Environmental Science Curriculum Map This course has been designed as a hybrid class between research based project learning assignments, lectures, hands on labs, and curriculum enriched environmental science documentaries that enforces concepts within each topic. 1) % of total grade 20% 20% 20% 40% Topic Assignments Labs (20 labs total for year) Documentaries (Rating) Assessment Intro to Environmen tal Science 2) Taxonomy 3) Flora Biodiversity Trees & Plants 4) Fauna Biodiversity Mammals Primates Reptiles Amphibians Birds Fish/marine life Insects complemented with analysis questions or reflection papers Introduction PowerPoint notes The Simpsons Scientific experiments worksheets Project 1: locate and interpret an environmental science research paper (identify type, IV, DV, hypothesis, and write overall summary Create questions to ask marine researcher during skyping session Taxonomy Notes Science Latin Roots worksheet Project 2: Taxonomy posters with Latin names(1 organism per phylum include pic and scientific name) #1 experimental lab Discovery education: The making of Life (G) #2 Classification lab Earth Focus (G) Flora biodiversity notes Tree identification notes Plant physiology notes Plant toxins notes Leaf characteristic notes Using a dichotomous key worksheet (norms) Project 3: Leaf books ( 10 leaves, Latin names, Common names, 3 facts) Project 4: create a model (painting, model, sketch, own photo) of an invasive plant in Allegany #3Tree Id Lab What plants talk about (PG) Mammal PowerPoint notes Animal tracks worksheet Reptiles PowerPoint notes Invasive species PowerPoint notes Student handout alien impacts Project 5: create a glogster on an invasive species #6 Track ID lab Ocean mysteries with Jeff Corwin(G) Reflection paper from skyping with marine biology researcher Analyze a field experiment #4 flower dissection lab Classification written exam (Students will be given organism and they would have to ID them to the correct phylum) The Happening ® Flora Identification EXAM #5 Paper making lab Cane Toad Documentary (PG) Gator Boys (G) #7 owl pellet dissection Lab Fly Away home (PG) Fauna written Exam Amphibians PowerPoint notes Birds of prey PowerPoint notes Quest Speaker: wildlife rehabilitator Project 6: Bird clay models with 1 page report Fish/marine life PowerPoint Shark PowerPoint Notes 5) Ecology 6) Loss of Biodiversity 7) Conservatio n 8) Careers in Environmen tal Science Ecology PowerPoint notes Project 7: shark public service announcement Practice ecology questions on castle learning Project 8 Ecology food web for different biomes Loss of Biodiversity PowerPoint notes Project 9: in a small group read the story of the Lorax: illustrate a before, during, and after drawing. Pick 1 quote and exaplin its importance Project 10: Read & highlight the article Easters Island and answer analysis questions on Moodle !!! Conservation PowerPoint notes Hunting & conservation PowerPoint notes Project 10: Students will read the article the hunter and write their own ending to the story Project 11 Kendel jones debate Careers in Environmental Science PowerPoint Myths or science facts PowerPoint notes Project 12: prepare questions for quest speaker and answer them during class Quest Speaker: DEC officer Quest Speaker: landscaper Quest Speaker: Crop manager Quest Speaker: Taxidermist Quest Speaker: waste management Quest speaker: forestry management Wildlife Prezi Research project ~ (Latin name, Common name, facts, diet, digestive system, reproductive system, habitat, signs, level of threat ~video Clip ~ Research case study analyzed #8 Shark key lab #9 Biodiversity Study Lab #10 Mercury Bioaccumulati on Lab Sharkwater (PG) Ecology Exam: Multiple choice and short response Mission Blue (PG) The Lorax (PG) #11 acid rain and seeds lab Mysteries of Easter Island (PG) #12 ocean life and oil spills lab Gorillas in the Mist (PG-13) Compare & contrast Essay of the Lorax and Easter Island Conservation group skits Example https://www.y outube.com/w atch?v=dovIndGmyM #13 Toxicology lab Alaskan State Troopers (Mature) Finding Big Foot (NR) Individual Presentation or Brochure of job/career in environmental science (job description, schooling, salary, benefits, locations of jobs, danger in the workforce, include video clip of an interview from online) 9) Aquaponics (water, soil, plants, nutrient cycles) Aquaponics PowerPoint Notes Nutrient Cycle PowerPoint Notes Water pollution PowerPoint notes Project 13: Chapter Presentations for the Book Into the wild by Jon Krakauer 10) Human Population Growth & sustainable farming 11) Embryology & Animal evolution 12) Parasites, & Animal behavior 13) Fish Study & Envirothon scenario final Field trip to Portville to Sprague’s maple farm and visit to CubaRushford’s outdoor wildlife center (fishery and deer farm) Human population growth PowerPoint notes Project 14: Human growth population graphs Into the wild presentations Embryology PowerPoint notes Project 15:Incubate Chicken eggs from Boces Candling quiz Egg development worksheets Animal Evolution and the Environment PowerPoint notes Parasite PowerPoint Notes Project 16: Wanted parasite posters Animal Behavior PowerPoint notes Fish Study Notes Work on final exam #14 pond water lab Unacceptable levels (NR) # 15 ph drinking water lab Chapter Presentations for the book into the Wild ~Summary ~2 Quotes w analysis ~ Connection/ application ~ Activity ~final thoughts #16 aquaponics lab #17 Solar oven lab Food Inc (PG) GMO Poster #18 chicken egg dissection Lab Jurassic World (PG-13) Jurassic world analysis reflection paper #19 Beta fish behavior lab The Grizzly Man (R) Parasite and animal behavior Written exam #20 Fish biodiversity lab Into the Wild (R) Final Exam ! Day after tomorrow ( PG13) 3 ring binder w notebook Colored pencils A ready set mind!!! Flash drive or access to H drive Outdoor apparel- outside work Prep period 2: 8:31-9:14 ALCS HS: (716) 375-6600 ext. 2248 tlathrop@alcsny.org Parent- Student-Teacher Contract: Please review the above syllabus, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Please Sign below acknowledging that you have read the syllabus and fully understand the course expectations _________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Signature of Parent _________________________________ Date:___________________________________ Signature of student Also note that some of the documentaries listed in the curriculum map have various ratings and require a parent permission slip. Please sign the permission slip below for consent. MOVIE PERMISSION SLIP I have reviewed the listed documentaries in the curriculum map and I give permission for my child _____________________________________ to watch any and all documentaries shown in Environmental science class for educational purposes. _________________________________Date:_______________________ Signature of Parent Please return only the signed permission slip.