Chapter - 21
Anne tells Marilla how emotional it was at school now that Mr. Phillips was leaving. Mr. Phillips’ farewell speech had all the girls in tears,
starting with Ruby Gillis, who claimed she hated him. Anne also discusses how she has become very fond of Mrs. Allan, the new minister’s
wife, who is also her new Sunday school teacher. Marilla then invites Mr. and Mrs. Allan to join her, Anne and Matthew for tea. Leading up to
the day, Anne was very excited about her soon-to-be guests. Though, she was very nervous about her layered cake that she will be baking
would turn out. Then, the Allan’s got to Green Gables and enjoyed all the food that was laid out for them. When they tried Anne’s cake it
tasted horribly. Anne got Marilla the vanilla extract bottle, Marilla figures out that Anne had mistakenly used anodyne liniment instead and
feels terribly embarrassed. Anne then bolted up to her room and started crying. Afterwards, Mrs. Allan came up to East Gables and told Anne
that everyone makes mistakes. Anne then went to show Mrs. Allan her garden.
Passage #1
“Dear me, there is nothing but meetings and partings, said Anne…I
just cried because all the others did… I remember the time Mr.
Phillips made me sit with Gil…spelled my name without an e… and
how he said i was the worst dunce he ever saw at geometry… laughed
at my spelling…” (pg 165-166)
This passage takes place between Anne and Marilla, in Green Gables.
This passage teaches us that our lives are full of “meetings and
partings”. Throughout our lives, we will meet many people and say
goodbye to some, which can be hard if you weren’t close. This
passage also teaches us what Anne will remember about Mr. Phillips
after he leaves. How he made her sit
beside Gil” and called her “the worst dunce he’s ever seen at
geometry.” Even thought Anne’s memory of Mr. Phillips isn't the best,
she’ll miss him before he’s her first teacher in a long time and she
likes school.
Passage #2
“Marilla, isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no
mistakes in it yet?’ ‘I’ll warrant you’ll make plenty in it… I never saw
your beat for making mistakes, Anne.’ ‘…But have you ever noticed
one encouraging thing about me… I never make the same mistake
twice.’ ” (pg 174)
The main characters in this passage are Anne Shirley and Marilla
Cuthbert. It takes place at Green Gables in Avonlea, after Mrs. Allan
leaves Green Gables. This passage shows us how Anne learns from
her mistakes. “…I never make the same mistake twice…” Marilla and
Anne have a discussion
about how Anne never fails to make a mistake, “…tomorrow is a new
day with no mistakes in it yet…” Also, this passage teaches us about
howMarilla sees Anne. “…I’ll warrant you’ll make plenty in it…”
Theme #1 The theme of this chapter is that you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself
for making small mistakes. Marilla had stored anodyne liniment in an
empty vanilla extract bottle and Anne had mistakenly put the
liniment, which she had thought was the vanilla extract, in the layered
cake. Mistakes are okay to make, because after you do them once, you
know not to do the same thing again. Anne had been too hard on
herself when it wasn’t entirely her fault.
Theme #2 “Do you suppose the dryad will come out after we go away and take it
for a scarf?… Diana’s mother had found out about the Haunted Woods
and had been…angry over it…Diana had abstained from any further
imitative flights of imagination…”(pg 170-171)
Annes spontaneous imagination has influenced Diana in so many
ways that Diana’s mother prevented her from investing so much time
and thought on non-existent creatures. This is not the first time Anne
has gotten Diana into trouble, Anne also accidentally intoxicated
Diana before.
Chapter - 22
Mrs. Allan has invited Anna to tea at the manse, all the Sunday school class members were attending. Anna couldn’t keep calm, she was too exited, it
made her feel like she loved everyone. But, at the same time she felt fairly anxious, she’s never been invited for tea at a manse so, she didn’t know
how to behave properly. After it all happened Anne told Marilla all about it. “Oh Marilla, I’ve had a most fascinating time” said Anne. She talks about
Mrs. Allan, she looked stunning, she met a lovely girl named Lauretta Bradley, not exactly a kindred spirit but still a nice girl. Mrs. Allan then heard
Anne singing and suggested she sang in the church choir. Anne does feel close to Mrs. Allan, she told her about Katie Maurice and Violetta. Later then
Anne heard about the new teacher teaching in Avonlea, she was a lady, Miss Muriel Stacy.
