Foundation Programme Individual Placement Descriptor* Trust East

Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/030/F2/001
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 01)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Emergency Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
Opportunity to assess the undifferentiated patient
learning opportunities
by taking a focused history and performing an
accurate clinical examination. You would be able
to utilise the necessary investigations to make a
list of differential diagnosis related to the patient’s
condition. It allows you to re-enforce all the skills
learnt from medical school and F1/F2 jobs to reenforce your knowledge and develop new skills. It
allows for practice development in managing
fractures and dislocation, surgery skills and allows
you to see a broad spectrum of medical/surgical
conditions in adults and children.
Where the placement is based
QEQM – Margate
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Wayne Kissoon
Main duties of the placement
You are mainly based in majors but there is ample
opportunity to gain resus skills and to deal with
minor injuries. Night shifts included. A demanding
and busy rotation.
Typical working pattern in this Varying rota. Day shifts are 8am – 4pm, 11am –
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, 7pm, 2pm – 10pm and 4pm – midnight. Night shift
theatre sessions)
hours are 10pm – 8am. Work every other
weekend. 2/3 stretches of 11 days depending on
which cycle you get.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/030/F2/002
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 02)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Emergency Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
Opportunity to assess the undifferentiated patient
learning opportunities
by taking a focused history and performing an
accurate clinical examination. You would be able
to utilise the necessary investigations to make a
list of differential diagnosis related to the patient’s
condition. It allows you to re-enforce all the skills
learnt from medical school and F1/F2 jobs to reenforce your knowledge and develop new skills. It
allows for practice development in managing
fractures and dislocation, surgery skills and allows
you to see a broad spectrum of medical/surgical
conditions in adults and children.
Where the placement is based
QEQM – Margate
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Wayne Kissoon
Main duties of the placement
You are mainly based in majors but there is ample
opportunity to gain resus skills and to deal with
minor injuries. Night shifts included. A demanding
and busy rotation.
Typical working pattern in this Varying rota. Day shifts are 8am – 4pm, 11am –
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, 7pm, 2pm – 10pm and 4pm – midnight. Night shift
theatre sessions)
hours are 10pm – 8am. Work every other
weekend. 2/3 stretches of 11 days depending on
which cycle you get.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/030/F2/003
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 03)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Emergency Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
Opportunity to assess the undifferentiated patient
learning opportunities
by taking a focused history and performing an
accurate clinical examination. You would be able
to utilise the necessary investigations to make a
list of differential diagnosis related to the patient’s
condition. It allows you to re-enforce all the skills
learnt from medical school and F1/F2 jobs to reenforce your knowledge and develop new skills. It
allows for practice development in managing
fractures and dislocation, surgery skills and allows
you to see a broad spectrum of medical/surgical
conditions in adults and children.
Where the placement is based
QEQM – Margate
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Wayne Kissoon
Main duties of the placement
You are mainly based in majors but there is ample
opportunity to gain resus skills and to deal with
minor injuries. Night shifts included. A demanding
and busy rotation.
Typical working pattern in this Varying rota. Day shifts are 8am – 4pm, 11am –
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, 7pm, 2pm – 10pm and 4pm – midnight. Night shift
theatre sessions)
hours are 10pm – 8am. Work every other
weekend. 2/3 stretches of 11 days depending on
which cycle you get.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/030/F2/004
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 04)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Emergency Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
Opportunity to assess the undifferentiated patient
learning opportunities
by taking a focused history and performing an
accurate clinical examination. You would be able
to utilise the necessary investigations to make a
list of differential diagnosis related to the patient’s
condition. It allows you to re-enforce all the skills
learnt from medical school and F1/F2 jobs to reenforce your knowledge and develop new skills. It
allows for practice development in managing
fractures and dislocation, surgery skills and allows
you to see a broad spectrum of medical/surgical
conditions in adults and children.
Where the placement is based
QEQM – Margate
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Wayne Kissoon
Main duties of the placement
You are mainly based in majors but there is ample
opportunity to gain resus skills and to deal with
minor injuries. Night shifts included. A demanding
and busy rotation.
