III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and

Mapping of entrepreneurship activities
at NORDTEK Universities
Prepared by: Valeria Gulieva,
Aalborg University, vg@adm.aau.dk
Aalborg, 2015
Executive summary
Mapping of entrepreneurship activities at NORDTEK Universities is a document containing a brief
description of the entrepreneurship initiatives, structures and educational programs at 27 partner
universities. NORDTEK being a network of the Rectors and Deans of the Technical Universities, the
mapping is focusing on entrepreneurship education for engineers.
The information was collected using a data template designed basing on the existing literature on
entrepreneurship education and commercialization activities of the universities. The data
collection concentrated on the four focus areas. The first point is organization and entrepreneurial
culture, identifying the main structures responsible for developing entrepreneurship at the
universities and major projects and partnerships dealing with this subject. The second is
entrepreneurship education for engineers itself, including curriculum and specific teaching
methods. The third point is extracurricular activities, such as workshops, seminars and
competitions, as well as student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives. The last, forth part of the
mapping, reveals the technology commercialization facilities as well as start-up support at the
participating universities.
The data was collected in a form of a desktop research, mainly using information from the
universities’ websites and internet search results. Mapping took place in the period of April-May
After the data collection forms were completed, the documents were sent to the contact persons
at the respective universities. A list of persons who provided us with the response is also included
in the document. Due to the limited timeframe, the feedback from a number of universities was
not obtained, so the information on these universities was not verified. The names of these
institutions are marked in the document with an asterisk (*).
Based on the collected data, a number of general tendencies were identified. Besides, a number of
interesting cases and solutions were highlighted. A summary of these items is presented in the
document as “Good practices”.
In such a way, the document has the following structure. It opens with mapping of
entrepreneurship activities at 27 NORDTEK universities followed by the summary of good practices
identified and the list of contact persons at the respective universities.
NORDTEK Universities: Mapping of Entrepreneurship Activities ........................................................... 5
Denmark ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Technical University of Denmark................................................................................................................... 5
University of Southern Denmark ................................................................................................................... 9
Aalborg University ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Aarhus University ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Finland ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Aalto University ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Lappeenranta University of Technology*.................................................................................................... 19
Tampere University of Technology (TUT) .................................................................................................... 21
University of Oulu ........................................................................................................................................ 23
University of Vaasa ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Åbo Akademi University* ............................................................................................................................ 27
University of Turku ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Iceland ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
University of Iceland .................................................................................................................................... 33
Reykjavík University..................................................................................................................................... 35
Norway ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) ......................................................................... 37
University of Stavanger* ............................................................................................................................. 40
University of Agder* .................................................................................................................................... 41
The Arctic University of Norway* ................................................................................................................ 42
Sweden ............................................................................................................................................................ 43
Blekinge Institute of Technology* ............................................................................................................... 43
Chalmers University of Technology ............................................................................................................. 44
Karlstad University*..................................................................................................................................... 47
KTH Royal Institute of Technology .............................................................................................................. 49
Linköping University .................................................................................................................................... 52
Luleå University of Technology* ................................................................................................................. 55
Lund University (Faculty of Engineering)..................................................................................................... 57
Mid Sweden University*.............................................................................................................................. 59
Umeå University .......................................................................................................................................... 61
Uppsala University ....................................................................................................................................... 63
Entrepreneurship at NORDTEK Universities: “good practices” ............................................................. 65
National and regional level: startup support .......................................................................................... 65
Inter-university collaboration .................................................................................................................. 66
University-Industry collaboration ............................................................................................................ 66
Organizational solutions for teaching and supporting entrepreneurship............................................... 67
Entrepreneurship education and teaching .............................................................................................. 68
Facilities for student Entrepreneurship ................................................................................................... 69
Student-Driven Entrepreneurship ........................................................................................................... 70
List of Contact Persons ............................................................................................................................ 71
NORDTEK Universities: Mapping of Entrepreneurship Activities
Technical University of Denmark
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: participation in Copenhagen Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Lab (CIEL) together with CBS and Copenhagen University
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Technology and Innovation Management division (Department of Management
Engineering); DTU Executive School of Business
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: Office for Innovation & Sector services
(OIS) , DTU Diploms Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: DTU Skylab, a crossdisciplinarily hub and community for student innovation and entrepreneurship located at
the main campus of DTU; offers office facilities, teaching facilities, social spaces, labs,
prototype workshops, coaching, events, matchmaking and prototype materials for free.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: DTU offers degree
programs in engineering within the entire spectrum of the technical and natural sciences.
Entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability are integrated elements in all programs.
The following programs are in particular to be highlighted: Sustainable Energy (MSc), Wind
Energy (MSc) , Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (MSc), Digital Media Engineering
(MSc), Biotechnology (BSc & MSc), Design and Innovation (BSc & MSc); Engineering
Management (MSc), Executive MBA, the Master in Management of Technology (MBA in
Innovation, New Business Creation and Personal Leadership); MSc in Business
Administration and Bioentrepreneurship (in cooperation with Copenhagen Business School
and Copenhagen University http://goo.gl/F95sV9
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: CDIO at DTU – all bachelor
engineering programmes are based on the CDIO concept. CDIO is an innovative
educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers. The framework
provides students with an education stressing engineering fundamentals set in the context
of Conceiving — Designing — Implementing — Operating real-world systems and products.
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: TEMO (Technology, Economics,
Management and Organisation) is a 10 ECTS point course offered to all MSc Students.
TEMO is followed by more than 350 students each semester. The general purpose of the
course is to qualify the student to understand the relation between technology, economics,
management and organisation, and to determine the specific role of the engineer in a
given organisation from a strategic, tactical and operational perspective, and in relation to
innovation and corporate entrepreneurship. Students are also offered alternatives in
specifically designed innovation/entrepreneurship courses.
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, master); TEMO (Technology,
Economics, Managemnet and Organisation)(10, master); Value creation in pharma- and
biotechnology (5, master); Urban Metabolism & Innovation in a cradle-to-cradle
perspective (7.5, master); Knowledge based Entrepreneurship (5, master);
Entrepreneurship in Food; Kommercialisering af high tech koncepter,iværksætteri og
videnskab i action(5, master); Entrepreneurship in photonics, optics and nanotech (5, PhD);
Applied Creativity (5, master); Innovation and digital media (5, master); Conceptualisation
(10, master); Entrepreneurship in photonics and communications (5, master); Chemical and
Biochemical Product Design (10, master); Embedded System Innovation (5, master);
Sustainable Transition Processes (5, advanced course); Sustainable development of
emerging technologies (5, master, bachelor); Nanotechnology, design, society and
environment (5, bachelor); Design, Innovation and Production(10, advanced course);
Technology and Innovation Management (5, master); Entrepreneurship in photonics and
communications (5, master)
5. DTU Executive School of Business: lifelong learning and executive education for
organizations and individuals. A number of executive programs in innovation and
entrepreneurship: http://www.business.dtu.dk/english/Executive-Programs
6. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: use of action-learning, applying
knowledge and tools to solve real-life business problems; coaching entrepreneurship (by
Technology and Innovation Management division, Entrepreneurship group in collaboration
with Young Enterprise). Entrepreneurship pedagogy: action-learning, applying knowledge
and tools to solve real life business problems.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Stardust-DTU, AppFactory, Grøn Vision
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Talent program for Master and Bachelor students
(an offer from Skylab): 2 modules – 1 (the processes of idea generation, evaluation and
commercialization, basic knowledge on strategy building, marketing and management of
entrepreneurial firms), 2 (core knowledge on growth entrepreneurship, aims to mediate
theoretical knowledge and practical experience)
In an effort to ensure continuous developments and improvements in the area of
sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship, a vast number of other activities and
initiatives are established at DTU Campus, including DTU Blue Dot Projects like: RoboCup,
Roadrunners, Solar decathlon , DTUsat, Bryghus
3. Workshops / competitions:
Stardust Startup Program is a 13-week program that is designed to facilitate lift-off for the
startups and student entrepreneurs with their products. Over the 13-weeks, the startups
and the student entrepreneurs, get hands-on experiential advice and critique on their
actions and thoughts through the 13-week workshop sequence. These workshops range
from Change Management, How-to Network to Pitching Advice and training to advice on
Negotiation + various events and activities from Skylab
- GRØN DYST In recognition of the pivotal role engineers paly in the transition towards a
sustainable society DTU launched GRØN DYST1 in 2010. Based on their own ideas, students
develop projects addressing different aspects of sustainability, the environment and
climate technologies during ordinary semester courses.
- DTU Roskilde DTU and Roskilde Festival have since 2010 coined a partnership. The purpose
of the partnership is to give DTU students the opportunity to solve technical problems for
Roskilde Festival as a part of their education. The students hereby obtain ECTS credits.
- Workshops with external speakers organized by DTU Diplom, DTU Technology and
Innovation Management, and DTU Executive School of Business
- Participation in Venture Cup (nationwide non-profit organization, inspiring and
empowering university students and researchers to develop their ideas into successful
4. Summer schools / internships: Ph.D. summer school - Entrepreneurship in photonics,
optics and nanotech (5 ECTS), 9 days, Lectures, presentations, and group work.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: DTU Skylab facilities
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Office for Innovation & Sector services (OIS), DTU Diploms
Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
3. Foundations for startup support: DTU Symbion Innovation and SEED Capital
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: research parks SCION DTU and COBIS,
which are located in Hørsholm, Lyngby and Copenhagen.
V Case story
- Creation of DTU Skylab hub
GRØN DYST is an annual conference with focus on sustainability, the environment and climate technologies. The GRØN DYST
Student Conference is open to all DTU students and is based on the same principles as a scientific conference, where an
abstract is submitted as part of the registration process. On the day of the conference projects are presented by the students
via poster sessions. Following the student presentations an official ceremony is held with prizes awarded for the best projects.
At the latest GRRØN DYST more than 400 students registered.
Active collaboration with Copenhagen Business school and Copenhagen University,
creation of joint study programs and courses focusing on Entrepreneurship and venture
Supporting already existing start-up and offering lifelong learning opportunities for
University of Southern Denmark
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: collaboration with Venture Cup Denmark
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: IDEA
Entrepreneurship Centre http://idea-sdu.dk/en/
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: Science Ventures
www.scienceventures.dk, SDU Business.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: student pre-incubators, socalled IDEA Houses, in Odense, Sonderborg and Kolding, located at University of Southern
Denmark campuses
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: BSc in Engineering Innovation and Business, MSc in Engineering - Innovation and Business, BSc in Engineering
–Product Development and Innovation, MSc in Engineering – Product Development and
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs:
http://idea-sdu.dk/en/students/courses-in-entrepreneurship/ - In 2013 SDU offered 61
entrepreneurship subjects, which is an increase by 28 subjects in comparison to 2012.
There has been a corresponding increase in the number of enrolled students
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: SDU challenge (bachelor, master, PhD) –
ideas and business development program containing workshops, networking
arrangements, a summer school, Business Plan Camp, discussions and feedback. Soon to
come a “Technology Entrepreneurship and Business Development” master on the Product
Development and Innovation education.
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: SDU offers 24 entrepreneurship subjects at technical
faculties at both, bachelor and master levels (http://goo.gl/fFmM3w) PhD course Science
Innovator (5 ECTS) – commercialization and business development
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: combination of lectures and
collaboration with external partners, including entrepreneurs, business leaders,
consultants and investors.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Support for student entrepreneurship: professional advising and consulting at IDEA House,
venture creation tools http://goo.gl/MjPgfm
2. Workshops / competitions:
- HA intro (bachelor) – 3-5 days camp working with real companies;
Experts in Teams (5. Semester bachelor) – a cross-disciplinary course for technical
- PRO-Program (for students, entrepreneurs and researchers) – coaching, practical courses,
mentors, feedback, networking;
- Entrepreneurship conferences (under PRO-program)
3. Summer schools / internships: PRO-program summer school (one week intensive idea and
concept development in an international environment)
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
5. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: IDEA entrepreneurship center provides help
and intellectual resources for entrepreneurs, network meetings
6. Matchmaking and collaboration: network meetings, VIIS (Viden og innovation i SMV’ere via
studerende/ Knowledge and innovation in SMEs via students) project - http://www.ideacamp.dk/ - “A student + company = innovation” formula
7. Foundations for startup support: Science Ventures, SDTI, Venture Cup
8. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Cortex
V Case story
- The entrepreneurial activities concentrate around IDEA entrepreneurship center, which is a
central body responsible for entrepreneurship activities and initiatives at SDU.
