Jasper Jones Text Response Sheet

Jasper Jones
Text Response
Choose and complete one of the following tasks:
1) Report on the Royal Commission
After listening to the evidence presented at the inquiry, write a report outlining
your opinion on the events in Corrigan, culminating in the disappearance/death
of Laura Wishart.
Include as many of the witness reports from the testimonials as you can to
substantiate your point of view.
Remember: you are presenting your point of view, not that of your character.
Ensure you include your thoughts/beliefs/opinions regrarding:
- The events that led to Laura’s death;
- The state of Corrigan;
- The town’s treatment of minority groups;
- The current state of minority groups in Australia today.
2) Newspaper Report
Write a newspaper article outlining the inquiry: the events leading up to Laura’s
disappearance/death, any discoveries made during the inquiry, the nature of
Corrigan community, and the nature of any characters involved in the events.
You can choose to write an objective article (stating the facts of the story) or a
subjective opinion piece from your character’s point of view (outlining their
thoughts/beliefs/ideas relating to the story.
3) Formal Response Essay
Choose one of the topics below and write a formal response essay:
1. “I wanted to test Charlie with the burden of knowing, and the comfort of
not-knowing.” – Craig Silvey
What important lessons does Charlie Bucktin learn about himself, others
and the town of Corrigan?
2. Who or what is to blame for the tragedy of Laura Wishart?
3. Who and/or what in Corrigan might change as a result of the events in
Jasper Jones?
Ensure you adhere to the structure (Introduction, Body Paragraphs,
Conclusions) and tone of a formal essay, and include plenty of evidence to
support your arguments.
Length: Approx. 600 words
Due date: Thursday 5th of July (Thursday Week 7)
Assessment Criteria:
1. Knowledge of the text / inquiry
2. Depth of insight into text / inquiry / relevant issues
3. Appropriate use of quotes / witness submissions to support your ideas
4. Clarity of expression, tone, and format
5. Control of mechanics: grammar, spelling, punctuation
Check out the Jasper Jones Text Response Starter Sheet or email me/visit me
in Homestead One if you need a hand!