Key Messages - NHS Education for Scotland

ECCF Stakeholder Event – Friday 9 May 2014, 13:00h to 15:00h
NES Offices, Rooms 5 & 6, 2 Central Quay, 89 Hydepark Street, Glasgow G43 8BW
Welcome and Overview
Jane Harris (JH), NHS Education for Scotland, introduced herself in her new role as Programme
Director within the NMAHP Directorate and welcomed the stakeholders to the ECCF event. She
recognised the impact the stakeholders’ input had on shaping the successful Project Initiation
Document (PID) at the November 2013 stakeholders’ event which was subsequently submitted to
the Scottish Government in January 2014 in support of a 2014 cohort.
JH asked the stakeholders to consider the impact ECCF Fellows have on service and patient care and
encouraged them to use the event as an opportunity to discuss all areas of ECCF, both at national
and local levels. JH identified the Fellows’ ongoing contribution and engagement with these events
and recognised the importance of their role in shaping the future of ECCF.
The stakeholders were directed to the event’s key areas of discussion:
ECCF 2014 Recruitment
Progress of previous and existing Fellows and the ongoing longitudinal study supporting
collation of this information
Introduction of an ECCF Statement/learning contract
Sharing ECCF Fellows’ impact and successes
Network activities: ECCF networks and the National Leadership Unit
Enhancement of mentor roles
JH also asked the question, what shape should future meetings of the ECCF Stakeholders take to
ensure collaborative working and engagement to successfully support ECCF is achieved?
2014 Recruitment
Ann Rae (AR), Educational Projects Manager, updated the stakeholders on the recruitment of a 2014
cohort to ECCF. Following successful submission of a Project Initiation Document (PID) in January
2014, the Scottish Government agreed to support 10 Fellows to a 2014 cohort. This decision
instigated recruitment to be planned and, in recognition to lessons learned from previous ECCF
recruitments, amendments to the existing recruitment process were implemented for this
application opening, including:
Requesting Nurse Directors to highlight Boards’ priority areas to ensure applications were
matched with service needs.
Completion and management of applications using an HR-dedicated, online system
Addition of agreed set criteria to longlist applications in a robust and transparent way
Access to online psychometric testing.
Thirty-one applications had been received on close of the system, of which 29 were completed.
Following further interrogation, 26 successful applicants progressed to psychometric testing. From
this shortlist of applications there is good national geographic spread from all branches of nursing
and midwifery, including community, and a particularly high number of applications were received
from mental health branch.
Interview dates and panels are planned over a number of dates in June 2014 following which 10
applicants will be selected to become ECCF 2014 Fellows. Interview panels will consist of a Chair
from NES, a Higher Education Institution Masters Programme Leader and the relevant NHS Board
Update on Progress of 2011 and 2012 cohorts / Sharing Examples of Impact to Date
AR covered both points in the April 2014 project update paper
There was discussion regarding the challenges of monitoring and evidence gathering of Fellows’
impact to service. The tracking of Fellows following completion/graduation of their courses has
proved to be historically problematic. However, this longitudinal data collection is critical in linking
Fellows to care priorities as well as being a requirement of Scottish Government funding.
There is a sense that a Fellow’s involvement in the Fellowship exists over a fixed time period (i.e. the
three years they receive funding for their learning) but the expectation is that this is only the
beginning of their Fellowship involvement. A Fellow should remain engaged with ECCF to allow their
ongoing development and successes to be recorded and shared, as well as to offer their experience
of what it means to be an ECCF Fellow to newly appointed Fellows.
AR requested round-table discussions to consider effective ways to manage these challenges and
stakeholders were tasked with considering:
Introducing a learning/Fellowship commitment/contract
Proposed personal and professional qualities post ECCF
These discussion points are shared as bullet points in Appendix 1.
The key areas that will be taken forward are:
1. Alumni information/development of Fellowship community integrated into the Leading
Quality Network
2. Clarity of all parties’ remit and responsibilities in participating and supporting the Fellowship
3. Building stronger links with universities
4. Inclusion of generic timescales as an outline of Fellowship timescales
5. Ongoing engagement with the stakeholder group
National Leadership/ECCF Network and Options for enhancing the Mentor Role
Mandy Andrew (MA), leadership consultant from the National Leadership Unit (NLU), discussed the
role of the NLU and how the Unit’s activities can link and support ECCF Network activity. The Unit
delivers leadership programmes to both clinical and non-clinical staff and is in the process of setting
up an online mentoring site, developed by NHS Wales’s Public Mentoring Service, which will allow
mentors and mentees to be matched from the data that is input on the system. To further support
the mentor role, the Unit offers mentor resources as well as the opportunity to bring together the
mentors at a biannual mentors’ forum to support engagement and as a platform to share
MA posed the question “What is the way forward for ECCF Fellows?” to the group. There is
recognition of the ECCF Network benefits while the Fellows are supported over the three-year
period of their funded studies, but what network and support mechanisms can they expect once this
element of the Fellowship is complete? Would Fellows benefit from moving from their existing ECCF
network to the wider Leading Quality Network? This network would support both their professional
growth as well their growth into areas of strategic engagement. Do Fellows continue with a local
mentor then go in to the network once they finish or would an ECCF alumnus maintain this shared
experience? If a community is built solely around ECCF Fellows and not opened up there is a risk of
Fellows becoming isolated from other professional networks and not being opened up to other
opportunities. For some time ECCF have been the only investment for post registration opportunity
of its kind but times have changed and the risk of isolation from similar professional networks is
significant and could be detrimental to Fellows.