- Facilitation of student-companies cooperation
Aalborg University
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Participation in Venture Cup, cooperation with
Region Northern Denmark Growth Forum, Young Enterprise Denmark, the European
Regional Development fund, Interreg IV A, and other Danish Universities
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Supporting Entrepreneurship at Aalborg University (SEA) - continuous development of
entrepreneurship activities at AAU; Department of Business and Management
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: AAU Innovation works to strengthen and
support entrepreneurship and creativity among students, graduates and employees at
Aalborg University and in the region
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: SEA has been managing
incubators established at several departments at AAU since 2005. Here innovative
students, graduates and academics have the unique possibility to receive assistance and
guidance when wanting to realize a business idea. These days SEA is developing a new AAU
Inkubator, which consists of a series of workshops and social events that give the students
necessary knowledge about business development and make them capable of validating
their ideas.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Entrepreneurial
Engineering (master), Innovative Communication Technologies and Entrepreneurship
(master), Innovation Management (master, Sino-Danish center), Innovation, Knowledge
and Entrepreneurial Dynamics (master), Innovation in the Public sector and digitalization
2. Venture creation semesters and course modules: New venture Creation (30 ECTS, master
level), Creative Genius semester (30 ECTS, master level)
3. Single entrepreneurship courses: Theory of Science and Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS,
bachelor), Sustainable Biotechnological Companies (15 ECTS, bachelor), Software
Innovation (5 ECTS, master), Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, master), Innovation and Business
Development (5 ECTS, master), Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, master).
Most of the engineering programs have a basic 5 credit course in entrepreneurship,
usually, close to the end of their studies. Full mapping of entrepreneurship courses is
available in a separate document.
4. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Problem-based learning
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Kickstart Aalborg is a student driven network for
student entrepreneurs.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Inkubator - business development knowledge, idea
validation (Kickstart, Business Booth, First-Friday, Match-up, Solution Camp, counselling
3. Workshops / competitions: WOFIE - Workshop for innovation and entrepreneurship
(master students) - training within idea development, creativity, business development and
risk taking; First-Friday - a monthly event organized by Kickstart and SEA where like-minded
get together to network and pitch ideas; Venture Cup
4. Summer schools / internships: internships at SEA
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Business booth – counselling and feedback,
AAU Inkubator consisting of a number of workshops and other events, AAU Innovation
(Patent and Commercializing department)
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: AAU Innovation – Matchmaking department, Match-up
service; Solution Camp (organized by AAU Matchmaking) – companies can use student
knowledge in order to solve their problems (around 7 hours sessions of idea development)
3. Foundations for startup support: The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship – Young
Enterprise supports students with good ideas and offers a series of micro-grants
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: NOVI Science Park
Aarhus University
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Collaboration with Venture Cup (a national
initiative in Denmark), "Det Entreprenørielle Universitet" ("DEU") project whose vision is
that all students at AU should develop understanding of entrepreneurship that fits their
subject area
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: AU
Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (http://cei.au.dk/); interdisciplinary
Community for Advanced Research in Entrepreneurship (iCARE)
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: AU Technology transfer office
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: The Student Incubator at
Aarhus University is a longstanding collaborator with Venture Cup - Studentervæksthus
Aarhus (for students at all levels of study)
5. Navitas Science and Innovation: collaboration between Aarhus University (Aarhus School of
Engineering and the Engineering Department at Science and Technology), Aarhus School of
Marine Engineering and Incuba (science and innovation park)
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
Information on AU entrepreneurship initiatives and activities in the sphere of education:
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Technology based
business development (Master level); entrepreneurship toning of seven educational
programs, among which are Computer Science, Information studies, Danish Agricultural
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: Innovation Camp (5 ECTS),
Mechanical Engineering Program; Entrepreneurship Intern: Internship in own startup, a
facilitated startup process lasting one semester (30 ECTS), Engineering Bachelor Program
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: (http://kursuskatalog.au.dk/#!q=entrepreneurship):
Forretning, Innovation, Teknologi og Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, master); Science and
Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, master); Technology
Entrepreneurship Lab (5 ECTS, elective, master); Videnskabsbaseret Innovation og
Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS, master)
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: ‘at skabe værdi med sin faglighed’
(creating value in the professional area) – entrepreneurship didactics and pedagogy
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Take OFF program – office facilities, consulting,
coaching, workshops, networking opportunities
3. Startup Factory: Support for Science and Technology students: office facilities, consulting,
coaching, workshops, networking opportunities
4. Workshops / competitions:
- Iværksætterworkshop/Entrepreneurship workshop (from idea to concept) – 4 weeks
- Entrepreneurship workshop (lean startup) – 10 weeks program for Science and Technology
students at Startup Factory
- mini-workshop “Is Entrepreneurship for me?”;
- morning meetings at Studentervæksthus – inspiration and networking;
- NSI Academy: Navitas Science and Innovation: workshops, talks and networking. For
students, external entrepreneurs and SMEs.
- Startup Weekend – once a year, hosted by NSI
- Entrepreneur Sand Box – extracurricular course (4 workshops and a coaching-session)
5. Summer schools / internships
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Take Off Vækst – consulting, workshops, legal
support for students and entrepreneurs
2. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs at Science and Technology: Startup Factory Biz
Lab: consulting, workshops, legal support for students and entrepreneurs
3. Matchmaking and collaboration:
- AU Erhvervskontakt (AU business contact) – information and assistance to entrepreneurs
and researchers; project Genvej Til Ny Viden (Shortcut to new knowledge) - matching
researchers and companies
- “The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem” project mainly focuses on conducting workshops and
building networks in order to raise awareness among the key actors in the region Middle
Jutland and develop scenarios of turning Aarhus into an entrepreneurial city by 2017;
- AU Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation provides courses and arranges meetings
with local firms (Community-based innovation project)
- Navitas Science and Innovation: matching engineering researchers, educators and
4. Foundations for startup support
5. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: collaboration with INCUBA Science Park innovation & vækst
V Case story
- Ideas of entrepreneurship as everyday practice
‘at skabe værdi med sin faglighed’ (creating value in the professional area): entrepreneurial
toning of educational programs.
Aalto University
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Aalto Entrepreneurial Ecosystem incepted when
Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (Aaltoes) was created in 2009. Aaltoes aims at improving
the public’s opinion on entrepreneurship as a viable career path.
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: Aalto
Ventures Program: Allows taking a minor in high-growth entrepreneurship for master’s
degree students or just take individual courses as electives, plus participate in workshops.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE,
technology transfer and startup project grants http://ace.aalto.fi/ );
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship:
Aalto Ventures Program has premises called AVP Space, located in Aalto University;
Startup Sauna co-working space is the meeting point for aspiring entrepreneurs in
Northern Europe. The 1.500 square meter industry hall located at the Aalto University
campus in Otaniemi is open for everybody to work in – no membership or previous ties to
Startup Sauna are required.
There are more than 30 different “entrepreneurial assets” at Aalto University, all growing one way
or another out of student and researcher/staff-driven initiatives.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Master’s degree and a
PhD in Entrepreneurship (theory-oriented, offered by Aalto Business school)
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs:
- Aalto Ventures Program allows taking a minor in high-growth entrepreneurship for
master’s degree students
- Together with Tongji University in Shanghai, AVP has created a joint minor on innovation
and venturing
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules:
- Intermediate module in Aalto Ventures Program B2 (20cr)
- Aalto Fellows, 10 ECTS: five-month study and work program designed to develop
understanding of the techniques for growing companies. The program combines intensive
workshops and lectures, a paid summer internship at a start-up company, venture capital
or corporate venturing and ongoing mentoring and networking activities.
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: a wide selection of courses within Aalto Ventures Program
Minor and Intermediate module in Aalto Ventures Program B2
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: a combination of more traditional
lectures and teaching cases and elements of action learning - courses where students work
on real business ideas, with real customers and team up with fellow students not only from
the Business School, but also from design, science and engineering
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives:
- Slush, a professionally organized event, is largely the work of students. Slush has become
Northern Europe's largest startup event in just a few years. Slush brings together
financiers, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in entrepreneurship to develop positive
co-operation and expertise in support of enterprise. Hundreds of students will also be on
hand as volunteers. Slush is the brainchild of the Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (Aaltoes)
and Startup Sauna, a business accelerator program operating on Aalto University’s
- Aalto students have participated in many commercialization projects that have even lead
to spinout companies.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: ACE offers commercialization services for Aalto
students. The core services of ACE are evaluation of inventions & business ideas and
managing and coaching of commercialization projects.
3. Workshops / competitions: AVP Workshops and Talks http://avp.aalto.fi/events/; Lean
Launchpad, Games Monetization Design
4. Summer schools / internships:
- student accelerator Summer of Startups (managed from Startup Sauna)
- Internship program Startup Life: sends students of Finnish universities to work at startups
in the San Francisco Bay Area and New York (managed from Startup Sauna)
- AVP Urban Challenge developed in collaboration with Philadelphia University and PACE
University (New York): provides 17 selected Aalto students with an opportunity to
experience customer service and design thinking. Designed as a 10-days study trip to New
York and Philadelphia
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: As a part of the commercialization project
ACE may offer financial aid for projects in addition to the support it offers regarding finding
suitable partners and project support. In addition, ACE offers start-up services.
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Aalto Global Impact matchmaking events
3. Foundations for startup support: startup project grants from Aalto Center for
Entrepreneurship http://ace.aalto.fi/
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Startup Sauna (Currently 145 companies
have graduated from Startup Sauna since 2010, raising more than USD 37 million in
V Case story
Aalto Ventures Program is the program that approaches high scope (number of credits)/ high
reach (number of students) type of the program and provides cross-university possibilities for
entrepreneurial education.
The creators of Aalto Ventures Program believe that one of the key attributes of learning
entrepreneurship is to engage with international faculty, staff and organizations. Therefore, Aalto
University participates in international collaboration with a number of universities. One of the key
partners has been Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP). Aalto University also
collaborates with Philadelphia University, PACE University (New York) and Tongji University, as
well as organizes visits to high-growth entrepreneurship and booming entrepreneurship
ecosystem of Israel.
AVP is also an active member in Nordic university network called Nordic Five Tech, and provides
entrepreneurship related content for the European wide Master’s level ICT innovation program
Lappeenranta University of Technology*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
- LUT School of Business and Management - research is focused on expertise in sustainable
competitiveness, innovation activities and software engineering;
- LUTES (LUT entrepreneurship society) – help students to learn about startup culture and bring
their idea to business. Their mission is to drive student entrepreneurship on a regional level;
collaborate with other entrepreneurship societies and country level startup initiatives;
2. University innovation office, technology transfer: IRIS (Innovations through Research and
Innovations with SMEs) promotes LUT's expertise in the commercialization of research
3. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: LUT's Green Campus is a
research and educational environment, where the university's expertise in energy as well
as its own innovations are put to practical use
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Global Management of
Innovation and Technology, GMIT - MSc program in Industrial Management; Industrial
Engineering and Management (master program)
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules
4. Single entrepreneurship courses
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: LUTES is a student-driven entrepreneurship
society based in Lappeenranta.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: LUT Innovation Services
3. Workshops / competitions: Willi Idea, Summer Launchpad, other events organized by
4. Summer schools / internships: Summer Launchpad – 10-week startup program organized
by LUTES http://www.lutes.fi/launchpad/
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: The International Entrepreneurship
Challenge (IEC) program supporting companies' globalization; Centre for Training and
Development provides diverse training and development services for companies
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: LUT's Innovation Services (among others, matching
entrepreneurs and inventions); LUT IRIS: Innovations through Research and Innovations
with SMEs, seeking to create an open innovation framework for Finnish and Russian SMEs
3. Foundations for startup support: LUT's own capital investment foundation, Green Campus
Innovations, is specialized in financing spin-off companies with a research background.
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: LUT is one of Joensuu Science Park’s
Tampere University of Technology (TUT)
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Tekes Vigo Accelerators, Business angels (Fiban
Tampere), New Factory (Accelerator), Tredea (the Tampere Region Economic Development
Agency), work with and within network AALTO Startup Sauna etc.
