UPU UNIVERSA L POSTAL UNION CA 2014.1/CEP 2014.2–Calendrier.Rev 2 (CA 2014.1/POC 2014.2–Timetable.Rev 2) Original: French COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION/POSTAL OPERATIONS COUNCIL Timetable of the 2014.1 session of the Council of Administration and 2014.2 session of the Postal Operations Council, and of other meetings being held on that occasion The most up-to-date version of this timetable is available on the UPU website (www.upu.int). Supplementary information and layout key 1 Organizational charts of the Council of Administration and Postal Operations Council The organizational charts of the Council of Administration (CA) and Postal Operations Council (POC) appear at the end of this document. The table of meetings appearing between the timetable and the organizational charts represents the key for the abbreviations used in the timetable, in the order of the meeting numbers given in the timetable. 2 Dates and duration of meetings In general, the timetable takes account of the following principles: – The normal length of meetings held with interpretation is set at three hours (9.30–12.30 and 15.00–18.00). – Coffee breaks have been eliminated, and an alternative refreshment service is provided. – The meetings commence later on the first day of the session and on Mondays during the session (e.g. 10.30–13.30 and 15.00–18.00). The dates and duration of certain meetings may be changed depending on how discussions progress. 3 Interpretation and access to meetings The languages of simultaneous interpretation used are indicated by the following abbreviations: FR (French), EN (English), RU (Russian), SP (Spanish), AR (Arabic), CN (Chinese), JA (Japanese) and PO (Portuguese). There are 10 booths in Heinrich von Stephan Hall, seven in Montgomery Blair Hall (three in hall A and four in hall B), five in the Beat Fischer Room and five in the new Abubakar Argungu Room, which is now located on the top floor (level three) of the conference block. There is no simultaneous interpretation in the other rooms on the ground floor and sixth floor. ® = Working meeting restricted to the members and observers invited by the chair of the body concerned. = Meeting streamed on the Web TV channel (audio or video feed), in some cases with restricted access. DL Pro 23.10.2014 2 Date Montgomery Blair Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) Heinrich von Stephan Hall (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Henri Péquet Room (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) Abubakar Argungu Room (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) Rowland Hill Room Beat Fischer Room (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) (7th floor: 60 seats) Monday, 20 October 2014 08.00 10.30 10.30 13.30 13.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 Tuesday, 21 October 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 12.30 POC EMSC MB® No interpretation 50 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 POC EMSC MB® No interpretation 50 Other rooms (at IB or elsewhere) 3 Date Montgomery Blair Hall Heinrich von Stephan Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Henri Péquet Room (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) Abubakar Argungu Room (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) Rowland Hill Room Beat Fischer Room (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) (7th floor: 60 seats) Wednesday, 22 October 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 12.30 POC EMSC MB® No interpretation 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 POC EMSC MB® No interpretation 08.00 09.30 Thursday, 23 October 2014 50 09.30 POC EMSC WORKSHOP 12.30 FR EN SP AR RU 51 12.30 15.00 15.00 POC EMSC WORKSHOP 18.00 FR EN SP AR RU 51 50 Other rooms (at IB or elsewhere) 4 Date Montgomery Blair Hall Heinrich von Stephan Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Henri