Video Production Brief

Ticket to Work - Video Project
Suggestions, Storyboard Template and Production Brief
Factors to consider:
Length of video. Ideally video should be no more than 4 – 5 minutes.
Interviewee names and positions. Where possible include the name and/or position of the interviewee (eg. Mary, SBAT/ASBA student; John, SBAT/ASBA employer)
Locations. Where possible try and video in multiple locations to make the video backgrounds more interesting and appealing.
Logistics. Try and coordinate filming so that interviewee (particularly student) travel is minimised.
Interviewee responses. When asking questions to garner a response, aim to have the interviewee repeat the question in a statement fashion at the beginning. This will minimise / eliminate
the need for an interviewing video style.
Students. If possible consider interviewing all students, but only use a handful in your video. If you are able to interview all students, this will allow a record of all students and for all
students to feel part of the project. Be sure to inform students that although they are being filmed they may still ‘end up on the cutting room floor’ because of time limits etc.
Talking heads. Avoid a lot of taking heads where possible. Try and use shots of interviewees in action and well as responding to questions.
Photos and images. Consider using still photos through the video (eg. students in the workplace, students in training, employers in the workplace, partnership meetings, logos, newspaper
articles, Ticket to Work collateral).
Videographers. Consider partnering with a local school, RTO, TAFE or University to allow their film or media students to take the video on as a project. If paying for a professional service to
undertake the project be sure to review their ‘show reel’ and get a feel for their methods and approach.
Production Brief. Prepare a Brief when using external organisations or professionals to prepare the video – this helps them to better understand the project. A draft Brief is provided at the
conclusion of this document – please modify to suit use.
Release Forms. Ask all participants to sign an Image Release Forms.
Suggested Video Storyboard Template:
The following suggested video template includes possible questions, images and approaches you may want to consider when preparing a Ticket to Work video. The type, order and questions you
choose are up to you, but hopefully this template will assist you when planning and getting started on your video project.
Area / Interviewee
Description / Interviewee
Opening Credit
Purpose: To introduce the video to the desired audience.
Suggested ideas:
 Call it Ticket to Work
 Sub-head it ‘An ASBA / SBAT for young people with disability’
School Principal
Purpose: Seek input from Principal/s outlining what Ticket to Work is and the value of the Ticket to Work partnership
model and program for their school and student community.
Team Member
Suggested questions:
 What is Ticket to Work?
 Why was Ticket to Work established?
 Why did your school get involved in Ticket to Work?
 Why does Ticket to Work rely on a partnership approach?
 How has this partnership approach assisted the schools?
 How is / will Ticket to Work improve the outcomes / lives of students with intellectual disabilities?
 How is Ticket to Work improving the social inclusion of these young people?
Purpose: Seek feedback from key partners regarding the positive impact that participating in this collaborative
partnership had had for their business (eg. networking, increased clients, early intervention approach, collaboration with
Suggested questions:
 What types of organisations have been on the Partnership Network?
 Why the diversity of program partners?
 What have been the benefits of Ticket to Work for the program partners?
Partnership Meeting
Purpose: Video a partnership meeting. You may want a conversation filmed or you may just want to use the video with
no sound in the final edit.
Suggested ideas:
 Show a partnership meeting in progress to demonstrate the array of participants.
 If you need to fill it out due to low attendance, pull in some additional staff to sit around the table.
 Consider having the Ticket to Work logo, a powerpoint with all partners logos or another image in the meeting room.
Teachers / Trainers
Purpose: Seek input from teacher/s regarding the value of the program in terms of student positive development,
performance, student management and connection to curriculum.
Suggested questions:
 What sorts of positive changes have you seen in the students undertaking a Ticket to Work School based traineeship?
 Are the Ticket to Work School Based Trainees being held up as role models to other students?
 How is participating in Ticket to Work assisting you as a teacher and student coordinator?
Purpose: Seek feedback from students about their experience as an ASBA / SBAT (via an interview and where possible
with shots of them performing in their workplace).
Suggested questions:
 Where do you work and what is your role in that business?
 Why did you choose to undertake a School Based Traineeship?
 What has been the most important thing you have learned during your School Based traineeship?
 How does it feel to be working and earning a wage?
 How do you think this School Based Traineeship will assist you when your finish school?
 Are you working with clients of the business and how do you find that?
 How do you find working with your supervisor and colleagues?
 What do your parents think of you doing a School Based Traineeship?
What do your fellow students think of you doing a School Based Traineeship?
Would you recommend a School Based Traineeship to other students?
Purpose: Seek feedback from employers about their experience as an ASBA / SBAT employer and the positive effects it
has had on their business (eg. staff motivation, staff mentoring skills, productivity etc) and the beneficial support
provided by partners.