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: TALLI
(internal entrepreneurship hub) is a support service for new entrepreneurs and
innovations inside TUT campus, additionally extensive innovation and commercialization
support services. Students have various alternatives to focus on entrepreneurship and
innovations development and management. Entrepreneurship education by TUT is mainly
produced by the department of industrial engineering. Local HEIs (higher education
institutions) have joined forces to provide combined entrepreneurial studies for students
and researchers.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: TUT Innovation Services and TALLI is an
expert center for entrepreneurship as well as exploiting and commercializing university’s
ideas and research results. It offers support and advice for TUT students and researchers to
develop their business idea ready for market. Key functions: courses, guidance, events,
open space. TUT Innovation Services focus on technology licensing, sale and transfers,
inventions identification and management, protecting IP.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: TALLI and soon starting
(September 1, 2015) Kampusareena and Campus club offers a free room to open
innovation and idea sharing within university and on industrial interface – SME’s and larger
corporations. DEMOLA projects have their own facilities.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs:
- Degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management includes a major in Technology
and project business which can be oriented towards innovation and entrepreneurship;
innovation and entrepreneurship courses can be taken as part of this and other major
- DSII (Doctoral School of Industry Innovations)
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: Department of Industrial
Management organizes an MSc minor in Entrepreneurship and innovation, available to any
engineering programs. The minor includes a possibility to take courses also from other HEIs in
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: All the bachelor programs have a part in
entrepreneurship in their first year introductory course; the course “business model
development in technical systems” includes a possibility for venture creation. Talli
Innovation Camp
4. Single entrepreneurship courses:
Introduction to entrepreneurship (3 ECTS); Business model development in technical
systems (4 ECTS); Growth Company Ecosystems (5 ECTS); Technology and innovation
management (4 ECTS); Management of Innovation (4 ECTS); Technology commercialization
(4 ECTS);Innovation and Creative Problem Solving (2 ECTS); Business Camp (5 ECTS); From
Idea to Enterprise (5 ECTS); Introduction to Business Law (5 ECTS); Strategy and
entrepreneurship (5 ECTS); Product Design and Development; Growth Entrepreneurship (5
ECTS); Technology Commercialization (4 ECTS); Software Business (4 ECTS); Demola
Project Work (5 ECTS); Organizational Learning and Renewal, Knowledge-Intensive
Services; New Knowledge – Creation and Tools; Communities and Social Media in
Knowledge Management, Speech Communication and Negotiation Skills; Intercultural
Workplace (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Special assignments are
possible through Directed Study, Advanced Study and Project Work (3-8 ECTS), and Demola
projects’ activities. Bachelor’s theses and Master’s theses may be carried out in
entrepreneurship in any major subjects of the Degree Program in Industrial Engineering
and Management.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Tampere Es (Entrepreneurhips Society) - local
universities students initiative, various student guilds may promote entrepreneurial
activities. They also have a company network sponsoring various competitions and
involvement in international competitions such as SLUSH and TIMES.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: TALLI is an advice service for entrepreneurship,
business and new innovations; TALLI clinic – practice for presenting ideas, Innovation
services of the university. DEMOLA projects may activate student entrepreneurship.
3. Workshops / competitions: events and workshops organized by TALLI - Dragons’ Den,
Entrepreneurial stories, visiting lectures, yearly new business idea competition
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: TALLI advice and support services, From
research into business (TEKES), Demola courses
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Number of activities provided for enhancing universityindustry collaboration. The newest initiative is called Kampusareena, a building in the
middle of the TUT campus which gathers together in a unique way companies, researchers
and students.
3. Foundations for startup support: Startup Tampere, Tampere ES, TreStart
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Co-Creation Center gathers together
researchers, students and companies into common space to carry out R&D&I projects,
VIGO-investors, Hermia Yrityskehitys, Tamlink
University of Oulu
University of Oulu is currently strengthening its focus to working life and entrepreneurship. The
year 2015 has been nominated as a theme year for Entrepreneurship and functions as a launch
pad for longer term developments. Interactive collaboration and innovation spaces are being built
to the University campus and student incubator services and entrepreneurship courses are being
developed and piloted. The Entrepreneurial University framework developed by OECD, European
Commission and HEIinnovate is employed to drive entrepreneurial approach throughout the
University, in Education, Research and Administration of the University.
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: In order to more effectively commercialize
innovations born from research, the University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences
and the City of Oulu have formed the Innovation Alliance.
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: Oulu
Business school is coordinating a regional initiative of developing Entrepreneurship culture
in Oulu. Business Kitchen (http://www.businesskitchen.fi/) is a joint project created by the
European Regional Development Fund and City of Oulu.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: University of Oulu offers innovation
services to the researchers and helps with intellectual property in order to more effectively
commercialize innovations born from research.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Business Kitchen is a hub
between the universities and companies in the Oulu region (a joint venture by Oulu
Business School and the Martti Ahtisaari Institute at the University of Oulu and the Oulu
University of Applied Sciences). It is a startup center where anyone can come to develop
their ideas or business with the support of a local and global network. Business Kitchen
offers working and co-location space for students and entrepreneurs in the center of Oulu.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
Oulu Business School, Oulu Extension School and Business Kitchen offer a minor subject of
entrepreneurship and working life skills (25 ECTS):
- Working Life and Studies, 5 ECTS
- Toward Entrepreneurial Mindsets, 5 ECTS
- Building Business through Creativity and Collaboration, 5 ECTS
- Turning Opportunities to Business, 5 ECTS credits
- Entrepreneurial Field Project, 5 ECTS
More information: http://ship.businesskitchen.fi
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Oulu Student Entrepreneurship Society (OuluSES)
is an open community for students who are interested in entrepreneurship and selfdevelopment.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Business Kitchen Services
3. Workshops / competitions: University of Oulu, BusinessKitchen and OuluSES arrange
different events, seminars, and competitions where students get to see different forms of
entrepreneurship. See f.eg. Polar Bear Pitching: http://www.pitchfestoulu.com/polarbear/
4. Summer schools / internships: Startup Life Internship is a 3-12-month internship program in
the fields of engineering, computer science, design and business. The program is organized
by Startup Sauna and Aalto University, and is now open for students from all Finnish
universities and universities of applied sciences to apply.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: startup services provided by the Business
Kitchen: University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, BusinessOulu StartUp!
Services; Butterfly Ventures; Oulu Region Enterprise Agency; Oulu Business Accelerator.
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Through Business Kitchen and BusinessOulu, a new
company can gain access to national and international networks and can participate in
various events with other companies.
3. Foundations for startup support: BusinessOulu StartUp and Butterfly Ventures help new
companies to apply for both public and private funding
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Technopolis locations in Oulu, UpSwing
startup house; Yritystakomo; Business Kitchen
V Case story
Oulu Innovation Alliance (OIA) integrates top know-how from printed intelligence, wellbeing
technology, clean-tech and 3D internet and brings together research institutions, businesses and
public sector organizations. OIA generates cutting-edge global business from research,
development and innovation projects and ventures. Oulu Innovation Alliance :
http://www.ouluinnovationalliance.fi/ and the success stories:
Numerous TEKES (expert organization for financing research, development and innovation in
Finland) funded programmes in various fields of technology, f.eg. HILLA CENTER,
University of Vaasa
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Active collaboration with Finish universities,
creation of joint innovation structures
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: The
Levón Institute is an affiliated institution at the University of Vaasa, which transmits the
University's knowhow by teaching mature students and produces expertise generated by
research conducted at the University. It implements training, research and development
projects and organize open university studies. Many international projects are carried out
each year in partnership with national and European partners in the fields of energy
technology, business expertise and entrepreneurship, multilingualism and regional
3. University innovation office, technology transfer:
Invention disclosures and contract research agreements are supported and administered
by Research and Innovation Services. Basic services include general advice and guidance on
research commercialization, research contract negotiations, invention disclosure
procedures, liaising with external experts in innovation management and
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship:
- West Coast Startup (WCS) is a joint business incubator of Vaasa University of Applied
Sciences (VAMK) and the University of Vaasa (founded in January 2014). West Coast
Startup helps Palosaari campus area startups go big. They offer services to students and
staff of University of Vaasa and VAMK.
- Muova is a research and development centre of the University of Art and Design Helsinki
and the University of Vaasa. Muova offers design, research and training services. Muova
specializes in solving company problems and fulfilling the needs of the business world.
Muova combines multidisciplinary research, innovative methods and a human-centred
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
Faculty of business studies has Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Economic Growth and Profitability of
SMEs as one of their key research areas.
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Information Technology
and Industrial Management (BSc); Growth Business Management Master Program;
Master's Program in Industrial Management
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs:
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Business Skills energy sectors (25-26 ECTS)
– under Open University – training combines the energy production and the business
management, marketing and cost accounting (suitable for engineering masters and
bachelor degrees in economics) http://goo.gl/nPfr26
4. Single entrepreneurship courses
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Vaasa Entrepreneurship Society (VaasaES)
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: West Coast Startup (WCS) is a joint business
incubator of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) and the University of Vaasa
helping students and staff interested in developing business ideas. WCS is led by Design
Centre MUOVA, and in its activities, knowledge of customer research, design and rapid
prototyping are being used to support business idea development. WCS organizes
workshops, courses and networking events to facilitate business idea development.
3. Workshops / competitions: The Startup Camp (three days arrangement), introducing LEAN
Startup Methodologies, which eliminate waste from the initial planning phases of new
venture creation
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Research and Innovation Services at
University of Vaasa; The Levón Institute offers continuing education for private and public
organizations and, among other training options, offers help in SMEs and entrepreneurship
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Research and Innovation Services supports university staff
in applying for external research funding and provides guidance on all matters relating to
research project administration. The unit offers university researchers information on
national and international research funding, provides advice and guidance in project
planning, cost calculation, partner search, application preparation and in the administrative
tasks, including financial reporting, related to ongoing projects.
3. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: University of Vaasa is part of EnergyVaasa,
the leading energy technology cluster in the Nordic countries with more than 140
companies, 11 000 employees, more than 30 % of Finland’s total export in energy
technology and total annual business turnover of more than 4,4 billion.
Åbo Akademi University*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Åbo Akademi is one of the affiliate partners
participating in and contributing to the activities of EIT ICT Labs (a leading European
organization for Innovation and Education in the field of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT)
2. University innovation office, technology transfer: ÅAU Transfer office provides consulting
services, organizes events
3. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Startup Farm is a co-working
space in the center of Turku. It provides free creative working space for visitors and hosts
offices for around ten Turku-based startups.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: an opportunity for PhDs at
Åbo Academy and University of Turku (10 students per academic year): MBA4PhD program
provides doctoral students and PhDs in life science with knowledge and skills in
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation and Innovation Commercialisation, by
offering an innovative business creation and management curriculum.
2. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Innovation and Business Creation Study
Module, 20–30 ECTS from University of Turku is available to specific Masters' Degree
program students at Åbo Akademi University http://goo.gl/88IGiW
3. Single entrepreneurship courses: Business Essentials for Scientists 2014 Course; the
Business Development Laboratory course(7 ECTS) from University of Turku is available to
specific Masters' Degree program students at Åbo Akademi University
4. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship:
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Boost Turku Entrepreneurship Society is a
student-based network for young entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded people sharing
knowledge among the universities of Turku. Boost Turku strives to be an ‘easy-access’ open
society for any kind of academic entrepreneurial matter.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship
3. Workshops / competitions: Each year, Boost Turku arranges more than 50 events
4. Summer schools / internships: Boost Turku's Startup Journey – 10 ECTS
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs : ÅAU Transfer office services, Business
Essentials for Scientists course https://www.abo.fi/forskning/stegforsteg
2. Matchmaking and collaboration:
3. Foundations for startup support: apply for external funding
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Turku science park
University of Turku
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
The University of Turku has decided to strengthen its profile as an entrepreneurial university. The
strategic work started in early 2014 and the launch will take place in the fall 2015. The
entrepreneurship strategy and the related action plan implies that the university supports and
- entrepreneurial culture appreciating entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior
- entrepreneurial, creative and responsible individual behavior
- education that meets the needs of the future working life
- the recognition and understanding of entrepreneurship as a business process; intrapreneurial
behavior and societal phenomenon
- entrepreneurship as a viable career option at some point of one´s career for everyone
graduated from the university.
The entrepreneurship strategy covers all the three university tasks: research, education and
societal impact and the actions taken are visible in the contents of the research and education, in
working modes (pedagogy, methods etc.) and in how these relate to working life.
The entrepreneurship strategy is being implemented in close collaboration with other actors and
stakeholders in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem.
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: The strategy for strengthening entrepreneurship
profile (as above). UTU is also a partner organization in the EIT ICT Labs consortium,
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
- Entrepreneurship Unit within the School of Economics at the University of Turku offers a
possibility to study entrepreneurship as a major in all university levels (bachelor, masters
and doctoral studies). Entrepreneurship Unit is also active in continuing education,
particularly in the executive MBA program in which innovation and entrepreneurship form
one focal intended learning objective.