Péquet Room Abubakar Argungu Room (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) Rowland Hill Room (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) Beat Fischer Room Other rooms (7th floor: 60 seats) (at IB or elsewhere) Friday, 24 October 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 POC EMSC WORKSHOP 12.30 FR EN SP AR RU 51 12.30 15.00 15.00 POC EMSC WORKSHOP 18.00 FR EN SP AR RU 51 Saturday, 25 October 2014 08.00 10.30 POC MC® FR EN SP AR JA Monday, 27 October 2014 10.30 POC C 4 ECG 13.30 FR EN SP AR RU POC C 3 PSIG 47 FR EN SP AR RU JA POC C 1 OARG 33 No interpretation 21 POC C 3 QLUG 23 FR EN SP AR RU 10.30–13.00 POC C 5 AHG CPPSUG® 42 FR EN SP AR RU 49 13.30 15.00 15.00 13.30–18.30 18.00 POC C 1 TG FR EN RU POC C 3 PSIG 24 FR EN SP AR RU JA POC C 1 OARG 33 No interpretation 13.30–18.30 POC C 4 PSDG POC C 4 PCBG POC C 4 KDTG POC C 4 IG 23 FR EN SP AR RU 14.00–18.30 Thurn und Taxis POC C 5 AHG CPPSUG® POC C 3 LPRG PT 1 46 FR EN SP AR RU 49 No interpretation 36 5 Date Montgomery Blair Hall Heinrich von Stephan Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) Henri Péquet Room (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) POC C 3 PPRG POC C 1 SB Abubakar Argungu Room Rowland Hill Room Beat Fischer Room POC TC IMSUG® POC C 1 TG IATA–UPU CC® 9.00–12.30 Thurn und Taxis POC C 5 AHG CPPSUG® POC C 3 LPRG PT 2 (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) Other rooms (7th floor: 60 seats) (at IB or elsewhere) Tuesday, 28 October 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 POC C 3 LPQMIG 12.30 FR EN SP AR RU 41 FR EN SP AR RU JA 38 No interpretation 22 55 FR EN No interpretation 25 FR EN SP AR RU 49 12.30 15.00 No interpretation Saint-Exupéry 9.30–12.30 POC DPG SC® No interpretation 15.00 13.30–18.30 18.00 POC C 3 GMS WORKSHOP FR EN SP AR RU POC C 3 PPRG 44 FR EN SP AR RU JA 14.00–18.00 POC C 1 SB 38 No interpretation POC TC 22 POC C 1 TG IATA–UPU CC® IFSUG® FR EN RU 54 No interpretation 25 13.30–18.30 POC DPG GA FR EN SP AR 09.30 POC C 3 PPQMIG 12.30 FR EN SP AR RU POC C 3 LPRG 45 FR EN SP AR RU JA 34 12.30 15.00 POC C 2 MSMEBDG POC C 5 PDG POC C 5 RSG POC C 5 PSDG FR EN SP AR RU (PO passive) 32 FR EN SP AR RU 56 No interpretation Thurn und Taxis RESERVED PTC® 48 13.00–15.00 POC TC MB® No interpretation 15.00 13.00–18.30 18.00 POC C 1 CG FR EN SP RU JA POC C 3 LPRG 27 FR EN SP AR RU JA 34 No interpretation Thurn und Taxis RESERVED PTC® 53 No interpretation 14.00–18.00 POC C 2 AEMRG FR AN ES AR RU 13.30–18.30 POC C 5 PDG POC C 5 RSG POC C 5 PSDG 29 FR EN SP AR RU 57 Thurn und Taxis POC C 3 LPRG SC® 08.00 09.30 Wednesday, 29 October 2014 37 Thurn und Taxis RESERVED PTC® 48 No interpretation 35 6 Date Montgomery Blair Hall Heinrich von Stephan Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Henri Péquet Room (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) Abubakar Argungu Room Rowland Hill Room Beat Fischer Room Other rooms (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) (7th floor: 60 seats) (at IB or elsewhere) POC PPSCLEARING UG® POC DPG SC® Thursday, 30 October 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 POC C 1 AG 12.30 FR EN AR 09.00–13.00 POC C 1 PSG 28 FR EN SP RU JA 26 FR EN SP 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 14.00–18.00 POC PLENARY FR EN SP AR RU JA 20 08.00 09.30 CC MC® EN SP Friday, 31 October 2014 52bis 09.30 12.30 09.30–13.00 POC PLENARY FR EN SP AR RU JA 20 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 POC PLENARY FR EN SP AR RU JA Saturday, 1 November 2014 20 19 No interpretation 57 7 Date Montgomery Blair Hall Heinrich von Stephan Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Henri Péquet Room (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) Abubakar Argungu Room Rowland Hill Room Beat Fischer Room Other rooms (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) (7th