Praise God for His guidance in gathering the words Appreciation to

Praise God for His guidance in gathering the words
Appreciation to Pastor Staunton and to the Consistory for the honor and the permission to be your
speaker; and Thanks to you for coming and listening.
Who R Wii? In today’s world where little emphasis is placed anymore on grammar, etiquette, and
spelling, the message is a play on words. But, who are we, really?
Beginning from the Reformation and reformers like Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, the Wesleys , and the like,
religious beliefs and the freedom to worship were important to the people. After coming to America,
setting up villages in places like Pennsylvania , people moved west and south; some coming to NC.
The United Church of Christ is a union of basically 4 denominations. Can you name them? German
Reformed, Evangelical, Christian, Congregational. A motto developed for the UCC which was what? That
they may all be one. During this summer, Pastor Staunton spoke to us about the soil and seeds and what
was needed for proper growth. In the last few weeks, Pastor Staunton described a solid foundation
that is needed. Look again at 1st Corinthians, “The one who plants and the one who waters really do not
matter. It is God who matters, because he makes the plant grow”. And later, “For we are partners
working together for God, and you are God’s field. You are also God’s building”. Using the gifts God has
given us, are we doing the work? Are we laying good foundations? Are we careful in how we build?
Again from Corinthians, “For God has already placed Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation and no
other foundation can be laid.”
That touches on the denominational history and there are books in our library with much more detail
should you be interested; but what about Ursinus? For years now, we’ve observed, during this special
Sunday, the recognition of those who started Ursinus church. Without looking, how many of those
original members can you name? Who are we Today? We are each a child of God; brothers and sisters
in faith at different places and stages of growth, development and service.
Over the years we have been:
Mayors, alder”people” (men and women), city employees, town clerk, city managers, fire chief and
firefighters, police chief and patrolmen, librarians, teachers and teacher assistants, principals
Dentists, dental hygenists, pharmacists, nurses
Lawyers, ministers, business owners, managers and employees
Secretaries and administrative assistants
Truck drivers, car and truck mechanics, route salesman
Electricians, plumbers, gas station workers, power company employees, plant managers
Postal workers, piano teachers, beauticians, home product salesperson
Accountants, quality control managers, financial advisors, bankers, investment consultants, cpas
Child and day care attendants, baby sitters
Advisors, counselors, scout leaders, military leaders and soldiers, state & county servants or consultants
Florists, air traffic controller, construction workers, builders, earth movers, equipment technicians
Cooks, wait staff, antique buyers and dealers
Golfers, baseball players, sports coaches
Writers, seamstresses, private detective
volunteers (and I still haven’t mentioned mothers and fathers, etc)
The founders of this very church met under a brush arbor, we are told. If 10 of us gathered under a
shade tree today, would 5 disagree on major ideas and the other 5 be asleep? Our founders wanted a
church, a place to learn, to teach, to worship, right here in River City, I mean Rockwell.
Today, we are very busy. Our service to our community, state, nation and world is not just by way of the
church, but has become a part of our daily living and working. It is no longer just the church that wants
our money and our service.
What will Ursinus be in the future? There are those who wish for many changes, a modernization or
another Reformation of sorts. There are those who wish for the good ole days, with more structure,
more reverence. We never change, you say? Well then, where are the hats, gloves and matching shoes;
the silk stockings with the seam to keep straight in the back? Where are the starched white shirts with
stays, the ties and the Saturday-night shined shoes? Pastor Staunton and Pastor Gilliam have both
referred us to the New Testament book of James. Read it. It will take you less than 30 minutes. It is
only 5 chapters. Listen to a few passages telling us about Christian life.
James 1:2 “My brothers, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way,
for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure”. 1:12
“Happy is the person who remains faithful under trials, because when he succeeds in passing such a test,
he will receive as his reward the life which God has promised to those who love him”. Verse 17: “Every
good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God…” Verse22: “Do not
deceive yourselves by just listening to his word; instead, put it into practice”. In Chapter 2, James states
“You see, then, that it is by his actions that a person is put right with God, and not by his faith alone”.
And from 5:8 “You also must be patient. Keep your hopes high, for the day of the Lord’s coming is near.
Do not complain against one another, my brothers, so that God will not judge you.”
Do you feel stale, stuck in the muck, used up and generally worn out? Do you feel that growth in a
church only means growth in numbers? Do you think Ursinus isn’t doing enough? Well, let’s see. This
year Ursinus has done the following, just to mention a few things: Lots of things happen around feeding
our faces….and hopefully our souls:
Annual meeting, pancake supper with proceeds going to Rowan Regional Hospice House, salad and
potato bar, bbq chicken, soup and sandwich, steak and chicken dinners, pecan sales, chili.
There is growth: adding Primary Sunday School class, so that toddlers and pre-schoolers are involved.
Helen Holland officially joined us. Cub Scouts and now Girls Scouts are meeting in our facilities.
We have had births, illnesses and deaths that involved our church family. Many have faced treatments
and surgeries during the year.
We have worshipped in different places….twice in Rockwell Park and in the Fellowship Hall during the
summer months.
Involved in community: many are involved with Civiitans, Rockwell Community Association, alderman,
Rockwell Seniors Clubs, Silver Belles, Sweet Potato Queens, to name a few. Gideons have spoken here.
