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Duties of a Religious Leader: Biblical References

1. To administer the ordinances
Matt 28:19‐20
2. To be a man of prayer
1 Tim 2:1
3. To warn his flock
1 Tim 4:1, 6
4. To study the word
2 Tim 2:15
5. To preach the word
2 Tim 4:2 / Acts 6:2‐4
6. To exhort and rebuke
1 Thes5:12|Titus 2:15
7. To watch over souls, his own, others
Acts 20:28‐31,
____________________________________________________________Col 4:17, Heb 13:17,
____________________________________________________________1 Tim 4:6, 6:11
8. To feed and lead his flock
Acts 20:28, 1 Pet 5:2
9. To be an example to all
1 Cor 11:1, 4:16
____________________________________________________________Phil 3:17, 2 Thes 3:9,
____________________________________________________________1 Tim 4:12, Heb 13:7,
____________________________________________________________1 Pet 5:3