- Brahea Development at the Brahea Centre is an expert, service and collaboration unit of
the societal interaction in the University of Turku. Innovation and business Development
group within the unit conducts research and provides education in Innovation and
entrepreneurship to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and external parties.
3. University innovation services, technology transfer: Technology Transfer Office (TTO) - An
external function of Innovation Services is to operate as a Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
of University of Turku. UTU TTO is constantly seeking for research collaborations
opportunities with industry and funding opportunities for commercial utilization of its
existing IP portfolios and it is also offering UTU technologies, intellectual property and
expert know-how available for licensing.
UTU TTO is also supporting and generating start-ups, spin-offs and spinouts through Tekes
(the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation) funding and with other
available instruments, e.g. Tuoteväylä – Product Track. University also has its own holding
company which manages part of university based companies.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship:
- Business Development Laboratory http://goo.gl/sr09zo
- Boost Turku student entrepreneurship society premises
- Startup Programme (TSE)
- Project aces programme (Projektiässät)
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
The University of Turku has begun to strengthen and develop entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurship education in all the faculties. http://goo.gl/XvBMAS.
Experts of the University of Turku are working in collaboration with the teaching staff of the
Vietnamese Hanoi University of Science and Technology and the University of Danang to develop
the entrepreneurship education of the institutions.
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: MBA4pHD - Innovation
and Entrepreneurship Education for Postgraduate Students. Part of the programme can be
included in the doctoral degree; part is considered further education programme
enhancing the employment possibilities, business skills and working life skills, Scope of the
programme 120 ECTS.
Entrepreneurship in School of Economics, Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate
Degrees: http://goo.gl/7pDyoL
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs:
- No minor on entrepreneurship, instead a minor on general business studies.
- The engineering curriculum (dept. of Information technology) applies CDIO program that is
well aligned with and contains many entrepreneurial elements and teaching methods.
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Innovation and Business Creation Study
Module (25 ECTS) – annual intake is max 50 master students from different faculties
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: the Business Development Laboratory course (7 ECTS,
master), Lean Software Startup with IT and econ. Students (UTU / Dept. of Information
Technology (10 ECTS), master), multi-disciplinary capstone project course (10-30 ECTS),
Dept. of Information Technology) Software Business (UTU / Turku School of Economics (6
ECTS), master http://tucs.fi/), Startup! course (UTU / Turku School of Economics (10 ECTS),
based on the young enterprise concept). Entrepreneurship courses in Medical faculty:
Entrepreneurship Seizing Opportunities, Bioentrepreneurship I and II, Entrepreneurship
Applied IDEATE.
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship:
Practical approach, group work, problems solving: case based teaching, multidisciplinary and/
or heterogeneous student groups, research based teaching with a strong practical and work
life relevance and applicability, CDIO applied in the ICT Engineering curriculum (www.cdio.org)
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Boost Turku is a student-based network for
young entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded people sharing knowledge among the
universities of Turku. Boost Turku strives to be an ‘easy-access’ open society for any kind of
academic entrepreneurial matter
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Business Development laboratory; Mentoring
services for students planning to start up a new venture (Brahea); Each year, Boost Turku
arranges more than 50 events http://www.boostturku.com/events
3. Workshops / competitions:
- Challenge Turku 24 h innovation Camp, every spring
- Challenge Turku goes Green 24 h innovation Camp, every autumn
- Challenge Turku KaleidosCup 24 h innovation camp, every summer
4. Summer schools / internships:
Start-up Journey 10 ECTS - Three weekend long boot camps (á 24 hours), weekly coaching
sessions (á 8 hours) during the whole program (12 weeks), 8 designated workshops (á 8
hours) and independent work in teams. In addition to the fixed models of teaching and
program coaching additional mentoring available from EIR (Entrepreneur-In-Residence)
and DIR (Designer-In-Residence) on demand.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs:
- Innovation services / technology transfer office (UTU TTO) at UTU; responsible of university
IPR portfolios (e.g. inventions, technologies, patents, trademarks), Tekes TUTL-funding, and
H2020 projects (IP Management & Commercialisation); also UTU Holding Oy.
- Brahea Development, innovation and business development
- Business Development Laboratory (student consulting and business plan development); a
course in commercialization for researchers from Åbo Akademi also available for
researchers from the university of Turku
2. Matchmaking and collaboration:
continuous RDI-events and open innovation lab meetings for students, university staff and
stakeholders and industrial partners
3. Foundations for startup support:
UTU TTO, Tekes TUTL, Tuoteväylä / Product Track; academic research; applied collaborative
research with the industrial partners, university’s third mission in enhancing the academic
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators:
Turku Science park Ltd. /Spark-up! –concept supporting concretely academic
entrepreneurship in the region, currently in preparation, starting autumn 2015.
University of Iceland
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnership: Innovit is an independent center focused on student
innovation and entrepreneurship. Its main office is located on the University of Iceland campus, but
it has established collaboration and service agreements with all the major universities in Iceland.
Innovit organizes a number of startup related events.
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: There is no
center or university structure that is focused on teaching entrepreneurship.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: The Intellectual Property Committee provides
assistance on intellectual property issues and technology transfer.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Innovit offers limited office space for
student startups.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: The Department of Industrial
Engineering and the School of Business jointly offer core curriculum (set of courses) in innovation
and entrepreneurship at the master's level.
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: There are no formal minors within
engineering programs, but a core curriculum above is offered as electives.
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: There are no formal requirements for venture
creation in any courses or programs.
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: There are a number of individual entrepreneurship courses
offered to engineering and computer science students. At the BS level these courses focus on the
creation of a business plan, whereas at the MS level the focus in on lean startup.
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Within engineering the main approach is to add
innovation and entrepreneurship experience at the MS level, preferably in collaboration with
business students.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Innovit started out as a student-led initiative at the
University of Iceland and still maintains that flavor.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Innovit supports student entrepreneurs from universities in
3. Workshops / competitions: Innovit organizes a business idea competition, Gulleggið, which was
originally based on Venture Cup and MIT 100K. Innovit also supports startup events and workshops
in collaboration with industry.
4. Summer schools / internships: There are summer schools related to innovation and
entrepreneurship in engineering.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Innovit, Intellectual Property Committee.
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Innovit, Intellectual Property Committee.
3. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: University Science Park is being set up.
Reykjavík University
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships:
- Reykjavik University strives to give its students a solid understanding of innovation to
encourage them into entrepreneurship and job creation in the future. RU is an active
partner in KLAK-Innovit - a local innovation center.
- RU engages in various events and collaborative projects designed to develop
entrepreneurial skills: Imagine Cup; Game Creator; Startup Iceland; Startup Energy
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: The
School of Business is the hub for interdisciplinary entrepreneurship teaching. The school is
responsible for teaching the mandatory university-wide undergraduate course called
"Innovation and Startups", which has hundreds of students each year. The School of
Science and Engineering hosts more focused programs such as "Design X", which is an
elective course for advanced undergraduate technology students. Finally, the Reykjavik
University Centre for Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CRIE)
http://en.ru.is/rusb/crie/ focuses on understanding entrepreneurship and facilitating it.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: RU offers technology transfer, see:
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Students and entrepreneurs
have access to shared school facilities throughout the year. In the summer, dedicated
space can be made available to student entrepreneurs upon request. Student
entrepreneurs can also get access to laboratories, IT infrastructure and other facilities,
upon request.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: No specific programs, but
most programs include innovation and entrepreneurship courses.
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: No specific minors, but most
programs include innovation and entrepreneurship courses.
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Undergraduate course "Innovation and
Startup Companies" is a three-week intensive course that supports venture creation.
Numerous ventures are started each year.
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Innovation and startups course (6 ECTS, mandatory for
law students, engineering students, and business students, first year of undergraduate
studies); Management and Innovation (mandatory for technology students).
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Getting inspiration and knowledge in
innovation teaching from Iceland; cross-disciplinary innovation projects, collaboration with
the industry for feedback; Entrepreneurship courses are also offered to students both in
early and later stages of their studies.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Support for student entrepreneurship: The Entrepreneur Fund of Guðfinna S. Bjarnadóttir
(best business plan competition, project funding) http://goo.gl/BJyCu6; Students at RU are
offered free advice from KLAK-Innovit; Students can use facilities when available.
2. Workshops / competitions: The university hosts part of annual "Golden egg" competition in
collaboration with Klak-Innovit and University of Iceland. The university has also provided
facilities and connections to students for Startup Energy Reykjavik - an accelerator led by
Arion Bank and others.
3. Summer schools / internships: All schools offer internships to students.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: RU is an active partner in KLAK-Innovit - a
local innovation center. The center assists new entrepreneurs in putting their business
plans into practice with events, advice and various services.
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: RU has close collaborations with industry and provides
connections on case-by-case basis.
3. Foundations for startup support: RU supports spin-off companies origination from the
university http://goo.gl/TLthQp
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Reykjavik Science City
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships:
- Participation in European initiative Gate2Growth, formation of the Gløshaugen Innovation
- Brohode Frøya – Promotes recruitment, research and development in the marine industries.
Students and scientists from NTNU, local schools and officials, and industry partners are
collaborating in this project
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
- NTNU School of Entrepreneurship
- NORSI – Norwegian research school on innovation for PhD’s. NORSI has extensive
connections to internationally renowned business research institutions in the US and
3. University innovation office, technology transfer:
- NTNU Technology Transfer AS (http://goo.gl/XpFLLD) and SINTEF/SINVENT provide ongoing
professional guidance, teaching and research in the fields of entrepreneurship and
- IPiN – Intellectual Property Institute of Norway, hosted by NTNU. IPIN aims to strengthen
innovation and competitiveness in Norwegian industry through research and dissemination,
as well as research-based training of students and employees in business and government
organizations working with technology, innovation and intellectual values.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: the Gløshaugen Innovation
Center is Norway's first "on campus" incubator for commercial entrepreneurship. The
Gløshaugen Innovation Center, NTNU, SINTEF and SIVA's joint initiative is to create an
exciting environment and atmosphere for entrepreneurship, commercialization and
networking, with close ties to the academic and scientific world, it is the major Business and
Innovation body at NTNU, http://www.ntnu.no/ig.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs:
- NTNU School of Entrepreneurship (NSE), a two-year master degree program with a focus on
business development and technology-based entrepreneurship;
- Master of Science in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Society – gives the students insight in
the entrepreneur's importance for society's development, and the meaning of social context
for entrepreneurship. After graduating, the students find work in public support systems for
entrepreneurs, like Innovation Norway.
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: 37
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Take-Off is a business development
program that has been running for over thirty years. Interdisciplinary teams of students and
experts help entrepreneurs getting their idea off the ground. Take-Off is also a course for
entrepreneurship students.
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Technology Management, Entrepreneurship and marketoriented product development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Specialization Course
(compulsory for some programs, all the courses are on the master level); Entrepreneurship Venture CUP (elective course for master students)
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship:
- A feasibility study at NTNU School of Entrepreneurship is an efficient and unique way to
explore the commercial potential of the business ideas. A student team (3-5) work intensely
over 5 days with research and analysis of a business concept, delivering: a written feasibility
report; a written and oral presentation http://goo.gl/JtEqJj
- NSE’s education model combines theory and practice, majorly, group work. In addition to a
full academic workload in business development, students are provided the infrastructure,
resources and guidance to establish their own startup company. The NSE culture and
environment is designed to challenge the students by providing new experiences that take
them outside their comfort zone. All students have their workspace in the incubator at
NTNU and all projects are supported by a dedicated mentor with senior management or
entrepreneurial experience. Students get facilities and legal support for working on their
- Collaboration with CERN, Switzerland (opportunity for study visits, taking a year as guest
student or writing a master thesis at CERN). Collaboration with Boston University – summer
semester full of entrepreneurship courses.
- Experts in Teamwork (EiT) – EiT is mandatory for most master’s students at NTNU. They
work together in interdisciplinary teams, acquiring teamwork and problem solution skills.
Many of the assignments come from business and public sector, looking for innovative
solutions to their problems.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives:
- Spark* – Free counselling and support for students who got an idea. Spark* is initiated by
NTNU and run by students with entrepreneurial experience.
- Start NTNU – Student organization devoted to getting students interested in
entrepreneurship. Start is a national organization, who amongst others runs the Venture Cup
competition in Norway. Start NTNU is the largest local branch, with 50 active members.
- NTNU Revolve – A team of 50 students who each year build a race car to compete in
Formula Student. Revolve has recently also become a course for engineering students.
