2009 Revised Math Standards of Learning Preparing Teachers for the Transition Timeline Activity Course(s) Details Teacher and Math Specialist Teams revised the GPS to include all new math content and newly identified Summer Curriculum Kindergarten & resources. Careful attention was paid to any content 2009 Revisions First Grade gaps that may have occurred for students entering first grade. Teachers introduced to the new GPS documents, the Kindergarten & Pre-Week PD implementation timeline for the new math standards, First Grade and their role in the transition. School Year Curriculum Kindergarten & Math Specialists and Teachers developed and 2009-2010 Development First Grade identified resources for the new content standards. MLT created new framework documents that merged Curriculum nd 2 – Algebra II both old and new standards for implementation Revisions during school year 2010-2011. 2009 Revised Math Standards of Learning Preparing Teachers for the Transition Timeline Activity Curriculum Revisions Summer 2010 Curriculum Revisions Pre-Week PD Summer/Fall 2010 Identify Needs Ongoing Professional Development Professional Development Fall 2010 Curriculum Revisions Professional Development Fall/Winter 2010-2011 Winter 2011 Curriculum Resources Professional Development Textbook Adoption Course(s) Details Teacher and Math Specialist Teams revised the GPS to include additional resources for teaching the new Kindergarten & math standards. Resources identified for content that First Grade is being moved from one grade level to another is now located in all associated courses. Teacher and Math Specialist Teams revised the GPS to include the CCS framework documents and identified resources for teaching the new content. nd 2 – Algebra II Benchmarks revised to incorporate new math content. Resources identified for content that is being moved from one grade level to another is now located in all associated courses. Teachers introduced to the new GPS documents, the implementation timeline for the new math standards, K – Algebra II and their role in the transition. Teachers provided an unpacking the standards tool used to get to know the new math content prior to designing instruction. Recommendation checklists being created for manipulative needs by classroom for teaching all new K – Algebra II math content. PD requests being developed and given to the Math Coordinator. As PD requests/needs are identified, opportunities K – Algebra II will be organized by the Math Coordinator for the division and by the Math Specialist at the school. MLT provided examples of Math SOL assessment changes that will take place during the Spring 2011 3rd – Algebra II assessments. MLT members have been asked to redeliver information at their schools. State provided crosswalk documents will be revised 2nd – Algebra II to represent CCS documents and posted on the GPS. Select Teachers and Math Specialists will attend professional development from VDOE, VCTM, & Dan K – Algebra II Mulligan on implementing the new math standards. The attendees will consolidate information learned and design professional development for all CCS staff. VDOE will release new Scope and Sequence K – Algebra II documents. MLT will incorporate into GPS. All math teachers will attend professional K – Algebra II development on the new math standards content for their grade band. Teachers, Specialists, Administrators, and the public K – Algebra II will be invited to provide feedback and recommendations for the math textbook adoption. 2009 Revised Math Standards of Learning Preparing Teachers for the Transition Timeline Activity Course(s) Winter/Spring 2011 Vertical Alignment K – Algebra II Textbook Adoption K – Algebra II Curriculum Development 4th – Algebra II SOL Assessment 3rd – Algebra II Summer 2011 Curriculum & Assessment Development K – Algebra II School Year 2011-2012 Pre-Week PD 3rd – Algebra II Spring 2012 SOL Assessment 3rd – Algebra II Spring 2011 Details Teacher, Math Specialist, and Administrative teams will meet to revise our current vertical alignment of math courses. Special attention will be paid to honors curriculum, expectations, and opportunities. A formal recommendation for the math textbook adoption will be made to the school board. MLT will revise all framework documents to include all prior knowledge that students are required to know in the 2009 standards but were not taught in the 2001 standards to eliminate transition difficulties for students. 2001 standards will be assessed. Field test items will include 2009 standards and new “innovative items.” GPS documents will be revised to incorporate the newly adopted textbook resources. Interactive Achievement Item banks will be revised to incorporate new content. Benchmarks will be revised to assess only new math content. Teachers will be introduced to the new GPS documents, including the new testing blueprints. Teachers will be encouraged to use the unpacking the standards document to get to know the new math content. 2009 standards will be assessed. Items will include non-multiple choice innovative items.