St. Edward Parish Stakeholders, I would like to thank all of you for another great school year at St. Edward. As we finish this year and get ready for next year, I would like to inform you of some happenings and changes, along with submitting the school’s annual report for everyone to look at for the 2014-2015 school year. As most of you know, I will not be returning to St. Edward as Principal next year. I have taken the Religious Education Director job for our Area Faith Community. Mrs. Jaci Garvey will be the new Principal for next year. We are currently hiring a new 3rd grade teacher. Mrs. Garvey utilized a blended-learning classroom of instruction this past year in the 3rd and 4th grade combined classroom. I introduced blended-learning to all the families that attended the parent meeting in May of 2014. Blended-learning utilizes the best of online learning with the best of a traditional, teachercentered classroom in a school. The class was a pilot class to see how well blended-learning worked in our school for the future. Each student in Mrs. Garvey’s class had their own tablet to work on for the online learning. The students scored very well on their spring NWEA tests, which gives the school an idea of how much the students grew academically during the year. The 3rd and 4th grade class have 85% of the students at grade level or above in Math, 100% in Reading, 93% in Language Usage and 93% in Science. These scores are 30%-40% higher than the local and state average! As the “Plan for Parishes”, (a study and plan done by the Diocese of New Ulm in 2013), has predicted, our population in southwest Minnesota is declining. This decline is and will continue to effect the enrollment at St. Edward over the next five years. Our predictions (baptismal records and preschool enrollment) show that our incoming Kindergarten class size will average 7-8 students over each of the next five years. In order to utilize our resources and monies, St. Edward will start to combine two grade levels for sure in the 2016-17 school year. All indications are that students perform as well, and in some cases better, in a combined classroom. Classroom assessments and NWEA standardized test scores show that students are learning at or above the projected growth within our combined grade level classroom, as is indicated in the above paragraph. Father Craig, myself and the Education Committee, have decided not to start a pre-school at St. Edward in the 2015-16 school year. From a financial standpoint, St. Edward would only be able to offer a program that would meet three half-days per week. If we offered any more, we would have to become a licensed pre-school, which would cost more than we would be able to generate in income. A large expense would include transportation home after each half-day class. Governor Dayton is also pushing to provide statefunded all-day-everyday pre-school within the next two years for all public schools. With the expense of starting a pre-school and the possibility of a state-funded pre-school, we feel it is better to not start preschool at St. Edward. Annual Report of St. Edward School 2014-2015 School Year The Annual Report has been compiled for parents and stakeholders of St. Edward School. The first part of the Annual Report focuses on the events that happened through the school year. The second part is a summary of the fundraisers held and the designation of money raised, and the third part summarizes this year’s budget as well as projections for next year’s budget. The fourth part of the report summarizes the NWEA test results for this school year. Part 1: Summary of Events at St. Edward School 2014-2015 August School started on August 18th with a start of the year kick-off in the school gym. September Students took the NWEA tests Staff, students and parents walked in Minneota’s Boxelder Bug Days Parade. The Frosty 5K was held and raised $2290 Staff attended a Faith Formation day in New Ulm October The students participated in the Minnesota Marathon for Non-Public Education. The students raised $26,597 for the school. Students participated in the annual “All Saint’s Day Costume Contest” on Halloween. Students enjoyed a hayride and campfire for their Marathon goal. Grades 3 & 4 went to New Ulm for the annual Holy Day Mass with Bishop LeVoir November The cookie dough fundraiser, with delivery in December, raised $3926 for the school. St. Edward School participated in a Wreath Sale with the Minneota Boy Scouts. Students attended the musical at the Minneota Public School. Students brought toys for Toys for Tots and items for Operation Christmas Child. Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students attended the Veteran’s Day Program at the Public School. Students enjoyed a movie and popcorn for a marathon goal. Students participated in Skate Time for PE December The Christmas program was held with a full Nativity scene. The 8th Graders visited their special friends. First Reconciliation was held for the Second grade students. January Catholic Schools Week kicked off with Mass on Sunday followed by an Open House and the annual pancake and sausage breakfast was put on by the Education Committee. The staff planned many fun activities for the students throughout the week. Mardi Gras was held the last day of Catholic Schools Week. St. Edward School participated in the Catholic United Financial (CUF) Raffle in place of the spring raffle. February Annual “Flurry of Fun” was held by the Parish Council as a fundraiser for the school. Science Fair was