Teacher: Miss Kati Fulkerson Date: Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Fox Coop. Initials ___________ Group Size: 19 Students Allotted Time: 40 minutes Subject/ Topic: Animal Habitats Day 2 Grade Level: 1st Grade Section: Sychterz STANDARD: PA Standard: 1.1.K.D: Demonstrate listening comprehension/ understanding before, during, and after reading through strategies such as think aloud, retelling, summarizing, and connecting to prior knowledge 1.2.2.D: Make inferences from text when studying a topic (e.g., science, social studies) and draw conclusions, citing evidence from the text to support answers 4.1.3.D: Identify organisms that are dependent on one another in a given ecosystem o Define habitat and explain how a change in habitat affects an organism. S4.B.3.2.1: Describe what happens to a living thing when its habitat is changed I. Performance Objectives A. The students will be able identify animals of the grassland, forest, and desert habitats by categorizing at least one animal picture in the correct area. B. The students will be able to identify at least 5 animals and 3 characteristics of the forest and desert habitats as a class. C. The students will be able to identify animals and adaptations of land habitats by correctly completing a worksheet with 80% accuracy. II. Instructional Materials A. 4 stuffed animals a. lion b. bear c. snake d. camel B. KWL chart C. 3 sorting hoops D. 19 animal picture cards E. Big Book for Science- Chapter 4 F. Animals/Adaptations chart G. Land Habitat worksheet III. Subject Matter A. Prerequisite Knowledge 1. Habitat 2. Grassland 3. Adaptation 4. Animals that live in the grasslands B. Instructed Knowledge 1. Forest characteristics 2. Desert characteristics 3. Forest animals 4. Desert plants and animals IV. Implementation A. Introduction 1. Show pictures of the forest and desert and ask children what they are. 2. Fill in “Know” and “Want to Know” sections of the KWL chart. 3. Show children the stuffed animals and ask if they know which land habitat they might live in. 4. Ask children to place the animals in the correct habitat (box) B. Development 1. Ask children what other animals might live in the forest? 2. Show children pages 130-131 on the Science Book. 3. Take a picture walk and discuss the pictures with the class. 4. Read pages 130-131 to the students stopping and discussing important facts and vocabulary. 5. Ask students why a forest is a good place for an animal to live. 6. Ask what would happen if the forest was destroyed by a fire. 7. Discuss each picture and the animal’s adaptation. 8. Make a list of animals that live in the forest with the class. 9. Instruct children to sit in a circle. 10. Place a “desert habitat” (tub of sand and a cactus with a lamp warming the sand). 11. Ask students what kind of habitat it is. 12. Ask students to make some observations about the environment. 13. Ask the students why I have a lamp shining on the sand. 14. Encourage good explanations and observations by the students. 15. Ask 2 students at a time (by picking sticks) to feel the sand and tell us what it feels like. 16. Ask students what kind of animals might be able to live there. (Make a class list) 17. Ask students why those animals are able to live there and others are not. 18. Lay out 3 hula hoops labeled Grassland, Forest, and Desert. 19. Explain to students that each of them will have a chance to pick an animal picture, and put it in the correct hula hoop. 20. Choose students by using popsicle sticks to come up one at a time, pick a picture card and place it in the correct category. C. Closure 1. Show students the Land Habitat Worksheet and read the directions to them. 2. Instruct early finishers to draw an animal in their habitat on the back and write a sentence about it. 3. The teacher will dismiss the students back to their desks in groups to complete the Land Habitat Worksheet. 4. Collect the worksheets after the students finish. 5. Fill in the “What we learned” section of the KWL chart for land habitats. V. Accommodations A. The teacher will provide necessary accommodations to individual students or a group of students as issues arise. If more examples are needed, they will be provided. If the objectives are not met, the teacher will use different strategies to re-teach or review the content. B. If more time is needed on the worksheet, more time will be provided as children are coming in the next morning. C. If children need pieces of the worksheet read to them, the teacher will assist the student in reading it. VI. Evaluation of Students A. The class list of forest animals and adaptations will be used to determine if the students were able to understand what kind of animals live in the forest. B. The class list of desert animals and adaptations will be used to determine if the students were able to understand what kind of animals live in the desert. C. Teacher observation and a checklist will be used to determine if each student is able to categorize at least one animal in its correct habitat (hula hoop). D. The teacher will use the Land Habitat worksheet to determine students’ understand of land habitats and its animals. VII. Reflective Response A. Report of student’s performance in terms of stated objectives B. Personal Reflection