
Emergency Nutrition Cluster Meeting Note
1 May 2015
Time: 11.00 am
Venue: UNICEF Nepal, Conference Room
Mr. Giri Raj Subedi, Chief, Nutrition Section, Child Health Division
Allison Prather, Nutrition, WFP
Pooja Pandey Rana, Deputy Chief of Party, SUAAHARA Program.
Daniel Verschneick, MNCH Team leader, USAID
Debendra Adhikari, Nutrition Specialist, USAID
Esther Indriani, MCH & Nutrition Specialist, World Vision, South Asia Region
Minraj Gyawali, Program Officer (Nutrition), NPC/ NNFSS
Geeta Sharma, Program Manager, PSI
Sujay Nepali Bhattacharya, HoD: Nutrition and Health, ACF
Pradiumna Dahal, Nutrition Specialist, UNICEF
Shersingh Dahit, IMAM officer, UNICEF
Dibya Manadhara, unicef
Sanjay Rijal, unicef
Prakash Chandra Joshi, unicef
Taranath Acharya, Health Team Leader, UMN
Madhukar Shrestha, Hellen Keller International.
Diplov Sapkota, NIL
Swetha Manohar, NIL
Sher Bahadur Rana, Plan International
Uttam Acharya, Technical Coordinator, CHD, SUAAHRA
Anirudra Sharma, Nutrition Specialist, UNICEF
Neera Sharma Save the children
Nitesh Shrestha NTAG
Gogi Grewal WB
Yara Seeir, ACF
Laura Brye, SUAAHARA
Leela Mulukutta, International Medical Corps
Joerg Eich Helping hands Germany
Jagannath Sharma SABAL
Meeting Agenda
1. Review and updates of meeting notes
2. Update on ongoing response
3. Nutrition assessment of districts
Partnership and programme initiation
Supply needs analysis (therapeutic food, supplementary food, MNPs, IEC/BCC materials)
Provisions of supplementary feeding
Funding status
Endorse of IFE additional notes
1. Review and update of previous meeting notes:
The five building blocks for nutrition response agreed in the previous meeting has been changed
and agreed that the nutrition response will have six building blocks. The supplementary feeding will
be two types as follows:
 Blanket distribution of supplementary food to the pregnant/lactating women and the children
under 5 years of age.
 Targeted distribution of supplementary food for the management of MAM (prevention of SAM)
Instead of 30 MT BH-5 (High Energy Biscuits), ACF will supply only 18 MT because 12 MT has been
diverted to address the crisis in Yemen.
The TOR of DLSA proposed by Ms. Pooja Pandey and agreed in the previous meeting will be
translated and officially circulated to all concerned affected district health/public health offices and
cluster members. The TOR will be translated by Mr. Min Raj Gyawali, the nutrition officer of NNFSS.
The roster of trained people on nutrition in emergencies will be updated and mobilized those
trained people for emergency nutrition response and recovery process of current disaster.
In collaboration with Suaahara, ACF will support training/capacity building activities in four the most
affected districts. In those districts, Suaahara will mobilize the trained personnels/volunteers for
CMAM interventions in the districts.
Update on ongoing response:
WFP is providing General Food Distribution (GFD) with 10 kg rice/family in the following districts:
Dhading, Dolakha, Gorkha, Kavre, Nuwakot, Rasuwa and Sindhupalchok. WFP also updated that
they are bringing the 266 metric tons of Plumpy Dose from Pakistan to Nepal for blanket
supplementary feeding programme. Plumpy dose will be arriving in Nepal in next week and
distribution will be started.
Rapid Nutrition Assessment:
As per the previously agreed in the cluster meeting, simplified Rapid Assessment Tool has been
developed and circulated to all cluster members. This will also be circulated to all affected districts.
Concerned DLSA, who are assigned for the districts will be collecting the information and sending
to nutrition cluster information management focal points by Sunday/latest Monday, 4 April 2015.
Partnership and Program initiation:
 ACF and Suaahara will have further bilateral discussion in regards to the activities to be taken in
four districts (Sindhupalchok, Rasuwa, Gorkha, and Nuwakot). The response action will be initiated
rom next week through capacity building training of Suaahara staff by ACF
Similarly, UNICEF has initiated the PCA process with the national institutions/NGOs. The PCA
process will be completed next week and response actions will be initiated in Ramechhap, Kavre,
Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur.
ACF will also on process of having contract with partner organization that will take at least one
Supply needs analysis
 UNICEF has been planning for required amount of the supply for the 12 affected districts. The
supply will be made available by the end of next week at earliest. DSLAs also need to plan the
requirements of the IEC/BCC materials in the respective districts and need to be sent to CHD for
 UNICEF will print 10,000 pieces of IMAM counselling cards for volunteer’s facilitation at community
levels for all 12 districts. Similarly, IYCF related materials will also be printed in coordination with
cluster members.
 Suaahara has 5000 of each IEC/BCC material related to WASH and Nutrition and ready to provide
electronic version to the members for further printing.
 WFP will take lead in supplying the Supplementary feeding and UNICEF will on RUTF and MNP.
Funding status: The joint flash appeal has been made for 10 million USD. Nutrition cluster members
are requested to fill the project sheet for the flash appeal. Once the project sheet will be received,
it will be compiled appropriately based on the capacity of the cluster members and forward to UNOCHA on Sunday.
Endorsement of IFE additional notes
 A joint statement on untargeted distribution of infant formula and breast milk substitutes in
emergencies has been prepared as a part of the IFE joint statement of done by MoHP, WHO and
UNICEF. As per the recommendation done by the working group, the statement has been endorsed
by the Nutrition cluster. For this, MOHP nutrition section has also been agreed to apply as a part
of IFE guidance note.
 Mr. Min Raj Gyawali will translate the joint statement on untargeted distribution of infant formula
and breast milk substitutes in emergencies and a brief summary will be made from the joint
statements and prepare for the media advocacy. The statement will then be signed by all the
cluster members on Sunday, 3 May 2015 cluster meeting and apply for promotion, protection and
support for breast feeding and infant and young child feeding. Child Health Division of MoHP (CHD)
will take the lead for its circulation via media and the cluster members will support in distributing
in the relevant camps and settlements in the respective districts.
 It was agreed in the cluster meeting again that the IYCF-E, supplementary feeding including
plumpydose and BP-5 will be the components of comprehensive nutrition in emergency response
package/training, for this, WFP and ACF will make the contents and forward to the cluster
coordinator for integration with IMAM training package.
 HKI/Sabal will support in Okhaldhunga and Ramechhap.
 Next meeting will be held in Sunday, May 3 at 11 am as usual.