Metropolitan State University of Denver Assessment Report Template 2012-13 annual report Program Name Meteorology Program Description – include a brief description of the program including a list of majors, minors, concentrations as applicable and the number of students in each, and the number of faculty by category. The Meteorology program is housed in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. The program offers a major and a minor in meteorology (no concentrations in either). It is difficult to get an accurate count of the number of majors and minors, but we have approximately 60 majors and 30 minors. There are 3 Category 1 faculty members, two tenured and one tenure-track. One Category 2 faculty member also teaches upper and lower division courses in meteorology courses, but also contributes to the Land Use program. There were five Category 3 faculty members who taught MTR courses during the 2012-13 academic year. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) 1. Describe the general characteristics of the atmosphere, including physical processes and weather systems. 2. Select and interpret appropriate weather and climate data, including in-situ and remotely sensed information, for different situations. 3. Synthesize multiple types of weather and climate data to formulate short, medium, and long-range weather forecasts. 4. Organize, analyze, and prepare written scientific reports. 5. Create and deliver scientific presentations using multimedia techniques. 6. Apply mathematical and statistical techniques to the analysis and interpretation of atmospheric dynamics, thermodynamics, and radiation processes. 7. Apply scientific computing skills using appropriate software and structured programming. 8. Evaluate social, economic, cultural, and global aspects of the impacts of weather and climate phenomena. Data collection For each category, three types of data were collected. Findings See findings for individual SLO’s 1. Artifacts were collected and rated according to rubrics for each of the SLO’s. The ratings were on a scale of 1 to 4. Target/Expectation The target is for each SLO to achieve an average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared Action and Rationale We plan to change the labels to: The target is for each SLO to achieve an average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared We are strongly considering replacing the current knowledge exam and would appreciate input from the assessment peer reviewers. 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = moderately prepared 1= poorly prepared 2. Faculty{3 Category 1, 1 Category 2, and 1 Category 3} rated graduating seniors on their preparation in each category. The ratings were on a scale of 1 to 4, with no rating if a faculty member did not have sufficient information to rate particular students. For each student, an average faculty rating was determined for each SLO. 3. Students were asked to rate their own preparation in the areas delineated by the eight SLO’s. SLO #1: 100 question multiple choice exam implemented in the MTR 4400 Advanced Synoptic course in Spring 2013. This exam has been given to graduating seniors for over twenty years and therefore provides valuable comparative data. See comments in the Action and Rationale column. Students scored near the 16-year average for this exam. The students scored particularly poorly on the physical meteorology and weather systems sections. This cohort was nine students, so it is difficult to interpret whether this represents a meaningful change in the program. See Appendices A and B for more details. In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. The exam which has been used for 16 years does provide some measure of comparative information. However, some of the questions seem somewhat arcane and in general emphasize recall and vocabulary and not enough higher order thinking. SLO #2: Three data analysis assignments requiring selecting and analyzing climate data in the Spring 2013 MTR 4440 Climatology course were used to assess this outcome. SLO #3: Case study portfolio produced for MTR 3410 Weather Analysis Techniques course in Spring 2013 required synthesizing various types of weather data for a comprehensive analysis. SLO #4: Evaluation of final written reports for MTR 4600 Senior Research Seminar course in Fall 2012. Students were well prepared or adequately prepared based on sampled work products. The average score on this SLO (3.38/4) continues to be one of the highest. Both the faculty and student perception were quite high. The inconsistency between the different rating measures call for more specific rubrics for the faculty and student ratings. Students were mostly adequately prepared based on sampled work products. The overall rating was 2.94/4 but that was biased by two students receiving a poorly prepared (1) rating. Furthermore, the course for which this portfolio was drawn enrolls many minors in addition to majors. The minors tend to be less prepared, although the results have not been separated. It may make sense to include only the results from the majors. Both the faculty and student perceptions were quite high. The inconsistency between the different rating measures call for more specific rubrics for the faculty and student ratings. Students were mostly adequately prepared based on sampled work products. The low student self-ratings on this SLO may be attributed to higher expectations. The students are reading more professional research articles and presenting at conferences, so they are often not satisfied with their