Suggested questions:
 What is the name of your business and what is the nature of your business?
 Why did you choose to get involved with Ticket to Work and offer a School Based Traineeship in your business?
 What have been the positive aspects of offering a School Based Apprenticeship to your trainee?
 What, if any, have been the challenges of hosting your School Based Trainee?
 How have other staff members responded to your School Based Trainee?
 Would you recommend a Ticket to Work School Based Traineeship to other employers?
Purpose: Seek feedback from parents regarding the positive effects that ASBA / SBAT participation has had on their child
(eg. confidence, independence) and for their family (eg. reduced concerns about post-school transitions, better
understanding of the system).
Suggested questions:
 What changes have you noticed in your son / daughter since he / she started in his / her School Based Traineeship?
 Have you or your family benefited from your son / daughter participating in a School Based Traineeship?
 Have you experienced any challenges along the way?
 What types of support have you been receiving from the Ticket to Work partners?
 Would you recommend a Ticket to Work School Based Traineeship to other parents and young people?
Purpose: Highlight any Ticket to Work achievements in your regions (eg. awards, outcomes, media articles etc).
End credits
Purpose: Promote partners (given that not all can be profiled in such a short video) and identify contacts.
Suggested ideas:
 Promote all the pilot partners by showing their logos
 Provide contact details of the local Ticket to Work coordinator
 Shoot a group of students and partners together (could be photo or video)
Video Production Brief
‘Ticket to Work’ Program
Work Required:
Informative promotional video – Ticket to Work program
Ticket to Work Background
What is Ticket to Work?
An Australian School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (ASBA or SBAT) program for students with disabilities attending
secondary school. An ASBA / SBAT allows students to attend paid work one-day per week, undertake vocational training (eg.
Certificate II in Hospitality) and complete their senior school studies.
Who established Ticket to Work?
In our region a range of partners organisations are involved in Ticket to Work. These include ………………….
Why was Ticket to Work established?
Because every young person (whether they have a disability or not) is entitled to participate in their community, source
appropriate employment, and have an active social life. This is often called ‘social inclusion’.
Because students with disabilities tend to have poor employment and training outcomes when they leave school, and it is
well known that ASBAs / SBATs can assist students to gain the work experience, vocational training and confidence needed to
source employment upon leaving school. Also, some students with disabilities need to overcome barriers to participating in
work (eg. travelling independently, low confidence, fear of new situations) and participating in an ASBA / SBAT can assist in
overcoming some of these barriers.
Ticket to Work aims to support three key stakeholder groups - employers, parents of children with a disability and young
people with a disability.
We hope that Ticket to Work will grow and that more young people will take up an ASBA / SBAT in our region and other
regions across Australia.
Target Audience/s
The key video audiences will be:
Parents of children with a disability
Education and training providers
Business / industry representatives
Government representatives
Support service representatives (eg. disability, welfare, employment assistance organisations)
Video Objectives
The four key objectives of the video are:
1. Outline what Ticket to Work is and why this program is so important
2. Outline the benefits / successes of Ticket to Work by capturing feedback and testimonials from students, employers,
parents, schools and other organisations involved in the program
3. Outline why Ticket to Work needs to have a partnership of support services sitting behind it
4. Highlight why the viewer should support Ticket to Work (eg. why a parent should let their child undertake an ASBA /
SBAT, why a business should hire a Ticket to Work student, why a government department / funder should support
Ticket to Work)
Video Distribution
Ticket to Work is a very unique program and one that we would like to promote in not only our local community but also in
other parts of Australia. The video needs to be one that can be introduced to viewers (eg. at a conference or meeting) and
one that can stand alone (eg. on a website that a viewer accesses on their own).
We anticipate using the video in a number of ways:
At conferences and forums
At parent information sessions
At business / industry information sessions
Embedding it in relevant websites
Video Duration
Full video: approx. 4 - 5 minutes
Video Style
The video will be documentary style, based around a mix of case studies and interviews. The overall feel of the video should
be professional, attention-grabbing and treated in a photo-journalistic manner. We will also provide still photos and images
that can be interspersed (including areas where sound sits over a still photo or image).
Shooting may be required on-site at a variety of locations including (all negotiable):
Various Ticket to Work support organisations
Various employers
At Ticket to Work partnership meetings
At specific events (eg. student interview session, parent information session)
Specified content
Ticket to Work logo (and other marketing collateral)
Ticket to Work partner organisation logos
Still photos taken to-date
Information Required
Information required by client:
Information about any logistical issues
Storyboarding and planning approach