steadiness/Conscientiousness behaviors on your
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker
Supervision and Management
1. Diversity - When you Were 10
a. Realizing your personal bias
b. Respecting diversity affects the bottom line – increasing membership
c. Growing a culture of respect
2. Stop Talking and Start Doing!
a. How to move forward deliberately
b. Freeing yourself from procrastination
3. Motivation through Appreciation
a. The 5 languages of appreciation
b. How to use appreciation as a tool to increase employee morale
4. Building People Currency - Trust as it impacts Production, Cost, Performance, and
Achieving your Goals.
a. Building credibility and behaviors that build trust
b. Understanding the difference between blind trust and smart trust
c. Goal: Leave with knowing the behaviors they need to work on
11. Coaching to Re-direct (1)
a. Three key elements to effective coaching for performance
b. Identifying needs and getting employees what they need for success
12. Coaching to Re-direct (2)
a. - A 6 Step Model for Effective Coaching
13. Purpose and Vision
a. Creating and writing a purpose and vision for your work group/leadership style
14. Ethics and Integrity
a. The ethics of leadership
b. Ethical decision making
15. Basics of Supervision
a. 5 winning habits
b. 3 career killing mistakes
16. Getting into the Management Mindset
a. Taking the step into supervision or management
b. How to prioritize
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker
17. Getting to Where You Want to Go
a. Developing a strategy for where your work area should be in 1 year, 3 years, 5
years that lines up with what the boss AND your employees want and need
b. Setting goals and making each “bite-sized”
c. Daily milestones – instant gratification for the procrastinator (95% of us!)
checking an item off on the list
d. Expecting the unexpected – contingency planning for when life gets in the way
e. How to develop and get support for true timelines – Doing it right and
delivering it on schedule in an age of staff shortages, extra workload and budget
18. How to Handle Challenging Employees
a. Identifying disengaged, demanding, and disruptive employees
b. How to create boundaries for those who challenge you, constantly complain, or
know everything
c. Give them a “voice” – making difficult employees a part of the solution
d. Transforming “can’t do” attitudes into “can do”
19. Plan your Professional Future
a. “Interviewing” for the next job happens in your current position with every
b. Tell your own story - how to attract favorable attention from higher-ups in a
positive manner
c. Get credit for all your good work by learning how to position yourself and your
d. Questions to ask yourself to put your job, your career, your future into focus
e. Stuck in a rut? How to get and stay motivated on the road to supervisory success
f. Professional development starts and ends with you
Executive Workshops
1. Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
a. How to present with poise
b. Creating the logical flow
c. How to get your message across
d. Using power point in presentations
2. The Facilitator Toolkit
a. How to set the stage for successful meetings
b. Planning and executing meetings
c. Traits of a facilitator
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker
3. Project Management
a. Initiating the project
b. Project planning
c. Executing the project
d. Closing out
4. Employment Law and HR (Generic)
a. Performance Counseling V Discipline
b. Managers and Supervisors responsibilities
c. FMLA, Americans with Disabilities Act, Veteran Status
d. Hiring and EEOC
5. Developing People
a. People as a resource, Identifying leaders
b. Political reliability of potential leaders
c. Coaching your leaders
6. “Talk to Me” – Effective Communication
a. Reducing unproductive time and gossip
b. Crafting an accurate message
c. Increasing cooperation
7. Managing Priorities
a. Deciding what’s important
b. Planning
c. Effective delegation
d. Flexibility with change
8. Agile Management
a. Keep your team on track
b. Heading toward the same goal
c. Coach vs. Cheerleader – keeping up the momentum and energy level
d. Daily accountability and avoiding common miscommunications
e. Achieving the objectives important to your organization
9. How to Take the Terror out of Technology
a. IT – Your new BFF
b. Harnessing the tech comfort level of Gen Y and Millennials
c. Tell about it, talk about it, touch it – communicating tech changes; test bed
d. Gaming as a training tool
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker
10. Interviewing 200
a. Are you choosing the right people for where you want to take your work area?
b. Skill vs. Will – choosing a qualified and positive candidate
c. Behavior begets behavior – asking about past performance
d. “Diversity brave” – moving away from group think will provide better
Conflict Management
1. Dealing with Conflict
a. Effective Communication
b. Anger Styles
c. Crucial Conversations
d. Building and Destroying Trust by Leaders
2. Consensus Decision-Making
a. When consensus is truly reached
b. The 3 steps to consensus building
c. The impact of not reaching true consensus
3. Working Styles
a. What is your working style
b. Impact of your style of others
c. Knowing how to add value using your working style
d. What leaders need to know about working styles in the workplace
4. Teambuilding
a. How great teams work through conflict
b. Conflict is an opportunity
c. 4 Stages of team building
d. Synergy and Teams
5. Role Negotiation
a. How to improve team’s performance by setting individual goals and behaviors.
b. How to improve team’s performance by setting team goals and behaviors.
6. Value Driven Behavior
a. What are our organizational values, and
b. What behaviors are associated with those values in order for us to reach our
organizational goals?
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker
Interest-Based Problem-Solving ( IBPS)
1. Problem-Solving
a. Principles and Assumptions of IBPS
b. Steps in problem solving
c. Impact of IBPS
2. Action Learning
a. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of your problem-solving teams
b. Creating synergy and increasing the group’s IQ by teaching them to ask the right
Mediation Course
1. 40- Hour Basic Course
a. Principles and Assumptions of Mediation
b. Understanding the dynamics of Conflict
c. Steps in the mediation process
d. Practical exercises
2. Advanced Mediation Course
a. Understanding the pros and cons of the different styles of mediations
b. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of your problem-solving teams
c. Creating synergy and increasing the group’s IQ by teaching them to ask the right
Course Design
Customized Courses
a. Assessment of your organization’s needs
b. Interview of various employees and managers to obtain employees’ view of
issues facing your organization
c. Customized course(s) specifically designed to meet the challenges of your
Excellence is our Measure
The McMillion Group, LLC
Consultant * Trainer * Speaker