Link to the Leading Quality Network is at
Longitudinal data
To evidence impact, Fellows’ presentations, publications and sharing of work at events
1. How is evidence of this collected?
a. Add to learning agreement
b. Feedback from Boards’ perspective
c. Share dissertations
d. Celebration event for posters
Future shape of Stakeholder Group and Event:
Would be good if more Fellows could attend the stakeholder meeting
More Regular? – Virtually to inform decision making?
More Fellows involved in helping to organise the celebration Event – next year
Target audience – invite to Event
Timing of events – November and May?
Sharing of facilitating of events over different sites
ECCF Discussion Points – 1
1. is currently looking at paired learning (building on Imperial Healthcare experience). Are
there ongoing opportunities for links to ECCF?
2. National Leadership Unit’s (NLU) Organisational Development Network – Is this an
opportunity to update this network on ECCF?
3. Explore potential links between Leading Quality Network (LQN) and ECCF
4. Leadership Matters is the refreshed national leadership strategy five principles. ECCF make
links into this (Contact: Hazel McKenzie).
5. This year Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) is leading the poster section– what plans are
there to support ECCF Fellows to submit abstracts?
ECCF Discussion Points – 2
1. Academic Institutions feel underutilised and would welcome some ways of being more
2. For the learning agreement use a quadrant approach:
Not a learning contract as such.
Online mentorship application to be launched at NHSScotland Event (June 2014)
Is there an opportunity to bring together ECCF mentors and networks to share a forum? Just
started this – mentoring for leading quality supporting 6-8 sessions through Mandy Andrews
at the Leadership Unit
7. Learning Quality Network – Five ALS for clinical and non-clinical staff developed from NHS
Wales mentor service online.
ECCF Discussion Points – 3
Had not realised there was not a learning contract!
Maybe identify all parties’ responsibilities; mentors, NES, HEIs – similar to QSPP
Perhaps give time parameters similar to those on FSNHSO
Continue contact with Fellows once they have finished their programme of study – an
alumni model.
5. Fellows have a responsibility to “give back” to the Fellowship.
6. Hoping Fellowship will develop “other” skills, other than those they have already.
ECCF Discussion Points – 4
High levels of self-awareness
To consistently role model the values of the NHS and a commitment and focus on care
Evaluate information form a range of sources and take action to improve care and services
Hold self and others to account in terms of behaviours supportive of team work and quality
of care
5. Clearly articulate vision and inspire others to continuously develop practice and services
6. Build effective and co-productive relationships with many professionals and support staff
ECCF Discussion Points – 5
1. A robust link between HEIs and NES is required - these are isolated systems where nothing
links up.
2. Have an annual report from HEIs – much stronger links with NES
3. Clear purpose of the learning contract – is it to monitor progress or to maintain
contact/communication, or to maintain evidence/impact. For further discussion
4. Action learning attendance – compulsory
5. Penalty for pulling out
6. Report shared with NES, Board and HEIs
7. Suggest manager and mentor involvement in discussing the report after Fellow’s initial
completion and prior to submission to NES ECCF team (i.e. tripartite discussion). This would
enable any challenges to be identified and addressed etc, achievements recognised and
verified and sign off by Fellow, Mentor and Manager.
8. Suggest input from education provider to the discussion (or via written report) to verify
academic achievement/note any challenges/difficulties and actions taken to overcome
9. Suggest one year post completion of ECCF to submit an update re progress/activities or
dissemination (locally, nationally etc) resulting from ECCF activity - evidencing impact
What Fellows gain as individuals?
Maybe – where Fellows should be at, at certain points in their career?
Personal aspiration priority → Board aspiration priority
Sharing of dissertation and dissemination of findings thereafter
Could the outcomes from dissertations and publications, etc. be located on the MKN website
to enable wider dissemination?
Changes to Service – what ECCF enabled Fellows to change – e.g. Lead person on a project,
research post, input to groups, evidence of research practice, etc
Costly to fund ECCF, so there needs to be evidence that it is leading to change
Include outcome of Masters programme - e.g. if commendation/distinction, prizes etc
Include indication of how learning from MSc - especially from dissertation/thesis - has been
disseminated locally, nationally etc
6-monthly bi-annual reports are good
It would be good to include contact with mentor as an item on the bi-annual reports as
some Fellows still report mentorship issues/difficulties
Given that ECCF will be one of other options that will be developed in the future – is there a
need for a post – Flying Start online resource with a focus on Practice, Leadership, Education
& Research
ECCF Discussion Points – 6
Recognition that it would be a significant positive move to adopt a learning contract
Encourage regular, ongoing contact
Clarity of learning outcomes valuable
Regular contact with mentors
The contract should clearly breakdown responsibilities for:
a. Mentors
b. ALS Facilitators
c. HEIs
d. NES
e. Fellows
f. Boards Leads
Include generic timescales to help Fellows gauge their progress
Create a community of Fellowships with ongoing communication
Recognise the barriers the pilot broke down to allow develop of the Fellowships
ECCF should be a transformative process that will develop individuals’ potential
ECCF Discussion Points – North Group
Re interim reports:
Suggest manager and mentor involvement in discussing the report after Fellow’s initial completion
and prior to submission to NES ECCF team (i.e. tripartite discussion). This would enable any
challenges to be identified and addressed etc, achievements recognised and verified and sign off by
Fellow, Mentor and Manager.
Suggest input from education provider to the discussion (or via written report) to verify academic
achievement/note any challenges/difficulties and actions taken to overcome them.
On final Report
Include outcome of Masters Programme - e.g. if Commendation/Distinction, prizes etc
Include indication of how learning from MSc - especially from Dissertation/Thesis has been
disseminated locally, nationally etc
Additional suggestion:
Suggest one year post completion of ECCF to submit an update re progress/activities of
dissemination (locally, nationally etc) resulting from ECCF activity - evidencing impact