floor: 60 seats) (at IB or elsewhere) Monday, 3 November 2014 08.00 10.30 10.30 CA C 3 SD 13.30 FR EN SP AR RU CA C 4 CDPG 11 FR EN SP AR RU CA C 1 AUPG AHG® 13 FR EN 6 13.30 15.00 15.00 CA C 3 SD 18.00 FR EN SP AR RU CA C 1 RIPG 11 FR EN SP AR RU 7 Tuesday, 4 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 12.30 CA C 1 RUPG FR EN SP AR RU JA CA C 4 SDPG AHG DRM POC QSF BOT® 4 FR EN 52 FR EN SP AR 16 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 CA C 1 RUPG FR EN SP AR RU JA POC QSF BOT® 4 FR EN RESTRICTED UNIONS® 52 FR EN SP AR RU 58 8 Date Montgomery Blair Hall Heinrich von Stephan Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Henri Péquet Room (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) Abubakar Argungu Room (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) Rowland Hill Room Beat Fischer Room (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) Other rooms (7th floor: 60 seats) (at IB or elsewhere) Wednesday, 5 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 CA C 1 AUPG 12.30 FR EN SP AR RU JA CA C 4 FIPG 5 FR EN SP AR RU POC QSF BOT® 17 FR EN 52 12.30 15.00 15.00 CA C 1 AUPG 18.00 FR EN SP AR RU JA 14.00–18.00 CA C 4 FIPG 5 FR EN SP AR RU POC QSF BOT® 17 FR EN 52 Thursday, 6 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 CA MC® 12.30 FR EN SP AR JA CA C 4 PSMPG 2 FR EN SP AR RU 9.00–12.30 RESERVED DOT POC QSF BOT® 14 FR EN FR EN 52 12.30 15.00 15.00 CA C 1 RGIPG 18.00 FR EN SP AR 14.00–18.00 CA C 4 PSMPG 8 FR EN SP AR RU POC QSF BOT® 14 FR EN CA C 4 SDPG POC C 2 DMAB SC® 52 No interpretation 31 FR EN SP AR JA 15 9 Date Montgomery Blair Hall Henri Péquet Room Heinrich von Stephan Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Friday, 7 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 POC C 2 DMAB 12.30 FR EN SP AR CA C 2 30 FR EN SP AR RU JA 9 12.30 15.00 15.00 POC C 2 DMAB 18.00 FR EN SP AR CA C 2 30 FR EN SP AR RU JA 9 Saturday, 8 November 2014 Monday, 10 November 2014 08.00 10.30 10.30 13.30 CA C 3 FR EN SP AR RU 10 13.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 CA C 4 FR EN SP AR RU 12 Abubakar Argungu Room (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) Rowland Hill Room (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) Beat Fischer Room (7th floor: 60 seats) Other rooms (at IB or elsewhere) 10 Date Montgomery Blair Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) Henri Péquet Room Heinrich von Stephan Hall (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Tuesday, 11 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 12.30 CA C 1 FR EN SP AR RU 3 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 CA C 1 FR EN SP AR RU 3 Wednesday, 12 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 12.30 CA POSTAL REGULATION CONFERENCE FR EN SP AR RU 18 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 CA POSTAL REGULATION CONFERENCE FR EN SP AR RU 18 Abubakar Argungu Room (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) Rowland Hill Room (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) Beat Fischer Room (7th floor: 60 seats) Other rooms (at IB or elsewhere) 11 Date Montgomery Blair Hall (ground floor: 126 seats = 63 + 63) Henri Péquet Room Heinrich von Stephan Hall (1st floor: 14 to 18 seats) (1st floor: 220 seats = 180 + 40) Thursday, 13 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 12.30 CA PLENARY FR EN SP AR RU JA 1 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 CA PLENARY FR EN SP AR RU JA 1 Friday, 14 November 2014 08.00 09.30 09.30 12.30 CA PLENARY FR EN SP AR RU JA 1 12.30 15.00 15.00 18.00 CA PLENARY FR EN SP AR RU JA 1 Abubakar Argungu Room (conference block, top floor: 36 + 24 seats) Rowland Hill Room (6th floor: 16 to 22 seats) Beat Fischer Room (7th floor: 60 seats) Other rooms (at IB or elsewhere) 12 LIST OF MEETINGS (in order of meeting number appearing in timetable for each