- DNV GL Fuel Fighter – Student team from NTNU competing in the Shell Eco Marathon. The
team develop and build prototype cars who maximize fuel efficiency
Designhjelpen – Advisory service initiated by students of industrial design, providing help
with design, product development and marketing. Many of their customers are start-ups
from NTNU.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: NTNU Technology Transfer AS and SINTEF/SINVENT,
Spark*, Designhjelpen
3. Workshops / competitions:
- Various activities at Gløshaugen Innovation Center and school of entrepreneurship;
Technoport events and conferences http://goo.gl/PZtP2Z;
- Innovator, the “academy awards” show for entrepreneurs in Mid-Norway. With hundreds of
guests and close to a million NOK in prizes, the show is the largest of its kind in the region.
4. Summer schools / internships: summer semester at Boston University full of
entrepreneurship courses (optional)
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs:
- Services provided by the Gløshaugen Innovation;
- NTNU Accel – Recently established business accelerator, which provides funding, expertise
and network for its members.
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: NTNU Technology Transfer AS and the Gløshaugen
3. Foundations for startup support:
- NTNU Discovery provides financial support for researchers and entrepreneurs in the very
early stages of commercialization. The funding of early prototyping and testing has proven to
have great impact on the projects’ later success.
- NTNU Accel
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: the Gløshaugen Innovation Center (oncampus incubator)
V Case story
Gløshaugen Innovation Center is a multifunctional establishment that fulfills various functions on
campus and provides student activities, physical space and functions as a meeting point between
businesses, students and research.
The NTNU educational-quiz application Kahoot is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. At the start
of this year, they had over twelve million users, growing by hundreds of thousands each week.
NTNU Technology Transfer Office (TTO) recently sold their shares in the company for 11 million
NOK, an all-time high.
University of Stavanger*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: The University of Stavanger is the first and only
Norwegian university to become member of the European Consortium of Innovative
Universities (ECIU); member of University Startup World Cup network
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Center for Innovation Research
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: Prekubator Technology Transfer Office
(Precubator TTO) http://prekubatortto.no/ is the tool for commercialization of research
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Center for Student
Entrepreneurship http://goo.gl/QG8a8l
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Knowledge-based entrepreneurship (10 ECTS) – offer for
business students http://goo.gl/nxn9fA ; Entrepreneurship for technology ventures (10
ECTS) – open for master students from the Faculty of Science and Technology
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives
2. Support for student entrepreneurship
3. Workshops / competitions: events organized by Center for Innovation Research
http://goo.gl/gc014a; University of Stavanger Innovation Days (2013), Startup weekend
Stavanger –UP global
4. Summer schools / internships
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Center for Innovation Research services,
Precubator TTO
2. Matchmaking and collaboration
3. Foundations for startup support
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: The Stavanger Innovation Park (Ipark) is
located on campus, running incubator activities and helping new enterprises start up.
University of Agder*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: collaboration with Innovation Norway
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Center for Entrepreneurship - UiA's Centre for Entrepreneurship (SfE) is responsible for
entrepreneurship education of over 300 students annually, which participate in 9 different
programs, most prominent of which are its entrepreneurship and Internationalization labs,
run in collaboration with Innovation Norway.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: RIS center (center for advanced studies in
regional innovation studies) acquired the function of a Technology Transfer Office
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: International Strategy and the
Internationalization Laboratory, 6 weeks course based on working with new companies
and SMEs
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Bachelor: Basic Entrepreneur Course in Business
Establishment (intro course), Hands-on e-business for entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship (5
ECTS); Master level: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (7.5 credits); Entrepreneurship in
experience and lifestyle (10 credits); Innovation through Design and Entrepreneurship (7.5
credits); PhD: Research Issue in International Entrepreneurship
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives
2. Support for student entrepreneurship:
3. Workshops / competitions: entrepreneurship and Internationalization labs, run in
collaboration with Innovation Norway
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Center for Entrepreneurship - cooperation
between industry, entrepreneurs, funding agencies and the university; as well as the
facilitation of entrepreneurial network building at the regional, national and international
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: RIS center, Center for Entrepreneurship’s activities
3. Foundations for startup support
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators
The Arctic University of Norway*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: cooperation with Chalmers University of
Technology, University of Saskatchewan
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: Norinnova Technology Transfer AS is an
innovation company with the objective of commercializing business ideas based on
research activities and new technologies. NNT is a subsidiary of Norut AS, of which the
University of Tromsø is the largest shareholder.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: The DT Lab is the center for
creativity and human-centered innovation at UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Business Creation and
Entrepreneurship – master (Core-courses in business creation and design are delivered by
the University of Tromsø jointly by Chalmers University of Technology), Cultural and
Creative Entrepreneurship – bachelor, Governance and Entrepreneurship in Northern and
Indigenous Areas (GENI) – joint master, collaboration with University of Saskatchewan
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs:
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules
4. Single entrepreneurship courses
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives
2. Support for student entrepreneurship
3. Workshops / competitions: DT Lab activities
4. Summer schools / internships
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs
2. Matchmaking and collaboration
3. Foundations for startup support
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Tromsø Science Park
Blekinge Institute of Technology*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships:
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: BTH Innovation is a department within
the Blekinge Institute of Technology with the main mission to stimulate, develop and
strengthen the practical innovation at BTH. BHT Innovation can be called a pre-incubator students, researchers as well as external entrepreneurs can develop and test their ideas for
a full-term business model there. BTH Innovation is divided into two areas which are: wi.se
(http://www.wi.se) and Business Lab
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Wi.se pre-incubator
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Master of Science in
Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs:
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Topic Integrated innovation projects (15
ECTS) http://goo.gl/KqAQ0T
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Entrepreneurship in the IT-society (7,5 ECTS); Project
Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Digital Culture (10 ECTS); Corporate Finance and
Investment for Entrepreneurs (7,5 ECTS) –basic level; Innovation method and academic
entrepreneurship (7,5 ECTS) – advanced level
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives:
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: BTH Career Center - seminars / lectures, the
Entrepreneur Game, Mentorship program; Business Lab arranges competitions,
inspirational lectures, and offer seminars and courses on issues related to
commercialization and business development for students, teachers and researches.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: BTH Innovation – Idea assessment, matching,
proof of the concept; wi.se conduct business in an experimental form of short "proof-ofconcept" projects.
Chalmers University of Technology
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Chalmers is putting almost a half a billion crowns
of their own funds into a new wholly owned subsidiary within Venture Creation. All
students shall, in the long term, receive entrepreneurial experience during their education.
By means of investments, students, researchers and others will be provided with the
opportunity to test their ideas and provided with access to tools, methods and capital.
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Chalmers School of entrepreneurship focuses on three main areas within technology (such
as ICT, materials, clean tech, and bioscience) and business modeling. The three main areas
are: Venture Creation, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Capital Management.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer:
- Innovationskontor Väst (Innovation Office West) provides support to individual researchers
and research groups in matters regarding innovation and utilization of research and its
results. Such support includes guidance on utilization in many different forms:
commercialization, patenting and licensing, research collaboration, etc.;
- As of 2015 Chalmers will gather venture creation activities in one new company. The
company is a merger of the two incubators Chalmers Innovation and Encubator + Chalmers
Invest, Chalmers Capital and Chalmers Intellectual Property Rights.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Encubator AB (Chalmers
venture creation incubator realizing ideas together with Chalmers School of
Entrepreneurship). The start-up camp at Chalmers Innovation is open for students to apply
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Master programs in
Management and Economics of Innovation (MEI) and Entrepreneurship and Business
Design (EBD); graduate school at the Department of Technology Management and
Economics – interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship related PhD program
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: N/A
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Technology Venture Creation Track &
Bioscience Venture Creation Track (During the second year of their technology/bioscience
tracks students are divided into teams, which are matched with researchers and innovators
who have contributed ideas with commercial potential. From their own office space, the
students engage in the commercial development of the project, supported by faculty,
business advisors and coaches).
4. Single entrepreneurship courses:
- Practical leadership in innovation (course on bachelor level, open for Chalmers students, in
Electives (master level): Brand Management, Idea Evaluation, Organizational Behavior,
Organizational Behavior Organization, Creating New Business, Patent and Innovation
Engineering, Social Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property and Innovation Strategies,
Organizing for Innovation, Strategy and Innovation, Design Thinking and Innovation
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Action-based pedagogy; students
create real value from innovations and ideas, and get a chance for them to act on the
opportunities, needs and challenges of the world. The introduction to Chalmers School of
Entrepreneurship is known as the Business Creation Lab. Here students learn the
foundation of business design and entrepreneurship using a mix of theoretic studies and
simulated business scenarios.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Chalmers Entrepreneurship day, the ”umbrella”
activities #Gbgtech and #GbgtechWeek
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Chalmers school of entrepreneurship, Encubator AB,
Chalmers Innovation Start-up camp
3. Workshops / competitions: Innovation Playground (a 2-day workshop), Encubator activities
4. Summer schools / internships: Internships at Innovation Office West at Chalmers.
Additionally there are also internships provided to students primarily from the Intellectual
Capital Management track at Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Chalmers Innovation offers networking
events, business coaching, inspiring lectures by serial entrepreneurs, lean start up tools,
and runs the Startup Camp (a 10 week program for nascent entrepreneurs)
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Center for Business Innovation. CBI is a research center
and a platform for knowledge sharing. It is an environment that brings together people in
decision-making positions in companies with faculty members and students in order to
foster integrated exchange, development and application of knowledge, but also to
strengthen companies’ capabilities for innovation and business development.
3. Foundations for startup support: Chalmersinvest. The purpose of Chalmersinvest is to
participate in the development and financing of companies within the university sphere in
the Gothenburg area; they invest in companies which find themselves at the initial stage of
their development.
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators:
- Encubator and Chalmers Innovation are ranked among the top ten university business
incubators in the world.
- There are three science parks connected to Chalmers – Johanneberg Science Park,
Lindholmen Science Park and Sahlgrenska Science Park. The science parks combine
companies’ knowhow and innovative drive with academic expertise. They offer their
companies close proximity to a high-tech intellectual environment with research on the
technical forefront and with up-to-date engineering expertise that can be recruited.
V Case story
‘Education + Incubation = Encubation’ model
Karlstad University*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: close research collaboration between the
university and the industry, as well as Region Värmland (a 5 year agreement was signed).
Region Värmland provides basic funding for a research center for regional development
(CERUT) at Karlstad University.
2. University innovation office, technology transfer:
- The Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) at Karlstad University is one point of contact if an
organization is interested in various research collaborations with the University. The
collaboration can be in the form of commissioned research, joint research projects, or
industrial doctorate students
- The Innovation Office Fyrklövern is a joint venture between the four youngest universities
in Sweden; Karlstad University, Linnaeus University, Mid Sweden University and Örebro
University and its primary aim is to support regional and interregional development
3. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: To facilitate meetings
between small and medium-sized companies in the cluster organizations and students or
researchers at Karlstad University, a cluster room has been established. The room is
strategically located close to engineering laboratories at the university and provides
facilities for seminars, project meetings and innovation development activities.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Bachelor Program in
Innovation and Design Engineering; Bachelor program in IT-Design: Enterprise Systems and
2. Single entrepreneurship courses: Manufacturing Technology, Innovation and Design (7,5
ECTS), Userinnovation (15, Master level); Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship (15
ECTS, bachelor); Creative Idea Development - Realization of Dreams and Entrepreneurship
for Everyone (7.5 ECTS, bachelor)
3. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Karlstad University values problemsolving and makes sure that students encounter real projects. To that end a number of
diverse industrial partners contribute to the education in the form of guest lectures, field
trips, internships and degree projects. Research is also carried out in close association with
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives
2. Support for student entrepreneurship
3. Workshops / competitions
4. Summer schools / internships
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Inova incubator and services
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: research centers and external collaboration with
researchers; CTRIVE is short for Competence development Tool for Research: Intellectual
Value Enhancement (held in workshop form)
3. Foundations for startup support
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators:
- Inova - incubator and science park - helps creating new businesses from innovations where
higher education and research meets industry and the public sector.
- Karlstad brunch of Drivhuset (Drivhuset is a meeting place for people who want to develop
business ideas and entrepreneurial drive), http://www.drivhuset.se/en
V Case story
“In Karlstad University, all education and research are underpinned by a close dialogue with
private companies and public organizations, e.g. through advisory boards, reference groups and
steering committees”
The university actively supports innovation and research utilization through Coaching with funds
(VFT – Verification for Growth) and stimulates “impact and utilization thinking” arranging
workshops, seminars, training, partner speaking sessions etc.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships:
- KTH forms a part of four consortia of the prestigious EU collaboration, European institute
of Innovation and Technology that will make Europe a global leader for innovations in ICT
(EIT ICT Labs), Energy (EIT InnoEnergy), Health (EIT Health) and Materials (EIT
- Stockholm school of entrepreneurship, SSES; (KTH is one the five establishers) offers
students in Stockholm education, training and inspiration in entrepreneurship.
