Pupil Name: Year group: Individual Assessment Scale Relates to lesson: KS3 Introductory lesson substance misuse Reducing risky behaviour Common substances misused by young people (Part 1): cannabis, tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy, volatile substances and analgesics Benefits and risks to substance misuse: cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, speed, alcohol, tobacco, Learning Objective Assessment Scale I know some things I want to find out about substance misuse I know the objectives of substance misuse education I know that choosing to misuse substances puts me at more risk I know the dangers of mixing drugs 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of tobacco, cannabis and alcohol 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of cocaine and ecstasy 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of volatile substances 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of analgesics 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know which of these drugs are hallucinogens, depressants and stimulants 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I can suggest some reasons why young people may choose to misuse substances 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know some of the ‘benefits’ and risks that users feel when they take speed, cocaine or ecstasy 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know some of the ‘benefits’ and risks that users feel when they take caffeine 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes OCC 1 | P a g e volatile substances and caffeine Comparing different substances and attitudes to them (Part 1): cannabis, tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy, volatile substances, analgesic Breaking Confidentiality KS3/4 Decision making and acting assertively in situations relating to drug misuse KS4 Introductory lesson substance misuse Busting myths and stereotypes about drug users and dealers I know some of the ‘benefits’ and risks that users feel when they take volatile substances I know my attitudes towards substance misuse I can confidently explain some similarities and differences between these substances 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know when to break confidentiality if a friend tells me a serious problem 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know where to find information or get help with alcohol problems I know some strategies to resist peer pressure 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I can recognise peer pressure 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know some things I want to find out about substance misuse I know the objectives of substance misuse education I have thought about how the media influences my own and other’s ideas about people who misuse substances 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I have thought about how the media influences my own and other’s ideas about drug dealers 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I can recognise stereotyping in the media towards drug dealers and 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes OCC 2 | P a g e Common substances misused by young people (Part 2): speed, legal high ketamine, mephedrone, nitrite, volatile substance laughing gas, analgesic, anabolic steroid users I know the dangers of mixing drugs 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of ketamine 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of nitrites 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of laughing gas 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the effects of mephedrone 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know which of these drugs are hallucinogens, depressants and stimulants 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I can suggest some reasons why young people may choose to misuse substances Comparing different substances and attitudes to them. (Part 2): speed, legal high ketamine, mephedrone, nitrite, analgesics, volatile substance laughing gas, methenolane (sporting illegal drug) Exploring my attitude to risk and substance misuse I know that some substances are misused in sport 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the full impact of substance misuse on the user’s family and friends 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know my attitudes towards substance misuse 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I can confidently explain some similarities and differences between these substances 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I have thought about what kind of a risk taker I am 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know local and national agencies to support young people with drug related issues 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes OCC 3 | P a g e Assessing risks involved with alcohol and substance misuse Should cannabis be legalised? Ketamine – its local impact What to do in an emergency I know the factors which determine how substance misuse affects someone 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know how to reduce the effects which determine how substance misuse can affect someone I know which drugs are classed A, B and C 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I can talk about whether cannabis should or should not be legalised in an informed way I know the risks associated with ketamine 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know where to seek further information about drug related issues 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know how ketamine use and its consequences can impact on the user’s family and friends. 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know how to put someone in the recovery position 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes I know the procedure for phoning 999 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes 1…………………………………………..10 No Yes OCC 4 | P a g e