Typical working pattern in this Varying rota. Day shifts are 8am – 4pm, 11am –
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, 7pm, 2pm – 10pm and 4pm – midnight. Night shift
theatre sessions)
hours are 10pm – 8am. Work every other
weekend. 2/3 stretches of 11 days depending on
which cycle you get.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/002/F2/001
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 05)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Paediatrics
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
learning opportunities
General paediatrics & neonatology. Broad
experience to general paediatric and basic
neonatology. Hands-on job. In addition,
opportunity to attend clinics, departmental
teaching sessions, teach medical students.
Where the placement is based
QEQM- Rainbow Ward, SCBU, Labour
Postnatal Ward
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Rfidah
Main duties of the placement
Attend ward rounds, review & initiate management
of acute & chronic paediatric cases, organise
investigations. Practical skills including taking
bloods and inserting cannulas. Resuscitate babies
on labour ward, perform baby checks. On-call,
night and weekend shifts when patients are
clerked and to then plan their management and
discuss with the seniors.
Typical working pattern in this Hand over in the morning, afternoon and evening
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, (if on call). Ward round, paediatric ward reviews,
theatre sessions)
A&E reviews and post-natal ward including baby
checks, attendance at difficult deliveries. SCBU
ward rounds. Attend outpatient, on call in a rota
with the junior trainees
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
Intrepid Post Code (or local
post number if Intrepid N/A)
Programme Codes
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
(POST 06)
Placement details (i.e. the Obstetrics and Gynaecology
specialty and sub-specialty)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Type of work to expect and
Daily commitments include attending a variety of clinics
learning opportunities
(urogynae, menstrual assessment clinic etc.) and
theatre sessions. During clinics you are permitted to
see your own patients once confident, take histories
and exam patients with the consultant and discuss
management plans. During theatre sessions you are
required to assist, and can close wounds. With more
experience and with supervision you are permitted to
do day case procedures such as hysteroscopy. On
calls include covering labour & gynae ward, day care
and A&E and taking GP referrals. You do one obstetric
on call and one gynae on call every week. In addition
you are scheduled to do weekends and weekday nights
and weekend nights.
Where the placement is QEQM – Birchington ward (gynae inpatients),
Kingsgate/Labour ward (obstetric inpatients)
KCH – outpatient clinics and day surgery
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Mrs Shrotri, Miss Woodward
Main duties of the placement
Review your teams’ inpatients, attend daily clinics and
theatres. On calls as above.
Typical working pattern in The rota is released the week before for each week of
this placement (e.g. ward the placement. Everyday you should do a ward round
rounds, clinics, theatre sessions)
of your inpatients, then depending on the rota you will
be scheduled for either theatre and or clinics for the
Local education provider
(LEP) / employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/040/F2/002
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 07)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Obstetrics and Gynaecology
and sub-specialty)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Type of work to expect and
Daily commitments include attending a variety of
learning opportunities
clinics (urogynae, menstrual assessment clinic
etc.) and theatre sessions. During clinics you are
permitted to see your own patients once confident,
take histories and exam patients with the
Consultant and discuss managmenet plans.
During theatre sessions you are required to assist,
and can close wounds. With more experience and
with supervision you are permitted to do daycase
procedures such as hysteroscopy. On calls
include covering labour & gynae ward, day care
and A&E and taking GP referrals. You do one
obstetric oncall and one gynae oncall every week.
In addition you are scheduled to do weekends and
weekday nights and weekend nights.
Where the placement is based
QEQM – Birchington ward (gynae inpatients),
Kingsgate/Labour ward (obstetric inpatients)
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Miss Shrotri, Miss Woodward
Main duties of the placement
Review your teams’ inpatients, attend daily clinics
and theatres. Oncalls as above.
