Request for Enrolment in Expired /
Transitioning Qualification VET Form
1. Will this Qualification remain on the Scope of Registration for the duration of delivery for those students listed?
2. Is the student a commencing student? Yes
If yes, do not complete this form, all commencing students are to be enrolled only into a current qualification that is on the
Scope. If qualification registration is in progress, students should be advised that they will be transitioned as soon as new qualification is on the Scope.
If no, continue to complete this form.
3. Is the student a continuing student (non-apprentice)? Yes
If yes, are plans in place to transition to the new qualification? Yes No
4. Is the student a continuing student (apprentice/trainee)? Yes No
In the case of an apprentice has there been any break in enrolment (including variation to
If yes, have conversations occurred in relation to enrolling into the current qualification. Yes
The University may choose not to accept an enrolment.
If no, teach out by completion of this form
5. Schools/Centres need to ensure that courses are current on the Skills Victoria Funded Courses List. This information is available within the PQR Non Payment Errors and Rejects Report. (Circulated to School Business Managers monthly).
Genuine disadvantage (within 12 month transition period)
Exceptional circumstances (six months continued delivery further to 12 months transition period)
Department: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
School/Centre: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
School Contact: ______________________________________________________________ Extension: ____________________
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Request_for_Enrolment_in_Transitioning_Expired_Qualification_Form.docx
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Director, Academic Services
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Request for Enrolment in Expired /
Transitioning Qualification VET Form
Qualification Code: _________________________________________________________________________________
Qualification Title: __________________________________________________________________________________
Is the Qualification Still Within Transition / Teach Out Period? Yes No
Qualification Expiry Date: ____________________________________________________________________________
End of Transition Period: ____________________________________________________________________________
(12 months after Qualification Expiry Date)
ASQA has advised, that when assessing compliance with Standard 25
– Transition to Training Packages / expiry of VET accredited program, the overarching principle that an RTO must deliver the current training product to a student, unless the student would be genuinely disadvantaged in undertaking that product, will be applied.
Please select any one or more of the following reasons for the student experiencing disadvantage:
A requirement to undertake additional units of competency
An extension to the enrolment period
A fundamental change in the structure or content of the qualification
An additional financial expense
A significant change in training venue or delivery mode
A change to apprenticeship/traineeship contract terms
The outcome of the new/revised qualification is not recognised by an industry licensing/regulatory body
A change to their residency visa status
Not adding the new Training Package / Accredited Course to the Scope of Registration or completing transition / teach out actions within the required timeframe is not considered to be an exceptional circumstance.
Please provide full description of disadvantage that the student/s would encounter if required to enrol in undated version of qualification.
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Request_for_Enrolment_in_Transitioning_Expired_Qualification_Form.docx
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Director, Academic Services
Manager, Quality
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Request for Enrolment in Expired /
Transitioning Qualification VET Form
Number of Students Requested is for: ___________________________________________________________________________
Approximate Expected Completion Date: ________________________________________________________________________
Please list all students who will require enrolment in the expired qualification for this calendar year only (2014).
Student ID Student Name
A separate list can be attached to request.
Once approved a copy of this form should accompany the student’s enrolment form to Student Administration.
* Please Note:
Schools/Centres must provide timely and adequate advice and guidance to students if the qualification in which they are enrolled is superseded/deleted/expired and ensure students are given the opportunity to transfer to the replacement Training Package qualifications and accredited programs or other endorsed Training Packages or accredited programs.
Evidence of provision of this advice and guidance must be maintained and available upon request.
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Request_for_Enrolment_in_Transitioning_Expired_Qualification_Form.docx
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Director, Academic Services
Manager, Quality
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Request for Enrolment in Expired /
Transitioning Qualification VET Form
– Dean of School
Student Administration Officer Signature
CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Request_for_Enrolment_in_Transitioning_Expired_Qualification_Form.docx
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Authorised by:
Document owner:
Director, Academic Services
Manager, Quality
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