Community Drug and Alcohol Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Service Dual Diagnosis Event 23 April 2014 Chris Dickinson Head of Commissioning Leeds City Council Leeds Drug and Alcohol Strategy and Action Plan 2013 Our Ambition “Leeds to be a city that promotes a responsible attitude to alcohol and where individuals, families and communities affected by the use of drugs and alcohol can reach their potential and lead safer, healthier and happier lives.” Strategic Outcomes □ People choose not to misuse drugs and/or alcohol □ More people recover from drug and alcohol misuse □ Fewer people experience crime and disorder related to the misuse of drugs and alcohol □ Fewer children, young people and families are affected by drug and alcohol misuse Sector Review Timetable □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ November 2013: Analysis of Key findings from consultation with service users, providers and stakeholders November 2013: Executive Board approves the Council’s Drug and Alcohol Strategy (2013) January 2013: Market sounding exercise highlights competition market February 2014: Development of specification and tender documentation March- October 2014: Tender process December 2014: Contract award December 2014 to June 2015: Mobilisation period June 2015: New services in place Key Drivers for Review □ To improve service integration □ To ensure focus on recovery □ To respond to changing pattern of drug misuse in Leeds / increasing number of people in alcohol treatment □ To improve support for multiple or complex needs □ To respond to the needs of children who become Looked After □ To ensure effective transitions needed between young people and adult treatment and recovery services Overview of Service Requirements Improving Access □ Clear point of access/single identity/branding □ Promotion/information □ Hub and Spoke □ Client Groups □ Outreach Integration □ Bring together drug and alcohol services - not substance specific □ Age range □ Elements of Service □ Holistic □ Recovery Recovery □ Built in from beginning □ Recovery care planning/partnerships □ Recovery Champions/Mentors □ Housing Related Support □ Support to access employment □ Sustaining recovery □ Links with Mutual Aid □ Access to residential rehabilitation Mental Health Key Findings □ Leeds has more complex clients □ An increasing prevalence of dual diagnosis □ Some clients felt that more psychosocial interventions should be available. □ Clients want more integration between mental health and drug and alcohol services □ Links to wider mental health services need to be stronger Mental Health Elements of Specification □ Dual diagnosis will be fully integrated as a specialism within the service. □ Clear pathways and processes should be in in place to identify and support clients who present with coexisting mental health and substance misuse problems □ The service will have trained dual diagnosis lead practitioners. □ The service will develop and maintain close working links with mental health providers Thank you