APES Biome Webquest

APES Biome Webquest
Your Mission on this quest for knowledge is to learn
about the earth’s diverse ecological regions. The
biomes are distinct ecological regions based on
their dominant plant life, latitude, altitude,
annual precipitation and average monthly
temperatures. This assignment has 3 parts, be
sure to complete all parts for full credit. Point
values are given for each part. ENJOY!
I. Becoming Familiar with Earth’s major Biomes:
Although there is some disagreement as to exactly how many biomes exist on the
earth, most sources agree that all of the biomes on this page are valid biome
classifications, for each of the 9 biomes listed. You may cut & paste as long as
you include quotation marks around copied text and references to websites
you used. Complete the biomes in the following order; tundra, taiga, grasslands,
deciduous forest, chaparral, desert, savanna, rainforest, alpine (boreal/coniferous).
1. Where is the biome located? Answer this question with a labeled map and / or
list of the areas of the world where found.
2. Biotic factors: include at least one picture for each
a. Dominant plant life
b. Dominant animal life
3. Abiotic Factors:
a. Average yearly precipitation
b. Average yearly range of temperature
c. Primary soil type(s)
d. Climatogram
4. Human interactions with the environment:
a. How / whether humans live in the region / special adaptations humans have
made to survive / thrive in the climate
b. Human exploitation, ecological impacts of human presence & resource use,
environmental damage, remediation / protection.
You will need to use more sites than merely the link listed above, that is intended
as your starting point. Below is a list of further links that you may find helpful. You
may also do your own web search. As usual, plagarism is NOT acceptable!
Anything that you cut & paste must include proper citation!
APES Biome Web Quest. Page 1 of 3.
Other helpful sites:
II. Play “Match the Biome” Game
1. When the name of the biome pops up in the little window in the upper right
corner, you are supposed to click on the dot that matches the location of the
biome. Report your results. How many correct in how many seconds?
2. What was your score?
on the same graph!
It is easier to have both precipitation and temperature
III. Construct a Climatogram using local data.
1. Follow the above link to download the instructions for how to use Excel to
create a Climatogram using local data. You do not need to answer all of the
questions, but I suggest you read through all parts of the instructions. There
are links in the document that will help you find the climate data you need, as
well as a link to an Excel template for you to use.
2. Include your modified Excel document as an attachment in your email
submission, or print out your climatogram if you choose to hand in a hard copy
of this assignment.
APES Biome Web Quest. Page 2 of 3.
ASSIGNMENT DUE: _______Friday, December 21st______________
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