We have participated in the 90 day Bible Class with St. James Lutheran, Lenten Service with our
Community churches, World Day of Prayer at St. Peter’s Lutheran, VBS with other churches,
Contemporary Service with One Road Home, and upcoming Thanksgiving and Advent activities.
Our Pastor is busy too, attending annual meetings of the Southern Conference and Western NC
Association and praying for us as he goes about his week, answering phone calls, preparing for weekly
services, and checking on members and respecting the integrity and history of this church. Much effort
by the pastor and organist occurred in planning the 9-11 Remembrance Service.
Volunteers: Where would we be without you?!
Volunteers help keep up the grounds, paint and repair the buildings and work on clean-up days.
Volunteers provide flowers, serve as greeters and ushers, care for the nursery and provide food and
goods for Rowan Helping Ministries. Volunteers gave money so the Pastor could attend Southern
Conference, and gave the Primary and Pre-school classes a vcr/dvd system. Earnhardts provided the
church with the new electronic piano here in the sanctuary. The Teagues provided a pool party for the
youth and leaders. Volunteers take Meals On Wheels to those in the community who qualify for the
assistance. And may we add, that every day of the week that someone goes from Ursinus, a member of
the Consistory is scheduled to go that day.
The DADS Class used the Mayberry Bible Series this year. Youth and volunteers worked at the Homeless
Shelter twice this year. Our Trustees, Richard Deaton and volunteers worked to continue to address the
flooding in the basement, repair gutters, paint, remove and install new carpeting in the Fellowship Hall.
We Saluted our Seniors (and still do today), honored Rev. Yorke Peeler Jr. on the 50th anniversary of his
ordination, planned trips for our children to Lazy 5 Ranch and Patterson Farms. Mary Barbara Staunton
will this week begin a DivorceCare class to help those who have been or are exploring what divorce
means and how to manage it in our lives.
There has been something for everyone, if we would just choose to be involved. And let’s not forget the
joy, the inspiration, the dedication of the Men of Ursinus, who along with the choir, presented the Living
Last Supper. Thank you, men! It is so rewarding to see you participating in whatever ways you can to
the life of this church.
Despite what you may believe, Ursinus is an active church. Maybe we need to pause and reflect on the
purpose of our busy activities, to see the true purposes and who is being served…where we put our
attention, for example. Is it on ourselves, on our children, on our community or on God?
God is still speaking to us…….this is true today. Do we take the time to really listen to what He is telling
us? “God is Still Speaking to Us” is a UCC theme in the last few years. You will see more of that on your
placemats for lunch and in the comma lapel pin at your place. Take these and respond to them as you
will. The speaker has several challenges for us today as we begin another UCC year: sit in a different
place (move over one seat to the left or to the right; one pew up or one pew back, except for those on
the back row, of course; and if you are really challenged, switch sides!); find ways to learn new things
about your church—volunteer to do things you’ve never done before or attend a Sunday School class
you haven’t been to in years…..but LEARN about your church. Get excited about your church… Be
selective about your use of funds… with your financial responsibilities, but never forget about your
church. Add a quarter to your giving each week. It’s okay to hear the clang of a quarter in the collection
plate. A quarter.
A quick tale: work needed to be done in the church. EVERYBODY thought SOMEBODY ought to do it.
ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY did. We are a part of everybody. Ever been at a meeting, and you
hear someone say, Where is everybody? What are we who are there? We really mean, where is
everybody Else, but we don’t say it. When we think Somebody ought to do the task, we really mean
Somebody ELSE! To say anybody can do it, may not be right, as there are things each of us will admit we
cannot do, but maybe Anybody can LEARN to do it. We are all quick to find the faults……and complain
about them often. We see the things left undone and say, “that’s not my responsibility”, “I don’t get
paid to do that”, or “it is still not done”; when how much easier it would be to just clean up after
ourselves, ask those in authority how you can help, and serve.
I spoke of Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There is however, one other Body. One body
who gave His life for Everybody. One body who looks upon us as a Somebody important. One body
who says Anybody can come to me and I will give you rest….one body who says Anybody can be a
Somebody in His world. And one body who tells us that we can never be a Nobody in His Kingdom, for
all are important to Him. We are never alone. He loves us all. Our motto, “That they may all be one”
should still apply to us today….that we may work together as one, one body, one union, one goal, to
learn and serve God.
Who are we? Beginning with the 10 (hands gesture) and still today, with united efforts, determination,
and enthusiasm, we are URSINUS UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST! Amen.
May we pray. Oh God, in a time like this and on a day like this, we cannot escape the presence of those
who have gone before us. They discovered causes worth their self-denial and left fulfillment of those
causes to others yet to come. We must consider those who died in faith, not having received their
promises, but having seen them and greeted them from afar. To us they speak. To us, they hand a
challenge, not of competition, but of acceptance of the spirit that was theirs. They ask us to see that we
too must be willing to continue the journey for those who come after us. To be confident in our
descendants is better than to achieve ourselves. Our ancestors knew that God was their dwelling place
and they call to us in a day of trial to do no less, and to trust no lesser refuge. They left to us an
unfinished task. We will leave an unfinished task to our children. We thank you, God , for that. It is a
gift of a great faith. Let us too, be willing to die in faith, not having received the promises, but having
seen them and greeted them from afar. Amen.
Message given in Ursinus UCC on Heritage Sunday, November 6, 2011 by Suzanne M. Augustyn