Контрольная 10 семестр

Задание 1
1.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
My Trip to Cuba
Tourism is having a great effect. It offers a look at other worlds. I decided to go to
Cuba because I’m working on a book about the Caribbean. I have already been to 23 islands
in the region but not to Cuba, the biggest of them all. I got a ticket on a flight with Cubana,
the national airline. In fact, my Cubana flight was excellent.
I had an ambition to meet as many Cubans as possible. For a foreigner speaking English, it is not easy at all. By absolute chance, I landed in Havana in the middle of the International Beatles Conference. Cubans are passionate about The Beatles and it was their third conference on the subject. The conference was partly sponsored by British Embassy, so I agreed
to give a little talk. In this way I met some Beatles fans who live in Cuba, and they invited me
to visit their homes. I was shocked to realize that they are still living on food rations - for example, each person gets only six eggs a month.
But the food in my hotel was very good. I was staying in the Havana Libre, the former
Hilton Hotel, an enormous building with a very good manager. When I was swimming in the
pool, I met a young American. It was a big surprise because the USA is still blockading Cuba
and it discourages its citizens from visiting the island. So there are not many Americans in
Cuba, but you can see something else which is very American: old cars from the 1950s, big
limos which we normally see today only in old films. They are very well kept
by their owners. There are also many collectors in Cuba who keep such cars for their value for
In connection with collections and museums, I visited two ol them. First I went to the
Museum of the Revolution. It has enormous marble corridors and is filled with the things you
find in most museums. The only difference is that instead of Royal jewels they show Che
Guevara’s black beret and Fidel Castro’s trousers.
The other museum I visited in Havana was in the Hotel Ambos Mundos. You just
walk into the building, take the lift up and find yourself in room 511 where Ernest Hemingway used to live when he was writing For Whom the Bell Tolls. Inside the room there is still
his old typewriter.
I then moved for a few days to the main holiday resort, Viradero, which is basically
one enormous white beach. But I didn’t like it. If you want to go to Cuba, it’s better to spend
more time in Havana where you can get the feel of the real Cuba.
Ответьте на вопросы no тексту:
Why did the author visit Cuba?
Is it easy to communicate with people in Cuba in English? Why?
Why was the author surprised when he met an American at the hotel?
What was the author mostly shocked by?
What is special about the Museum of the Revolution?
Определите, являются ли предложения истинными или ложными:
The flight to Cuba was awful.
True / False
Cubans love The Beatles.
True / False
Tourists can’t see anything American in Cuba.
True / False
4. Ernest Hemingway used to stay in the Hotel Viradero.
True /False
5. The author believes that Cuba wili have some changes in the future.
True / False
Задание 2
2.1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме:
1. Educational tourism (to develop), won’t it?
2. It (to take) me long to learn the language, I’m afraid.
3. They (to deal with) only business tours last year.
4. Where you (to use) to spend your holidays some years ago?
5. This company (to advertise) their product on TV soon?
2.2. Составьте предложения, поставив слова в нужном порядке:
1. familiar / air / they / were / travel / not / with.
2. types / nowadays / are / many / there / tourism / of?
3. of / what / will / special-interest / promote / kind / tours / your / company?
4. theme / holiday-makers / the / will / the / tomorrow / a / tour / take / to / park?
5. any / promote / we / more / not / shopping / will / tours.
Завершите вопросительное предложение:
The tour operator will arrange a FAM trip to Turkey.
What ___ ______________________________________________________
The clerk knew what to explain to his customers.
Who __________________________________________________________
A business company sends its staff on educational tour.
Whom ___________________ _____________ ____________ ________ _
The difficulty of the sporting tour depends on the tourist destination. What
Specialist tourist companies take great responsibility.
What companies _________________________________________________
Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:
1. The first guide books were published for leisure travellers.
2. Types of tourism depend on the purposes of travelling people.
Special-interest holidays are very popular nowadays.
4. Third-age and fourth-age tourism will continue developing.
The fourth-age tourism involves disabled people.
2.5. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. I am curious to know how many resorts there are.
2. Your statement is quite to the point!
3. It goes without saying that people were more flexible when travelled by car.
4. They were not familiar with other means of transportation.
5. The accountant will assist you in pricing tonight.
2.6. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Мы не могли догадаться о цели визита этой группы.
2. Они не имели обыкновения ходить в горы еще пару лет назад.
3. Смогут ли инвалиды посетить эту выставку?
4. Почему вы предпочли ознакомительный тур?
5. Отдыхающие катались на лодках, велосипедах, ходили в поход.
Задание 3
3.1. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
1. to be impressed
2. to spend time
3. to arrange a trip
4. to set up a travel agency
5. to hold the sessions
3.2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:
посещать конгресс
наслаждаться природным окружением
сочетать активную деятельность и отдых
планировать маршрут
использовать спортивное снаряжение
3.3. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги:
1. These companies may collect information ______ markets and business partners.
It’s true, you are speaking ___ the point.
3. The terms «third» and «fourth» age tourism were introduced __________ the sake
_ politeness towards retired and disabled people.
What do you have _____ mind when you say «special-interest holiday»?
5. I can’t sort _____________ the purposes of tourism.
3.5. Вставьте пропущенные слова или фразы:
1. The UNWTO cooperates with the ________________________ and many
organizations. __________________________________________
2. is the fastest mode of travelling.
3. Steamships used to move within _________________________ waterways only.
4. The first travellers were ________________________________ , and
5. Travellers combine _________ and _______________________ during a sporting holiday.
3.6. Дайте определения следующих терминов:
1 A holiday-maker is
2. A spa is
3. A convention is
4. A resort is
5. Leisure tourism is