Congress Webquest - Merrillville Community School

Congress Web Quest
NAME: ________________________________________________
DIRECTIONS: In chapter 5 we have been learning about the United States Congress. Complete this Web Quest to learn more about
our Lawmakers (among other things!). Use the links provided to help you along. Also feel free to explore other appropriate web sites.
You will type the required information right onto this document (DO NOT COPY & PASTE!! – except for the pictures). Please take
up as little space as possible. When you are finished print a copy and staple the pages. Make sure your name is on the front page.
1. Where does Congress meet? (Name the building.)
2. Put a small picture of the building below:
3. The IN District 1 member of the US House of Reps is:_________________________________________
4. Put a small picture of the Congressmen in the space below:
Use the Congressmen’s biography to answer the next few questions: (
5. Who does the Congressman represent?
6. What 3 counties does the Congressman represent?
7. What Political Party is the Congressman a member?
8. Name 4 Caucuses that he serves on.
9. Where was the Congressmen born?
10. What high school did the Congressmen attend?
11. Who is the IN Senior Senator?
12. Put a small picture of the Congressmen in the space below:
13. How long has he been in office?
14. What political party is the Sr. Senator a member?
15. Who is the IN Junior Senator?
16. Put a small picture of the Jr. Senator in the space below:
17. At what address can you send a letter to the Jr. Senator (use the Washington DC address)?
18. How long has the Senator been in office?
19. What political party is the Jr. Senator a member?
20. Who is the Speaker of the House?
21. Who is the President of the Senate AND what job is he better known for?
The chart from will help you
answer the following three questions – 22,23,24: (the black numbers are the current totals)
22. How many women are in the 113th Congress (both H.o.R. and Senate)?
23. How many members of the 113th H.o.R. have mustaches?
24. How many members of the H.o.R. have been educators?
25. Which party has the majority in the US Senate?
26. Which party has the majority in the US H.o.R.?
27. The President must report to the Congress at least once per year, what is this “address” called?
28. How many black Senators are there in the 113th Congress?
29. Which State has the most representatives in Congress AND how many?
30. Who served the longest in the Senate?
Read the following article and answer the following questions (31-34):
31. What current Senator gave a 13-hour filibuster in March 2013 (when the article was written)?
32. Why did he stop?
33. Which Senator gave the longest Filibuster in the history of the Senate AND how long did he last??
34. What bill was the Senator trying to block?
Use the information from to answer the following questions:
35. Copy and paste a picture of Rep. John Dingell.
36. What state is the Rep. John Dingell from?
37. When did John Dingell join Twitter?
38. How many tweets has John Dingell tweeted?
39. Look at the picture Dingell posted on Oct. 9. What is here is the newpaper picture from AND how old was Dingell?
40. Who is the last member of Congress (hint: he was a Senator) to be elected as President AND when was he elected?