efforts. The faculty have a better feel for reasonable expectations for undergraduate students. The target is for each Maintain current emphasis SLO to achieve an on this SLO. average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. The target is for each Maintain current emphasis SLO to achieve an on this SLO. average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. The target is for each SLO to achieve an average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared Maintain current emphasis on this SLO. Future plans are to assess how students’ scientific writing evolves through a series of courses culminating in the senior research seminar. SLO #5: Evaluation of final oral reports utilizing PowerPoint for MTR 4600 Senior Research Seminar course in Fall 2011. SLO #6: Evaluation of 4 problem sets for MTR 3430 Atmospheric Thermodynamics course in Fall 2011 requiring mathematical techniques and creative problem-solving. SLO #7: Students in MTR 4400 (Advanced Synoptic Meteorology) were given a series of exploration labs that required them to teach themselves to use a data visualization software commonly used in the field of atmospheric science called IDV. Students found data, ingested it into the program, and created complex Students were mostly adequately prepared based on sampled work products. See Appendix A. The low student self-ratings on this SLO may be attributed to higher expectations. The students are reading more professional research articles and presenting at conferences, so they are often not satisfied with their efforts. The faculty have a better feel for reasonable expectations for undergraduate students. The consistently low ratings seem to indicate an area where improvement is needed. Given the low mathematics preparation of incoming students, the results are somewhat positive. Students are required to complete a 24-credit hour mathematics minor including 3 semesters of calculus and 2 additional courses with calculus prerequisites. Several of the theoretical courses include considerable application of calculus and other mathematical methods. This is clearly the weakest component of the program. See Appendix A. The single required computer science course is not adequate. Prior to 2011, there was no dedicated computer lab (a specialized UNIX lab is needed) so that applications of structured programming including scripts and data management were not adequately In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. The target is for each SLO to achieve an average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. The target is for each SLO to achieve an average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. The target is for each SLO to achieve an average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared Maintain current emphasis on this SLO. Future plans are to assess how students’ scientific presentation skills evolve through a series of courses culminating in the senior research seminar. Maintain current emphasis on this SLO. The Atmospheric Thermodynamics course added weekly problemsolving quizzes to “train” students in create problem solving in a short period of time (also addresses testanxiety for some students). The results confirm those from the past two years, which found that this is the area we need the most work on. New computer programming assignments and experiences are being designed for virtually every weather maps they used to answer general questions in lab assignments that related live weather to the meteorology equations related to the course. Some maps required coding simple calculations for the computer to calculate, such as advection of vorticity. Students, through both teamwork and individual efforts, were able to create maps with several layers of information and adjust contour intervals and shading thresholds to create visually pleasing and information-rich weather maps. Students used maps for lab reports as well as case studies. This lab required them to look at the parts of the Frontogenesis equation for a cyclone event. SLO #8: Evaluation of essay exam questions concerning climate change impacts taken from the MTR 4440 Climatology course in Spring 2012. covered. The program is undertaking a several year plan to incorporate computer programming into the entire curriculum starting with the lower-division courses in order to take full advantage of new facilities. In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. Senior exit surveys are highly critical of the required Computer Science I course, both in the computer language (JAVA) and the emphasis on software engineering rather than problem solving through structured programming. See Appendix A. The data collected suggests that while some students are well prepared, some are merely adequately prepared. course in the major. This is a process that will probably take 5 years to fully implement, with the assistance of our UNIX administrator and possible computer science faculty. We are hoping to find a way for Computer Science to offer a “Programming for Scientists and Engineers” course. Ongoing discussions with the Mathematics and Computer Science Department are planned. The target is for each Maintain current emphasis SLO to achieve an on this SLO. average rating of greater than 3.0 where: 4 = well prepared 3 = adequately prepared 2 = not well prepared 1= poorly prepared In future, the expectation is for 85% of students to achieve a rating of 3 or 4. Process for interpretation of findings – Describe the structure of responsibilities for program assessment. Specify processes undertaken