- KTH Innovation, a department within KTH, offers innovation and entrepreneurship support
to both researchers and students at KTH. KTH Innovation is appointed as one out of twelve
innovation offices in Sweden by the ministry of education and support universities in the
region to develop better innovation support.
- KTH partnered, through KTH Innovation, with FOUNDER.org in order to advance student
and faculty entrepreneurship
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit within the department of Industrial Economics and
Management; they provide a wide range of courses focusing on innovation,
entrepreneurship, industrial dynamics and corporate finance and are responsible for two
master programs in innovation and entrepreneurship http://goo.gl/trV63d
3. SSES, see above, offers academic courses on entrepreneurship.
4. University innovation office, technology transfer: “KTH Innovation” exists specifically to
offer KTH´s researchers and students support in making interesting new projects
commercially viable
5. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Student Inc. is run by KTH
Innovation, and is the student incubator (office space, coaching, consulting and workshops)
6. The incubator Stockholm Innovation and Growth AB, STING, is considered to be one of
Europe’s top incubators and is located at KTH campus. STING is based in the recently
started co-workning space THINGs where startups within “Internet of Things” and related
areas rent office and workshop spaces. KTH supports both STING and THINGs.
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Master's program in ICT
Innovation (EIT ICT Labs), Master's program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Management, Master's program in Innovative Sustainable Energy Engineering (joint
program); EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School Innovation & Entrepreneurship Business
Competence program. Product Innovation Management, a track in the Integrated Product
Design Master.
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: Minor Thesis Project within
Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS, program in ICT Innovation)
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: KTH Innovation offer practical oriented
course modules within venture creation, sales and IP protection etc. to both students and
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Entrepreneurship for Engineers (6 ECTS, master level),
Open and user-driven innovation (7.5 ECTS, elective, master level), Technology-based
Entrepreneurship (7,5 ECTS, elective, master level); Business Model Innovation (7,5 ECTS,
master level); Managing the Innovation Process from the Research Perspective (5 ECTS,
PhD level); Business Modeling and Development (15 ECTS, PhD level), Business
Development Lab of Entrepreneurship Engineers (9 ECTS, master level), Entrepreneurial
Leadership in Practice (7,5, master), From Science to your Business Concepts in
Biotechnology (7,5; master), Opportunity Recognition (6, PhD level), From Idea to Services
Business (7,5, master level) and other innovation-related courses can be found here
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Excitera, the entrepreneurship association for
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Student Inc. offers ongoing coaching support from
the experienced Business Development Coaches at KTH Innovation, Contacts and network
– development in an entrepreneurial environment with likeminded students; KTH
Innovation provides commercial support in areas such as funding, agreements, patents,
business development, recruitments etc.
3. Workshops / competitions: monthly sessions on relevant subjects from Student Inc.
4. Summer schools / internships: Summer Course- Entrepreneurship for Engineers (for ICT
innovation master students)
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: KTH innovation services, KTH Holding AB can
invest in spinoffs and IP from the university, KTH-GMU Workshop on Internationalization
and Competitiveness
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: KTH maintains close contacts with incubators who are
fostering start-up companies and technology transfer schemes. One of the largest is STING,
Stockholm Innovation and Growth. In addition, KTH Innovation has contacts with venture
capital and business angels who are specializing in early financing solutions. KTH Innovation
and STING work together through the “Search for Talents” project to recruit experienced
entrepreneurs to university spinoffs.
3. Foundations for startup support: KTH Innovation and STING offers Startup support. KTH
Innovation early stage and STING later stages more growth oriented support. STING is
owned by the Electrum foundation.
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: STING, Stockholm Innovation and Growth
V Case story (if applicable)
KTH is running a number of joint projects with established national industrial corporations; here
the potential spin-off is taken care of directly by the companies themselves. Examples of such
schemes are the VinnExcellence Centres run by Vinnova, with KTH hosting one-third of Vinnova´s
present ten-year research programs. All of these are managed in direct co-operation with Swedish
Linköping University
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: AGEra is a project funded by Tillväxtverket with
the aim to create a culture that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship and innovation
(primarily concerns the Faculty of Health Sciences), Demola East Sweden (Norrköping and
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: The
division Project, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE) (Institute of Technology) and the
division Business Administration (Faculty of Arts and Sciences), both at the department of
Management and Engineering.
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: InnovationskontorEtt (The Innovation
Office); Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE).
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: InnovationskontorEtt
Kårallen (at Campus Valla in Linköping) (entrepreneurship consulting for students);
Strykbrädan (at Campus Norrköping) (entrepreneurship consulting and workplaces for
students who are developing their own business ideas and/or running their own
businesses), the creActive arena (in Mjärdevi Science Park).
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: We have chosen an
integrated and inclusive approach to Entrepreneurship, where all students at all Faculties
should have the opportunity to take courses in Entrepreneurship, rather than limiting
Entrepreneurship Education to a select few in one or a few programs.
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: Our educational structure does not
contain minors. There is, however, a master-level specialization (60 ECTS credits, including
a master thesis) in Innovation and Entrepreneurship for students at the 5-year Industrial
Engineering and Management Program, which also students at the 5-year Design and
Product Development Engineering and the Energy–Environment–Management Engineering
Program can participate in (at least to some extent).
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Innovation and Entrepreneurship –
project course (12 ECTS)2. There is also an opportunity to write a Master thesis at PIE
focusing on developing your own business. Students who participate in Demola projects in
Norrköping and Linköping are awarded credits.
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Basic Entrepreneurship and Idea Feasibility
Analysis/Entrepreneurship and New Business Development (6 credits each)3, Innovative
entrepreneurship (6 credits, master level), Innovation and Entrepreneurship – project
This is not really a venture creation module, but students solve real challenges associated with innovative activities in
small as well as large companies.
These two courses are more or less the same, but for different student groups.
course (12 ECTS, see previous point). In addition, several of the bachelor thesis and CDIO
project courses in our 5-year engineering programs contain entrepreneurship elements
(normally about 3 credits), i.e. students do not only conceive and design a technical system
or product but also write an idea concept statement for their project and pitch it to a panel
of “dragons” (teachers). (The above courses and parts of courses are provided by The
Project, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE) division.)
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: All courses combine theoretical
knowledge with practice, usually in the form of business planning activities for imagined or
real venture ideas (ideas conceived by LiU researchers, by students or by nearby
companies). Learning by doing is the key idea.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives. Lintek (the student union for students at the
Institute of Technology) arranges InnE, an event to highlight Innovation and
Entrepreneurship. They are also actively involved in the innovation and entrepreneurship
week (”Vecka45”). Engagemangsstipendiet (”The Dedication Scholarship”) is awarded by
the student union for students at the Institute of Technology together with the labor union
Unionen to a person or group who has done some kind of non-profit work that has
benefitted other students and resulted in long-term improvements for student life.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Career service Center provides help for students in
starting their business http://goo.gl/7k4HQd; InnovationskontorEtt (the Innovation Office)
organizes various events and workshops for students http://goo.gl/OL5Xaw; the
Entrepreneurship and New Business Development Program is accessible for students, PhD
students, researchers and external entrepreneurs, and can be combined with a full-time
position or full-time studies.
3. Workshops / competitions: Linköping University Entrepreneurship Challenge (organized by
students at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences); Vecka45 – an innovation and
entrepreneurship week; Venture Cup competition, Idea Challenge.
4. Summer schools / internships: Summer Match is a summer job where students can use
knowledge from their studies, and get an opportunity to develop a research project from
the University or their unique track.
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
(CIE), InnovationskontorEtt (the Innovation Office), Spetsa (LiU-owned consultant
company, through which researchers can sell their own services without having to start a
company of their own).
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: InnovationskontorEtt (the Innovation Office) increases
the impact of research results, foster innovations and promotes their commercialization.
3. Collaboration with science parks and incubators:
Norrköping Science Park (NOSP) – founded in 1999 under the name of ProNova Science
Park and today houses about 140 companies, with a primary focus on interactive and visual
LEAD (LiU Entrepreneurship and Development) is a business incubator that accelerates the
development of start-ups by providing entrepreneurs with a breadth of focused resources
and services for more rapid growth. LEAD is owned and funded by Linköping University;
other financiers include Linköping and Norrköping Municipalities and Innovationsbron.
Mjärdevi Science Park (Linköping) – founded in 1984 and owned by Linköping Municipality.
Focuses on ICT and houses companies such as Ericsson, Autoliv, Actia and NIRA Dynamics.
V Case story (if applicable)
Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE) provides a unique environment for catalyzing both
quality entrepreneurship research and new business growth development. They offer programs
and activities designed to stimulate the successful creation, development and growth of
technology and knowledge intensive firms; integrate these programs with its research and
teaching to provide the best platform for theory and business practice.
Luleå University of Technology*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: Collaboration with the project NoCry (Northern
Creative Youth), a transnational cooperation project funded by the NPP (Northern
Periphery Programme) within the EU. NoCry project is developing a virtual incubator
services directed towards the creative sector to disseminate information, support
networking and business development among young creative entrepreneurs in "the
Northern Periphery".
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurship and innovation research group (“research subject”); Centre for
Management of Innovation and Technology in Process Industry (Promote)
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: LTU Innovation is established to support
the commercialization of ideas from the university; Arctic Business Incubator (ABI) was
founded in 2005 in Luleå and started with the aim to support the Luleå University of
Technology to commercialize research.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Aurorum Business Lab;
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Bachelor program in
Digital Service Innovation
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Entrepreneurship and Co-creating in
Creative Industries - The Road Tour (45 Credits, bachelor) – work at NoCry virtual incubator
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Basic Entrepreneurship (7.5 Credits, bachelor); IDEDevelopers: Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurship (7.5 Credits, bachelor), Health
promotion in Project and Entrepreneurship (15 Credits, Bachelor), International
Entrepreneurship (7.5 Credits, Master), Strategic entrepreneurship (7.5 Credits, Master),
Business and digital entrepreneurship (7.5 Credits, bachelor), Innovation & strategic
business development (15 Credits, master), New venture establishment (7.5 Credits,
bachelor), Entrepreneurial Learning (7,5, bachelor)
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: developing entrepreneurship
pedagogy, entrepreneurial learning
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives Arctic Business Incubator (ABI); virtual incubator
facilities through participation in the NoCry project (?)
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Career Center LTU, ABI
3. Workshops / competitions: Radical Innovation Workshop (RIW)
4. Summer schools / internships
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs :
- Centek, a business-driving limited liability company owned by LTU Holdingan
- Collaboration with Arctic Business Incubator. Today ABIs business expanded and supports
innovators and entrepreneurs regardless of the origin of ideas as long as they are scalable
and have an international market
- Aurorum Business Lab.
2. Matchmaking and collaboration:
- LuleåSciencePark@work is a meeting place that gives you the opportunity to meet
students, companies and other people who can help your company meet the future.
- Every year, LTU conducts a number of matchmaking events http://goo.gl/hH14Ep .
3. Foundations for startup support
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Arctic Business Incubator; Luleå Science
Park (the most northern Science Park in Sweden)
V Case story
LTU believe that Higher education and research are prerequisites to regional development.
Therefore, it has the highest percent of the direct research funding coming from the industry,
about 30%. The university is actively collaborating with the “outside world”:
Almost all formal groups (boards, committes, etc.) at the university have relevant external
The university leadership participates in a large number of regional boards and committes
Research is performed in about 20 research centers involving the university, industry and
public interests
There are 45 adjunct professors sharing their time between industry and the university
External parties participate in education. Parts of some programs are taught outside the
A large number of informal meetings take place
From mid-2000s, LTU was developing entrepreneurship pedagogy and entrepreneurial learning
Lund University (Faculty of Engineering)
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: The Entrepreneurial Society of Lund University
(ESLU) is a network that profiles from industry, scientists and students linked to SKJCE meet
to participate in the creation of knowledge and learning. The engineering faculty further
runs an innovation portal to gather researchers in the field at different seminars.
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: Sten
K. Johnson Centre for Entrepreneurship (SKJCE)(form School of Economics and
Management) provides courses and educational programs in the area of entrepreneurship
3. University innovation office, technology transfer:
- The Lund University Innovation System (LUIS) is Lund University's technology transfer office
where researchers can obtain help and support to help commercialize research
- Innovationskontor Syd (IKS) is collaboration between five academic institutions in the
southern region of Sweden including Lund University. The purpose is to stimulate, simplify
and efficiently utilize research and knowledge from these institutions, thus spreading the
benefits to society. IKS offers support such as patent and legal guidance as well as guidance
to researchers, students, entrepreneurs, industry actors and investors to navigate the
innovation system.