Typical working pattern in this The rota is released the week before for each
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, week of the placement. Everyday you should do a
theatre sessions)
ward round of your inpatients, then depending on
the rota you will be scheduled for either theatre
and or clinics for the day.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/021/F2/001
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 08)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty General Surgery
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
Foundation Trainees are allocated to surgical
learning opportunities
Consultants and participate in the on-call general
surgery rota with Core Trainees and Trust Doctors
in a 1 in 8 rota. There are good opportunities for
attending theatre and out-patient clinics, with good
Where the placement is based
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Mr S Ahmed
Main duties of the placement
Working with the surgical team to include ward
work, theatre and out patients and working closely
with the F1 doctor. A typical day would start with a
ward round led by a Consultant or Registrar.
Typical working pattern in this There is a weekly timetable allocating Foundation
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, Doctors to on-call, theatre, out-patients or the CE
theatre sessions)
Pod operating list.
Also on call 1:8 for General Surgery.
There is a half day once a week.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/021/F2/002
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 09)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
learning opportunities
General Surgery
Foundation Trainees are allocated to surgical
Consultants and participate in the on-call general
surgery rota with Core Trainees and Trust Doctors
in a 1 in 8 rota. There are good opportunities for
attending theatre and out-patient clinics, with good
Where the placement is based
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Mr H Benziger
Main duties of the placement
Working with the surgical team to include ward
work, theatre and out patients and working closely
with the F1 doctor. A typical day would start with a
ward round led by a Consultant or Registrar.
Typical working pattern in this There is a weekly timetable allocating Foundation
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, Doctors to on-call, theatre, out-patients or the CE
theatre sessions)
Pod operating list.
Also on call 1:8 for General Surgery.
There is a half day once a week.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/024/F2/001
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 10)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
and sub-specialty)
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Type of work to expect and
Daily duties: Ward round, peri-operative
learning opportunities
management, management of basic medical
issues, discharge summaries, ordering and
chasing of investigations, referrals
On calls: Initial clerking, examination and
management of patients. Opinions for patients
seen in satellite minor injury units.
Learning opportunities: You will see a wide variety
of patients during on calls which seniors are easily
contactable to discuss. Plenty of opportunities to
assist in theatre/attend clinics. Weekly consultantled orthopaedic teaching.
Where the placement is based
QEQM Hospital, Margate
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Mr Gautam Talawadeker
Main duties of the placement
Ward round and ward based patient care. On calls
management of GP/minor injury/A+E referrals.
Typical working pattern in this Daily ward round conducted by SHO who will then
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, complete any jobs. Timetabled clinics and theatre
theatre sessions)
time as long as ward duties complete (depending
on how many patients that team has). On calls
occur once a fortnight with approx. one weekend
per month on call. Consultant-led ward round
when post-take. Can be expected to cover other
teams (ward round and ward duties) depending on
absence. Formal orthopaedic teaching is provided
once a week.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/011/F2/002
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 11)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Geriatric Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Type of work to expect and
Daily duties: Ward round, peri-operative
learning opportunities
management, management of basic medical
issues, discharge summaries, ordering and
chasing of investigations, referrals
On calls: Initial clerking, examination and
management of patients. Opinions for patients
seen in satellite minor injury units.
Learning opportunities: You will see a wide variety
of patients during on calls which seniors are easily
contactable to discuss. Plenty of opportunities to
assist in theatre/attend clinics. Weekly consultantled orthopaedic teaching. Working for our busy
surgical spine team with patients with spinal
injuries, spinal infections as well as post spinal
surgery. Complex multi-disciplinary working and
medical care of surgical patients in addition on call
for trauma in a busy DGH with large amount of
Geriatric trauma.
Where the placement is based
QEQM Hospital, Margate
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Mr James Casha
Main duties of the placement
Ward round and ward based patient care. On calls
involve clerking, examination and initial
management of GP/minor injury/A+E referrals.
Typical working pattern in this Daily ward round conducted by SHO who will then
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, complete any jobs. Timetabled clinics and theatre
theatre sessions)
time as long as ward duties complete (depending
on how many patients that team has). On calls
occur once a fortnight with approx. one weekend
per month on call. Consultant-led ward round
when post-take. Can be expected to cover other
teams (ward round and ward duties) depending on
absence. Formal orthopaedic teaching is provided
once a week.