for faculty review of findings prior to submission of this report. How did the program come to the decisions it made? Because the SLO’s are only three years old, and the number of students each year is small, any trends in the data would be impossible to discern from noise in the signal. The plan is to compare 3-year time periods (i.e. 2013-2016 vs 2010-2013) once sufficient data is available. The exam used to assess SLO #1 has been used for more than 15 years, with no decipherable trends. The current set of SLO’s reflect the knowledge and skills expected of program faculty, which now emphasize various critical thinking and process skills in addition to “content knowledge”. Response to prior peer review report(s) - Describe the ways in which the program has responded to any prior year’s peer review report. What kind of continuous improvement cycle are you using? The major problem cited with the prior year’s assessment report was associated with using an old reporting template, making it difficult for the reviewers to comment on certain items. This year’s assessment report used the new reporting template, and specifically addressed missing items by adding target performance expectations, trend analysis, description of faculty involvement in interpreting findings, and actions taken in response to the assessment results. Plans for the program assessment process – To what extent does the program assessment process need modifications? Describe any plans for modifying the program assessment process. Is it the program’s intent to gather data about every outcome every year? If not, what is the proposed data collection cycle? Because the number of students in each senior class is small, the program plans to collect data about every outcome every year and aggregate results into three-year periods. One area of improvement in the current assessment protocol is to improve the rubrics used for rating individual students which then are aggregated into average ratings. Implementation plan for applicable program changes - , Summarize the changes described in the Action and Rationale columns above and specify the implementation plan including a timeline. One change coming out of the assessment reviews over the past few years was a revision of the laboratory components of several courses in the form of a major curriculum revision in 2012-13. This involved conversion of lecture to lab hours for three courses. In addition, almost all of the courses are incorporating more computer programming and using weather visualization and analysis software into the courses; in meteorology, most of the “lab” work is on the computer. In 2013-14, we will launch a new introductory lab course, which will include an introduction to computer programming and UNIX, in addition to using specialized computer software. Some results in conjunction with an exit exam indicate some measures that will require collaboration with other departments in terms of potential changes for their service courses. One example is the computer science requirement, for which most students now take Computer Science I course which is better suited for computer scientists than scientists/engineers. The meteorology program is incorporating more computer applications including coding into many courses to complement the one-course formal computer science requirement. We plan to continue discussions with the Computer Science faculty in terms of the shortcomings of the Computer Science I course for the needs of meteorology majors. We may initiate discussions with the Physics Department concerning dissatisfaction with the content in the General Physics II course (students and faculty are very satisfied with the General Physics I course content). The entire course is devoted to Electricity and Magnetism, and should include some relevant material on thermodynamics, waves, and fluid flow. There is some concern about the very large sections for the physics courses (close to 100 students, Metro State and UCD students combined). The students already know to take the courses from Metro State, rather than UCD professors, if possible. Appendix A: Summary Statistics The chart below indicates the average rating scores for the three rating data sources for each of the 8 SLOs. This can be compared with the second chart showing the average form the previous 2 academic years. The current SLO’s have been in place for 3 years and the student numbers are small enough that year to year comparisons are not warranted. 4 3.5 3 Student Work 2.5 Student Survey Faculty Survey 2 1.5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 3.5 Student Work 2010-11 & 2011-12 3 2.5 Student Survey 201011 2 Faculty Survey 2010-11 1.5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Appendix B: Assessment Exam Results An objective exam is given to senior-level Meteorology majors in MTR 4400 Advanced Synoptic Meteorology in the spring semester. The exam is comprised of 100 questions, divided into four 25-question categories. This exam is used as a tool to assess Student Learning Outcome #1. Success rates for specific questions aggregated over several years allow for more diagnostic assessment. 1. 2. 3. 