Agenda and Workshops - NHS Education for Scotland

ECCF in NHS Scotland
Stakeholder Workshop
10am-2pm 18th November 2013.
Room 1 and 2, NHS Education for Scotland, 102 WestPort, Edinburgh EH3 9DN
Aim: To inform the ongoing development of Early Clinical Career Fellowships for
Nurses and Midwives in NHS Scotland.
-Discuss the experiences of ECCF in NHS Scotland to date.
-Consider the implications to the ECCF model for future cohorts in light of the changing
-In health and education sectors such as the CNO Education Review and NHS Scotland
20:20 workforce vision.
-Contribute to the development of a strategic vision for ECCF in NHS Scotland.
-Agree elements of the ECCF 2011/2012 model which should be retained and propose
amendments for ECCF 2014 recruitment.
NHS Board leads for ECCF, Master programme leaders, Action Learning Set
Facilitators, ECCF fellows, Mentors for ECCF, Members of the National Steering
Registration, Coffee and
ECCF and the Policy Context :
Setting the Direction
ECCF as emerging leaders in
NHS Scotland
Questions and discussion
Activity 1
Mixing up the tables!!
Activity 2
Activity 3
Summary and thanks
Mike Sabin, Associate Director of Nursing
NHS Education for Scotland
Angela Wallace, Nurse Director NHS Forth Valley and
Chair of the National Steering Group for ECCF
Highlights and Lowlights
Vision for ECCF in NHS Scotland
Informing the ECCF 2014 model
Ann Rae, Educational Projects Manager, NHS
Education for Scotland
Workshop Activities
Each table has a mix of roles – i.e. NHS Board leads for ECCF, Master programme
leaders, Action Learning Set Facilitators, ECCF fellows, Mentors for ECCF, Members
of the National Steering Group
The outputs from the workshops will be taken to the National Steering Group for
Activity 1: Sharing experiences: Highlights and Lowlights
Please spend about 5 minutes each sharing some of the highlights and lowlights
of ECCF from the perspective of your own role.
Consider what stakeholder groups and organisations are doing to recognise and
utilise their ECCF fellows achievements”
Agree what you would want to share with the group and add these to the
Activity 2: Vision for ECCF in NHS Scotland
Reflecting on the morning’s presentations, discussion and sharing this morning:
prepare a Vision for ECCF in NHS Scotland. You have a timeline of 10 years.
Populate the timeline in whatever way you wish e.g. images, statements,
questions, propose data, etc
After 30 minutes prepare to spend a few minutes sharing this vision with the
Activity 3: Informing the ECCF 2014 model
Please identify one person to capture the views of the group for the
workshop organizers to collate in the workshop report.
a) Agree elements of the ECCF 2011/2012 model which should be retained and
propose amendments for ECCF 2014 recruitment.
b) Propose communication structure.
ECCF 2011/2012 model:
Fellowship is for 3 years only.
Induction – 1 day plus commence action learning.
Study leave: 7.5 hrs per week for 40 weeks (300 hrs per year).
Masters programme: Funded part time masters to be completed within the 3 year
fellowship timeframe. Selection of masters must be clinically relevant and can
include Masters by Research.
Mentoring / Clinical coaching from a senior professional in practice or education
Action Learning Sets: 4/5 sets per year.
Masterclasses: 2 per year addressing policy, practice and leadership development.
ECCF 2011/2012 recruitment
Self selection.
Application with proposed master programme.
References required and support agreed by NHS Board.
Psychometric testing: 1. numerical reasoning 2. Critical thinking 3. Resilience.
Interview panel comprising NES, NHS Board lead, Masters Programme leader.
Current Communication Structure
National Steering group.
Board leads and Masters programme leaders group.
ALS facilitators forum.
Mentor/Clinical Coach network.
ECCF Network for all fellows past and present.
NES Connects: -an emerging interprofessional network.