Complete the tic-tac-toe moving either horizontally, vertically, or

Complete the tic-tac-toe moving either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally – you MUST move through the center
square! Once you are finished all three activities, draw a line to show which three you completed.
This activity will be worth 75 points (25 points per box) and will be due on Monday, November 11th.
Read Chapter 8 lesson 3 Biomes and
Read and complete the Review &
highlight the important information.
Define all 14 vocabulary words from
Reinforcement worksheet (#1-10) and
Create a 20 question quiz (true/false,
Chapter 8 lesson 3 Biomes in your
complete the Enrichment worksheet.
multiple choice, fill in the blank). On a
Glue them into your notebook.
separate sheet of paper make an answer
Create a foldable of the six biomes:
desert, rain forest, grassland, deciduous
Write a journal as you travel through the
forest, boreal forest, and tundra.
biomes of the world. Pick countries that
Make sure to include for each section:
you visit in the 6 different biomes and
 Definition of your biome
Define all 14 vocabulary words from
describe your trip – what you see, what
Chapter 8 lesson 3 Biomes on flashcards
 Animals & Plants found in your biome
animals you come across, the
 Location of your biome in the world
temperature, what you wear, how long
 Weather/climate often found in your
your days and nights are, etc.
Complete the activities in the textbook on
pages 296-305
Figures 1-7, do the Math, & Apply It
Define all 14 vocabulary words from
Chapter 8 lesson 3 Biomes on a foldable
Use the Cube template to create a Biome
Cube. On each section, draw a picture of
what your biome looks like. Include at
least two autotrophs and two
heterotroph organisms in your picture.
Then build your cube to present to the
As you complete your Tic-Tac-Toe, call me over and I will check it and give you a grade by initialing in the box. Once all three are
completed, you may turn in your sheet with your name at the top to receive 75 point credit.
This is DUE at the BEGINNING of class on FRIDAY. You have Tuesday and Thursday in class to work on it.