held for students in grades 5-6 with 4th grade doing a group project. Third & Fourth Grade students attended the "James & the Giant Peach" performance. Fifth grade went to a Youth Frontiers Retreat held in Ivanhoe. March Kindergarten Round-up was held with 6 students coming to Kindergarten next year. Education committee held a fish fry with the Jr. High performing the Living Stations. K-2 attended the "Junie B. Jones" performance in Dawson. Student council sponsored Penny Panic. Third & Fourth attended "Ag in the Classroom" in Granite Falls. April May The 8th Graders visited their special friends. Students cleaned around school for Earth Day. NWEA testing was held. The scores showed a lot of growth in the students. Fifth and sixth grade attended the Shrine Circus. Fifth grade participated in the annual Arbor Day Program. Second grade received First Communion. Prime time was held for grades 4-6. Spring concert was held with 2 performances. First being for Grandparents with juice and cookies being served following the afternoon concert. The Student Council also sponsored the Spring basket silent auction. May Crowning was held to honor Mary. The students in grades 5-8 led the Living Rosary with all classes in attendance. Field Day was held with all students participating. Awards Day was held to recognize the 8th grade students. Eighth Grade Graduation was held with 13 students graduating from St. Edward. Grades K, 1 & 2 grades went to the Children's Museum in Brookings. Grades 5 & 6 went to the Science Museum and Cathedral in St. Paul. Grades 7 & 8 went to the Seminary in St. Paul and the Schoenstatt Sisters in Sleepy Eye with Father Craig Timmerman. Students enjoyed an Inflatable party as the cookie dough fundraiser reward. Part 2: Summary of 2014-2015 Fundraising Events and Designation Month Date Event Amount Raised Designation Requested Participation $2,290 School's General Fund September 27 Frosty 5K October November 5 13 Marathon Cookie Dough 15 Wreath Sales 20 Operation Christmas Child Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Gifts 19 Thanksgiving Mass Food Shelf Food items December 12 Coats for Kids Coats for Kids Coats Received January 25 COF breakfast for CSW 26 Scholastic Book Fair 30 Mardi Gras—Grades 7&8 31 Flurry of Fun February 11 Mission of Love March 13 Education Committee Fish Fry $3,335.00 School’s General Fund April 5 Catholic United Financial Raffle $4,370.00 School’s General Fund 23 Penny Panic—Student Council $642.26 Student Council- 30 Spring Concert Basket Auction $475.00 Target Credit Rewards $371.10 School’s General Fund Ongoing Aluminum Cans Hats On—Student Council Milk Caps/Box Tops/Soup Labels Scrip Life Touch—Fall & Spring Pictures Ministree Total Fundraising Efforts $24,125.00 School's General Fund $3,926.00 School's General Fund $121.85 Misc. $1,377.00 X X Technology (matching $1500 grant) Library/Classrooms Books for the School, $1553.23 $756.55 School's General Fund $28,881.00 School’s General Fund $100 Missions X Student Council-new curriculum $1,056.00 School’s General Fund $400.00 Catholic Charities $710.00 School’s General Fund $8,077.28 School’s General Fund School’s General Fund $164.00 $580 School Misc. $81,758 $ to School’s General Fund $78,062 Part 3: Summary of the 2014-2015 Budget and Projections for Next Year Fundraisers o The school met the Marathon goal set for the students and the incentives were all made. o The school held another successful fundraiser with the Cookie Dough sale. o The “Flurry of Fun” was another success in its fifth year. The designated gifts to the school have been very appreciated for the school year. SCRIP is available to all families who want to participate. Families are encouraged to use SCRIP as a way to pay part or all of their tuition. St. Edward staff will see a small increase (2%) in their salaries. It is a goal of the school and parish Finance Council to try and get the salaries closer to other teaching salaries in the Diocese of New Ulm school system The 2014-15 school budget will be very close to balancing. A new Language Arts curriculum and textbooks will be evaluated for the 2015-16 school year. Part 4: Summary of NWEA testing at St. Edward School 2014-2015 Students in grades K-8 were tested using the Northwest Evaluation Assessment MAP (NWEA) testing in October and April of this school year. The results discussed here are based on growth of test scores from the October to April testing, as this is what the teachers look at for curriculum improvement. The target score from fall to spring is based on a system of NWEA, which predicts how each student should grow academically from the fall test to the other. Even if a student doesn’t meet the target growth, the student could still have scored higher from the fall to the spring test. Math—Grades K-8 74% of the students met or exceeded their Target RIT score from fall to spring testing, which is 14.5% higher than the state average of 60.5%. Reading—Grades K-8 76% of the students met or exceeded their Target RIT score from fall to spring testing, which is 17.2% percent higher than the state average of 58.8%. Language Usage—Grades 2-8 73% of the students met or exceeded their Target RIT score from fall to spring testing. Science—Grades 2-8 88% of the students met or exceeded their Target RIT score from fall to spring testing, which is 26.6% higher than the state average of 61.4%. Thank you for your support of me being your principal over the last four years! I have enjoyed it very much! God Bless! Deacon Jason Myhre Principal