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: VentureLab
http://www.venturelab.lu.se (under Sten K. Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship) is the
university's platform to encourage entrepreneurship and support the students and recent
graduates who are considering starting their own business. The engineering faculty is
further neighboring the oldest science park in Sweden, where many engineering based
companies have started (Ideon www.ideon.se )
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Entrepreneurship, New
Venture Creation - Master's Program (One Year); Entrepreneurship, Corporate
Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Master's Program (One Year) (form School of Economics
and Management, Center for Entrepreneurship); Industrial Economics with specialization in
Business and Innovation (Master), Master of Industrial Design (2 year program, leading to
many spin-offs)
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: - Erasmus Mundus Master “Food
Innovation and product design program ” (2 years in total with last year spent at the
engineering faculty LTH)
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: master thesis for a degree in Innovations
(30 ECTS)
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Most of the engineering programs have one of these
courses during the 4th year of study: Entrepreneurship in new and existing companies (7.5,
master), Innovation Engineering (7.5, master), Entrepreneurship and Business
Development (7.5, master); Entrepreneurship and Project Management (7.5, master);
Demola (Multidisciplinary student teams working with real challenges from the society,
project based 7.5); Project Engineering at the Nanoscale – purpose to develop commercial
products or processes (15)
5. Courses for engineers from the Center for Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and
business creation for engineering students (7.5, basic course); Business and
entrepreneurship (6 ECTS, bachelor);
6. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Action Based Entrepreneurial
Education; PhD course “Innovation and value creation in research 3 hp”
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Student organization TLTH arranged “Innovation
week” spring 2015,
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Mentoring programs for the Venture creation
program students; VentureLab services (events, idea development, office space); Leapfrogs
– financial support to students looking to develop their business ideas (35 students get 27k
SEK for 3 months to work with their business idea)
3. Workshops / competitions: inspirational lectures, events and workshops organized by
VentureLab, Venture Cup – “venture creation competition”
4. Summer schools / internships: Internship program (Jan to June) for students in
Entrepreneurship, organized by SKJCE
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: : Innovation Portal conduct a series of
innovation seminars (business developer and patent advisors along with businesses and
guests with LTH background); developmental seminars and stimulating entrepreneurship
events at Sten K. Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship; mentoring programs
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Innovationskontor Syd (IKS)
3. Foundations for startup support: Entrepreneurship is one of the priority areas of Lund
University's fundraising campaign: "For a Better World"
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Ideon Science Park is run by Wihlborgs
Fastigheter AB, Lund University and Lund Municipality
V Case story (if applicable)
Lunds Universitet is running a research program in Entrepreneurial learning and education
Mid Sweden University*
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship initiatives, partnerships: collaboration with Venture Cup, Implementation
of Entrepreneurship education through Miun Innovation
2. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship: Miun
Innovation has recently initiated a project named Miun Innovation – “För entreprenörskap
i utbildningen” (Entrepreneurship in Education) partly financed by Tillväxtverket (Swedish
Agency for Economic and Regional Growth). This project aims to develop entrepreneurship
within the programs and courses at the university. It is a pilot project with programs
dominated by female students as primer target groups. Miun Innovation is working with
the following main areas:
- Encourage students to create business ideas that derive from academic knowledge, and
support them in the innovation process from idea to business concept.
- Encourage researchers to use results that derive from research, and support the innovation
process from idea to utilization
3. University innovation office, technology transfer: Innovationskontoret Fyrklövern
(Fyrklövern) - a single cohesive innovation office created by Karlstad University, Linnaeus
University, Mid Sweden University and Örebro University. The innovation office consists of
a network-based collaboration in which the innovation supporting activities are developed
jointly through flexible working practices. Fyrklövern‘s four nodes share vision, business
plan and approach. The innovation office facilitates coordination and comprehensive
exchange of experience, which also brings significant opportunities for cooperation in
education and research
4. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Åkroken Business Incubator
and Mid Sweden Science Park/Incubator
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Eco Entrepreneur for
Sustainable Development (Bachelor program), Sports Technology – Mechanical Engineering
within Innovative Product Development (Bachelor), Sports Technology - Innovative Product
Design within Sports Technology and Tech Adventure (Bachelor)
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: 3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Project Based Product (15 credits, master
students, mostly, engineering majors) - over 20 weeks; a group of students solve a problem
for a company http://goo.gl/c7GKYx
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Environmentally Driven Innovation (15 credits within
Environmental Engineering BA), Innovation and technology diffusion (7.5 credits within
Environmental Engineering (Master)), Entrepreneurship and Marketing (7.5 Credits within
Furniture and Cabinet Making BA). There are various courses in Entrepreneurship, but not
within technical programs http://goo.gl/U0WWoA
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: Student Innovation Mid Sweden (SIMS)
is a method where companies / organizations can "borrow" a group of highly educated
students to solve a problem for your company / organization. Mid Sweden University runs
a course at the advanced level, where students on behalf of the company / organization
will work out new products and services as solutions to the problems and needs of
companies / organizations themselves have identified.
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: business development course created in cooperation
with Venture Cup and with a number of guest lecturers from the region catering both
students and professionals.
3. Workshops / competitions: Business Development Race, workshops at SIMS
4. Summer schools / internships
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: business development course (created in
cooperation with Venture Cup), STC Research Centre makes a number events, among
which are Business Innovation Day and Science & Innovation Day (http://goo.gl/u7jyCs)
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: the first university in Sweden to be renounced as an Easy
Access university. The method offers a more efficient way to utilize research results
deriving from the university and through the portfolio of free, Easy Access intellectual
property (IP), Mid Sweden University provide a fast-track route for the transfer of
knowledge and expertise from universities to industry, so that it can be developed for the
benefit of the economy and society.
3. Foundations for startup support
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Åkroken Business Incubator and Mid
Sweden Science Park/Incubator
V Case story
- Student Innovation Mid Sweden (SIMS) method
- An Easy Access university
Umeå University
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
Umeå School of Business and Economics
2. University innovation office, technology transfer:
- Innovation Office North, the Innovation Office operates in the interface between Uminova
Innovation, Grants Office, Office for External Relations and Umeå Biotech Incubator
- Uminova Innovation AB
3. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Umeå Arts Campus (for the
students with creative majors)
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Innovation and entrepreneurship focused educational programs: Master's Program in IT
Management, Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs:
Product Development in Media Technology using the "Design-build-test" method (7.5
Credits); Service Design and Business Models in an Engineering Context (7.5 Credits)
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Strategic Business Development (30.0
Credits, master) http://goo.gl/oh7Cbf; Strategic Entrepreneurship (15.0 Credits, master)
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Contraction and Small Business Management in IT and
Media Business (7.5, bachelor), Innovation Management (7.5, master), Social and
Environmental Entrepreneurship (7.5 Credits, bachelor), New Product Innovation (7.5
Credits, master), Academic Business Challenge (7,5 credits)
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Students from the 5-year master of engineering
programmes regularly participate in events such as Venture Cup.
2. Support for student entrepreneurship:
- Uminova Innovation AB contributes to commercializing business ideas and offers a
structured process and personal support, networks and a creative setting. Focus is on
business ideas from researchers, employees and students at the university and hospital in
Umeå and on innovative ideas from companies in the region;
- Umeå Arts Campus – brings together the university Art Colleges and also includes
Bildmuseet – the university's museum of contemporary art and visual culture, the digital
experimental workshop HumLab-X and the dynamic "Sliperiet" incubator
3. Workshops / competitions: events at Umeå Arts Campus, mostly for the students with
creative majors
4. Summer schools / internships:
Summer internship within the Financial IT branch of the Software Engineering 5-year
master programme
Co-op internships within the Mechanical Engineering and Computer Engineering bachelor
Internships within the Process Operator programme
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: Innovation Office North, Uminova Innovation
AB, The 'Sliperiet' Incubator for companies in the creative industries
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: Innovation Office North, Uminova Innovation AB
3. Foundations for startup support: Innovation Office North, Uminova Innovation AB
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Umeå Biotech Incubator, The 'Sliperiet'
Uppsala University
I Organization and entrepreneurial culture
1. Entrepreneurship center / university structures focused on teaching entrepreneurship:
School of Entrepreneurship (within Industrial Engineering and Management)
2. University innovation office, technology transfer: UU Innovation - the hub for innovation at
Uppsala University. UU Innovation is the technology and knowledge transfer organization
of Uppsala University and fosters collaboration between Uppsala University, business and
3. Physical environments, facilities for student entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship Lab
(http://www.entrepreneurshiplab.se/). The Entrepreneurship Lab4 offers a unique
educational experience by connection businesses, researchers and innovators with
students for mastering the craft of entrepreneurship through connection in real-life cases.
At the same time, innovators who are struggling with their ideas and inventions and lack
the time, can take advantage of entrepreneurship students by letting them develop a
Business Plan for their existing idea or getting help with kick-starting the entrepreneurial
5. Physical environments in process: In connection with the Uppsala School of
Entrepreneurship a physical design lab facility is planned to be realized in collaboration
with other universities in Europe and the Nordic countries. The facility will build on the
existing, fully equipped mechanic workshop currently being used for prototyping and for
teaching engineering students. These facilities will be complemented with design lab
equipment and other physical arrangements for working with creative business model
development, testing and product concept evaluation. This creative environment will be
designed and operated in cooperation with parts of the innovation system in Uppsala (UUI,
UIC, Uppsala Holding).
II Entrepreneurship Education for engineers (curriculum and teaching methods)
1. Master programmes: Master Programme in Industrial Management and Innovation is
offered to students with an engineering background (or equivalent). The program includes
courses in, e.g.: innovation management, business management and control, modelling in
business organizations, technology based entrepreneurship and scientific methodology.
The master degree thesis ending the program is often carried out in cooperation with
established firms.
2. Entrepreneurship minors within engineering programs: School of Entrepreneurship Students in long degree programs have the possibility to conclude their studies by enrolling
The Entrepreneurship Lab is not a physical environment (yet). The above description refers to a vision for the future,
for which the Department for Business Studies is looking for suitable funding from various sources. The Lab was
established in 2012 and has been run in connection with other (master and bachelor) programmes.
in The School of Entrepreneurship. During an intensive year of studies, students are given
the opportunity to use their specialist knowledge to run a live project starting with an idea
all the way through to commercial reality, while simultaneously immersing themselves in
subjects such as business planning, market analysis, intellectual property and business law,
how to start a company, and how to lead and run technology-based development projects.
3. Venture creation semesters and course modules: Master Thesis in Entrepreneurship (15),
Kursplan för Examensarbete med entreprenörsinriktning - Degree Project (30, master),
Business Development and Entrepreneurship (30, master)
4. Single entrepreneurship courses: Entrepreneurship (7,5 ECTS), Technology Based
Entrepreneurship (5, bachelor), Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and IPR (10,
master), Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship in Biotechnological Firm (5,
master), Foundations of Entrepreneurship (7.5, master), Corporate Entrepreneurship (7.5,
5. (Specific) approaches to teaching entrepreneurship: “live case” methodology as pedagogics
III Extra-curricular entrepreneurship activities and arrangements
1. Student-lead entrepreneurship initiatives: Uppstuk is Uppsala Student consultants
organizations aiming to bridge the gap between industry and students at Uppsala
University. http://uppstuk.se
2. Support for student entrepreneurship: Drivhuset is a meeting place for those who want to
develop business ideas and entrepreneurial drive. The aim of Drivhuset is to get more
people to take the step to start and run their own business. It offers help with practical
knowledge, market research and guidance with the focus on a single entrepreneur
http://www.drivhuset.se/en/node/17; Enterepreneurship Lab services
3. Workshops / competitions: Enterepreneurship Lab Events
IV Technology commercialization and startup support
1. Resources for researchers and entrepreneurs: UU Innovation services
2. Matchmaking and collaboration: UU Innovation provides structured support to facilitate
mutual knowledge exchange, making it easier to meet, interact and collaborate for mutual
benefit http://www.uuinnovation.uu.se/Researchers/collaboration/ ; “real life cases”
solved by students for companies at Entrepreneurship Lab
3. Foundations for startup support: opportunity to apply for research funds or start-up
support from the Regional Research Council in Uppsala-Örebro region; UU Innovation's
financial support services: UU Innovation can help find different forms of financing, give
advise and assist with applications and contacts
4. Collaboration with science parks and incubators: Vasakronan – Uppsala Science Park;
Entrepreneurship at NORDTEK Universities: “good practices”
General tendencies:
- More Universities are choosing an integrated and inclusive approach to Entrepreneurship,
where all students at all Faculties should have the opportunity to take courses in
Entrepreneurship, rather than limiting Entrepreneurship Education to a select few in one or
a few programs.
