Habitat Project


Georgia Habitat Project

Due Date: November 5, 2015

Introduction: There are five habitats in Georgia. You be responsible for researching about one habitat. The will habitats are: Mountains, Marsh/swamp, Coastal Plains, Piedmont, and Atlantic Ocean

Role: A Ranger- One of a ranger’s duties is to teach people about the animals and plants in their habitat and how they interact with their environment.

Task: You will imagine yourself as a ranger who must educate your third grade class on

ONE habitat in Georgia. You will research the physical features, plants and animals found within the habitat. You will create a booklet and a model of your habitat that will be presented to the class


Items to include in booklet:


1. Define your habitat. Be Specific.

2. List five characteristics of your habitat.

3. Find or draw a picture of your habitat. Include it in your booklet

Animals in your habitat

1. Pick two animals that live in your habitat.

2. Describe your animals. Include its properties such as color, size, skin covering etc.

3. Describe their home.

4. What do the animals eat?

5. List two characteristics or adaptations that your animals have that allow it to survive in its habitat.

6. Find or draw a picture of your animals and include in your booklet

Plants in your habitat

1. Name two plants that live in your habitat.

2. How have they adapted to life in your habitat?

3. Find or draw a picture of the plants in your habitat.

***Creating your habitat****

Your habitat has many unique and interesting features. Pick one of the following to create a representation of your habitat:

1. Diorama of your habitat.


2. Mobile showing animals and/or plants of your habitat.


3. Collage of pictures of your habitat.

Please sign below stated that you understand that you child has a science project due on November 5, 2015.

You are signing stated you will start working on the project at home and it will be ready to turn in on the due date.



Students can use their Science textbooks, flip books (made in class), or any reference source to research the following information.

Evaluation Rubric on Habitat Presentation


Exceed the


Excellent understanding of habitat and well communicated.

Characteristics and

Adaptations of animals are well written, and clear.

Characteristics and Adaptations of plants are well written, and clear.

Excellent art projects.

Represents characteristics of habitat. A lot of time put into project.


Meets the


Good understanding of habitat and very well communicated.




Partial understanding of habitat.

Characteristics and

Adaptations of animals are listed.

Characteristics and Adaptations of plants are listed.

Art projects. shows good understanding of habitat.

Characteristics and adaptations of animals are not complete.

Characteristics and adaptations of plants are not complete.

Art project completed but required more effort.

Incomplete No understanding Not presented. Not presented. No art project.