Passage #1
Theme #1 -
“For Anne to take things calmly would have been to change her nature...
Marilla felt this and was vaguely troubled over it... plan plunged Anne into
‘deeps of affliction’ ... she really liked Anne much better as she was”
This passage is Marilla’s thoughts about Anne after Anne told her about
being invited to tea by Mrs. Allan. It reveals to us some of Anne’s
character, that “for Anne to take things calmly would have been to change
her nature”. Marilla states that all “pleasures and pains in life come to her
with trebled intensity”. Anne always makes a huge deal out of small
things, both good and bad. At the end, Marilla comes to the conclusion
that it’s “her duty to drill Anne to a tranquil uniformity of disposition” but
knows it may be “impossible and alien to her”.
Don’t get your hopes up too high, because it might lead to
disappointment. In this chapter, Anne gets to excited for nothing.
“Do learn to take things calmly, child”. Marilla tells Anne to control
herself, because she gets her hopes up all the time and she ends up
crying in her room after plans get ruined.
Passage #2
Theme #2 –
“The trustees have hired a new teacher and it’s a lady.. Miss Muriel
Stacy...they’ve never had a female teacher in Avonlea... it will be splendid...
I’m so impatient to see her” (pg 179)
The main characters of this passage are Anne and Marilla. Anne had just
come back from the tea party and was talking about what she has done
this day and the new information that had been shared with her, to
Marilla. Anne tells Marilla that Mrs. Lynde was the one who shared the
exciting news with her. “Mrs. Lynde came to the manse just before I left,
and what do you think, Marilla?”. Anne was so impatient to see the new
teacher that would be replacing Mr. Phillips and would have to wait 2
weeks, until schools starts, to see her “I’m going to have to live through the
two weeks”.
Anne has befriended another kindred spirit, the ministers wife,
Mrs. Allan. She is a naturally good person like Matthew and
conversed about many relative topics with Anne. Anne seems to
taken a liking into Mrs. Allan and enjoys her company.
Chapter - 23
Diana Barry decides to have a party at her house with all the girls from her class. In Diana’s garden, the girls chose to ‘dare’ each other, which does
not go so well. Josie Pye dared Jane Andrews to hop on one foot around the garden, but she failed to do so . Anne dared Josie to walk along the board
fence, which she did and she succeeded. Josie Pye, then, dares Anne to walk along the ridge pole of Diana’s kitchen roof. Anne Fails to do so and after
a couple of steps she loses her balance and falls to the ground , breaking her ankle Mrs. Barry carries Anne home to Green Gables to find Marilla
extremely worried.
Passage #1
Theme #1 -
“At that moment Marilla had a revelation.In thesudden stab of fear...Anne
had come to mean to her. She would have admitted...She knew as she
hurried wildly down the slope that Anne was dearer to her than anything
on earth.” (pg 183)
The main characters of this passage are Marilla and Anne.The setting takes
place at Green Gables.Marilla had come to the conclusion that Anne really
meant something to her “and Marilla had a revelation.Anne was Marillas
kindred spirit “...Anne was dearer to her than anything on earth”.
When doing something always look at the outcomes of the
situation before going through with it . When Anne was dared to
walk across the ridgepole of the roof, she didn’t look at the
outcomes of the situation. She just said yes without thinking. If she
would have taken a moment to look at the outcomes, she would
have seen that there was a very slim chance that she wouldn’t have
fallen off and, hopefully, wouldn’t have done it.
Passage #2
“Anne turned pale ,but there was clearly only one thing to be done. ‘i must
do it.My honor is at stake” said Anne solemnly.I shall walk that ridgepole,
Diana or perish in the attempt. If i am killed you are to have my pearl bead
ring.”(pg 182)
Diana held a party for just the girls from her and Annes school.The girls
started daring each other to do dangerous tasks around the garden and
Anne was dared by Josie Pye to walk the ridgepole to prove her boldness
and bravery .Anne has to much pride that she is willing to risk her life
than to admit her incapability to do so.
Theme #2 –
“I must do it. My honor is at stake” said Anne. The action following
this resulted in a sprained ankle and 8 weeks in bed. A lesson or
theme we can learn from this chapter is that we shouldn’t be
willing to do anything in order to uphold our pride .Many times in
life we feel like our pride is being threatened , we get scared and do
everything in our will to sustain it .We to learn that there’s a limit
of how far we should go in order to stay proud.