Local education provider (LEP) /
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
employer information
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
Intrepid Post Code (or local post
number if Intrepid N/A)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the
specialty and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
learning opportunities
Where the placement is based
Clinical supervisor(s) for the
Main duties of the placement
Typical working pattern in this
placement (e.g. ward rounds,
clinics, theatre sessions)
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
(POST 12)
General Practice
Primary Care
A fantastic opportunity to develop skills in initial
assessment of patients presenting to health care
services. Must develop good prioritisation skills, and
recognise the importance of opportunistic health
promotion in primary care.
Community general practices in East Kent
General practitioner partner.
Delivering primary care services to a wide range of
service users, children through to geriatrics, and
arranging appropriate further investigation, referral or
follow up.
Working hours – generally 6 hours of clinic a day,
usually between 9-6 but may finish later.
Allowance for compulsory FY2 teaching afternoon.
Up to three sessions available for audit, taster days or
special interest days. If these are not arranged by the
individual then extra clinics will be scheduled.
Minimum six clinics – initially 30 minute consultations,
reducing to 20 minutes after 2-4 weeks. Although
consulting on your own, each FY2 doctor is allocated a
clinical supervisor who should have blocked sessions
in their clinic to allow for supervision and ad hoc
It is an opportunity to see a huge range of conditions
both acute and chronic, serious and menial. Great
prescribing practice and experience in managing
chronic conditions. Also involves appropriate referral to
secondary care, or other community services.
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/800/F2/004
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 13)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the
specialty and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
learning opportunities
Where the placement is based
Clinical supervisor(s) for the
Main duties of the placement
Typical working pattern in this
placement (e.g. ward rounds,
clinics, theatre sessions)
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
General Practice
Primary Care
A fantastic opportunity to develop skills in initial
assessment of patients presenting to health care
services. Must develop good prioritisation skills, and
recognise the importance of opportunistic health
promotion in primary care.
Community general practices in East Kent
General practitioner partner.
Delivering primary care services to a wide range of
service users, children through to geriatrics, and
arranging appropriate further investigation, referral or
follow up.
Working hours – generally 6 hours of clinic a day,
usually between 9-6 but may finish later.
Allowance for compulsory FY2 teaching afternoon.
Up to three sessions available for audit, taster days or
special interest days. If these are not arranged by the
individual then extra clinics will be scheduled.
Minimum six clinics – initially 30 minute consultations,
reducing to 20 minutes after 2-4 weeks. Although
consulting on your own, each FY2 doctor is allocated a
clinical supervisor who should have blocked sessions
in their clinic to allow for supervision and ad hoc
teaching. It is an opportunity to see a huge range of
conditions both acute and chronic, serious and menial.
Great prescribing practice and experience in managing
chronic conditions. Also involves appropriate referral to
secondary care, or other community services.
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/800/F2/905
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 14)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the
specialty and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
learning opportunities
Where the placement is based
Clinical supervisor(s) for the
Main duties of the placement
Typical working pattern in this
placement (e.g. ward rounds,
clinics, theatre sessions)
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
General Practice
Primary Care
A fantastic opportunity to develop skills in initial
assessment of patients presenting to health care
services. Must develop good prioritisation skills, and
recognise the importance of opportunistic health
promotion in primary care.
Community general practices in East Kent
General practitioner partner.
Delivering primary care services to a wide range of
service users, children through to geriatrics, and
arranging appropriate further investigation, referral or
follow up.
Working hours – generally 6 hours of clinic a day,
usually between 9-6 but may finish later.
Allowance for compulsory FY2 teaching afternoon.
Up to three sessions available for audit, taster days or
special interest days. If these are not arranged by the
individual then extra clinics will be scheduled.
Minimum six clinics – initially 30 minute consultations,
reducing to 20 minutes after 2-4 weeks. Although
consulting on your own, each FY2 doctor is allocated a
clinical supervisor who should have blocked sessions
in their clinic to allow for supervision and ad hoc
teaching. It is an opportunity to see a huge range of
conditions both acute and chronic, serious and menial.