4. Category 1, General Characteristics of the Atmosphere. Category 2, Physical Processes. Category 3, Weather Systems. Category 4, Observation and measurements. Trend Data Year General Physics 1996 20.1 17.2 19.4 22.0 78.7% 1997 22.0 20.9 20.1 21.3 84.3% 1998 21.3 20.2 20.3 22.0 83.8% 1999 21.8 20.6 21.2 21.5 85.1% 2000 21.7 21.0 21.3 20.8 84.8% 2001 23.3 21.1 22.0 21.9 88.3% 2002 20.7 21.7 20.0 20.3 82.7% 2003 22.0 19.8 21.4 21.4 84.6% 2004 23.2 21.6 21.4 21.2 87.4% 2005 22.2 19.5 21.2 21.8 84.7% 2006 21.3 21.3 21.0 21.3 84.9% 2007 20.7 19.8 18.5 20.4 79.4% 2008 21.7 20.8 20.5 20.7 83.7% 2009 21.1 20.4 20.1 19.9 81.2% 2010 21.1 20.0 18.4 20.5 2011 21.9 20.5 20.9 20.5 83.8% 2012 20.2 17.2 18.2 20.8 76.3% 19.7 21.2 17.9 20.0 19.4 20.1 21.6 20.8 78.6% 82.3% 2013 Average Systems Observations Total 80.0% Appendix C: Curriculum Map Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 General MTR Weather Data Forecast Objective 4 Objective 5 Written Comm. Oral Comm. Objective 6 Math Objective 7 Objective 8 Computing Impacts V V/P V Required MTR 2400 MTR 2410 MTR 3400 MTR 3410 MTR 3430 MTR 3440 MTR 3450 MTR 4400 MTR 4440 MTR 4500 MTR 4600 Electives MTR 3100 MTR 3420 MTR 3500 MTR 4210 V V V/P P V/P V/P D P D V/P V V P P P P V V V/P D P P V/P V/P V P D D D D V P/D D P D P D P D P P D P D D P P D P V/P P P D D P D Levels - These are stated from the student's perspective and tied to Bloom's Taxonomy as much as possible. V = discover (gain knowledge, comprehend information) P = practice (apply knowledge gained to real situations, analyze issues and questions) D = demonstrate (prepare a work product - exam, paper, presentation, etc. - that represents knowledge gained, application of same, and synthesis or evaluation of knowledge and ideas) a course might be identified as offering students the opportunity to do more than one level Appendix D: Sample Rubrics Rubric for SLO #4 Organize, analyze, and prepare written scientific reports Depth and Quality of Research Information Sources 4 Creative and original topic. Rigorous, well-documented and reasonable methodology using appropriate data sources. Considerable time and effort in research. Accurate use of background information, using a wide range of relevant and reliable sources. Organization & Presentation Main ideas are clearly presented and in an appropriate order; Ideas are supported by information and logic; Effective use of diagrams, charts, and graphs Conventions & Science Language Generally error free in regards to sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and standard usage. Consistent use of appropriate science language and terminology. 3 Appropriate and mostly welldocumented methodology. Some minor deficiencies in the choice or description of data sources and methodology. 2 Topic choice not inspiring. Some major deficiencies in the choice or description of data sources and methodology. 1 Little effort in research of the topic. The methodology used is unclear or poorly designed. Mostly accurate and appropriate use of background information, using a wide range of relevant and reliable sources. Main ideas are mostly clearly presented and in an appropriate order, although some elements are not thoroughly covered; Ideas are supported by information and logic; Mostly effective use of diagrams, charts, and graphs. Mostly error free in regards to sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and standard usage. Consistent use of appropriate science language and terminology Some reliable sources, but additional background information needed. Some deficiencies in citing sources Ideas are not presented in an order that adds clarity; Some ideas are supported by information and logic; Some appropriate use of diagrams, charts, and graphs Insufficient use of relevant sources. Narrow range of resources; unreliable or out of date sources. Sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors are noticeable. Partial use of appropriate science language and terminology Ideas are presented in an order that distracts from clear communication; Ideas are not supported by information and are illogical and major components are not included; No use of diagrams, charts, and graphs Errors in sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and standard usage impair readability. Inaccurate use of science language and terminology Rubric for SLO #5 Create and deliver scientific presentations using multimedia techniques Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, and mispronounces no words. 3 Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. Main ideas are mostly clearly presented; Ideas are presented in an appropriate order, although some elements are not thoroughly covered; Ideas are supported by information and logic; Appropriate conclusions are based upon evidence presented; Speaks clearly and distinctly almost all of the time, but mispronounces one word. Graphics Graphics are easily read and well-labeled Most graphics are easily read and well-labeled Preparedness Organization 4 Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. Main ideas are clearly presented; Ideas are presented in an appropriate order; Ideas are supported by information and logic; Appropriate conclusions are based upon evidence presented; 2 The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. Ideas are not presented in an order that adds clarity; Some ideas are supported by information and logic; Conclusions do not follow from ideas presented; Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time. Mispronounces no more than one word. Some graphics are easily read and well-labeled 1 Student does not seem at all prepared to present. Ideas are presented in an order that distracts from clear communication; Ideas are not supported by information and are illogical and major components are not included; Inappropriate conclusions are presented. Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces more than one word. Many graphics are not easily read and well-labeled