Math Boxes – Week 11

Name ___________________________________________ Due date _____________________ Period ______
Math Boxes – Week 11
Directions: Complete each box below. In order to receive full credit, you must show all work. You may use additional
paper if necessary.
1. On the number line below, the
numbers m and n are the same distance from 0.
Which of the following equations is correct:
2. Convert
to a decimal.
a. m – n = 0
b. m = n
c. m/n = -1
d. m/n = 1
3. The temperature was -3 on Friday. On Saturday,
the temperature was the opposite of what is was
on Friday. On Sunday, the temperature was 9
cooler than it was on Saturday. What was the
temperature on Sunday?
6. Find the mean of the following numbers. Express
your answer as a decimal.
5. The numerical expression:
is equal to:
4. Evaluate. Express your answer as an improper
fraction in simplest form.
-2, 6, 10, 2, 8, -9
7. Open Ended Response:
Tim plotted points E, F, G, H and I on a number line, as shown below.
Tim plotted points E, F, G, H and I on a number line, as shown below.
a. Which point that Tim plotted, when added to F would have a sum of 0?
b. Write an expression using subtraction that could be used to find the distance, in units, between points E
and I. *Note that your expression should include values for E and I rather than letters.
c. Solve the expression that you wrote in part (b).
d. Tim wrote the expression |-2|+|6| to represent the distance between point G and point H. What is the
value of Tim’s expression?