Great prescribing practice and experience in managing
chronic conditions. Also involves appropriate referral to
secondary care, or other community services.
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
St Martins Hospital, Canterbury
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/052/F2/001
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 15)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Old Age Psychiatry
and sub-specialty)
Kent and Medway mental health services
Type of work to expect and
Managing patients with chronic mental health
learning opportunities
Assessing acute mental health problems
Learning to diagnose and manage dementia,
depression and paranoid behaviour
Where the placement is based
Queen Elizabeth the Queen mother Hospital
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Lucy Elias
Main duties of the placement
Ward round per week
Ward duties
Doing your own clinic
During On-call seeing A&E referred patients with
mental health problems for assessment
Typical working pattern in this Ward round once a week
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, One whole day of clinic per week
theatre sessions)
One day oncall per week
Alternate week one day teaching
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/007/F2/001
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 16)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Cardiology (Cardio-vascular Disease)
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
2 months Cardiology: Ward round and patients’
learning opportunities
management on ward - Referrals for further
patients’ management at the WHH and London
Hospitals – Outpatient Cardiology Clinic – Elective
DC Cardioversion & 2 months SHO responsible
for the care of the Young Medical Patient on an
Acute Medical Ward – Ward round – Patients’
management – Outpatient Cardiology Clinic
Where the placement is based
2 months: CCU & 2 months: Minster Ward
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Grosser
Main duties of the placement
Ward based patients’ management – referrals –
outpatient cardiology clinic
Typical working pattern in this Ward round – outpatient cardiology clinic
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics,
theatre sessions)
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/001/F2/004
number if Intrepid N/A)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Acute Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
Decision making, leadership skills, clinical
learning opportunities
practical skills development.
Where the placement is based
QEQM Hospital
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Ballinger
Main duties of the placement
Ward rounds, Post-take ward jobs, clerking
medical patients from A&E and GP referrals and
Clinical procedures.
Typical working pattern in this In the morning we would go on Post-take ward
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, round with the consultant seeing the new
theatre sessions)
admissions over night ordering new investigations
and chasing ordered investigations. Discharging
stable patients. Seeing new referrals during the
day from A&E or GP. In the afternoon post-taking
again with the consultant on-call for that day.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV09/001/F2/005
number if Intrepid N/A)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Acute Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
Decision making, leadership skills, clinical
learning opportunities
practical skills development.
Where the placement is based
QEQM Hospital
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Malamis
Main duties of the placement
Ward rounds, Post-take ward jobs, clerking
medical patients from A&E and GP referrals and
Clinical procedures.
Typical working pattern in this In the morning we would go on Post-take ward
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, round with the consultant seeing the new
theatre sessions)
admissions over night ordering new investigations
and chasing ordered investigations. Discharging
stable patients. Seeing new referrals during the
day from A&E or GP. In the afternoon post-taking
again with the consultant on-call for that day.
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
Intrepid Post Code (or local post
number if Intrepid N/A)
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty
and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
learning opportunities
Where the placement is based
Clinical supervisor(s) for
Main duties of the placement
Typical working pattern in this
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics,
theatre sessions)
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
(POST 19)
Geriatric Medicine
(Acute Care)
Health care of older people
Acute medicine. Holistic approach to care of older
people. The 2 consultant on this firm have special
interests in falls, movement disorders and
Team-based (consultant led) system. QEQM
Hospital, Margate
Dr Michael Jenkinson and
Dr Subir Mukherjee
Ward-based care of patients including daily ward
rounds with frequent opportunities to clerk and
admit patients whilst on call.
Team consists of 2 consultants, 1 registrar, 2
SHOs and 2 F1s. 4 Consultant led ward rounds
per week. Every patient is seen every day in the
morning ward round. Afternoons are typically
spent performing ward-based jobs. There are
opportunities to attend 2 clinics per week.
Frequent opportunities to clerk patients and
practice procedures during on-call shifts.
