Jasper Jones Text Response Assignment

Jasper Jones Text Response
Choose one of the following:
1. Report on Royal Commission
After listening to the evidence presented at the inquiry into the disappearance of Laura Wishart, write your own
opinion on the events at Corrigan, culminating in the death of Laura Wishart. Include as many of the witness reports
from the testimonials as you can to substantiate your point of view.
2. Newspaper Report
You are writing for a major Victorian newspaper, and sending your report back here. Thus, you will need to include
information about Corrigan to convey to a Victorian community the nature of the Corrigan community and the
characters in it whose actions may have contributed to the events.
You may write as a reporter (ie an objective report) or you may write as a character from the book (a subjective
3. Essay
Choose one of the topics below:
1. “It’s really that point that I wanted to test Charlie with the burden of knowing, and the comfort of notknowing.” (Craig Silvey) What important lessons does Charlie Bucktin learn about himself, others and the
town of Corrigan?
2. Who or what is to blame for the tragedy of Laura Wishart?
3. Who and/or what in Corrigan might change as a result of the events in Jasper Jones?
4. CSI: Colour, Symbol, Image Routine
A routine for distilling the essence of ideas non-verbally. This is NOT an easy option – merely a
choice to respond visually, rather than in a written way.
Assessment Criteria
Assessment Criteria
1 A careful and considered response to the topic
2 Knowledge of the text / Royal Commission
3 Appropriate use of quotes / witnesses to support your ideas
4 Clarity of expression/spelling/punctuation.
5 Thought, effort and detail
Some suggestions for completing this task…
1. Report on Royal Commission – here’s a suggested structure:
Abstract: An introductory paragraph giving the reason for the Inquiry and the dates and places at which the enquiry
was held eg
Depression, youth disengagement and suicide continue to represent a significant social and public health issue in
Australia. As part of a proactive approach to enhancing Australia‘s resilience to these problems, this report presents
the findings of a recent inquiry in West Australia regarding the disappearance and subsequent suicide of a local
teenage girl in the town of Corrigan, WA, on or about December 3rd, 1965.
The aim of the Inquiry was to identify the common issues in the town that may have contributed to this incident and
to assist in the development of potential strategies for enhancing resilience against future problems.
The key issues that were identified as particularly critical were: (list some of these)
In closing, the factors that drive these key issues are …… and the way forward is …….
Background: Give the details of the incident here.
Overview: Include some of the evidence given – the actual testimonials of the locals.
Main Findings/Conclusions: Your evaluation of the main points arising out of the statements of those questioned.
2. Newspaper Report
Background info:
As you are writing a news article, your report should include a headline, a photo (do a Google picture search for
something relevant – a West Australian country town, a local footy match, teenage kids around town etc), a caption,
and your article. You can write an opinion piece OR a general news report (ie: a front-page article). You are
commenting on the conclusion of the Commission (but not on its decision, because you haven’t heard it yet).
You need to consider the following:
 What happened? (What? Who? When?)
 What were the 3 main factors that contributed to the disappearance of Laura Wishart?
 What changes should be implemented in the Corrigan community to ensure that something like this does not
happen again?
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report report report
3. Essay
Remember the basic strategy for writing an essay: Introduction, Body Paragraphs and Conclusion. Also remember
that each paragraph introduces a new point using a topic sentence, then justifies and explains your point with quotes
and evidence from the novel to help support your arguments. Check notes on the wiki to find support arguments, and
perhaps read some reviews eg.
Topic 1: What important lessons does Charlie Bucktin learn about himself, others and the town of Corrigan? This is a
“coming of age” novel. It is about adolescent minds trying to make sense of their world and the people around them.
Consider what Charlie discovers about racism, love, friendship and trust in this story.
Topic 2: Who or what is to blame for the tragedy of Laura Wishart?
Consider: The conventional moral and ethical questions that the characters in Jasper Jones are faced with as the
mystery unfolds. What level of responsibility is borne by the people around Laura? What are our responsibilities to
one another? Is it only the perpetrators of the actual events who are to blame or are the onlookers also responsible?
Also – look at the injustice, racism and social exclusion that exists in Australian society in the 60’s and their
relationship to blame, both for indigenous youth, Jasper, and Jeffrey Lu’s immigrant family. Note the ‘Small Town’
values - who is accepted and how others are persecuted – and the consequences of this.
Topic 3: Who and/or what in Corrigan might change as a result of the events in Jasper Jones?
This requires a broader overview of what Jasper Jones says about the good and bad aspects of country town life and
people. Consider the Australian psyche then and now - are the bigotry, emotions and tensions are still relevant in
Australia today? Does the prejudice in Australia in the 1960s still exist?
4. CSI: Colour, Symbol, Image Routine
CSI: Colour, Symbol, Image Routine
A routine for distilling the essence of ideas non-verbally
After studying Jasper Jones make note of
things that you find interesting, important, or
Individually, or with a partner or group first
share your ideas, then complete the following:
 Choose a character
 Choose a colour that you feel best represents or captures the essence of that character.
 What qualities does this character have to earn this colour?
 Add detail:
- Find evidence from the text to support your profile of this character i.e. what others say about
him or her; what she does (how someone acts is often more important than what they say).
- Does he/she change in the novel?
 As a flowchart, outline the story in symbols with very brief annotations. Choose a symbol that you
feel best represents or captures the essence of that idea in the story.
You might define a symbol as a simple line representation or uncomplicated drawing.
 Choose an image that you feel best represents or captures the essence of one (or more) idea or
theme that has been explored in the novel. You might define an image as a visual image or
metaphor that is more complex and fully developed than just a symbol. I.e. a picture/drawing
might be good – then link it to the novel or a description of a passage/event and explain why that
captures a theme/idea.