2 - Alumni Association

Alumni Association – Faculty of Dentistry NUS
Dental Symposium
(AA-FOD Symposium 2015)
October 10th & 11th 2015
Dear Alumni,
The Alumni Association Dental Continuing Education Committee in conjunction with the Faculty of
Dentistry NUS are organising a weekend Dental Symposium (AA-FOD Symposium 2015) on October
10th & 11th 2015. This Symposium is organised to help raise funds for Faculty’s development. We
would like to seek your generous support for this fund raising effort.
Many of the Speakers for this Symposium are from our Dental Alumni with one overseas Speaker Dr
Thomas Attin as well as our medical colleague Dr Aaron Pang. There should be something
interesting for all participants.
All proceeds from the registration will be donated to the Faculty of Dentistry Development Fund. A
tax deduction of 300% of the donation is applicable for donations made in 2015. The Reply/Slip
Donation Form is enclosed.
We look forward to seeing you at the Symposium and thank you in advance for your generous
support. We also wish to express our appreciation to our exhibitors for their collaborative efforts
towards our fund raising cause.
A/Prof Grace Ong
Faculty of Dentistry
National University of S’pore
A/Prof Jennifer Neo
Graduate School of Dental
Studies. NUS
Dr Thean Tsin Piao
Organising Chairman
Alumni Association SB
Dr Dominic Leung
Organising Committee
Alumni Association SB
Prof Chew Chong Lin
Faculty of Dentistry NUS
Dr Alvin Lee
Organising Committee
Alumni Association SB
AA-FOD 2015 SYMPOSIUM( Oct 10th & 11th 2015)
University Town – Auditorium, Stephen Riady Centre
2 College Avenue West Singapore 138607
Dr Myra Elliott
Dr Tony Thong
Dr Dominic WH Leung
Dr Patrick Tseng
Dr Jerry E Y Lim
Dr Aaron Pang (Med)
Dr Seow Yian San
Dr Tang Kok Siew
Dr Thomas Attin
Dr Go Wee Ser
Dr Lye Kok Weng
Dr Clement Eng
Dr Djeng Shih Kien
Iatrogenic Dentistry
Change in Concepts of Periodontal Treatment
The Spirit of Volunteerism among the Dental Profession
Update on Endodontics for the General Dental Practitioner
Digital Dentistry Wave
Botox and Fillers for Facial Aesthetics
Managing impacted teeth
The Treatment Dilemma of MIH (Molar-Incisor Hypomineralisation)
Universal Adhesives & Bulk-Fil composites
Management of Erosion and Abrasion
Current Application of Cone Beam CT in Dentistry
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and the Dental Practitioner
Integrating Laser in Clinical Dentistry
SOMETHING NEW for Something Old
List of participating Trade Exhibitors
Asia Implant Support & Services
Chee Sang Dental Supply Pte Ltd
Colgate –Palmolive (Eastern) Pte Ltd
Dentsply (Singapore ) Pte Ltd
Eastland Dental Supplies Pte Ltd
Goldplus Universal Pte Ltd
Maxillofacial Solutions & Services Pte Ltd
Nu-Hup Teck Pte Ltd
Pfizer Pte Ltd
Pharmforte Singapore Pte Ltd
Prohealth Marketing Pte Ltd
QST Group
Raydent Supplies (S) Pte Ltd
SA Dental Supply Pte Ltd
Standard Dental Co. Pte Ltd
Sunny Dental Medical Supply Pte Ltd
Alumni Association Southern Branch – Faculty of Dentistry NUS
Symposium 2015 cum Fund Raising
(AA-FOD Symposium 2015)
Oct 10th & 11th 2015
University Town
We/I would like to donate to the Dentistry Development Fund.
( )*We/I will be attending the AA-FOD Symposium 2015 on Oct 10th & 11th 2015.
( )*We/I will not be attending the AA-Fod Symposium 2015 on Oct 10th & 11th 2015, but wish to
donate to the Fund.
Particulars of Donor
Name of individual donor( Prof/ Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms):__________________________________________
Name of Organisation (if applicable): ____________________________________________________
Representative attending:_____________________________________________________________
Mobile Tel:_______________________
Home/ Off Tel:_____________________________________
Mailing address:_____________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Postal code:_____________
Email:_______________________________________ DCR NO: ______________________________
NRIC/ FIN/ UEN:_____________________________________________________________________
(Please provide Singapore tax reference number to obtain tax deduction of 300% for donations made in 2015)
Amount & Payment Method
A one-time gift of
( )* $500 (minimum sum for AA-FOD Symposium 2015)
( )* $1,000
( )* $5,000
( )* $_____________ (other amounts).
( )* Cheque No _______________ crossed and in favour of “National University of Singapore”
( )* Please charge to credit card/ debit card: Visa/ MasterCard/ American Express Card
Card No:________________________________________ Expiry Date:________________(MMYY)
( )* I do not wish to be identified as a donor of this gift in NUS publicity materials.
We/I agree that our/my gift is subject to NUS’s Statues and Regulations, and to its Standard Terms and Conditions for gifts (as may be
amended from time to time by the University), updated for compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012)
Authorised Signature of donor:__________________________ Date:________________________
( )* please tick where applicable
For clarifications on donations to the Faculty of Dentistry, please contact: Ms Ow Yong Oi Tel 67724944 or Ms Sharon Lim Tel: 67724937
Please send your completed form and donation cheque to:
AA-FOD Symposium 2015
Faculty of Dentistry
National University of Singapore
11 Lower Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 119083