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVVKC/016/F2/001
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 20 (KCH))
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Nuclear Medicine
and sub-specialty)
Nuclear Medicine Department
Type of work to expect and
This placement provides excellent learning
learning opportunities
opportunities for anyone interested in pursuing
Nuclear medicine or Radiology as a career of
choice. First hand experience at performing
myocardial perfusion scans (supervised),
attending MDM, (supervised) reporting on nuclear
medicine- bone scans, parathyroid scans, renal
scans and thyroid ablation treatment .
Where the placement is based
Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Ethelbert road,
Canterbury CT1 3NG
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Dr Gregory Shabo
Main duties of the placement
Shadowing thyroid clinics (benign and malignant),
performing myocardial perfusion scans, reporting
on nuclear medicine scans and attending lung,
thyroid, head and neck MDM’s.
Typical working pattern in this Monday- Benign thyroid clinic (am) + Thyroid
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, MDM + malignant thyroid clinic.(pm)
theatre sessions)
Tuesday- Myocardial perfusion scan (am) +
reporting of scans(pm).
Wednesday- Myocardial perfusion scan (am) +
reporting of nuclear medicine scan / MDM (pm).
Thursday- Reporting scans (am) + afternoon F2
Friday- Thyroid clinic (am) + reporting scans (pm).
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Foundation Programme
Individual Placement Descriptor*
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Intrepid Post Code (or local post KSS/RVV01/025/F2/003
number if Intrepid N/A)
(POST 21(WHH))
Programme Codes
Placement details (i.e. the specialty Ophthalmology
and sub-specialty)
Ophthalmology department
Type of work to expect and
Based in a busy DGH. FY2s are responsible for
learning opportunities
running the eye casualty under supervision of a
senior doctor. You will be expected to manage
most routine ophthalmic emergencies by the end
of the rotation and gain proficiency in the use of a
slit-lamp biomicroscope.
Where the placement is based
William Harvey Hospital, Ashford
Clinical supervisor(s) for the Mr R Edwards, Mr B Dong
Main duties of the placement
Managing common eye emergencies. One in
seven ophthalmology first on-calls
Typical working pattern in this Different on different days of the week. Mostly
placement (e.g. ward rounds, clinics, consists of seeing patients in eye causalty, one
theatre sessions)
outpatient clinic and one or two theatre sessions in
a week
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.
*It is important to note that this description is a typical example of the placement and may be
subject to change.
Intrepid Post Code (or local post
number if Intrepid N/A)
Programme Codes
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital
Placement details (i.e. the
specialty and sub-specialty)
Type of work to expect and
learning opportunities
General Practice
Primary Care
A fantastic opportunity to develop skills in initial
assessment of patients presenting to health care
services. Must develop good prioritisation skills, and
recognise the importance of opportunistic health
promotion in primary care.
Community general practices in East Kent
General practitioner partner.
Where the placement is based
Clinical supervisor(s) for the
Main duties of the placement
Typical working pattern in this
placement (e.g. ward rounds,
clinics, theatre sessions)
Local education provider (LEP) /
employer information
Delivering primary care services to a wide range of
service users, children through to geriatrics, and
arranging appropriate further investigation, referral or
follow up.
Working hours – generally 6 hours of clinic a day,
usually between 9-6 but may finish later.
Allowance for compulsory FY2 teaching afternoon.
Up to three sessions available for audit, taster days or
special interest days. If these are not arranged by the
individual then extra clinics will be scheduled.
Minimum six clinics – initially 30 minute consultations,
reducing to 20 minutes after 2-4 weeks. Although
consulting on your own, each FY2 doctor is allocated a
clinical supervisor who should have blocked sessions
in their clinic to allow for supervision and ad hoc
It is an opportunity to see a huge range of conditions
both acute and chronic, serious and menial. Great
prescribing practice and experience in managing
chronic conditions. Also involves appropriate referral to
secondary care, or other community services.
Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) is one of the
largest hospital trusts in the country, with
more than 6,000 staff serving a population
exceeding 700,000 and provides integrated
patient care in East Kent with over 80
clinical specialties. Established on 1st April
1999, EKHUFT has three acute hospitals at
Canterbury, Margate and Ashford, with
smaller hospitals in Dover and Folkestone.