- There is a growing number of Entrepreneurship courses and entire programs designed
specifically for engineers, underlining the commercialization potential of this area of
- More and more research universities have set up their institution's Technology Transfer
Office (TTO) which is responsible for commercialization of the inventions made at the
universities, intellectual property and expert know-how available for licensing.
- There is also a growing number of student entrepreneurship organizations, who provide
support for young entrepreneurs and organize various events.
- Most of the universities cooperate with science parks and invest in university spinoffs and
other types of companies originating from the academic environment.
1. National and regional level: startup support
Commercialization Activity and Support Structure of Swedish universities: regional cooperation
for young universities
In 2009, the Swedish Government decided on setting up eight innovation offices at Swedish
universities. Further, the Government stated that the four newest universities should be allowed
to develop a joint innovation office -Innovationskontoret Fyrklövern (Fyrklövern). It is a single
cohesive innovation office created by Karlstad University, Linnaeus University, Mid Sweden
University and Örebro University. The innovation office consists of a network-based collaboration
in which the innovation supporting activities are developed jointly through flexible working
Enterprise Agencies/ NYFÖRETAGARCENTRUM (Sweden) http://www.nyforetagarcentrum.com/
It is a national initiative to stimulate the start of more new companies in Sweden. Agencies
provide professional start-up advice, which is confidential and free of charge.
An advisor at an Enterprise Agency evaluates the business idea, personal qualifications, the
potential market, supports the creation of a market plan, goes through economic calculations and
budgets, evaluates investment requirements and financing, goes through legal issues, insurance
and formal requirements – and, finally, helps out with contacts through relevant networks.
ALMI – Innovation Financing (Sweden) http://www.almi.se/English/
Almi's vision is to create opportunities for all viable ideas and companies to be developed. They
offer advisory services, loans and venture capital through all phases of the establishment of a
business – from idea to successful company. This includes ideas with potential for growth in the
early stages as well as existing companies that are investing in growth and expansion. Almi
Företagspartner AB is owned by the Swedish government and is the parent company of a group
consisting of 16 regional subsidiaries, Almi Invest AB and IFS Rådgivning AB. With 40 offices across
National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition: Venture Cup
Venture cup Denmark provides funding via competitions, key networking opportunities, and vital
feedback for business idea. It provides training in order to do an impressive pitch, guides business
focus in the early stages, and builds a bridge to springboards and investors.
Venture cup is supported by the Danish universities and some of Denmark’s most innovative
2. Inter-university collaboration
Cooperation between Finnish universities on the city, regional and country level
Universities have a mutual agreement that allows students to take courses from other institutions,
making it possible to study entrepreneurship even if their own university does not run such
courses. The same approach is used for supporting entrepreneurship facilities and communities
such as student centers for entrepreneurship (Boost Turku, a student-based network for young
entrepreneurs) and incubator spaces (Startup Farm, a co-working space in the center of Turku)
Cooperation between Technical University and a Business school, creation of joint master
BioBusiness and Innovation Platform (BBIP) is cooperation between Copenhagen Business School
(CBS), The Technical University of Denmark (DTU Systems Biology) and University of Copenhagen
(KU). In BBIP the three universities work closely together with leading life science firms in
Denmark. BBIP is a platform for learning the skills required to translate life science into
entrepreneurship and business.
3. University-Industry collaboration
At Karlstad University, “all education and research are underpinned by a close dialogue with
private companies and public organizations, e.g. through advisory boards, reference groups and
steering committees.”
Luneå University of Technology (LUT) believes that Higher education and research are
prerequisites to regional development. Therefore, it has the highest percent of the direct research
funding coming from the industry, about 30%. The university is actively collaborating with the
“outside world”.
4. Organizational solutions for teaching and supporting entrepreneurship
Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centers:
International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA, University of Southern Denmark)
IDEA Entrepreneurship Centre is a competency center for teaching entrepreneurship and a circuit
of knowledge between educational institutions and the business world - with a focus on the
University of Southern Denmark and the Region of Southern Denmark. The Centre offers courses,
workshops and networking opportunities for students, lecturers, the business community and
alumni focusing on development of innovation and entrepreneurship.
AU center for entrepreneurship and innovation
AU CEI is a knowledge center that services all the academic fields of the university – as well as the
business world. The center's function is to build bridges between the theoretical research and its
application in society.
Joint educational departments combining entrepreneurship and technical subject areas:
Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship
is an interdisciplinary unit focusing on Venture Creation, Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate
Entrepreneurship within technology, bioscience, design, business, information technology and law. It was
founded in 1997 and is an integrated part of Chalmers’ strategy of being an entrepreneurial university and
became the highest ranked advanced entrepreneurship program by the Swedish government in 2009.
Linköping University IEI – Department for Management and Engineering
The department represents the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Faculty of Educational Sciences
and the Institute of Technology. It is one of the university's largest departments with over 470
employees. The research is conducted in a wide range of fields from economics and management
to design and technology. The division Project, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE) performs
research, education and executive education in innovation management, industry dynamics and
Danish Technical University - DTU Management Engineering
The department aims to develop and utilize new knowledge about Systems Analysis, Production
and Service Management, Management Science, and Technology and Innovation Management to
benefit society. In that way the Department contributes to knowledge based growth and welfare
with focus on competitiveness, productivity, sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Research and education at DTU Management Engineering is carried out in close cooperation with
international research environments and industrial and public partners.
5. Entrepreneurship education and teaching
CDIO at DTU and University of Turku http://www.cdio.org/
All bachelor engineering programs at DTU are based on the CDIO concept. CDIO is an innovative
educational framework for producing the next generation of engineers. The framework provides
students with an education stressing engineering fundamentals set in the context of Conceiving —
Designing — Implementing — Operating real-world systems and products. At the University of
Turku CDIO is applied to the ITC Engineering curriculum.
Including commercialization stage into Entrepreneurship education
Education at Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship also includes the commercialization process
performed by a team of venture creators that emphasizes sophisticated entrepreneurial learning.
Thereby, the education adds entrepreneurial drive and commercializes technology otherwise
trapped in an idea- or research-stage.
A free-of-charge Entrepreneurship and New Business Development Program:
The division Project, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (PIE) runs Entrepreneurship and New
Business Development Program, which is intended for students, researchers and others at
Linköping University and employees among companies in the region. Individuals having an idea
with the intention to start or in the start-up process are welcome to apply. The program can be
combined with full-time position or full-time studies.
Entrepreneurship minors for engineers:
Aalto Ventures Program
allows taking a minor in high-growth entrepreneurship for master’s degree students. Together
with Tongji University in Shanghai, AVP has created a joint minor on innovation and venturing.
Uppsala University
Students in long degree programs have the possibility to conclude their studies by enrolling in The
School of Entrepreneurship. During an intensive year of studies, students are given the
opportunity to use their specialist knowledge to run a live project starting with an idea all the way
through to commercial reality, while simultaneously immersing themselves in subjects such as
business planning, market analysis, intellectual property and business law, how to start a
company, and how to lead and run technology-based development projects.
Specific methods of teaching entrepreneurship:
Action-based pedagogy at Chalmers University of Technology
uses learning by doing approach. Here students work with real projects during the education and
apply their knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurial ability in real settings. Chalmers combines
internationally acknowledged academic education and research with real value creation in an
entrepreneurial environment.
NSE’s (NTNU School of Entrepreneurship) education model
combines theory and practice, majorly, group work. In addition to a full academic workload in
business development, students are provided the infrastructure, resources and guidance to
establish their own startup company.
Aarhus University’s approach to entrepreneurship pedagogy:
ME2 Model for Entrepreneurial education
1. Understand Means
2. Disclosing Disharmonies
3. Qualifying Opportunities
4. Realize Value
“Entrepreneurship as everyday practice”:
Adopting the perspective of ‘entrepreneurship as an everyday practice’ in education,
opportunities are conceptualized as arising from the everyday practice of individuals.
“Creating value in the own professional area”:
The aim is to enhance the student's ability to create value within their professional area. Whether
it is by starting one’s own business, or whether by being an innovative employee in an existing
company. The key is to train students to dare to be creative on the basis of their own personality
and obtained skills.
5. Facilities for student Entrepreneurship
Cross-disciplinary hub and community for student innovation and entrepreneurship: DTU Skylab
DTU Skylab is a cross disciplinarity hub and community for student innovation and
entrepreneurship located at the main campus of DTU (Technical University of Denmark). It is an
1550m2 experimental space including office facilities, teaching facilities, social spaces, labs and
prototype workshops.
Business Kitchen: Oulu http://www.businesskitchen.fi/
The Business Kitchen offers open innovation space of over 1000 m2 for everyone who is
interested. There are also meeting rooms and event venues equipped with necessary facilities.
Business Kitchen organizes events, seminars, and training on a regular basis, which are open for all
entrepreneurs and entrepreneurially-minded people to meet each other.
Encubator: Chalmers http://www.encubator.com/
Encubator is Chalmers’ Venture Creation incubator. It realizes ideas together with Chalmers School
of Entrepreneurship. By combining advanced entrepreneurial education and real business
incubation they have formed more than 60 new companies. They have a unique model called
Encubation® (Education + Incubation).
Startup Sauna http://startupsauna.com/
Startup Sauna co-working space is the meeting point for aspiring entrepreneurs in Northern
Europe. The 1.500 square meter industry hall is open for everybody to work in – no membership
or previous ties to Startup Sauna are required.
The foundation focuses on developing the core activities such as: Startup Sauna accelerator
program – a five-week program for the most promising startups from Nordics, Eastern Europe and
Russia; Slush conference – one of Europe’s leading startup and investor conferences, organized
every November; Startup Life internship program – sending the best students and graduates to
different startup hubs to intern at the best startups in the world.
Chalmers Innovation http://www.chalmersinnovation.com/
Chalmers Innovation’s goal and unique expertise is through participation transform early
technology ideas into successful companies. Chalmers Innovation offers networking events,
business coaching, inspiring lectures by serial entrepreneurs, lean start up tools and more. Every
year Chalmers Innovation runs two ten-week Startup Camp’s that focus on endorsing the ideas of
several entrepreneurs. Chalmers Innovation also offers space at Stena Center and Lindholmen
Science Park for their companies and other tenants. Read more
6. Student-Driven Entrepreneurship
Excitera http://www.excitera.se/
Excitera is the student-driven, non-profit entrepreneurship association at KTH in Stockholm. Its
main objectives are to create an interest in entrepreneurial activities and the commercialization of
research results, and to connect students, academic researchers and people from the industry.
Their events are everything from relaxed pubs to challenging competitions and workshops. The
association has four independent projects: The “Excitera Innovation Challenge”
http://www.innovationchallenge.se/?lang=en; “Swedish Game Awards” http://gameawards.se/;
“Excitera Enterprise Forum” http://www.enterpriseforum.se/; “Excitera Mobile Cup”
List of Contact Persons
Christa Trandum
Ken Holm Thomsen
Birgit Simonsen
Raili Pönni
Kelly Peter
Mika Hannula
Outi Simi
Marita Niemelä
Antero Järvi
Ari Kristinn Jónsson
Simon W. Lie
Tomas Faxheden
Per Berglund
Anna Bergek
Annika Olsson
Fredrik Georgsson
Åsa Kassman
Senior Advisor,
Department for
Education and Students
Executive Officer. IDEA
Deputy Manager
Professor of Practice at
Department of
Industrial Engineering
and Management,
School of Science
Vice president for
Faculty of Technology
Head of Research and
Innovation Services
Research Assistant
Associate Professor
Technical University of
University of Southern
Aarhus University
Aalto University
Aalto University
Tampere University of
University of Oulu
University of Vaasa
University of Turku
University of Iceland
Advisor, Rector's Office
School Manager,
Chalmers School of
Vice Dean of Faculty
Reykjavik University
Norwegian University
of Science and
Chalmers University of
Associate dean,
Institute of Technology
Vice Dean
Associate professor,
Department of
Computing Science
KTH Royal Institute of
Linköping University
Lund University
Umeå University
Prodean for Education,
Faculty of Science and
Asa.Kassman@angstrom.uu.se Uppsala University