Name: Date: In-School Lab Experience & Additional Lab Observation Sessions DIRECTIONS: Please read CAREFULLY. REQUIREMENT OVERVIEW: You will attend 1-3 in school lab sessions that supports and furthers classroom instruction. Lab sessions will be announce by Miss Lapinski and held in the Athletic Training Room with Miss Lapinski and the Head AT Jonell. In addition to the in school lab sessions, you will be required to complete a minimum of 1 visit every month to observe the AT in action. You must complete a total of 5 lab observation sessions outside of the school day, two of those sessions must be in the AT Room and a minimum of 45 minutes. Two of those sessions must be to a BHHS game in which you will be required to stay the entire game. The last remaining session is up to you in terms of where you would like to observe. POLICY: IF you are absent on a mandatory class lab session, it is YOUR responsibility to get notes/missed information from a peer on your OWN time. IF you do not schedule (in person or via email) your additional lab observation sessions with the AT ahead of time, you WILL NOT be allowed to complete them. When observing games with the AT- you are to be dressed professionally. This means- khaki pants, a dress shirt or polo and sneakers or otherwise approved attire. OBSERVATION HOURS: Record your observation hours on your log sheet- if you lose this sheet, you will not get a new sheet. Be Responsible. On the log sheet, there will be a space for classroom lab sessions and additional lab hours. For each session you will need to include the date, time span, total hours of each visit, location, general summary of experience (information learned or occurrences at visit), and the AT’s signature. AT Contact Information: HS/ Head AT- Jonell Kiechel MS/Assistant AT- Greg Harrison Athletic Training I Name: Date: EXPERIENCE REFLECTIONS: You do not need to write a reflection for the mandatory in school lab session, however you will be responsible for the content on assessments. You will need to write reflections for each of the 5 out of school sessions. The reflections must be independent of each other. If you choose to stay longer during an AT Room sessions (over 45+ minutes), please include that experience in your reflection as well, but please not it will only count towards one session. Each game lab experience must be the length of the entire game. Each experience reflection will have a due date that the reflection needs to be turned in by with your observation hour sheet, as soon as the reflection is scored, the lab hour sheet will be returned to you. Furthermore, each reflection MUST be typed using MLA format and at very least one paragraph in length. Be sure to use appropriate athletic training terminology. WHAT TO INCLUDE… Athletic Training Room: o Number of athletes who were in and out of the room during your visit. (DO NOT INCLUDE NAMES) o Identify the purpose of each athlete’s visit. o Describe each athlete’s protection/prevention strategies utilized, HOPS assessment, general and specific care as well as any additional information that is pertinent. o If an athlete was in the AT room completing rehab have a conversation with the athlete and AT about the rehab program, and share your findings. (Injury, purpose of rehab, specific rehab format, exercises, length of exercises, return to play criteria.) o IF no athletes was in the AT room during your visit, you are responsible for discussing and reviewing material with the trainer- your write up should then include the information covered as well as the questions you asked and the response given. Game Setting: o Number of athletes who were seen and / or treated by the AT. (DO NOT INCLUDE NAMES) o Identify the purpose of concern regarding each athlete. o Describe each athlete’s protection/prevention strategies utilized, HOPS assessment, general and specific care as well as any additional information that is pertinent. Athletic Training I Name: Date: LAB HOURS… (REMINDER: Each AT Room session must be a minimum of 45 minutes & each Game session must be the entire length of the game. ) DATE TIME (Ex. 3-4pm) TOTAL HOUR(S) LOCATION SUMMARY OF SESSION AT’S SIGNATURE DUE DATES: An observational lab session and reflection will be due each month. Due date will be announced by Miss Lapinski ahead of time. SCORING: In School Lab Sessions (each worth 10 points) _________/_________ (dependent on the number of sessions) Experience Sessions (total 5) _________/50 points Experience Reflection #1 _________/10 points Experience Reflection #2 _________/10 points Experience Reflection #3 _________/10 points Experience Reflection #4 _________/10 points Experience Reflection #4 _________/10 points TOTAL SORE _________/_________points Athletic Training I