meeting) Meeting No. Date(s) A. Meetings of Council of Administration (CA) and Consultative Committee (CC) bodies 1 13/14 November CA (Plenary) 2 6 November CA MC (CA Management Committee) 3 11 November CA C 1 (CA Committee 1 – Governance and Regulatory Issues) 4 4 November CA C 1 RUPG1 (CA C 1 Reform of the Union Project Group) 5 5 November CA C 1 AUPG (CA C 1 Acts of the Union Project Group) 6 3 November CA C 1 AUPG AHG (CA C 1 AUPG Ad Hoc Group) 7 3 November CA C 1 RIPG (CA C 1 Regulatory Issues Project Group) 8 6 November CA C 1 RGIPG (CA C 1 Remuneration Governance Issues Project Group) 9 7 November CA C 2 (CA Committee 2 – Finance and Administration) 10 10 November CA C 3 (CA Committee 3 – Strategy) 11 3 November CA C 3 SD (CA C 3 Strategy Day – Joint meeting of the Programme and Budget Prioritization and Allocation, Monitoring and Evaluation and Future Strategy Project Groups) 12 10 November CA C 4 (CA Committee 4 – Cooperation and Development) 13 3 November CA C 4 CDPG1 (CA C 4 Technical Cooperation and Postal Sector Development Project Group) 14 6 November CA C 4 PSMPG (CA C 4 Postal Sector Macroeconomics Project Group – Workshop on the Internet of Postal Things) 15 6 November CA C 4 SDPG1 (CA C 4 Sustainable Development Project Group) 16 4 November CA C 4 SDPG AHG DRM1 (CA C 4 SDPG Ad Hoc Group on Disaster Risk Management) 17 5 November CA C 4 FIPG (CA C 4 Postal Financial Inclusion Project Group) – International forum on financial inclusion 18 12 November CA POSTAL REGULATION CONFERENCE 19 31 October CC MC (CC Management Committee) B. Meetings of Postal Operations Council (POC) bodies 20 30/31 October POC (Plenary) 21 27 October POC MC (POC Management Committee) 22 28 October POC C 1 SB (POC C 1 Standards Board) 23 27 October POC C 1 OARG (POC C 1 Operations and Accounting Review Group) 24 27 October POC C 1 TG (POC C 1 Transport Group) 1 This project group comprises members of the Council of Administration and Postal Operations Council. 13 25 28 October POC C 1 TG IATA–UPU CC (POC C 1 TG IATA–UPU Contact Committee) 26 30 October POC C 1 PSG (POC C 1 Postal Security Group) 27 29 October POC C 1 CG (POC C 1 Customs Group) 28 30 October POC C 1 AG (POC C 1 Addressing Group) 29 29 October POC C 2 AEMRG (POC C 2 Applied Economics and Markets Research Group) 30 7 November POC C 2 DMAB (POC C 2 Direct Marketing Advisory Board) 31 6 November POC C 2 DMAB SC (POC C 2 DMAB Steering Committee) 32 29 October POC C 2 MSMEBDG (POC C 2 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Business Development Group) 33 27 October POC C 3 PSIG (POC C 3 Products Strategy and Integration Group) 34 29 October POC C 3 LPRG (POC C 3 Letter Post Remuneration Group) 35 28 October POC C 3 LPRG SC (POC C 3 LPRG Steering Committee) 36 27 October POC C 3 LPRG PT 1 (POC C 3 LPRG Project Team 1) 37 28 October POC C 3 LPRG PT 2 (POC C 3 LPRG Project Team 2) 38 28 October POC C 3 PPRG (POC C 3 Parcel Post Remuneration Group) 41 28 October POC C 3 LPQMIG (POC C 3 Letter Post Quality Measurement and Improvement Group) 42 27 October POC C 3 QLUG (POC C 3 Quality of Service Link User Group) 44 28 October POC C 3 GMS WORKSHOP (POC C 3 Global Monitoring System Workshop) 45 29 October POC C 3 PPQMIG (POC C 3 Parcel Post Quality Measurement and Improvement Group) 46 27 October POC C 4 PSDG (POC C 4 Products and Services Development Group) 46 27 October POC C 4 PCBG (POC C 4 Partnership and Capacity Building Group) 46 27 October POC C 4 KDTG (POC C 4 Knowledge Development and Training Group) 46 27 October POC C 4 IG (POC C 4 Interconnectivity Group) 47 27 October POC C 4 ECG (POC C 4 E-Commerce Group) 48 29 October POC C 5 RSG (POC C 5 Regulations and Standards Group) 48 29 October POC C 5 PSDG (POC C 5 Products and Services Development Group) 48 29 October POC C 5 PDG (POC C 5 Partnership Development Group) 49 27/28 October POC C 5 AHG CPPSUG (POC C 5 Ad Hoc Group on Creation of the Postal Payment Services User Group) 50 21/22 October POC EMSC MB (POC EMS Cooperative Management Board) 51 23/24 October POC EMSC WORKSHOP 14 52 4–6 November POC QSF BOT (POC Quality of Service Fund Board of Trustees) 52bis 30 October POC PPSCLEARING GA (POC PPS*Clearing User Group General Assembly) 53 29 October POC TC MB (POC Telematics Cooperative Management Board) 54 28 October POC TC IFSUG (POC Telematics Cooperative International Financial Services User Group) 55 28 October POC TC IMSUG (POC TC International Mail Services User Group) 56 28 October POC DPG GA (POC .post Group General Assembly) 57 28 and 30 October POC DPG SC (POC .post Group Steering Committee) 58 4 November RESTRICTED UNIONS 15 Structure of the Council of Administration CA Plenary Chairman: Qatar Management Committee Vice-Chairmen: Argentina, Bulgaria (Rep.), Côte d'Ivoire (Rep.), Turkey Committee 1 (Governance and Regulatory Issues) Committee 2 (Finance and Administration) Chair: Norway Vice-Chair: Saudi Arabia Co-Chairs: India & Japan Committee 3 (Strategy) Chair: South Africa Vice-Chair: Canada Conference on Postal Regulation Committee 4 (Cooperation and Development) Chair: Barbados Vice-Chair: France Future Strategy (CA/POC) Technical Cooperation and Postal Sector Development (CA/POC) Acts of the Union P&B Prioritization & Allocation (CA/POC) Postal Sector Macroeconomics Regulatory Issues Monitoring and Evaluation Sustainable Development (CA/POC) Reform of the Union (CA/POC) Remuneration Governance Issues Postal Financial Inclusion (CA/POC) Consultative Committee Chair: ALACOPP Vice-Chair: Spain 16 Structure of the Postal Operations Council Management Committee1 POC Plenary Consultative Committee Chair: Japan Vice-Chair: Brazil Chair: Japan Vice-Chair: Brazil Representatives of the POC Benin, Greece, Italy and Spain Committee 2 Committee 1 (Supply Chain Integration) (Markets Development) Chair: France Vice- Chair: United States Chair: Australia Vice-Chair: Great Britain Standards Board: Market Research Chair: South Africa Chair: Benin Operations and Accounting Review Direct Marketing Advisory Board2 Chair: Saudi Arabia Chair: Greece Committee 3 (Physical Services) Co-Chairs: Belgium and Canada Vice-Chairs: Malaysia and South Africa Letter Post Remuneration Chair: Spain Committee 4 (E-Services) Co-Chairs: China (People’s Rep.) and Italy Vice-Chair: Kuwait Committee 5 (Postal Financial Services) Co-Chairs: India and Russian Fed. Vice-Chairs: Italy and Kenya Products and Services Development Regulations and Standards Chair: Netherlands Chair: Ukraine Interconnectivity Products and Services Development Chair: Indonesia Chair: Tunisia Direct Reporting Bodies EMS Cooperative2 Chair: France Quality of Service Fund: Chair: India (unchanged) Parcel Post Remuneration Transport Chair: Japan World Association for the Development of Philately UPU–IATA Chair: Russian Fed. Quality Measurement and Improvement (Letter Post) Applied Postal Economics and Statistics Chair: Australia Contact Committee Postal Security Chair: United States Chair: Malaysia Knowledge Development and Training Chair: India Partnership and Capacity Building Chair: Algeria MSME Business Development3 Contact Committee Chair: Italy Chair: Denmark Ad-hoc Group on Creation of the Postal Payment Services User Group Telematics Cooperative2 Chair: Italy (unchanged) Chair: India Quality of Service Link User Group E-Commerce Chair: Brazil Chair: Denmark Chair: Brazil Customs Chair: Canada Quality Measurement and Improvement (Parcel Post) UPU–WCO Chair: Norway Contact Committee 1 Chair: Saudi Arabia UPU*Clearing User Group 2 Chair: Switzerland UPU–ICAO Addressing Partnership Development Members: POC Chair and Vice-Chair; committee chairs and vice-chairs. User-funded subsidiary body. 3 Micro, small and medium enterprises. Group created by the 2013.1 POC session. 2 .post Group2 Chair: Italy